人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 History and traditions单元测试题(word版含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 History and traditions单元测试题(word版含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 43.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-02-16 20:18:17



第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)略
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Hands-on basketball
The boy was only nine years old when he designed a “hands-on basketball”. Chris Haas had the idea when he saw his friends miss lots of baskets. His basketball has painted hands on it. The hands show you where to put your hands when you throw the ball. Today people use his invention around the world.
At age 10, Kathryn Gregory was playing outside one day in the cold. Her wrists (手腕) began to hurt from the cold so she decided to find a way to keep both her hands and wrists warm during the winter. In 1994, she invented Wristies: fuzzy sleeves ( 毛绒袖子) that can be worn underneath gloves to protect your wrists from the cold. She worked with her mom to get the idea off the ground and now the product is sold worldwide.
Abbey Fleck was 8 years old when she noticed how much time her parents spent soaking up bacon fat ( 吸干培根油脂) after cooking. She realized that it might be easier to hang bacon while it cooks. That way you wouldn't need paper towels and it would even make the bacon healthier. She then worked with her father to design a dish that hangs bacon while it cooks. Now people can see her invention in many supermarkets.
Louis Braille had an accident when he was three. The accident left him blind. At that time, it was hard for blind children to read. They had to touch raised letters. But it was difficult to tell a Q from an O, an R from a B, and so on. When he was fifteen, Louis invented an alphabet (字母表) that used raised dots. The Braille alphabet was a big success!
21. Whose invention is related to sports
A. Chris Haas'.
B. Kathryn Gregory's.
C. Abbey Fleck's.
D. Louis Braille's.
22. What can we learn about Makin' Bacon
A. It was invented in 1994.
B. It was named after its inventor.
C. It helps people eat more healthily.
D. It reduces the cases of cooking accidents.
23. What do the four inventions have in common
A. They were invented by kids.
B. They came into being by chance.
C. They were designed to help others.
D. They brought wealth to their inventors.
As a child, Rob Stewart loved the natural world. “He loved everything in the sea, but sharks the most,” said his mother, Sandy Stewart.
Stewart spent his life studying and photographing sharks and other sea creatures, and creating films. Sadly, he died in 2017 at the age of 37 in a diving ( 潜水) accident. The accident happened while Stewart was filming Sharkwater Extinction, which members of his crew ( 工作人员) completed after his death.
Knowing that about 25% of shark species were endangered and sharks might soon be extinct, Stewart worked hard to raise awareness ( 意识) of sharks and their key role in nature. Stewart believed that they should be protected against humans and other enemies. He studied how illegal shark finning ( 割鱼鳍) has led to a great fall in the shark population.
When Stewart found out about the finning, he tried to end it. As an experienced diver and skilled cinematographer, he was able to raise awareness of the problem by filming sharks in their natural environment. His films, said Sandy Stewart, showed people “how beautiful the underwater creatures are. People would fall in love with them and work to protect them.”
As of 2013, 55 countries had banned ( 禁止) shark finning. Stewart lived and died a hero in the pursuit of saving sharks and the sea. He is believed to have saved one-third of the world's sharks.
Stewart's parents hope kids will continue his story by supporting shark-friendly actions. They encourage kids to buy or ask their parents to buy shark-free products.
Another thing that young people can do is learn more about sharks. A good place to start is “Shark Database,” an online resource that was created by Rob Stewart's friends.
“It's your generation that we want to make sure sees the world that Rob saw and does whatever you can to protect the big fish,” said Stewart's father. “One person can make a big difference.”
24. What do we know about Rob Stewart
A. He died because of a shark attack.
B. He was interested in sea animals.
C. He led a research team studying the sea.
D. He made Sharkwater Extinction in 2017.
25. What did Rob Stewart do to end illegal shark finning
A. He made films showing sharks living naturally.
B. He encouraged people to buy shark-free products.
C. He wrote to the government asking for a ban on shark finning.
D. He collected information to show the influence of illegal shark finning.
26. How may Rob Stewart's action to save sharks be described
A. Creative.
B. Successful.
C. Fruitless.
D. Unwelcome.
27. In “the world that Rob saw”, _____.
A. little action was taken to protect sharks
B. less than 50 countries banned shark finning
C. about a quarter of shark species were in danger
D. human behavior was the main cause of shark extinction
The pasty (馅饼) has been a recorded part of the British diet since the 13th century, at this time being enjoyed by the rich upper classes. The fillings were different and rich. It wasn't until the 17th and 18th centuries that the pasty was popular among miners and farm workers in Cornwall as a means for providing themselves with easy and tasty meals while they worked. And so the Cornish pasty was born.
