Unit 2 Health lifestyle Period 4 Give advice on changing bad habits 课件+教案


名称 Unit 2 Health lifestyle Period 4 Give advice on changing bad habits 课件+教案
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-02-16 17:07:33


Period 4 Give advice on changing bad habits
Unit 2 Health lifestyle
Look at the following picture and answer the questions below.
What's the person doing
What's her problem
What's the possible cause of her bad habit
What advice would you suggest to her
We know from picture 1 that the person is using her mobile phone in bed.
She is yawning too, which shows she's tired. She isn't getting enough sleep.
Whatever she's doing with her phone, I think the main cause of her problem is that she allows herself to use her mobile phone in bed.
So I would suggest that she switch off her phone before going to bed.
Look at the following pictures and find out what bad habits they are.
1.not sleeping enough
2.using a phone too much
5.drinking too much coffee
Task 1
Discuss what choices or preferences make it easier for people to develop these bad habits .
1.not sleeping enough
2.using a phone too much
1.Choosing to stay up too late playing computer games can mean that one does not sleep enough.
2.Preferring to play games or use social media on phones can make it easier for people to use them too much.
Task 1
Discuss what choices or preferences make it easier for people to develop these bad habits .
5.drinking too much coffee
3.Choosing to eat when one feels bored or depressed can lead to overeating.
4.Choosing to buy many things one wants and not things one needs can lead to overspending.
5.Staying up too late and not sleeping enough can lead one to drink too much coffee the next day.
Task 2
Look at the questions and table in Activity 2 and predict
the listening content.
You're going to listen to a conversation. The main speaker is a doctor who just gave a talk to a class and now he is going to answer some questions from the students.
Then listen to it and find out what's the conversation probably about
Task 2
Listen to the conversation and complete the chart below.
Items Student 1 Student 2
Reward / /
Has trouble sleeping because of using the phone before going to sleep
Going to bed
Don't keep the phone in the room so you won't pick it up before bed
Feels depressed about being a little overweight
Finishing dinner
Walk outside for just
5 minutes
Listen again and answer these questions.
Task 3
1.Why is a good night's sleep important for the first student
2.Why does the second student never exercise
3.What is the expert's bad habit Do you think it is a health problem
4.What would you advise the expert to do to control this habit
Listen again and answer these questions.
Task 3
1.Why is a good night's sleep important for the first student
2.Why does the second student never exercise
A good night's sleep is important because it will help with their schoolwork.
Because he always picks up his phone instead of exercising.
Listen again and answer these questions.
Task 3
3.What is the expert's bad habit
Do you think it is a health problem
The expert drinks too much coffee.
It can be a health problem because too much is bad for the heart and can cause headaches and other problems.
Listen again and answer these questions.
Task 3
4.What would you advise the expert
to do to control this habit
I would suggest that the expert change the habit slowly by drinking smaller cups of weaker coffee, and then try to change coffee for another drink. Later he should do more exercise as this can stimulate the body like coffee does but has more positive benefits.
Read the listening conversation in roles.
Task 4
Teacher: Thank you so much for speaking to the class, Doctor. It
was a really interesting talk.
Doctor:That's very kind of you.
Teacher: Could you answer some questions about habits and
lifestyle from the students
Doctor:Sure, I'd love to.
Student 1: Hello. I have trouble sleeping. It often takes me a long
time to fall asleep at night. It's affecting my schoolwork
because I'm always tired in the daytime.
Doctor:I see. What do you do just before you go to sleep
Student 1: I usually pick up my phone.
Read the listening conversation in roles.
Task 4
Doctor:Oh, I think the phone could be the problem. It makes
your brain more active, which makes it hard to sleep.
Your cue is going to bed. The routine is picking up your
phone. To change the cycle, don't keep your phone in
your bedroom at night. You,ll find you sleep better, and
much easier too!
Student 1: Thanks, Doctor. Til give it a try.
