课题名称:Unit 3 The Environment —Reading 第一课时
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学科年级: 英语 九年级 教材版本:
本单元是上海教育出版社九年级第二学期第三单元——The Environment。本单元围绕着“环境”话题来展开听说读写的训练。Reading 部分以当前社会存在的环境问题为背景,并提出一些保护环境的具体措施。环境问题是现阶段受到全社会广泛关注的一个大问题,我们不仅仅要意识到环境污染与破坏的严峻性,更要力所能及地保护环境。通过这节课的学习,学生应具备一定的环保意识,重视环境问题,积极应对环境问题。
Language Knowledge: 1. Grasp the main idea of the reading passage of “The world is in danger.” 2. Understand the details of the passage. Language Ability: 1. Know how to describe your pressure and give some advice.. 2. Use reading skills to read the passage. Emotions: Strengthen students’ awareness of protecting the environment.
本届初三学生英语基础较差,单独完成任务的能力较弱。所以在教学中,教师的引导显得更为重要,语速要慢,必要时候需要汉语翻译。 学生的基础较差,但学习的积极性不小,所以教师要从简单问题入手,使得他们在学习中有了成就感,这样更利于他们进步。
本节课的主要学习任务是阅读。各组分配学习任务,学生通过小组活动,把要讲述的内容明确,具体化,并把学习任务分配给本组的各成员,各成员在课堂上进行汇报,总结,从而完成学习任务。教师在课前充当指导者,帮助学生备课,在课上只是监督者和服务者。 教法:教师利用任务学习法,通过各项任务,使学生自主参与活动教学。根据新课程的理念教育既要面向全体学生,又要照顾学生的个体差异,使每个学生学习科学的潜能都得到充分发挥。因此本节课的教学以学生自主参与教学为主,有利于激发学生的学习热情,克服注意力易分散的弱点。 学法:通过小组活动,采用“大家讲,相互学”的自主学习模式,培养学生自主、合作、探究的学习能力,在讲解过程中培养表达能力。使学生真正成为学习的主人。
重点:通过学生的自学,能熟练掌握文章的框架及主要内容信息。 难点:1、通过讨论活动,培养学生的协作能力、分析思考能力。 2、用阅读策略提升学生的阅读水平。
教师活动 预设学生活动 设计意图
Step 1. Leading in Show some pictures about the beautiful sights. Q1: What's your feeling about these pictures Then show another group of pictures like disasters. Q2:What do you think of theses pictures Why do all these happen Show some pictures and answer questions. They are very beautiful./... The world is in danger./... 带学生进入学习情境。 激发学生学习欲望 。
Step2 Pre-reading Ask Ss to look at the pictures and the title of the passage on page 35. Then try to predict what will the passage tell us. 2. Pick 2 ss to guess. Work in pairs and share their own ideas. 通过看图片和文章标题预测文章大意,让学生感到课堂是属于他们的,从而更有信心参与到以下活动中去。
Step3 While-reading Task1. Read the passage in 1 minute. And answer the following questions. What is the article mainly about What problems does the article discuss Task2. Read the paragraphs about “The greenhouse effect” and answer the following questions. What is greenhouse gas (2) How does it come from (3) What effects does it cause Read the paragraphs about “Cutting down forests” and answer the following questions. (4)What effects does cutting down forests cause Read the paragraphs about “Bad habits” and answer the following question. (5)What bad habits does the author show here Read the last paragraphs about “Protect the environment” and answer the following question. (6) What actions we can take to protect the environment Task3. Read the whole passage for the third time and then do the exercises on page 37 (D2). Then work in groups and discuss the correct answers. Task4. Replace the italicized words with information from the article on page 35. Then work in groups and discuss. Task5.Read the passage for the last time, and check if you can answer the question “What are the main problems we face and what we should do ” Answer questions. Environment problems. (2) The greenhouse effect, cutting down the forest. Answer questions. (1) Carbon dioxide. (2) Burn fuels. (3) Increasing temperature, rising sea level... (4) Make the greenhouse effect worse, destroy the homes of the animals, cause the surface of the soil to be easily destroyed and result in nature disasters. (5)Throw away or leave things as litter everywhere. To be “greenhouse consumers”; Reuse things. Task3. 1. C 2. B 3. A 4. A Task4. Group work: 1. The world. Protecting the environment. Fuels such as petrol and coal. The increase of the earth’s temperature. Cutting down forests. Pollution. Share their answers. Task5. Read the passage. 运用Skimming 和Scanning的阅读技巧带着问题读课文,使学生可以更好的自主阅读,提升阅读能力。 进一步加强同学之间的合作能力,表达和交流能力。 巩固应用知识,活跃课堂气氛 反复阅读课文,在小任务的引导下掌握文章信息,并在阅读与练习中培养学生的阅读理解能力。
Step4 Post-reading Work in groups and discuss the following questions: 1. What are the other problems we are facing 2. What else we can do to protect the environment Group work. Brainstorm. Show in front of the class. 巩固本课所学,并能真正用于生活中。 小组合作有利于学生培养协作习惯。
Step5 Homework Write a short passage about protecting the environment. 将课堂阅读与口语和写作有效结合在一起,更好地巩固所学知识。
Unit 3 The Environment —Reading 第一课时 Problems Proper actions: The greenhouse effect: To be green consumers. Cutting down forests: Reuse things. Bad habits: ... ...
八、实践反思 通过本节课的授课,学生能够基本掌握阅读材料的内容,充分体现了学生的主体性和教师的主导性。 1.本节课比较好的方面 整节课设计较合理,对教材和课标能较好的把握;教学环节紧凑流畅,师生、生生互动频繁;通过环环相扣的任务激起学生的学习兴趣,通过小组分工合作培养学生的合作意识和团队精神;提高学生的科学素养,培养学生的创新精神和实践能力,变被动接受式学习为主动探究式学习,符合新教材的教学要求和学生的发展需要。本节课的设计充分体现了学生的主体性和教师的主导性。学生在老师的启发引导下,充分调动自己的感官,积极思维,并通过相互讨论,合作交流,探讨总结,充分感受到了人人都是学习的主人。最后能将阅读材料引申到口语交流及写作中,将课堂与生活相结合。 2.存在的不足 (1)探究教学的驾驭能力不足,对探究问题、方法的指导需要加强。教学组织能力和自己的探究指导能力需要加强。 (2)对学生评价性语言需要推敲锤炼,教学语言的艺术性有待提高。 (3)有知识目标的总结,缺乏方法能力等目标的总结。 (4)本节课板书的缺失,有一些细节处理的不到位。 (5)分组时没有严格的按组间同质,组内异质原则,部分小组分组不合理,如有的小组只有一名男生,影响小组合作学习效率。