Unit 2 Health lifestyle Period 6 Assessing your progress 课件+教案


名称 Unit 2 Health lifestyle Period 6 Assessing your progress 课件+教案
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-02-15 08:40:08


Unit 2 Health lifestyle
Period 6 Assessing your progress教学设计
课题 Unit2 Period 6 Assessing your progress 单元 Unit 2 学科 English 年级 Grade 2
教材 分析 This section tests students' mastery of the key vocabulary and the core grammar item -- infinitive verb subject of this unit. Activity 1 ask the students to fill in the blanks with the six words given in order to complete the passage. Activity 2 is a text correction topic, guide the students to correctly use verb predicate and non-predicate form in the context, focus on reviewing and consolidating the use of verb infinitive as predicate, subject, adverbial, attribute, etc. In addition, students are asked to add a title to the passage based on the meaning of the text.
教学目标与核心素养 Knowledge objectives: To master key vocabulary and core grammar items -- the mastery of infinitive verbs as subjects. Skill objectives: Be able to use these words in the different context and develop students' ability to use vocabulary; Review the use of infinitive as predicate, subject, adverbial, attributive, etc. Emotional objectives: Use what you learn in this unit to improve your quality of life. Thinking quality objectives: Understand the disadvantages of an unhealthy lifestyle and the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.
重点 How to grasp the use of infinitive as predicate, subject, adverbial, attributive, etc.
难点 How to develop students' ability to use vocabulary and core grammar items .
教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
导 入 新 课 Revision (PPT1-7) Write down the word that matches each English definition. 1.___________ v.destroy the peace or tranquility(安宁) of 【语法填空】 Did you sleep well I didn't want ___________(disturb) you. You looked so peaceful. 2.__________ adj. of or occurring or payable every month 【语法填空】His boss told him to be present at the ____________(month) meeting. 3. adj. causing or capable of causing harm 【语法填空】Tears help to protect the eye from potentially ____________(harm)foreign bodies. 4. n. finely ground tobacco wrapped in paper; for smoking 【语法填空】 The product looks and burns like ______ regular cigarette. 5. n. a medical procedure involving an incision with instruments; performed to repair damage or arrest disease in a living body 【语法填空】 His treatment was_____ combination of surgery, radiation and drugs. 6. n. an expert who gives advice 【语法填空】 The consultant ________(seek) to match up jobless professionals with small companies in need of expertise 7. adj. very interested in sth/sb so that you are not paying attention to anything else 【语法填空】 The surrounding small towns have ________________(absorb) into the city. Answers: 1. disturb; to disturb 2.monthly,monthly 3.harmful;harmful 4. cigarette, a 5.surgery,a 6.consultant,seeks 7.absorbed,been absorbed Ask the students to give their answers according to the context. To check the vocabulary of this unit. Pay attention to the difficult sentences.
