Unit 2 Health lifestyle Period 5 Write a letter to the editor about your lifestyle 课件+教案


名称 Unit 2 Health lifestyle Period 5 Write a letter to the editor about your lifestyle 课件+教案
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-02-15 08:41:09


Unit 2 Health lifestyle
Period 5 Write a letter to the editor about your lifestyle 教学设计
课题 Period 5 Write a letter to the editor about your lifestyle 单元 Unit 2 学科 English 年级 Grade 2
教材 分析 This section presents two letters from readers who share their feelings and experiences after attending a summer camp with the theme of "Healthy Lifestyle Choice" held by a magazine. Activity 1 ask the students to extract the main points from the passage and organize the information in table form. Activity 2 tell the students to identify the structure of the passage. Activity 3: Choose a lifestyle you want to change and brainstorm with your partner. Activity 4 Ask students to evaluate their partner's work using the writing evaluation list. Activity 5 ask students to revise their work and share it with the class.
教学目标与核心素养 Knowledge objectives: Grasp the important and useful expressions of writing. Skill objectives: Learn to summarize the structure and writing techniques of the article. Emotional objectives: Encourage students to have the courage to change bad habits and develop a healthy lifestyle. Thinking quality objectives: Correctly understand the impact of unhealthy lifestyle on people's physical and mental health.
重点 How to guide the students to summarize the structure and writing techniques of the article.
难点 How to train the students to grasp the important and useful expressions of writing .
教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
导入新课 Lead –in PPT1-2 Have a discussion. If there is a summer camp organized by the magazine Healthy Life, would you like to join Why or why not What do you expect to learn there Guide students to have a discussion. Guide students to Warm up before reading
讲授新课 Task 1 PPT3-4 Two students attended the summer camp organized by the magazine.Healthy Life and wrote to the editor.Read the letters on Page 20 and then complete the chart. Task 2 PPT 5 Analyse the organization of the letters. Label the paragraphs using the letters below.Some paragraphs may cover more than one topic. A identifying problem(s) B considering what to do C what he/she has done to change D the results Passage 1: Paragraph 1: ______ Paragraph 2: ______ Paragraph 3: ______ Paragraph 4: ______ Paragraph 5: ______ Passage 2: Paragraph 1: ______ Paragraph 2: ______ Paragraph 3: ______ Paragraph 4: ______ Paragraph 5: ______ Answers: Passage 1 Paragraph 1: A; Paragraph 2: B; Paragraphs 3-4: C; Paragraph 5: D. Passage 2 Paragraph 1: A; Paragraph 2: A, B; Paragraph 3: B; Paragraph 4: C; Paragraph 5: D. Task3 PPT6 Complete the overall structure of the two letters. Task4 PPT7 Brainstorm with your partner. The magazine Healthy Life is organizing this year's summer camp. They invite interested teenagers to write to the editor about how they plan to change their bad habits. The campers will be chosen accordingly. What lifestyle habit you would like to change Why you want to change How you plan to change What result you hope to see Task 5 PPT8 Use the organization of the letters below to help you to draft your letter to the editor. Task 6 PPT 9 Writing time Task 7 PPT10 Exchange drafts with a partner. Use this checklist to give feedback on your partner's draft. √Does the letter say what the writer's problem is √Does the letter explain the decisions the writer made to solve the