Traditionally, the pasty fillings are beef with potato, onion and swede! As meat was much more expensive in the 17th and 18th centuries, its presence was rare and so pasties traditionally included much more vegetables than today. The presence of carrot in a pasty, although common now, was the mark of a poor pasty at first.
Filling ideas are endless however, and can be as different as your taste will take you. There is much discussion as to whether the ingredients (原料) should be mixed together first or lined up on the pastry in a special order. However, there is agreement that the meat should be cut into pieces, the vegetables sliced and none should be cooked before they are sealed ( 密封) within the pastry. It is this that makes the Cornish pasty different from other similar foods.
It was such a commonly used method of eating amongst the miners that some mines had tools down the mineshafts ( 井筒) specifically to cook the pasties. If they were cooked in the mornings, the pastry could keep the fillings warm for 8-10 hours and, when held close to the body, keep the miners warm too. It was also common for the pasties to provide not only a main course lunch, but also a sweet or fruity dessert course. The salty filling would be cooked at one end of the pasty and the sweet course at the other end. Hopefully these ends would be marked on the outside too!
28. What do we know about the pasty in the 13th century
A. It was widely eaten by the rich upper classes.
B. It was popular among miners and farm workers.
C. It was enjoyed in Cornwall only.
D. It had few and simple fillings.
29. If carrot was in a pasty in the 17th and 18th centuries, the pasty would _____.
A. be more expensive
B. be sold out very soon
C. be made without other fillings
D. be seen as one of bad quality
30. What is special about the Cornish pasty
A. Its fillings shouldn't be cooked before they are sealed.
B. Its ingredients should be put in the correct order.
C. Its fillings can't be very different.
D. Its ingredients should be mixed.
31. What is the author's purpose in writing the text
A. To compare different pasties.
B. To show how to make pasties.
C. To encourage people to taste pasties.
D. To introduce the basic information of pasties.
The term Scotch-Irish is an American term used to describe those Scots-Irish who live in America. In Britain the term Scots-Irish used for these people is Ulster-Scots. Then, where did the Scots-Irish come from on earth To find the answer, you should get to know a little bit about the history of Scotland.
After the Celtic invasion (入侵) of Britain about 500 BCE, what is now Scotland was controlled by the Celtic people known as the Picts. This name came from the Latin word pictus meaning painted. They painted their bodies with dyes (染料).
In the fifth century, the Scots from northern Ireland invaded what is now western Scotland and established a kingdom in the highlands. They spoke Gaelic, a Celtic language. At this same time the Anglo-Saxon invasion of Britain was taking place. Scotland is made up of the highlands and the lowlands, and the Gaelic name for the lowlands is a' Ghalldachd, meaning “the place of the foreigners”. And whom might those foreigners be The Anglo-Saxon invasion of Britain included the Angles, the Saxons and the Jutes. The Jutes came from what is now northwestern Denmark. They settled (定居) in the southernmost part of Britain. The Saxons came from the northwest coast of Germany and they settled in the southern third of Britain. The Angles came from southwestern Denmark and they conquered what is now northern England and the lowlands of Scotland. They were the foreigners referred to in the Gaelic name for the lowlands.
In the 17th century, the British leaders decided to settle some of its people in the Northern Ireland province of Ulster. They chose the people from Lowland Scotland. This migration (移民) started about 1605.
When the British colonization (殖民) of North America began many of them chose to join this migration. By the time of the American Revolution it was said that one-sixth of the population was the Scots-Irish.