讲 授 新 课 Activity 1 (PPT8-10) Task 1 Complete the passage using the correct forms of the words in the box. monthly disturb harmful cigarette surgery consultant My father used to smoke___________far too often and was always coughing, which____________me greatly.One day, I spoke to the health___________at my school. He said the nicotine in tobacco is__________and can do great damage to my father's lungs.Then I persuaded my father to see a lung specialist. The specialist said my father should make a_____________plan to smoke less, otherwise he may need_________in the future. I'm so glad my father agreed to make a plan to break his bad habit! Answers:cigarettes, disturbed, consultant, harmful, monthly, surgery Activity 2 (PPT11) Fill in the blank about the main idea of Activity 1. The main idea: It's a personal account about________________. Answers:how the author's father quit smoking Activity 3 (PPT12-15) There are eight mistakes underlined in the passage and correct them. It is not easy to manage stress successfully. When you are stressed,every problem you have seems become worse.Serious stress can also lead to health issues, such as dizziness,skin conditions, and breathing problems.So that is best to find a solution as soon as possible. For minor stress, to wash your face with cold water or go for a short walk outside. To fight long-term stress,it is a great idea taken up a new hobby. Do something you really like-to ride a skateboard, go bowling,or watch a comedy—whatever stimulates your mind and makes you feel happy. Absorbing stress effectively, however, you must be sure to do something that completely takes your mind off everything else. If you can find something else to concentrate for a while, you will most certainly feel much more refreshed later on. So remember, to free yourself from stress, try and find something positive replace it with. After all,it is far too stressful to stress all the time! Answers: to become, it, wash, to take, ride, lb absorb, to concentrate on, to replace. Activity 4 (PPT16) Read the passage again, and then give a title to it. Title: _________________________ Answers:How to Manage Stress/Managing Stress Activity 5 (PPT17) Reflecting Do you know what a healthy lifestyle is after finishing this unit What is the most useful thing that you have learnt in this unit How can you use what you have learnt to improve your lifestyle What new words and expressions have you learnt in this unit Can you use the infinitive as the subject properly in different situations Overall,I thought this unit was cool useful just OK difficult Activity 6 (PPT18) Writing Write a leaflet to warn other students about the risks of becoming addicted to computer games and mobile games. Title:Risks of Gaming Addiction Useful expressions: become addicted to; more addictive; be designed to; ...enough that...; It can be addictive because ...; recognise the signs of addiction; keep an eye out ; without any negative consequences In groups, discuss the outline of your writing . Activity 7 (PPT20-23 ) Show your text. Presentation: Risks of Gaming Addiction Computer games are fun and can help us learn and socialize with others. But you can become addicted to them if you are not careful. Online multiplayer games are more addictive than single player games. Games are designed to make you want to play more and more. It may be the rewards you get, the colours and design, or the music that make it easier to become addicted. They also make games just hard enough that you want to keep coming back for more. They change the goals and add more so there is always something new to achieve. It can be addictive because you feel you can achieve something when in real life it is harder and takes longer to achieve. However, it is much more rewarding in real life. Many games need you to pay money to keep playing or buy additional things, so it can also be an expensive addiction. You can recognize the signs of addiction in yourself or a friend. They may show emotional symptoms such as feeling preoccupied and restless. They may show physical symptoms such as tiredness and headaches. Keep an eye out for these and you can still enjoy gaming without any negative consequences. Language points(PPT24-25) absorb【词义】vt. 吸引全部注意力;吸收 【教材原句】
To absorb stress effectively, however, you must be sure to do something that completely takes your mind off everything else.然而,为了有效地吸收压力,你必须确保做一些完全可以把你的注意力从其他事情上转移开的事情。 【热点归纳】 absorbing adj. 引人入胜的 absorbed adj. 集中精力的 be absorbed in 全神贯注于,专心致志于 absorption n. 吸收;全神贯注,专心致志 【例句】 An airplane overhead completely absorbed the boy’s attention.这男孩的注意力完全被头顶上方的那架飞机吸引住了。 The towel absorbed water from the sink. 毛巾吸收了洗脸池里的水。 【语法填空】 ①The heat _______ (absorb) by the water. ②Mary lay on the sofa, _________ (absorb) in her book. 答案(1)is absorbed (2)absorbed Practice (PPT26-28) 应用文写作: 假定你是李华,得知你的英国笔友Cindy经常不吃早餐,因胃病发作住院治疗。请根据下面的写作提示,用英语给她写一封邮件。内容包括: 1.陈述不吃早饭的危害; 2.劝她培养健康的生活方式。 注意:1.词数80左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 参考范文: Dear Cindy, I’m worried to know you’re in hospital because you have a stomachache resulting from your skipping breakfast. I’d like to offer you some advice. As we all know, it’s important to have a good breakfast that consists of grain, fruit and vegetables. However, you don’t have the habit of having breakfast on time, which is harmful to your health. I think you should develop a healthy way of life from now on. It’s wise to take enough physical exercise every day, which will help you stay energetic and free from disease. I hope you will find my advice useful. Yours, Li Hua Homework (PPT29): Review the important words and phrases of this unit. Ask the students to do the exercises by themselves. Let students finish it. Check their answers. Ask the students to read the passage and correct the eight mistakes. Teacher can guide students to summarize the title . Review the topic, vocabulary, grammar and use the knowledge to solve practical problems in this unit. Read the instructions and complete the passage by themselves. Discuss some outlines in pairs according to the titles. Do some writing by themselves. Give students enough time to present it. Teachers can guide students to organize the writing structure . Learn the language points carefully under the teacher’s guidance. Students review, draft, discuss and revise their own questions. To guide students to use the words correctly. Cultivate students' discourse ability. To have a further understanding about grammar . Guide the students to categorize and summarize the mistakes. Reflect learning effect. To guide students to use useful expressions. To have an organized clue for writing. To present their ideas about the writing. To train their reading and making up sentences’ ability. To grasp more usages of words. To practise the writing skills.