problem √Does the letter show the ways to change √ Are the results included in the letter √Can you see the writer's attitude and determination in the letter √Is the letter clear and complete Task 8 PPT11-13 Get your draft back and revise it.Then share your letter with the rest of the class. Dear Editor, I was walking past a shop window the other day when I saw my reflection. At first, I didn't realize it was me. When I saw it was me, I felt sad as I was overweight. I didn't realize how I looked, and now I really want to change. I really like eating , but I realize I eat too much, and I don't eat good things. I want to change because I want to be able to look at myself and feel happy with how I look.I also want to be healthy. My plan is to change my diet and exercise regularly. I will stop eating sugar, and only eat at mealtimes rather than eating snacks during the day. I will focus on healthy foods. Then I will exercise every day. I will walk to school and back,and on the weekend, I will go swimming. I have only been doing my plan for a week, but I'm already starting to feel better. I haven't lost a lot of weight yet, but I feel positive. I feel confident that I will reach my goal! Yours sincerely, A. Smith Language points PPT14-31 Important words 1.stimulate 考查热度★★ 【热点品味】stimulate vt. 激发;促进:刺激 【教材原句】At the end of the camp I heard,"Change this world by changing yourself."This stimulated my motivation. 在夏令营结束时,我听到一句:“通过改变你自己来改变世界。”这激发了我的动机。 【实例品读】 The article can be used to stimulate discussion among students.这篇文章可用来活跃学生的讨论。 Light stimulates plant growth.光会刺激植物生长。 【热点归纳】 stimulate sb. to do sth. 鼓舞某人做某事 stimulate by 靠……来刺激 stimulate sb. into new efforts 激励某人作出新的努力 stimulate sb. to sth. 激励某人做某事 stimulation n. 刺激;激励,鼓舞 【考点精练】 单句语法填空 ①They stimulated me _________ (make) greater efforts. ②Many enjoy the mental ______________ (stimulate) of a challenging job. Answers:to make,stimulation 2.enhance 考查热度★★★ 【热点品味】enhance vt. 提高;增强;增进 【教材原句】 It has enhanced the quality of my life, improving my health and increasing my happiness. 它提高了我的生活质量改善了我的健康,增加了我的幸福。 【实例品读】 A beautiful garden enhances the appearance of a house. 有个美丽的花园可使房屋更美丽。 The growth of a city often enhances the value of land close to it.城市的发展常常会提高其附近的地价。 【热点归纳】 enhance friendship and unity 增进了友谊和团结 enhance the operation effectiveness 提高工作效率 enhance the value of land 提高地价 enhancement n. 增加;放大 【考点精练】 完成句子 ①The moonlight ______________________ the scene. 月光使这里的景致更美。 ②Good secretarial skills should _______________________ getting a job.出色的秘书工作技能会增加你找工作的机会。 Answers:enhanced the beauty of; enhance your chances of 3.refresh 考查热度★★★ 【热点品味】refresh vt. 使恢复精力;使凉爽;刷新 【教材原句】 I get refreshed through climbing, spend more time with my dad, and get to meet new friends.通过攀岩,我恢复了精神,花了更多的时间和爸爸在一起,还认识了新朋友。 【实例品读】 A cool drink refreshed me after my long walk. 走了很长的一段路之后,一杯冷饮使我恢复了精神。 A long vacation will refresh me.长假过后我就会重新振作精神。 【热点归纳】 (1)refresh one’s memory恢复记忆 refresh oneself with sth. 用某物给某人提神 (2)refreshing adj. 使人神清气爽的 refreshment n. [U]恢复精神;[pl. ]点心 【思维拓展】 前缀re-:前缀re-(=back),表示“又,再,回”。 rebuild[re-(=back再)+build(建造;建设)] vt. 重建 renew[re-(=back再,重)+new(新)] vt. 重新;重新开始 review[re-(=back再)+view(观察,观看)] vt. /n. 复习 retell[re-(=back再,重)+tell(讲述)]vt. 复述 【考点精炼】单句语法填空 ①(2021·新高考I卷)It will undoubtedly help you get ____________ (refresh)! ②After a day’s tiring work, the manager prefers taking a walk along the river bank to refresh __________ (he). ③The breeze in the autumn is really _____________ (refresh). ④Many view these meetings as an occasion ____________ (refresh) friendship. Answers:refreshed;himself;refreshing;to fresh 4.suffer from 考查热度★★★★★ 【热点品味】suffer from遭受;患……病 【教材原句】I no longer suffer from a flu virus or toothaches either. 