Doctor:You're welcome. Any other problems I can help with
Student 2: Hi. I feel depressed about being a little overweight. I
want to exercise every night after dinner, but I always
just pick up my phone. What can I do
Read the listening conversation in roles.
Task 4
Doctor:To create a good habit is the same as creating a bad one, but you
must take small steps to begin with. So, your cue can still be
finishing dinner, but make the routine to turn off your phone and
walk outside一for just five minutes. A five-minute walk is so easy.
It's hard to say no! When this has become a habit, walk for longer.
Don't worry about losing weight at first. Focus on the habit of going
out and build from there.
Student 2: Thanks for the advice, Doctor, I'll try it tonight.
Teacher: Well thank you again for your talk today, Doctor. Now, would you
like a cup of coffee
Doctor:That's very nice of you, but I drink too much coffee. I still have some
bad habits, too!
Read the conversation and find out the correct expressions.
Task 4
Opening up the conversation
Asking for and giving advice on changing bad habits
_______ _______
Closing up the conversation
Fill in the correct information.
Task 5
Asking for and giving advice (S1-D)
What do the speakers say What's the function
Address the _________.
State the problem.
Give ______ about the problem.
Describe the bad result of the problem.
D: I see. What do you do just before you go to sleep Ask for more details
(to find the _______ of the problem).
Answer the doctor's question.
S1: Hello. I have trouble sleeping. It often takes me a long time to fall asleep at night. It's affecting my schoolwork because I'm always tired in the daytime.
S1: I usually pick up my phone.
Fill in the correct information .
Task 5
Asking for and giving advice (S1-D)
What do the speakers say What's the function
D: Oh, I think the phone could be the problem. It makes your brain more active, which makes it hard to sleep. Your cue is going to bed. The routine is picking up your phone. To change the cycle, don't keep your phone in your bedroom at night. You'll find you sleep better, and much easier too! _______ an opinion.
Explain __________ idea to his opinion.
Analyse the cue and routine of S1's _____habit.
__________a new routine and reward.
Express gratitude
Make a decision.
Respond to___________ .
Invite more questions/Start a new topic.
S1: Thanks, Doctor. I'll give it a try.
D: You're welcome. Any other problems I can help with
Fill in the correct information .
Task 5
Asking for and giving advice (S2-D)
What do the speakers say What's the function
__________ the doctor.
State and describe the problem.
Ask for _______.
D: To create a good habit is the same as creating a bad one, but you must take small steps to begin with. So, your cue can still be finishing dinner, but make the routine to turn off your phone and walk outside—for just five minutes. A five-minute walk is so easy. It's hard to say no! When this has become a habit, walk for longer. Don't worry about losing weight at first. Focus on the habit of going out and build from there. State a _____________.
Further explain how by using the habit cycle theory.
Explain ______ small steps will help.
Point out an important tip—_______ on habit building first.
Express ___________and the decision to try.
S2: Hi. I feel depressed about being a little overweight. I want to exercise every night after dinner but I always just pick up my phone. What can I do
S2: Thanks for the advice, Doctor, I'll try it tonight.
Sum up
judge what the speakers say
an objective state+ment
an opinion
a fact
an subjective statement
what is true
what you believe
I think/believe
in my opinion
to me
Decide whether these statements from the conversation are facts (F) or opinions(O). Discuss the opinions with a partner and see if you agree on them.
Task 6
1 ____ It was a really interesting talk.
2 ____ It often takes me half an hour to fall asleep at night.
3 ____ You look tired. Not enough sleep,right
4 ____ It is affecting my schoolwork.
5 ____ I failed in all my school subjects this semester.
6 ____ I usually pick up my phone.
7 ____ I think the phone is the problem.
8 ____A five-minute walk is so easy that it is hard to say no!
Task 7
1.What's Speaker A and B's problem
2.What does Speaker C suggest
3.Why didn't Speaker A accept Speaker C's suggestion
4.What have you learnt from this example
Read the dialogue of Page 19 and answer the questions.