课堂小结 Summary: 1.To review some words by filling in the blanks. 2.To complete two passages. 3.To assess your progress by reflecting items. 4.To train students’ writing ability by writing an passage. Filling in the blanks by themselves and explain the difficult ones by the teacher. 1. To test their vocabulary by using some words. 2. To develop their writing ability.
板 书 1.Important words: disturb;monthly;harmful;cigarette;surgery;consultant;absorbed 2.absorb: absorbing adj. 引人入胜的 absorbed adj. 集中精力的 be absorbed in 全神贯注于,专心致志于 absorption n. 吸收;全神贯注,专心致志 3.Writing: 4.
21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
Period 6 Assessing your progress
Unit 2 Health lifestyle
___________ v.destroy the peace or tranquility(安宁) of
Write down the word that matches each English definition.
Did you sleep well I didn't want ___________(disturb) you. You looked so peaceful.
to disturb
__________ adj. of or occurring or payable every month
Write down the word that matches each English definition.
His boss told him to be present at the ____________(month) meeting.
adj. causing or capable of causing harm
Write down the word that matches each English definition.
Tears help to protect the eye from potentially ____________(harm)foreign bodies.
n. finely ground tobacco wrapped in paper; for smoking
Write down the word that matches each English definition.
The product looks and burns like ______ regular cigarette.
n. a medical procedure involving an incision with instruments; performed to repair damage or arrest disease in a living body
Write down the word that matches each English definition.
His treatment was_____ combination of surgery, radiation and drugs.
n. an expert who gives advice
Write down the word that matches each English definition.
The consultant ________(seek) to match up jobless professionals with small companies in need of expertise
adj. very interested in sth/sb so that you are not paying attention to anything else
Write down the word that matches each English definition.
The surrounding small towns have ________________(absorb) into the city.
been absorbed
monthly disturb harmful cigarette surgery consultant
Activity 1
Complete the passage using the correct forms of the words in the box.
My father used to smoke___________far too often and was always coughing, which____________me greatly.One day, I spoke to the health___________at my school. He said the nicotine in tobacco is__________and can do great damage to my father's lungs.Then I persuaded
my father to see a lung specialist.
monthly disturb harmful cigarette surgery consultant
Activity 1
Complete the passage using the correct forms of the words in the box.
The specialist said my father should make a_____________plan to smoke less, otherwise he may need_________
in the future. I'm so glad my father agreed to make a plan to break his bad habit!
Activity 2
Fill in the blank about the main idea of Activity 1.
The main idea:
It's a personal account about______________________________________________.
how the author's father quit smoking
It is not easy to manage stress successfully. When you are stressed,
every problem you have seems become worse.Serious stress can also lead to health issues, such as dizziness,skin conditions, and breathing problems.
Activity 3
There are eight mistakes underlined in the passage and correct them.
to become
So that is best to find a solution as soon as possible. For minor stress, to wash your face with cold water or go for a short walk outside. To fight long-term stress,it is a great idea taken up a new hobby.
Activity 3
to take
There are eight mistakes underlined in the passage and correct them.