我也不再受流感病毒和牙痛的折磨。 【实例品读】 She suffered from loneliness, but she had to learn to like it there.她遭受孤独,但是在那儿她不得不学着喜欢它。 She has always suffered from bad health. 她的身体一直不好。 【易混辨析】 suffer 后常接痛苦(pain)、寒冷(cold)、饥饿(hunger)、损失(loss)等一类词 suffer from 后常接疾病的名称或造成不幸、痛苦的事物的名称 【热点归纳】 suffer vt. & vi. 遭受;忍受;经历 suffering n. 痛苦;苦难 sufferer n. 患病者;受难者 【考点精练】完成句子 ①Because Jim doesn’t eat on time, he often_________ stomachache.因为吉姆不按时吃饭,他经常胃疼。 ②Ms. King’s legs were badly hurt and she _______. 金女士的双腿受了重伤,非常疼。 Answers:rose to his feet;struggled to his feet 5.worn out 考查热度★★★★★ 【热点品味】worn out筋疲力尽的;疲惫的; 穿破了的 【教材原句】Playing was fun, but I felt even more worn out afterwards!玩得很开心,但玩完之后我觉得更累了! 【实例品读】 Can we sit down I’m worn out. 我们能坐下吗?我都累坏了。 I never expected the shoes to be worn out so soon. 我从来没想到鞋子这么快就穿破了。 【热点归纳】 worn adj. 穿旧的;用坏的; 筋疲力尽的 wear v. 磨损;穿戴;使疲劳 n. 磨损;穿着 wear out用坏; 穿破; (使)筋疲力尽; 耗尽 wear away磨损; 磨掉; 消逝; 衰退 wear down磨损; 损耗; 使疲劳; 使厌烦 【考点精练】单句语法填空 ①The shoes were ____________ (wear) out of shape. ②Before the race, he is fine. But afterwards he is worn _______. Answers:worn;out 6.try out 考查热度★★★★★ 【热点品味】try out测试;试验 【教材原句】After six months of trying out new ways of relaxing, I feel much more energetic.在尝试了六个月新的放松方式之后,我觉得精力充沛多了。 【实例品读】 The method seems good but it needs to be tried out. 这个方法似乎不错,但需要试验一下。 He tried out for the football team. 他参加了足球队的选拔。 【热点归纳】 try out for sth. 参加……选拔(或试演) try sth. on试穿(衣物) try for试图获得;力争赢得 【考点精练】单句语法填空 ①We won’t know how the plan works till we have tried it ______. ②Try _____ the shoes to see if they fit. ③All the students in the class tried out ___ the basketball match. Answers:out;on;for 6.whenever 句式 考查热度★★★★★ 【教材原句】Whenever I went out with friends, I brought snacks from home, things that didn’t have any added sugar: fruit, nuts, dried meat, etc.每当我和朋友出去时,我都会从家里带来零食,那些没有加糖的东西:水果、坚果、肉干等。 【句式分析】 whenever在句中引导让步状语从句,意为“无论何时,每当”,此时相当于no matter when。 【热点归纳】 类似引导让步状语从句的词除了whenever外,还有however, wherever, whatever, whoever, whichever等,相当于“no matter+疑问词”。 “疑问词+ever”除了可引导让步状语从句外,有时还可引导名词性从句,而“no matter+疑问词”只能引导让步状语从句。 【考点精练】单句语法填空 ①Please call my secretary to arrange a meeting this afternoon, or _________ it is convenient to you. ②Your support is important to our work._________ you can do helps. ③I read all kinds of books in the library _________ I am free. Answers:whenever;Whatever;whenever 7.so...that... 句式 考查热度★★★★★ 【教材原句】I got so absorbed that I played the games day and night.我全神贯注,没日没夜地玩游戏。 【句式分析】 He spoke so quietly that I could hardly hear him. 他说话轻得我几乎听不见。 Bob is so tall a man that he can almost reach the ceiling. 鲍勃个子这么高,几乎够得着天花板。 【热点归纳】 【巧学助记】 名前such,形副so, 多多少少(many/much/few/little)也用so; little一词特殊记,“小”用such,“少”用so。 【考点精练】单句语法填空 ①The boy is _____ young that he can’t go to school. ②He told _______ a funny story that we all laughed. 完成句子 ③Keeping a learning diary every day is __________________ I would like to introduce it to you.每天坚持写日记是多么重要,所以我想把这种学习方法介绍给你们。 Answers:so,such;so important that Exercises PPT32-35 Ⅰ. 单词拼写 1.Climbing so high made me feel ________ (头晕目眩的). 2.I went to my __________ (牙医) to have a tooth taken out. 3.The boy traded his _____________ (滑板) for a cricket bat. 4.We are looking for __________ (充满活力的) persons to be salesmen. 5.Alcohol _____________ (刺激) the action of the heart. 6.If they have the ________ (病毒) they are putting patients at risk. 7.Precious few homebuyers will notice any reduction in their __________ (每月的) repayments. 