Watching too much TV.
Because Speaker A doesn't really enjoy exercising.
Correct bad habits in time ,take others' good advice and find ways to develop healthy habits.
Speaker C suggests that they spend time on something more active instead. For example, try to get more exercise.
Task 7
5.What should you pay attention to if you're giving others advice
6.What should you pay attention to if you're refusing others' advice
Read the dialogue of Page 19 and answer the questions.
Refuse politely and explain why you don't think the suggestion is good for you so further advice would be given.
Give more detailed advice. Explain why this advice may help.
Task 8
Draw a conclusion about expressions on advice.
Asking for and giving advice
My problem is ... I think/believe you should ...
I'm having problems with ... So, why don't you ...
I cannot stop ... Well have you thought about ...
Please give me some advice about In my opinion, ...
Accepting and refusing advice
Sure, I'll do that. Sorry, but I ...
That's a good idea! I'd like/love to but ...
Tha's just what I need! That's a good idea, but ...
Lovely! Thank you for telling me, but...
Great! It's a nice thought but ...
Terrific idea! I cannot ... because ..
Task 9
sleeping too much, overeating , game addict, TV addict,
Internet addict, staying up too late, overspending
Work in pairs. Choose a bad habit from the table below and have a conversation with your partner about it. The expressions below may help you.
Principles to be followed in the discussion:
focus on asking for and giving advice on ONE bad habit;
include reasonable and helpful suggestions that suit personal preference;
use proper expressions when asking for and giving advice;
use proper expressions when accepting and refusing advice.
Task 10
Present the dialogue.
A: Hello.I have problems with sleeping.
B: Hi, are you sleeping too much these days
A: No. On the contrary, I don't get enough sleep because I stay up late.
B: Yeah,me too.And most of us teenagers have such bad habits.
A: I think we should form a good habit in place of that bad one.Well,have you thought about one
B: Oh, in my opinion,we should have an active attitude towards our study and life.For example,try to keep away from computer games and don't get into game addict or Internet addict!
A: All right,maybe I can have a try first.
Language points
Important phrases
1. pick up 考查热度★★★★★
【教材原句】The routine is picking up your phone.
He picked up his hat and went away.他拾起帽子,走开了。
She picked up French when she was in Paris.
Business will pick up before summer.
pick out挑出,选出;辨认出
At once I picked out my brother in the crowd.
Important phrases
Language points
【考点精练】 写出下列句子中pick up的含义。
①The boy picked up that hat for the old man._______
②He picked up some skills by watching the workers working. ______________
③The boy will pick up after the operation._______
④Will you please pick me up at the airport?___________
2. How about ... 考查热度★★★
【热点品味】How about reading more
books instead 多读点书怎么样?
How about going out for a picnic
How about having a walk after supper
Important sentences
Language points
【句式分析】句中How/What about… 表示征询对方意见。
【思维拓展】How/What about… 还可以表示:
Language points
①__________________that they are satisfied with the result
②__________________ at Bart’s overnight
How about showing
How about staying
Important sentences
It will take us about half an hour ________________(到达)the West Lake.In the morning ,we will visit the places of interest around or near the West Lake including the lake, Gu Hill,Lingyin Tempe and LeiFeng Pagoda.This will be a good chance
_____________(欣赏)the beautiful scenery as well as the history and culture of Hangzhou.In the afternoon we may_____________(尝试)a taste of Longjing Tea and_________________(看电影).For the evening,there are many things we can choose from ,
like dinner,shopping,and experiencingthe local night life.It will be fun for us______________________(选择)together what we want
to do after you arrive.
to appreciate
to reach/get to
see a movie
to choose
Do Exercises on Page 70
of the workbook.