32. Which of the following had the custom of body painting
A. The Scots.
B. The Picts.
C. The Scots-Irish.
D. The Anglo-Saxons.
33. What happened to what is now Scotland in the fifth century
A. A kingdom set up by the Scots fell.
B. The Scots lost the lowlands in a war.
C. Gaelic was widely spoken in the highlands.
D. The highlands were controlled by the Jutes.
34. The underlined word “them” in the last paragraph refers to the people who came from _____.
A. northern England B. western Scotland
C. Ulster of Northern Ireland D. southernmost part of Britain
35. What does the text mainly want to tell us
A. Why the Scots-Irish chose America to settle.
B. The Anglo-Saxon invasion of Britain.
C. The history of the country Scotland.
D. Who the Scots-Irish were exactly.
In America, it's long been a tradition that tips are given to a person who provides good service. Of course, the tip is in addition to the bill. 36 The general rule is to tip according to the service.
You may be surprised to know that waiters at the restaurants usually get low pay. 37 Therefore, please make sure to tip properly when you visit a restaurant. For a full-service, sit-down meal, 15 to 20 percent of the pretax (税前的) bill is customary. 38
You should tip a taxi driver around 10% of your taxi fare, because the taxi driver usually helps you load and unload the bags. When you reach the airport, there are porters who can help with the bags. 39 When you reach the hotel, you should tip $1 or $2 per bag to the doorman who helps you with your bags.
Barbershops and beauty salons
When you go for a haircut, beauty treatment, shampoo, shave or other similar services, you should generally tip at least 10-20% of the bill to the service provider.
No tipping
There is no tipping required at the gas station. 40
Unless someone helps you load bags in your car, there is no tipping required at the grocery store.
A. Most gas stations are self-service.
B. You should tip them $1 or $2 per bag.
C. Tipping practices can change depending upon the situation.
D. That is because they are expected to get tips from customers.
E. Many visitors to the U.S. feel it isn't fair or reasonable to tip.
F. Tipping is the means by which others are thanked for their good service.
G. Of course, if no service is provided by the waiters, there is no need to tip.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
In 2019, I went on a winter break trip with my family. One of our 41 was London. The first thing that I 42 when I landed in London was the weather. It was too 43 for my liking as it required me to wear a thick jacket.
After some 44 using a map of London, we decided to go to Buckingham Palace first. Buckingham Palace was one of the 45 of a “hop-on, hop-off (随上随下)” bus that we took. The palace itself didn't look very big or impressive from the entrance 46 it got much more impressive when you entered the gates.
While continuing on the “hop-on, hop-off” bus, we 47 the London Bridge, which I didn't notice until the driver pointed it out to me. While it felt kind of special to be driving on such an iconic (符号的) bridge, the 48 was not as cool as one would imagine it to be. Besides its history, this bridge was just another bridge that 49 two masses of land, something that pretty much all 50 do.
When we 51 Big Ben, we decided to hop off the bus and take some 52 . Big Ben was a pretty 53 experience for me. In many pictures of London, Big Ben is a very visible (看得见的) building in the skyline, and it was very nice for me to see the clock tower 54 . I am a big fan of skyscrapers (摩天大楼) and skyscraper-like buildings so this clock tower certainly caught my 55 .
41. A. stops B. topics C. places D. changes
42. A. forgot B. told C. noticed D. liked
43. A. foggy B. cold C. dry D. clear
44. A. testing B. planning C. touring D. calling
45. A. ways B. dreams C. starts D. destinations
46. A. so B. if C. but D. until
47. A. greeted B. passed C. checked D. found
48. A. history B. example C. position D. experience
49. A. mixes B. spreads C. ends D. connects
50. A. bridges B. buses C. drivers D. towers
51. A. reached B. built C. visited D. left
52. A. notes B. steps C. pictures D. lessons
53. A. similar B. cool C. bad D. common
54. A. in return B. in public C. in advance D. in person
55. A. ear B. mind C. eye D. hand
Music and dance have been a huge part of Irish culture for generations and 56. ________ two go together well. When you go to see a(n) 57. ________ (tradition) Irish dancing show, you will get 58. ________ (experience) some live musical performances (表演) too.
The most famous Irish dancing performance is undoubtedly Riverdance. This
59. ________ (be) originally ( 最初) the half-time show at the Irish-hosted 1994 Eurovision Song Contest but has developed much over the years and the dancers have gone all over the world, 60. ________ (wide) sharing this part of Irish culture. If you are in Dublin, it might be possible to see some big performances of Riverdance. Such shows are often performed in the famous Gaiety Theatre.