8.This will __________ (提高) our operation effectiveness. 9.He ____________ (使凉爽) himself with a cool shower. 10.The lecture completely ___________ (吸引) the attention of the audience. Answers:dizzy;dentist;skateboard;dynamic;stimulates;virus;monthly;enhance;refreshed;absorbed  Ⅱ. 课文语法填空 The power of the mind is huge! 1.___________ (motivate) by the slogan “Change the world by changing yourself”,Wang Lu 2._____________ (achieve) satisfactory results so far. Feeling 3.______________ (dynamic) and stronger physically and mentally, she sleeps soundly at night and 4._________ (suffer) no flu or toothaches. Best of all is 5.______ she feels about herself, that is, being in control of her own life. To make choices about herself is 6._________ her own power. As to George Fielding, he struggled 7.__________ (avoid) playing online games though he is crazy about them. He goes rock climbing 8.__________ (month) with his father, which has greatly enhanced the quality of life, improved health and increased happiness. He gets 9.____________ (refresh) and energetic, which makes him believe he can change himself as well as the world for 10.______better. Answers:Motivated ; has achieved; more dynamic ; suffers; how; within; to avoid; monthly; refreshed; the Read the two letters in pairs and fill in the form corresponding to Activity 1. Teachers guide students to read the two letters again and complete Activity 2. The teacher gives proper guidance. Read the text and ask the students to draw a conclusion. The teacher asked the students to think independently for a few minutes, jot down their initial ideas, and then discuss with their partners. Discuss it in pairs. Give students time and space to think independently. Let students to read the evaluation list of activity 4, and clarify the writing requirements and evaluation criteria. Teachers select representative questions and students' excellent works to share with the class. To learn the language points by themselves. Do the exercises by themselves and then check the answers. Learn more about useful expressions . Learn fixed sentence patterns. Do exercises by themselves. Students create information that makes reading more purposeful. To help students summarize the structures. To train their logical thinking . To clear the structures. To prepare for writing. To think about more details. To clarify the evaluation criteria and put forward suggestions for revision. To share the good article. Train their assessing ability. To grasp more useful expressions. To practise using the language points. To accumulate more useful expressions. To accumulate more good sentences. To use the language points in the content.
课堂小结 Summary: 1.Read the text and fill in the simple information. 2.Summarize the letters of structure. 3. Learn and train their writing. 4.Language points: stimulate ; enhance; refresh; suffer from; worn out; try out. whenever句式; so...that...句式 Homework: Do Exercises on Page 71-72 of the workbook. Lead-in; Reading and filling in; Summary; Writing; Language points. 1.Guide students to find out the information. 2.Train their writing skills. 3. Learn language points.
板书 Structure: 2.Language points: stimulate; enhance; refresh; suffer from; worn out; try out. whenever句式; so...that...句式
21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
Period 5 Write a letter to
the editor about your lifestyle
Unit 2 Health lifestyle
Lead in
If there is a summer camp organised by the magazine Healthy Life, would you like to join Why or why not What do you expect to learn there
Have a discussion.