Do something you really like-to ride a skateboard, go bowling,or watch a comedy-whatever stimulates your
mind and makes you feel happy. Absorbing stress effectively, however, you must be sure to do something that completely takes your mind off everything else.
Activity 3
To absorb
There are eight mistakes underlined in the passage and correct them.
If you can find something else to concentrate for a while, you will most certainly feel much more refreshed later on. So remember, to free yourself from stress, try and find something positive replace it with. After all,it is far too stressful to stress all the time!
Activity 3
to replace
There are eight mistakes underlined in the passage and correct them.
It is not easy to manage stress successfuly. When you are stressed,
every problem you have seems to become worse.Serious stress can also lead to health issues, such as dizziness,skin conditions, and breathing problems.
Activity 4
Title: _________________________
Read the passage again, and then give a title to it.
How To Manage Stress
Do you know what a healthy lifestyle is after finishing this unit
What is the most useful thing that you have learnt in this unit
How can you use what you have learnt to improve your lifestyle
What new words and expressions have you learnt in this unit
Can you use the infinitive as the subject properly in different situations
Overal,I thought this unit was
cool useful
just OK difficult
Activity 5
Activity 6
Write a leaflet to warn other students about the risks of becoming addicted to computer games and mobile games.
Title:Risks of Gaming Addiction
Useful expressions:
become addicted to; more addictive;
be designed to; ...enough that...;
It can be addictive because ...;
recognise the signs of addiction;
keep an eye out ;
without any negative consequences
Activity 6
In groups, discuss the outline of your writing .
Risks of Gaming Addiction
Para 4:
Para 5:
Para 6:
main topic
multiplayer games
of addiction
an expensive addiction
recognise the signs of addiction
keep an eye out
Show time
Show your text.
Activity 7
Risks of Gaming Addiction
Computer games are fun and can help us learn and socialise with others. But you can become addicted to them if you are not careful.
Online multiplayer games are more addictive than single player games.
Games are designed to make you want to play more and more. It may be the rewards you get, the colours and design, or the music that make it easier to become
Activity 7
addicted. They also make games just hard enough that you want to keep coming back for more. They change the goals and add more so there is always something new
to achieve. It can be addictive because you feel you can achieve something when in real life it is harder and takes longer to achieve. However, it is much more rewarding in real life.
Many games need you to pay money to keep playing or buy additional things,
Activity 7
so it can also be an expensive addiction.
You can recognise the signs of addiction in yourself or a friend. They may show emotional symptoms such as feeling preoccupied and restless. They may show physical symptoms such as tiredness and headaches.
Keep an eye out for these and you can still enjoy gaming without any negative consequences.
【词义】vt. 吸引全部注意力;吸收
To absorb stress effectively, however, you must be sure to do something that completely takes your mind off everything else.然而,为了有效地吸收压力,你必须确保做一些完全可以把你的注意力从其他事情上转移开的事情。
absorbing adj. 引人入胜的
absorbed adj. 集中精力的
be absorbed in 全神贯注于,专心致志于
absorption n. 吸收;全神贯注,专心致志
[ b z rb; b s rb]
language points
An airplane overhead completely absorbed the boy’s attention.这男孩的注意力完全被头顶上方的那架飞机吸引住了。
The towel absorbed water from the sink.
①The heat _______ (absorb) by the water.
②Mary lay on the sofa, _________ (absorb) in her book.
答案(1)is absorbed (2)absorbed
language points
[ b z rb; b s rb]
Dear Cindy,
I’m worried to know you’re in hospital because you have a stomachache resulting from your skipping breakfast. I’d like to offer you some advice.
As we all know, it’s important to have a good breakfast that consists of grain, fruit and vegetables. However, you don’t have the habit of having breakfast on time,
which is harmful to your health. I think you should develop a healthy way of life from now on. It’s wise to take enough physical exercise every day, which will help you stay energetic and free from disease.
I hope you will find my advice useful.
Li Hua
Review the important words and phrases of this unit.