If you are looking for something a little more casual ( 随意的) though, there are plenty of places to go in Dublin. This part of Irish culture, like many others, started off in public 61. ________ (house) around the country, and even today there are plenty of pubs 62. ________ will play host to dancers and musicians every night of the week. Some of these performances are more intimate (温馨的) and the dancers will take over a small section of the pub to put on 63. ________ (they) show. Some pubs in the city will put on a bigger performance, for they have built stages (舞台), especially 64. ________ (design) so many people can enjoy Irish music and dance while they have dinner. This can be a great way to see 65. ________ much of Irish culture as possible while you are here.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
1. 历史古迹的名称和地点;
2. 你游览该古迹的所见所感。
Whether you're communicating in person, over text, or on the phone, being a good listener is an important part of any healthy relationship. “Being a bad listener, or repeatedly misunderstanding what the other person is saying, or appearing uninterested when you don't mean to be, can break that person's trust in your relationship,” says marriage counselor Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby. If you've wondered whether you could be a better listener, the answer is almost certainly “yes”. Making sure the people in your life feel truly heard is something that you can improve upon.
You appear more interested when you invite the speaker to give explanations, by asking them things that need more than a “yes” or “no” answer. “An open-ended question is an invitation for the other person to say more, and continue going deeper into their train of thought, versus a close-ended question that invites a factual answer,” Bobby explains. This is something you can do to show that you're really listening.
What you're transmitting (传递) through your nonverbal (非言语的) communication is as important as what you say. It's about looking in someone's eyes, smiling and nodding. Showing with your face that you're following what someone is saying is really important. This is equally key in virtual conversations on a video chat. Remember that looking into your laptop camera is like making eye contact, while breaking it to look downward makes it appear that you're doing something else.
Listening doesn't always require offering solutions — quite the opposite, in fact. “People can be considered as poor listeners when they don't understand what the conversation is actually about on a high level,” Bobby says. Sometimes, people simply want to talk about an unhappy situation. Maybe they're really just wanting to vent (发泄), or talk about their day. So don't try to give suggestions; just listen instead.
21-25 ACABA 26-30 BCADA
31-35 DBCCD 36-40 CDGBA
41-45 ACBBD 46-50 CBDDA
51-55 ACBDC
56. the 57. traditional
58. to experience 59. was
60. widely 61. houses
62. that / which 63. their
64. designed 65. as
One possible version:
Last summer vacation, I took a tour of the Old Town of Lijiang in Yunnan, home to the ancient Dongba culture.