Task 1
Two students attended the summer camp organised by the magazine
Healthy Life and wrote to the editor.Read the letters on Page 20 and then complete the chart.
Items Wang Lu
Problem did not feel _________ felt ______________, lacked __________
got _____________, experienced _________________
Decision to _______________
to ___________________
Action stopped ________________________________________
exercises every day for ____________________________________
Result more ____________________ in ___________________
sleeps __________, no longer _______________________
feels like _____________________
sleepy and dizzy
flu easily
many toothaches
eat no sugar
exercise regularly
buying sweets, biscuits, and sugary drinks
at least 30 minutes and did something
dynamic and stronger
both body and mind
suffers from flu or toothaches
in control of her own life
Task 1
Two students attended the summer camp organised by the magazine
Healthy Life and wrote to the editor.Read the letters on Page 20 and then complete the chart.
Items George Fielding
Problem felt ______________
felt even more __________after__________________
Decision to ____________________________________________
Action goes _____________________________
Result feels much more _____________
feels he can ________________________
stressed out
worn out
playing computer
take control of his life and find other ways to relax
rock climbing monthly with his dad
change himself for the better
Task 2
A identifying problem(s) B considering what to do
C what he/she has done to change D the results
Litsen to and analyse the organisation of the letters. Label the paragraphs using the letters below.Some paragraphs may cover more than one topic.
Passage 1:
Paragraph 1: ______
Paragraph 2: ______
Paragraph 3: ______
Paragraph 4: ______
Paragraph 5: ______
Passage 2:
Paragraph 1: ______
Paragraph 2: ______
Paragraph 3: ______
Paragraph 4: ______
Paragraph 5: ______
Complete the overall structure of the two letters.
Task 3
identifying problem(s)
what to do
what he/she has done to change
the results
Brainstorm with your partner.
What lifestyle habit you would like to change
Why you want to change
How you plan to change
What result you hope to see
Task 4
The magazine Healthy Life is organising this year's summer camp. They invite interested teenagers to write to the editor about how they plan to change their bad habits. The campers will be chosen accordingly.
Task 5
Use the organisation of the letters below to help you to draft your letter to the editor.
identifying problem(s)
what to do
planning the actions to take
the expected
eat too much;
how I look fat
to change my diet and exercise regularly
stop eating sugar, and only eat at mealtimes;walk to school and back;
go swimming
haven't lost a lot of weight yet, but feel positive
Task 6
Task 7
Exchange drafts with a partner. Use this checklist to give feedback on your partner's draft.
√Does the letter say what the writer's problem is
√Does the letter explain the decisions the writer made to solve the problem
√Does the letter show the ways to change
√ Are the results included in the letter
√Can you see the writer's attitude and determination in the letter
√Is the letter clear and complete
Dear Editor,
I was walking past a shop window the other day when I saw my reflection. At first, I didn't realise it was me. When I saw it was me, I felt sad as I was overweight. I didn't realise how I looked, and now I really want to change. I really like eating , but I realise I eat too much, and I don't eat good things. I want to
Task 8
Get your draft back and revise it.Then share your letter with the rest of the class.
change because I want to be able to look at myself and feel happy with how I look.
I also want to be healthy.
My plan is to change my diet and exercise regularly. I will stop eating sugar, and only eat at mealtimes rather than eating snacks during the day. I will focus on healthy foods. Then I will exercise every day. I will walk to school and back,
Task 8
Get your draft back and revise it.Then share your letter with the rest of the class.
and on the weekend, I will go swimming.
I have only been doing my plan for a week, but I'm already starting to feel better. I haven't lost a lot of weight yet, but I feel positive. I feel confident that I will reach my goal!
Yours sincerely,
A. Smith
Task 8
Get your draft back and revise it.Then share your letter with the rest of the class.
