Module 3 Unit 8 Buying clothes第1课时 教案+课件 (21张PPT)


名称 Module 3 Unit 8 Buying clothes第1课时 教案+课件 (21张PPT)
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文件大小 13.2MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 牛津深圳版
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-02-16 14:56:34


Module 3 Things we do
Unit 8 Buying clothes
Period 1
Look and listen
Children’s Day is coming. We are going to have a party on that day. Kitty and Ben will be the hosts. Everyone, please get ready for your shows!
We will be the hosts, Ben. Let’s buy some new clothes for the show.
OK! What about buying clothes online
Look and listen
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
a T-shirt
a sweater
a coat
a pair of trousers
a pair of shorts
three pairs of shorts
Look and match
two pairs of trousers
( )
a pair of shoes
two pairs of shoes
It is a pair of shoes.
They are two pairs of shoes.
Look and listen
Which T-shirt do you like, the yellow one or the pink one
I like the pink one. But I can’t try it on. It’s not good for the show.
Look and listen
They are good for the show, Ben. Which pair of trousers
do you like, the brown one or the black one
I like the brown one. But I can’t try them on now. Let’s go to the clothes shop, Kitty!
Joy Clothes Shop
Look and listen
Watch and answer
2. What does Kitty want
She wants ____________
He wants _____________
Yes, they will.
a new dress.
a pair of new
Will Kitty and Ben buy the clothes they want
3. What does Ben want
Which dress does Kitty like, the blue one or the pink one
Watch and answer
She likes both the blue one and the pink one.
Kitty, which dress do you like, the blue one or the pink one
I like the pink one. Pink is my favourite colour.
I like the blue one too. It’s beautiful.
You can try both on.
That’s great.
Which pair of trousers does Ben like, the white one or the brown one
Watch and answer
He likes the brown one.
Ben, which pair of trousers do you like, the white one or the brown one
I like the brown one.
Here you are. It’s your size.
OK. I’ll try on the trousers.
Listen, fill and say
I need ___________________.
I like ____________________.
Wow, the ____________ are beautiful. I want a ___________.
Kitty, which ________ do you like, the ______ one or the ______ one
I like both_______________ and __________________.
Ben, which ________________do you like, the ________one or the ________ one
the blue one
pair of trousers
the brown one
the pink one
a pair of trousers
Look and listen
Thank you for the clothes, Mum!
Let’s tell Peter, Alice and Joe about our beautiful clothes! Maybe they need to buy clothes too.
Look and listen
shop assistant
customer(顾客): Peter
Joy Clothes Shop
Welcome to our shop!
What can I do for you
Hi! I’m Peter. Children’s Day is coming! Our group is going to act out a play. We want to buy some clothes for the show.
Fill and say
______________________. I also need ________________.
Wow, the coats are smart. I want a _______, too.
___________________________, the blue one or _____________
I like the ___________. I need a pair of trousers too.
blue one
I like the green one
They’re 120yuan.
That’s great! Here you are!
Which coat do you like
the pink one
Which pair of trousers do you like
the green one or the black one
I like _________________. I’ll take them. How much are they
a pair of socks
Which pair of socks do you like
the brown one or the blue one
the brown one
Thank you!
Children’s Day is coming!
Words & expressions
Which … do you like, … or…
a pair of trousers
two pairs of shoes
try on…/ try … on
where who what
at the clothes shop Kitty a new dress
She likes both of the dresses.
Ben a pair of new trousers
He likes the pair of brown trousers.
Make a new dialogue with your friends according to the passage, for example, buy toys at a toy shop …
Recite “Listen and say” on Student’s Book page 52.
Read the dialogues with your friends.
课题:Unit 8 Buying clothes
牛津教材采用“模块建筑式”编写体系。教材以模块(Module)为单位组织教学内容,模块内的语言材料围绕一个主题展开。本课所在模块为5B Module 3: Things we do. 该模块的三个单元都旨在提高学生用英语做事情的能力(如:介绍学校开放日的活动安排顺序、购买衣物、就医用于和提出建议)而展开。本单元是Module 3的第三个单元: Unit 8 Buying clothes.
本单元的内容是孩子们基于课本提供的购买衣物的语境下,询问和描述对某物的偏爱和优先选择。本单元核心词汇为sweater, coat, trousers, shoes这些单词对学生来说并不陌生,此前他们在前几册的模块学习中已经多次出现。本单元的核心句型是Which (pair of) … do you like, the … one or the …one 选择疑问句在此前初步了解过,因此我们将加强对核心句型的操练和巩固。本课的学习将为学生之后的学习打好基础,做好铺垫。
课时 话题 素材内容
第一课时 Buying clothes for Children’s Day Listen and say Look and learn
第二课时 Acting the play on Children’s Day Read a story
第三课时 Performing the fashion show on Children’s Day Ask and answer Learn the sounds Cultural corner
第四课时 The closing of Children’s Day Revision Practice
1. 能在语境中正确运用本单元的核心词汇和短语:sweater, coat, trousers, shoes;了解try …on, put…on, keep quiet, have a look等。
2. 能用核心句型 Which (pair of) … do you like, the … one or the …one 询问对方喜欢哪一样东西。
3. 能正确读出字母组合ou和ow在单词中的发音,并能迁移运用到其他含有相关字母组合的单词拼读中。
4. 能就购物这一话题进行情景对话。
5. 了解不同国家的传统服饰,注意中外文化习俗的异同。
第 一 课时
课时话题:Buying clothes for Children’s Day
教学内容:Listen and say, Look and learn;
2.能在语境中正确朗读并运用核心句型Which (pair of) … do you like, the … one or the …one 及其回答。
1. 理解和掌握sweater, coat, trousers, shoes的含义。
2. 能理解并运用核心句型Which (pair of) … do you like, the … one or the …one I like the …one.
正确运用词组a pair of, 学生容易出现a trousers, a shorts,a pair of coat之类的错误。通过运用动画演示和列举对比,归纳、总结出用a pair of来修饰的单词规律。
步骤 目的 师生活动
组织教学及复习 情境营造,激发兴趣。引入本课主题。 以图片形式复习旧知并学习新单词。 突破难点。 初步了解核心句型,并创设情境,为课文的线下购物做铺垫。同时提醒学生网购的不足之处。 以一张课上师生的对话图片引入本课故事角色以及主题。呈现文章背景:孩子们积极准备六一儿童节的节目。两位主持人准备网购衣服。 引导学生配对图片及相应的单词。 引导学生观察动画演示, 以此类总结规律。 呈现Kitty和Ben的对话,两人因网购不能试穿所以打消网购念头。妈妈准备带他们到服装店购买服装。
新知呈现与归纳 整体听力输入,学习核心词汇与句型。 语境练习,整体输出。 教师提出3个问题,学生观看视频后回答。 分别播放文本一和二的录音,分别找出Kitty和Ben喜欢的衣服,并分别进行角色扮演朗读课文。
新知巩固与活用 巩固和操练核心句型。 联系实际创设新的情境,运用新知 听课文录音填空完成对话。 创造情境:孩子们对妈妈买的衣服很满意,并告诉了同学们,第二天Peter去商店购买演出服装。
小结 引导学生观察总结用a pair of修饰的名词规律。 引导学生观察图片,就图片进行提问:a pair of shoes 动画演示再多一双鞋子,引导学生说出two pairs of shoes, 以此类推出trousers, socks,并总结规律。
作业布置及提交 发挥学生的创意,提高学生运用英语的能力。 三选一: 跟同伴一起朗读对话 背诵教材第52页课文 根据课文内容编对话,场景可换为在玩具店买玩具等等。