课题:深圳牛津版教材3B第二模块第六单元Food and drinks(第四课时)
课时话题:The food we eat
教学内容:Unit6 Food and drinks (Period 4)
能通过A visit to the farm的语境带动和绘本阅读了解生活中常见食物的来源。
能尝试用Where does...come from It comes from...询问、表达食物来源。
步骤 目的 师生活动
组织 教学 及复 习 ①师生问好,拉近师生距离,让学生投入新课学习中。 ②学生明确学习目标,有目的地学习。 ③回顾上节课故事情节,并引出本节课Flora 和Dad参观农场的情境。 Step 1: Greetings & Revision 课前问好与复习 ① 课前提示学生做好学习准备,教师问好。 T:Good morning, boys and girls. Nice to see you. Are you ready for the class Today, we are going to learn Unit 6 Food and drinks (Period 4) The food we eat. ②Learning aims:出示学习目标 ③展示上节课情节 T:Children, Flora wants to be a volunteer. But how Now she is talking with her dad. 听PPT录音文本 T: Where are they going S: The farm. T:Yes, they are going to the farm. Let’s have a look. 从而引出本课故事情节。
新知 的呈 现与 归纳 ①-④创设Flora和Dad在农场看到不同食物的情境,把枯燥的绘本内容放在生活化的情境中。 ⑤通过观看绘本视频,让学生整体感知。 ⑥ 通过引导学生读取绘本封面的信息,掌握基本的信息提取能力。 Step 2: Presentation创设情境学习新课 ①出示图片[1],创设农场中小男孩在挤牛奶的情境。 T:Flora and Dad are on the farm now. Let’s listen. 师播放Flora和Dad的对话,引导学生跟着老师复述文本。 Flora: Look, Dad! There is a lot of milk. Dad: Where does milk come from Flora: Oh, I see. Cows. Dad: Yes, milk comes from cows. And cheese comes from milk. T: They meet a cow. Flora knows that milk comes from cows. ②出示图片[2],创设农场中农民伯伯正在Chicken farm捡鸡蛋的情境。 T: This time they meet a farmer, some chickens and eggs. Dad: Flora, where do eggs come from Flora: Eggs come from chickens. Farmer(man): Yes, and we can make omelets with eggs. 师引导学生跟读文本 T:Yes, eggs come from chickens. With eggs, we can cook a lot of delicious food. ③出示图片[3],创设农场中Flora和Dad看见一棵橙子树的情境。 T:What do they meet this time Dad: Flora, what’s this T:What’s it, boys and girls Yes, it’s an orange tree. Flora: It’s an orange tree. I like oranges. Does orange juice come from oranges Dad: Sure. Orange juice comes from oranges. T:Orange juice comes from oranges. It is sweet and sour. I like it. ④出示图片[4],创设农场中农民们在收割小麦的情境。 师播放Flora和Dad的对话,引导学生跟着老师复述文本。 Dad: Flora, this is wheat. Bagels come from wheat. Flora: Wow, wheat is very useful. Farmer: Yes, noodles and biscuits come from wheat too. T: Without wheat, there will be no bread or cookies. The weather is hot. The farmers are working so hard to get the wheat. ⑤播放 The Food We Eat 绘本视频[5],让学生整体感知。 T: Let’s watch a video and learn more about food. ⑥读绘本的封面[6],引导学生读取基本信息,如title、writer、website。
新知 巩固 与活 用 ③出示挖空文本,让学生填空,引导学生抓住关键词:animal/animals,总结出食物来源于动物。 ④-⑥出示挖空文本,让学生完成填空,引导学生抓住关键词:plant/plants,总结出食物来源于植物。 Step 3: 学法指导突破本课难点 ① 按顺序动画展示cheese、milk和cow的图片[7],引导学生补全文本,帮助学生理清三者之间的关系。 ② 按顺序动画展示omelets、eggs和chicken的图片[8],引导学生补全文本,帮助学生理清三者之间的关系。 ③ 按顺序动画展示hamburger meat、beef和cattle的图片[9],引导学生补全文本,帮助学生理清三者之间的关系。 Sum-up: 通过以上三组信息,引导学生抓住animal/animals关键词,总结规律。 T: Where does food come from S: It comes from animals. ④ 按顺序动画展示orange juice、oranges和orange tree的图片[10],引导学生补全文本,帮助学生理清三者之间的关系。 ⑤ 按顺序动画展示bagels和wheat的图片[11],引导学生补全文本,帮助学生理清两者之间的关系。 ⑥ 按顺序动画展示popcorn和corn的图片[12],引导学生补全文本,帮助学生理清两者之间的关系。 Sum-up: 通过以上三组信息,引导学生抓住plant/plants关键词,总结规律。 T: Where does food come from S: It comes from plants.