Unit 2 Health lifestyle
Period 4 Give advice on changing bad habits 教学设计
课题 Period 4 Give advice on changing bad habits 单元 Unit 2 学科 English 年级 Grade 2
教材 分析 The topic of this section is "Give advice on changing Bad Habits". The previous Reading and Thinking section focuses on explaining the operation principles and steps of changing and cultivating bad habits at the theoretical level. This section focuses on the specific application of the theory in real life, focusing on how to identify the trigger factors of bad habits (CUE) and routine, to understand the relationship between the two, find better replacement behavior, and develop good behavior habits.
教学目标与核心素养 Knowledge objectives: To help students to accumulate more expressions and sentence patterns and train their listening. Skill objectives: To learn to ask for advice, give advice, accept or reject other people's suggestions in a polite and tactful manner. Emotional objectives: To use the proposed functional sentence patterns correctly and ask others for advice politely and tactfully. Thinking quality objectives:Be able to apply the knowledge learned to solve practical problems in daily life, and internalize the language learned in the process of solving problems.
重点 How to train the students to record the main points of the listening content in the form of table; How to guide students to analyze the formation process of bad habits and how to change bad habits by using habit circulation principle.
难点 How to teach students how to distinguish facts from opinions in information.
教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
导入新课 Lead –in (PPT1-3) 1.Look at the following picture and answer the questions below. What's the person doing What's her problem What's the possible cause of her bad habit What advice would you suggest to her Answers: We know from picture 1 that the person is using her mobile phone in bed. She is yawning too, which shows she's tired. She isn't getting enough sleep. Whatever she's doing with her phone, I think the main cause of her problem is that she allows herself to use her mobile phone in bed. So I would suggest that she switch off her phone before going to bed. 2.Look at the following pictures and find out what bad habits they are. Answers:1.not sleeping enough 2.using a phone too much 3.overeating 4.overspending 5.drinking too much coffee Teachers can guide students to think of related answers. Help students deliver their messages.
讲授新课 Task 1 (PPT4-5) 1.Discuss what choices or preferences make it easier for people to develop these bad habits . Answers: 1).Choosing to stay up too late playing computer games can mean that one does not sleep enough. 2).Preferring to play games or use social media on phones can make it easier for people to use them too much. 3).Choosing to eat when one feels bored or depressed can lead to overeating. 4).Choosing to buy many things one wants and not things one needs can lead to overspending. 5).Staying up too late and not sleeping enough can lead one to drink too much coffee the next day. Task 2 (PPT6-7) 1.Look at the questions and table in Activity 2 and predict the listening content. You're going to listen to a conversation. The main speaker is a doctor who just gave a talk to a class and now he is going to answer some questions from the students. Then listen to it and find out what's the conversation probably about 2.Listen to the conversation and complete the chart below. Task 3 (PPT 8-11) Listen again and answer these questions. 1.Why is a good night's sleep important for the first student 2.Why does the second student never exercise 3.What is the expert's bad habit Do you think it is a health problem 4.What would you advise the expert to do to control this habit Answers: 1. A good night's sleep is important because it will help with their schoolwork. 2.Because he always picks up his phone instead of exercising. 3. The expert drinks too much coffee.It can be a health problem because too much is bad for the heart and can cause headaches and other problems. 