I walked around the town, enjoying the local culture and attractions such as the big water wheels, the classic Naxi dance on Square Street, and the amazing Dongba writing system. “Tian Yu Liu Fang”, which means “Let's read” in the Naxi language, inspires me most as it conveys Naxi people's love and respect for knowledge.
I was fascinated by the Old Town of Lijiang, where nature and human wisdom coexist in harmony with each other.
One possible version:
Being a good listener is important to any healthy relationship, and you can learn to be a good listener. ( 要点1) You can try asking open-ended questions to show you care what the speaker's saying. ( 要点2) Showing through your body language that you're interested is also important, such as looking into the speaker's eyes, smiling and nodding. ( 要点3) Instead of trying to offer the speaker advice, sometimes you should just lend an ear. (要点4)
21. A。细节理解题。由Hands-on basketball部分中的Chris Haas had the idea when he saw his friends miss lots of baskets可知,Chris Haas发明了特殊的篮球,故其发明与运动相关。
22. C。细节理解题。由Makin’Bacon部分中的That way you wouldn't need paper towels and it would even make the bacon healthier可知,烹饪培根时使用这种盘子能够让培根吃起来更健康。
23. A。推理判断题。由Hands-on basketball部分中的The boy was only nine years old when he designed a “hands-on basketball”,Wristies部分中的At age 10, Kathryn Gregory was playing outside one day in the cold,Makin’Bacon部分中的Abbey Fleck was 8 years old when she noticed和Braille部分中的When he was fifteen, Louis invented an alphabet that used raised dots可知,这四项发明的发明者当时都是孩子。
本文是记叙文。Rob Stewart喜欢海洋动物,尤其是鲨鱼。他通过拍摄相关影片来呼吁人们保护鲨鱼和维护海洋生态平衡。
24. B。细节理解题。由第一段中的He loved everything in the sea, but sharks the most和第二段中的Stewart spent his life studying and photographing sharks and other sea creatures, and creating films可知,Rob Stewart对海洋里的一切感兴趣,尤其是鲨鱼。
25. A。细节理解题。由第四段中的When Stewart found out about the finning ... he was able to raise awareness of the problem by filming sharks in their natural environment可知,Rob Stewart通过拍摄在自然环境下生存的鲨鱼使人们了解鲨鱼的窘境。
26. B。推理判断题。由第五段可知,Rob Stewart为保护鲨鱼所做的努力颇有成效,人们认为他保护了世界上三分之一的鲨鱼。
27. C。推理判断题。题干中引号部分内容出现在文章最后一段,Stewart的父亲希望年轻一代能够看到Stewart所看到的事情并尽力保护鲨鱼,因此可推断,本题是对Stewart所了解的鲨鱼情况进行提问。再由第三段中的about 25% of shark species were endangered可知,四分之一的鲨鱼种类濒临灭绝。
28. A。细节理解题。由第一段中的The pasty has been a recorded part of the British diet since the 13th century, at this time being enjoyed by the rich upper classes可知,13世纪时,馅饼广受富有的上层阶级欢迎。
29. D。细节理解题。由第二段中的The presence of carrot in a pasty, although common now, was the mark of a poor pasty at first可知,在17、18世纪时,如果将胡萝卜作馅放在馅饼中,那么这个馅饼将被视为劣等的馅饼。
30. A。细节理解题。由第三段中的there is agreement that the meat should be cut into pieces, the vegetables sliced and none should be cooked before they are sealed within the pastry可知,虽然人们对康沃尔馅饼的做法众说纷纭,但是他们都认为在密封馅饼之前,馅料不应该被烹饪。
31. D。写作目的题。作者通过本文旨在向读者介绍康沃尔馅饼,主要包括其由来、历史、制作工艺等。
32. B。细节理解题。由第二段中的the Celtic people known as the Picts ... painted their bodies with dyes可知,皮克特人喜欢在自己身上涂色。
33. C。推理判断题。由第三段中的the Scots from northern Ireland invaded what is now western Scotland and established a kingdom in the highlands. They spoke Gaelic, a Celtic language可知,说盖尔语的苏格兰族人在公元五世纪入侵如今的苏格兰地区,并在高地地带建立王国。由此推测,这一时期苏格兰高地地区广泛使用盖尔语。
34. C。篇章结构题。由第四段中的the British leaders decided to settle some of its people in the Northern Ireland province of Ulster. They chose the people from Lowland Scotland可知,此处的them指的是那些从苏格兰低地地区迁徙到北爱尔兰阿尔斯特省的那些人。