Language points
Important words
1.stimulate 考查热度★★
【热点品味】stimulate vt. 激发;促进:刺激
【教材原句】At the end of the camp I heard,"Change this world by changing yourself."This stimulated my motivation. 在夏令营结束时,我听到一句:“通过改变你自己来改变世界。”这激发了我的动机。
The article can be used to stimulate discussion among students.这篇文章可用来活跃学生的讨论。
Light stimulates plant growth.光会刺激植物生长。
stimulate sb. to do sth. 鼓舞某人做某事
stimulate by 靠……来刺激
stimulate sb. into new efforts 激励某人作出新的努力
stimulate sb. to sth. 激励某人做某事
stimulation n. 刺激;激励,鼓舞
Important words
Language points
【考点精练】 单句语法填空
①They stimulated me _________ (make) greater efforts.
②Many enjoy the mental ______________ (stimulate) of a challenging job.
to make
Language points
Important words
2.enhance 考查热度★★★
【热点品味】enhance vt. 提高;增强;增进
【教材原句】 It has enhanced the quality of my life, improving my health and increasing my happiness. 它提高了我的生活质量改善了我的健康,增加了我的幸福。
A beautiful garden enhances the appearance of a house.
The growth of a city often enhances the value of land close to it.城市的发展常常会提高其附近的地价。
enhance friendship and unity 增进了友谊和团结
enhance the operation effectiveness 提高工作效率
enhance the value of land 提高地价
enhancement n. 增加;放大
Important words
Language points
【考点精练】 完成句子
①The moonlight ______________________ the scene.
②Good secretarial skills should _______________________ getting a job.出色的秘书工作技能会增加你找工作的机会。
enhanced the beauty of
enhance your chances of 
Language points
Important words
3.refresh 考查热度★★★
【热点品味】refresh vt. 使恢复精力;使凉爽;刷新
【教材原句】 I get refreshed through climbing, spend more time with my dad, and get to meet new friends.通过攀岩,我恢复了精神,花了更多的时间和爸爸在一起,还认识了新朋友。
A cool drink refreshed me after my long walk.
A long vacation will refresh me.长假过后我就会重新振作精神。
(1)refresh one’s memory恢复记忆
refresh oneself with sth. 用某物给某人提神
(2)refreshing adj. 使人神清气爽的
refreshment n. [U]恢复精神;[pl. ]点心
Important words
Language points
rebuild[re-(=back再)+build(建造;建设)] vt. 重建
renew[re-(=back再,重)+new(新)] vt. 重新;重新开始
review[re-(=back再)+view(观察,观看)] vt. /n. 复习
retell[re-(=back再,重)+tell(讲述)]vt. 复述
Important words
Language points
①(2021·新高考I卷)It will undoubtedly
help you get ____________ (refresh)!
②After a day’s tiring work, the manager prefers taking a walk along the river bank to refresh __________ (he).
③The breeze in the autumn is really _____________ (refresh).
④Many view these meetings as an occasion ____________ (refresh) friendship.
to refresh
4.suffer from 考查热度★★★★★
【热点品味】suffer from遭受;患……病
【教材原句】I no longer suffer from a flu virus or toothaches either. 我也不再受流感病毒和牙痛的折磨。
She suffered from loneliness, but she had to learn to like it there.
She has always suffered from bad health.她的身体一直不好。
Important Phrases
Language points
suffer 后常接痛苦(pain)、寒冷(cold)、饥饿(hunger)、损失(loss)等一类词
suffer from 后常接疾病的名称或造成不幸、痛苦的事物的名称
suffer vt. & vi. 遭受;忍受;经历
suffering n. 痛苦;苦难
sufferer n. 患病者;受难者
Language points
Important Phrases
①Because Jim doesn’t eat on time, he often
_________________ stomachache.
②Ms. King’s legs were badly hurt and she __________________.金女士的双腿受了重伤,非常疼。
struggled to his feet
rose to his feet
5.worn out 考查热度★★★★★
【热点品味】worn out筋疲力尽的;疲惫的; 穿破了的
【教材原句】Playing was fun, but I felt even more worn out afterwards!
Can we sit down I’m worn out.
I never expected the shoes to be worn out so soon.