4. I would suggest that the expert change the habit slowly by drinking smaller cups of weaker coffee, and then try to change coffee for another drink. Later he should do more exercise as this can stimulate the body like coffee does but has more positive benefits. Task4 (PPT12-15) Read the listening conversation in roles. Teacher: Thank you so much for speaking to the class, Doctor. It was a really interesting talk. Doctor:That's very kind of you. Teacher: Could you answer some questions about habits and lifestyle from the students Doctor:Sure, I’d love to. Student 1: Hello. I have trouble sleeping. It often takes me a long time to fall asleep at night. It's affecting my schoolwork because I'm always tired in the daytime. Doctor:I see. What do you do just before you go to sleep Student 1: I usually pick up my phone. Doctor:Oh, I think the phone could be the problem. It makes your brain more active, which makes it hard to sleep. Your cue is going to bed. The routine is picking up your phone. To change the cycle, don't keep your phone in your bedroom at night. You,ll find you sleep better, and much easier too! Student 1: Thanks, Doctor. Til give it a try. Doctor:You're welcome. Any other problems I can help with Student 2: Hi. I feel depressed about being a little overweight. I want to exercise every night after dinner, but I always just pick up my phone. What can I do Doctor:To create a good habit is the same as creating a bad one, but you must take small steps to begin with. So, your cue can still be finishing dinner, but make the routine to turn off your phone and walk outside一for just five minutes. A five-minute walk is so easy. It's hard to say no! When this has become a habit, walk for longer. Don't worry about losing weight at first. Focus on the habit of going out and build from there. Student 2: Thanks for the advice, Doctor, I'll try it tonight. Teacher: Well thank you again for your talk today, Doctor. Now, would you like a cup of coffee Doctor:That's very nice of you, but I drink too much coffee. I still have some bad habits, too! Read the conversation and find out the correct expressions. Task 5 (PPT16-18) Fill in the correct information. Asking for and giving advice (S1-D) Asking for and giving advice (S2-D) Learning (PPT19) Task 6 (PPT 20) Decide whether these statements from the conversation are facts (F) or opinions(O). Discuss the opinions with a partner and see if you agree on them. 1 ____ It was a really interesting talk. 2 ____ It often takes me half an hour to fall asleep at night. 3 ____ You look tired. Not enough sleep,right 4 ____ It is affecting my schoolwork. 5 ____ I failed in all my school subjects this semester. 6 ____ I usually pick up my phone. 7 ____ I think the phone is the problem. 8 ____A five-minute walk is so easy that it is hard to say no! Answers: 1.O 2.F 3.O 4.F 5.F 6.F 7.O 8.O Task 7 (PPT21-22) Read the dialogue of Page 19 and answer the questions. 1.What's Speaker A and B's problem 2.What does Speaker C suggest 3.Why didn't Speaker A accept Speaker C's suggestion 4.What have you learnt from this example 5.What should you pay attention to if you're giving others advice 6.What should you pay attention to if you're refusing others’ advice Answers:1.Watching too much TV. 2.Speaker C suggests that they spend time on something more active instead. For example, try to get more exercise. 3.Because Speaker A doesn't really enjoy exercising. 4.Correct bad habits in time ,take others' good advice and find ways to develop healthy habits. 5.Give more detailed advice. Explain why this advice may help. 6.Refuse politely and explain why you don't think the suggestion is good for you so further advice would be given. Task 8(PPT23) Draw a conclusion about expressions on advice. Task 9 (PPT24) Work in pairs. Choose a bad habit from the table below and have a conversation with your partner about it. The expressions below may help you. sleeping too much, overeating , game addict, TV addict,Internet addict, staying up too late, overspending Principles to be followed in the discussion: focus on asking for and giving advice on ONE bad habit; include reasonable and helpful suggestions that suit personal preference; use proper expressions when asking for and giving advice; use proper expressions when accepting and refusing advice. Task 10 (PPT24) Present the dialogue. A: Hello.I have problems with sleeping. B: Hi, are you sleeping too much these days A: No. On the contrary, I don't get enough sleep because I stay up late. B: Yeah,me too.And most of us teenagers have such bad habits. A: I think we should form a good habit in place of that bad one.Well,have you thought about one B: Oh, in my opinion,we should have an active attitude towards our study and life.For example,try to keep away from computer games and don't get into game addict or Internet addict! A: All right,maybe I can have a try first. (PPT26-29)Language points 1.pick up 考查热度★★★★★ 【热点品味】捡起;学会,获得;(用车)去接;恢复(健康、精神);好转;接收 【教材原句】The routine is picking up your phone. 