35. D。主旨大意题。文章首段中的where did the ScotsIrish come from on earth 即本文主旨句,下文介绍苏格兰的相关历史以及英国向北美殖民都是为了回答这一问题。故本文主要是告诉我们苏格兰-爱尔兰裔美国人的历史渊源。
36. C。C项内容与下文中的The general rule is to tip according to the service涉及同一话题,即付小费的惯例,且两句话都是对付小费惯例的总体介绍,不涉及具体情境,因此C项填入开头段符合语境。
37. D。D项内容与上文中的waiters at the restaurants usually get low pay构成因果关系,餐馆服务员工资一般较低,这是因为他们通常会从顾客那里拿到小费。
38. G。根据G项中的waiters可知,该项内容与Restaurants标题所引领段落的话题一致,而该项内容与上文中的For a full - service, sit - down meal, 15 to 20 percent of the pretax bill is customary并列,介绍了外出用餐时享受服务不同时,付小费的规则也有所不同。
39. B。根据B项中的bag可推断,B项内容与Travel标题引领段落相关,介绍与行李服务相关的付小费惯例。B项中的them指代上文中的porters。
40. A。A项内容与上文中的There is no tipping required at the gas station构成因果关系,且A项中的gas stations复现上文中的gas station。
41. A。由上文中的I went on a winter break trip with my family和本句One of our ... was London可知,“我”和家人是去旅游,伦敦是我们这次旅行的目的地之一,因此设空处填的词应该与“目的地”具有相同或相近的含义,故stops(停靠,停留)符合语境。
42. C。结合本句中的The first thing和下文中的It was too ... it required me to wear a thick jacket可知,伦敦的天气令“我”印象深刻,也就是说抵达伦敦后“我”最先“注意到(noticed)”的事是那里的天气。
43. B。由下文中的it required me to wear a thick jacket可知,伦敦的天气对“我”来说太“冷(cold)”了。本句中的for one's liking表示“合……的口味,合……的意”。
44. B。由常识以及下文中的using a map of London可知,到了一个陌生的地方旅行,人们首先会利用当地的地图规划旅游路线。故选planning(计划制订)。
45. D。由上文中的we decided to go to Buckingham Palace first可知,我们打算先去参观白金汉宫,而我们乘坐的随上随下观光巴士有一站就在白金汉宫停。设空处所填的词应该与“站点”具有相同或相近的含义,故destinations(目的地)符合语境。
46. C。根据本空前后部分中的didn't ... impressive与got ... impressive可知,本空前后部分之间为转折关系,故选but。
47. B。由下文中的driving on such an iconic bridge可知,我们正在“通过(passed)”伦敦桥。
48. D。由本段中的I didn't notice和not as cool as one would imagine it to be可知,本段描述的是“我”看到伦敦桥的这段经历,很显然,这段经历并不怎么好。故选experience。
49. D。由本句中的two masses of land可知,此处是说桥原本的作用——连接两片陆地。四个选项中,只有connects(连接)符合语境。
50. A。本空所在部分是对this bridge was just another bridge的补充说明:在“我”看来,伦敦桥跟其它的桥没什么不同。此处选bridges,与本段中出现的bridge是原词复现关系。
51. A。由下文中的we decided to hop off the bus可知,我们决定下车是因为“抵达了(reached)”大本钟。
52. C。根据常识以及下文描述“我”对摩天大楼的喜爱可知,游客下车参观大本钟,自然会拍一些照片。故选pictures。
53. B。由下文中的it was very nice for me to see the clock tower可知,“我”很喜欢大本钟,因此这段经历对“我”来说很不错。四个选项中,只有cool能表达作者的这种喜悦之情,且cool与nice是近义词复现关系。
54. D。由上文中的we decided to hop off the bus and take some ...和In many pictures of London, Big Ben is ...可知,不同于在照片上看到大本钟,“我”这次是亲眼见到它。in person 亲自,亲身,本人。
55. C。由本句中的I am a big fan of skyscrapers and skyscraper-like buildings可知,“我”喜欢摩天大楼之类的建筑,因此宏伟的大本钟自然是吸引了“我”的注意力。catch sb.'s eye 引起某人的注意,惹人注目。
56. the。考查定冠词。由语境可知,设空处后的two指代上文中的Music and dance,此处是特指“音乐和舞蹈”这两种艺术,故填定冠词the。
57. traditional。考查形容词作定语的用法。设空处作定语修饰Irish dancing show,用形容词,表示“传统的”,故填traditional。
58. to experience。考查动词不定式作宾语的用法。get to do sth. 有机会做某事。
59. was。考查一般过去时。设空处所在句子的主语This指代上文的Riverdance,且由句中的originally和at the Irish-hosted 1994 Eurovision Song Contest可知,此处描述的是发生在过去的事情,用一般过去时,故填was。
60. widely。考查副词。设空处作状语,修饰动词-ing形式sharing,用副词,表示“广泛地”,故填widely。
61. houses。考查可数名词的复数。本句中的public house是英式酒吧的叫法,因house是可数名词,且在此处表示泛指,故填houses。
62. that / which。考查关系代词。设空处引导定语从句,修饰名词pubs,且在从句中作主语,故填that或者which。
63. their。考查代词。根据语境可知,此处表示“他们(舞蹈演员)的”表演,故填形容词性物主代词their。
64. designed。考查动词-ed形式作定语的用法。设空处作后置定语修饰stages,且design与stages之间是动宾关系,故填designed。
65. as。考查固定搭配。as much ... as possible尽可能多的……。