小 结 总结本课所学,运用思维导图的学法指导方式,帮助学生归纳描述食物的来源:The food we eat comes from animals and plants, 并引导学生尊重他人的劳动成果、珍惜食物。另外,结合疫情点一点,食物的来源是farm animals,而不是wild animals。最后,通过播放片尾视频预告下一课时,激发学生的学习兴趣。 Step 4: Summary ①运用思维导图归纳总结。 T: Now, boys and girls, do you know where the food comes from S: The food comes from animals and plants. T: Great! 动画逐步出示思维导图帮助学生直观理解: ② 语用输出,情感升华。 T: Does Flora understand now Let’s see. Dad: Flora, where does the food we eat come from Flora: I got it!The food we eat comes from animals and plants. Dad: Yes, but we can only eat farm animals, not wild animals. The farmers here work very hard, so we should... Flora: Save food! Thank you, Dad. T: Flora got it. Boys and girls, food is very important to us. And food comes from farm animals, not wild animals. Farmers work very hard. So what should we do S: Save food. T: Wonderful! And we shouldn’t eat wild animals. ③ 口语操练,出示食物图片[13],自由选择食物说来源。 出示Dad提问Flora食物来源的语境,转而提问学生,自由选择食物进行操练。 ④ 播放片尾视频,Will Flora be a volunteer 为下一节课设置悬念,激发学生的学习兴趣。
作业 布置 及提 交 巩固新知识,设置开放性作业。借助小程序,鼓励孩子们线上分享自己的作业。 Step 5: Homework Make a picture book about the food we eat.
Oxford English
3BModule 2 My favourite things
Unit 6 Food and drinks
P4 The food we eat
Learning Aims
1. 知道生活中常见食物的来源。
2. 懂得食物来之不易,学会节约食物。
Flora, to be a volunteer, you should know where the food comes from. Let’s go to the farm to have a look.
That's a good idea! Let's go!
Look, Dad! There is a lot of milk.
Where does milk come from
Oh, I see. Cows.
Yes, milk comes from cows.
Flora, where do eggs come from
Eggs come from chickens.
Yes, and we can make omelets with eggs.
Flora, what's this
It’s an orange tree.
I like oranges. Does orange juice come from oranges
Sure. Orange juice comes from oranges.
Wow, wheat is very useful.
Yes, noodles and biscuits come from wheat too.
Flora, this is wheat.
Bagels come from wheat.
Where does cheese come from
Cheese comes from ____.
Milk comes from ____.
Cows are ______.
Fill in the blanks.
Where do omelets come from
Omelets come from ____.
Chickens are _____.
Eggs come from ______.
hamburger meat
Where does hamburger meat come from
Hamburger meat comes from ____.
Beef comes from cattle.
Cattle is a kind of _____.
Orange juice comes from _____.
Where does orange juice come from
Oranges come from _________.
Orange trees are ____.
orange trees
Where do bagels come from
Bagels come from wheat.
Wheat is a kind of ____.
Where does popcorn come from
Popcorn comes from corn.
Corn is a kind of____.
The food
we eat
Sum up
Flora, where does the food we eat come from
I got it!The food we eat comes from animals and plants.
Yes, but we can only eat farm animals, not wild animals. The farmers here work very hard, so we should...
Save food! Thank you, Dad.
Where do they come from
Let's talk.
To be continued...
Make a picture book about the food we eat.