惯例就是拿起手机。 【实例品读】 He picked up his hat and went away.他拾起帽子,走开了。 She picked up French when she was in Paris. 在巴黎时,她学会了法语。 Business will pick up before summer. 夏天来到之前,生意将会好转。 【热点归纳】 pick out挑出,选出;辨认出 At once I picked out my brother in the crowd. 我立即在人群中认出我哥哥来。 【考点精练】 写出下列句子中pick up的含义。 ①The boy picked up that hat for the old man._______ ②He picked up some skills by watching the workers working. ______________ ③The boy will pick up after the operation._______ ④Will you please pick me up at the airport?___________ Answers:捡起;(无意中)学会;好转;(用车)接 2.How about ... 考查热度★★★ 【热点品味】How about reading more books instead 多读点书怎么样? 【实例品读】 How about going out for a picnic 出去野餐怎么样? How about having a walk after supper 晚饭后散散步怎么样? 【句式分析】句中How/What about… 表示征询对方意见。 【思维拓展】How/What about… 还可以表示: (1)表示询问情况,意为“……怎么样;……如何?” (2)表示建议,意为“……怎么样;……好吗?” 【考点精练】完成句子 ①__________________that they are satisfied with the result 怎样表示他们对结果的满意呢? ②__________________ at Bart’s overnight 在巴特家过夜怎么样? Answers:How about showing;How about staying Practice(PPT30) 根据汉语完成短文中的句子。 It will take us about half an hour ________________(到达)the West Lake.In the morning ,we will visit the places of interest around or near the West Lake including the lake, Gu Hill,Lingyin Tempe and LeiFeng Pagoda.This will be a good chance______(欣赏)the beautiful scenery as well as the history and culture of Hangzhou.In the afternoon we may________(尝试)a taste of Longjing Tea and_________(看电影).For the evening,there are many things we can choose from ,like dinner,shopping,and experiencing the local night life.It will be fun for us_________(选择)together what we want to do after you arrive. Answers: to reach/get to, to appreciate, have, see a movie, to choose Have students discuss and exchange ideas. Let students look at the questions and table in activity 2 . Have them listen to and write down something. Allow students to discuss and improve their answers with their desk mates. When checking the answers, the teacher should focus on how the students summarize the content of the problem and reward. The teacher presents the listening text and guides them to read it in roles Students themselves draw a conclusion. The teacher guides the students to analyze the semantic function of each sentence. Guide students to fill in the blanks. Ask the students to briefly state the reasons for their judgment or guide them to discover the relevant laws. Let students discuss the examples in Activity 5 . Ask the students to read the sentence one by one. Discuss it in pairs. Ask the students to act out their dialogues. Learn the language points Under the teacher’s guidance. Practice by themselves. To activate background knowledge. To train then to predict the listening content. To lead students to learn to make notes. Train students to form their own opinions and thoughts. To be familiar with the listening materials. To improve students’ oral ability . To consolidate the understanding of “follow instructions”. To observe the structure of the dialogue. In order to help them learn useful expressions and master language communication strategies. To distinguish facts and opinions. To judge the fact or the opinion. To learn more about the b and be familiar with the useful expressions. To train their reading and speaking ability. Enrich vocabulary knowledge . To train students’ how to use the language points.
课堂小结 Summary: 1.Look at the following pictures and find out what bad habits they are. 2.Discuss what choices or preferences make it easier for people to develop these bad habits . 3.Listening and answering. 4.Sum up. 5.Read the conversation in roles. 6.Language points. 7.Practice. Homework: Do Exercises on Page 70 of the workbook. Name each picture. Listening tasks Reading in roles. Learning language points 1.To help students to know more about the bad habits . 2.To find out the way to rid the bad habits. 3.To practising listening ability.
板书 1.Look at the following pictures and find out what bad habits they are. 1).not sleeping enough 2).using a phone too much 3).overeating 4).overspending 5).drinking too much coffee 2.Structures: 3.Sum up 4.Useful expressions: pick up How about...
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