教学 内容 冀教版 三年级下册 Tigers And Bears
教学 目的 1.知识与技能目标 (1)学生能听懂、会说和认读和书写tiger, bear, long, short。 (2)学生能听懂、会说、认读Look at the elephant. Its ears are big. Its nose is long. Its tail is short.。 2.情感态度目标 (1)学生能体会到英语学习的乐趣,本课学生在小组合作活动中与其他同学积极配合与合作,在真实情景下完成文本的创编。 (2)关注每一名学生的情感,努力营造宽松、民主、和谐的教学氛围。学生只有对自己、对英语及其文化、对英语学习有积极的情感,才能保持英语学习的动力并取得成绩。 (3)通过学习动物的有关话题,培养学生爱护动物、热爱大自然的美好情怀。 3.过程与方法目标 学生能够积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务,培养了学生的交际策略(在小组活动中能用英语与他人交流,并能有效地寻求老师或同学的帮助)。在本课中,根据情景拓展练习,学生在小组内积极参与,共同合作,并主动向老师或同学请教,编出满意的对话。
教学 重点 学生能听懂、会说、认读Look at the elephant. Its ears are big. Its nose is long. Its tail is short.。
教学 难点 学生能运用简单句型进行交流,初步锻炼学生运用英语描述动物的能力。
教学 准备 幻灯片,单词卡片,手工蛇等
教学设计 设计意图
I.Warm-up( 2 minutes ) Greetings Let’s Chant:一则身体部位的chant II. New Concepts 1.Brainstorming & New words T:look! Where is Cindy Ss:At Beijing Zoo. T:Yes. I see many animals there. Let’s see what they are. OKAY Ss: Okay. 师出示动物图片,比如猴、鸡、鸭、熊猫、猫等 T:Look! What animal is it Who can guess Is it a... S1: Is it a dog T: No, it isn’t. It’s a tiger. 板书并教授tiger 同种方式教授新词汇: bear snake wolf Long & Short T: What’s this Ss: It’s a snake. T: Yes, it’s a yellow snake. What’s this Ss: It’s a snake. T:What are the difference (引导学生说出两条蛇长短不一)Good!It’s long. It’s short.(出示单词卡long short, 领读教授) T:Can you show me what’s “long” 让自告奋勇的学生表达It’s long/ short。 3.教授句型 Its nose/ ears/ tail is/are long/short/fat/thin/big/ small. (1) Listen and guess T: Listen to the radio and guess what animal is it. Its nose is long. Its ears are big. Its tail is short. What animal is it 让学生大胆猜测,并给与鼓励。 T: Clever. It’s an elephant. Pay attention to the word “ its”. We can say “its nose, its ears, its tail, its legs......” Can you have try Its...... S2: Its eyes S3: Its mouth S4: Its head ... ... T: You are super! Let’s follow the radio. (生跟读) T:Look at the elephant. Can you introduce it You can say “ Its legs are _____.” Who want to try 给与学生奖励。 Let’s Talk T:Look at the tiger. Can you introduce it 1 minute. Let’s go! T: Ok. Time is up. Who can introduce the tiger One pupil say one sentence. Okay S5: Its tail is long. S6: Its ears are small. S5: Its eyes are big. ... ... III. Extending T:There are so many animals at the zoo. Let’s enjoy other animals together. (出示其它动物图片,跟学生一起欣赏。) T:What do you know Do you love animals? Do you want to be friends with them Ss: Yes! T: We are friends! We love animals!(师生一起说) T: Now boys and girls. Let’s do a task together. I want to make a book. The name of the book is Hello! Animals!! In the book, you can introduce your favourite animals. Understand Okay, let’s do! 每组挑选两种动物,对其进行介绍。 每组派两名成员到前面来进行介绍。教师给与奖励。 Ⅳ.Homework A. Introduce your favourite animals. B. Find more information about animals. 设计意图:课前问候及chant,既集中了生的注意力,又复习旧知,为新知的学习奠基。 设计意图:师以游览北京动物园为情景,带领学生进行头脑风暴,既复习之前学过的动物词汇,又不留痕迹的导入新词汇。新旧自然衔接,没有可以的痕迹。 设计意图:师自制两条手工蛇,让学生更直观地感受长短,英语思维自然形成。 设计意图:“猜一猜”这一环节为新知预热,降低难度。 设计意图:让学生练习句型Its nose/ ears/ tail is/are long/short/fat/thin/big/ small.同时一个学生介绍一句,给与更多同学机会。 设计意图: 1.培养学生爱护动物、热爱大自然的美好情怀。 2.自制一本书《朋友,你好!》这项活动,让小组集思广益,利用本课知识去介绍小动物,使得新知利用自然、不生硬,孩子们态度很积极。 设计意图:课后作业的布置让生更好地去操练新知,同时搜索更多跟动物有关的信息,扩大知识面。
板 书 设 计 Lesson 8 Tigers And Bears tiger bear snake wolf Its tail is . .
课 后 反 思 本课师采用竞争机制、播放动画视频及手工动物的出示,极大调动了生的积极性,课堂气氛较活跃,学生参与的积极性很高。 本课的不足之处未能照顾到全体学生,部分学生未能充分展现自己,师应创设更多开口讲英语的机会,给与学生一个展现自我的平台。