Important Phrases
Language points
worn adj. 穿旧的;用坏的; 筋疲力尽的
wear v. 磨损;穿戴;使疲劳 n. 磨损;穿着
wear out用坏; (使)筋疲力尽; 耗尽
wear away磨损;消逝; 衰退
wear down磨损; 损耗; 使疲劳; 使厌烦
Language points
Important Phrases
①The shoes were ____________ (wear) out of shape.
②Before the race, he is fine. But afterwards he is worn _______.
6.try out 考查热度★★★★★
【热点品味】try out测试;试验
【教材原句】After six months of trying out new ways of relaxing, I feel much more energetic.在尝试了六个月新的放松方式之后,我觉得精力充沛多了。
The method seems good but it needs to be tried out.
He tried out for the football team.
Important Phrases
Language points
try out for sth. 参加……选拔(或试演)
try sth. on试穿(衣物)
try for试图获得;力争赢得
Language points
Important Phrases
①We won’t know how the plan works till we have tried it ______.
②Try _____ the shoes to see if they fit.
③All the students in the class tried out ___ the basketball match.
6.whenever 句式 考查热度★★★★★
【教材原句】Whenever I went out with friends, I brought snacks from home, things that didn’t have any added sugar: fruit, nuts, dried meat, etc.每当我和朋友出去时,我都会从家里带来零食,那些没有加糖的东西:水果、坚果、肉干等。
此时相当于no matter when。
Important Sentences
Language points
类似引导让步状语从句的词除了whenever外,还有however, wherever, whatever, whoever, whichever等,相当于“no matter+疑问词”。
“疑问词+ever”除了可引导让步状语从句外,有时还可引导名词性从句,而“no matter+疑问词”只能引导让步状语从句。
Language points
Important Sentences
①Please call my secretary to arrange a meeting this afternoon, or _________ it is convenient to you.
②Your support is important to our work._________ you can do helps.
③I read all kinds of books in the library _________ I am free.
7.so...that... 句式 考查热度★★★★★
【教材原句】I got so absorbed that I played the games day and night.我全神贯注,没日没夜地玩游戏。
Important Sentences
Language points
He spoke so quietly that I could hardly hear him.
Bob is so tall a man that he can almost reach the ceiling.
Language points
Important Sentences
Language points
Important Sentences
①The boy is _____ young that he can’t go to school.
②He told _______ a funny story that we all laughed.
③Keeping a learning diary every day is __________________ I would like to introduce it to you.每天坚持写日记是多么重要,所以我想把这种学习方法介绍给你们。
so important that
1.Climbing so high made me feel ________ (头晕目眩的).
2.I went to my __________ (牙医) to have a tooth taken out.
3.The boy traded his _____________ (滑板) for a cricket bat.
4.We are looking for __________ (充满活力的) persons to be salesmen.
5.Alcohol _____________ (刺激) the action of the heart.
6.If they have the ________ (病毒) they are putting patients at risk.
7.Precious few homebuyers will notice any reduction in their __________ (每月的) repayments.
8.This will __________ (提高) our operation effectiveness.
9.He ____________ (使凉爽) himself with a cool shower.
10.The lecture completely ___________ (吸引) the attention of the audience.
The power of the mind is huge! 1._________ (motivate) by the slogan “Change the world by changing yourself”,Wang Lu 2.___________ (achieve) satisfactory results so far. Feeling 3.___________ (dynamic) and stronger physically and mentally, she sleeps soundly at night and 4.________ (suffer) no flu or toothaches. Best of all is 5.______ she feels about herself, that is, being in control of her own life. To make choices about herself is 6._________ her own power.
has achieved
more dynamic
As to George Fielding, he struggled 7._________ (avoid) playing online games though he is crazy about them. He goes rock climbing 8._________ (month) with his father, which has greatly enhanced the quality of life, improved health and increased happiness. He gets 9.____________ (refresh) and energetic, which makes him believe he can change himself as well as the world for 10.______better.
to avoid
Do Exercises on Page 71-72 of the workbook.