Lesson 17 Danny’s Summer Holiday
1.能运用句型Will you... Yes, I will./No, I will not.进行询问和回答;
能运用句型Will you... Yes,I will./No,I will not.进行询问和回答
【导入】Step1. Greetings and review
T:Hello,everyone,/Good afternoon. How are you today Are you happy
Ss: Hello, I am fine, thank you, and you
T: I’m happy, too. Today, I am your teacher, I will divide you into 2 groups, and I will give you points on different parts, for example listening, reading,s peaking and writing. So everyone, fighting!
T:How are u today How do you feel Why do you feel hot
S:I feel hot, because the summer is coming.
T:Today ,we will talk about Danny’s summer holiday, but before we do it, do you remember what will Jenny and Li Ming do this summer holiday (此时,打出Jenny 和Li Ming 被覆盖的图片,让学生们一一猜出,运用句型He/ She will... )
T:Look at this picture ,What will Jenny do… Who can guess
Ss :Jenny will.....(如此进行2-3个同学)
T:Maybe.Now let’s have a look. What will Jenny do
[1] Ss: Jenny will ....
T:What will Li Ming do (如此进行Li Ming的猜想)
(设计意图:通过猜测,Li Ming和Jenny 的暑假行为,让孩子通过He/ She will..的句型复习知识,发散学生的思维,回忆旧知识,引出新知识。)
活动2【讲授】Step2. New concept
T:Ok, What about Danny What will Danny do this summer holiday (屏幕打出问题)
T: Let’s listen and circle.(听并圈出相关信息)
T:What will Danny do this summer holiday Who heard it What’s your answer
Ss: Danny will......(根据学生的答案进行下一步操作)
T:Is he/she right Let’s have a look! Cool, good listening!
T:Let’s say it one more time. What will Danny do in this summer holiday
S:He will……(贴板书)
T:Now I have 2 questions, who can read them for us
T:please open your books and read P1 and P2 silently, and then tell your partner your idea.
[3] T: Ok, Finish What is the answer
Ss: No, he will not. (让一个孩子起立尽力表达,如果还有遗漏可以让其他孩子进行补充)
Ss: His grandparents live near a big forest.
T:great! Good reading!
T:Now boys are Danny ,girls are Jenny .let ‘s read it together.
T: Look, what is Danny doing
S: He is flying..
T: Why will Danny learn to fly
T: Now I want you readP3 and P4 ,and discuss with you partner about my three questions. Please look at my picture. Let’s do it, go!
T: Why Danny wants to fly
Ss: Because he........
Ss: ......
T: will Danny play with Li Ming tell me why
【练习】Step3. Exercises
T:Now let’s watch lesson together and act it out.
T: I have 2 questions for you, can you answer them \
T: If you want to know what will others do in the future, you can ask them with these sentences. Will you…(带读并纠正发音,张贴will you的板书,并且重复Danny的暑假活动)
T:Do you want to know about my summer holiday What will David do this summer holiday
Please have a look Where is David Can u guess
Ss: On the beach.
T:can you guess, what will I do on the beach Will I sleep Ask me if you want to know, please use my sentence.
Ss: will you swim
T:Let’ see it! No, I will not.
Ss: Will you ..... (利用ppt变化场景,如果碰见没有准备的ppt,学生问了,直接回答即可)
[6] T:Yes, I will.
(设计意图:通过ppt场景的设定,完成师生之间的交流,生问师答的环节也让学生的参与感大大提高,学生可以通过句型will you..... 进行天马行空的提问,在情境中练习句型。)
【活动】Step4. Pair work
T:summer holiday is coming, yes So what about you ,what will you do talk about it with you partner Will you ..
[7] T:which team wants to show us
【练习】Step5. Exercise
T:OK,today I have another friend, Freddie, he send a letter to me, please open your books. Read the letter and finish the exercise.
T:OK,now please exchange your books with your partner, and let’s check the answers, what’s your answer He will….(练习1)
T:There are 5 questions here. Let’s do it one by one.
【活动】Step6: 欣赏
T:The world is very big and very beautiful. Let’s go and see it together.
T:Enjoy you life.
【作业】Step7: Homework
T:Look,this is my holiday ,I will travel to..... (教师可以把第二部分作为模板告诉学生,学生参考)