Unit 1 How tall are you? Part B Read and write 教案


名称 Unit 1 How tall are you? Part B Read and write 教案
格式 docx
文件大小 18.2KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-02-22 06:31:00



Unit 1 How tall are you Read and write(教学设计)
教材分析:本套教材以话题为核心,以功能和结构为主线,以任务为目标,设计和编排了大量形式多样、情境真实、语言自然、趣味性强的语言实践活动。Read and write部分的内容,着重培养学生的阅读能力,通过前面单词教学和句型教学的渗透,让学生在已掌握的知识的基础上,灵活运用所学的知识,从先前的大量输入逐渐达成语言知识的输出。并将写作训练也渗透在教学中,逐步达到阅读和写作技能的双提升。
Teaching aims
Knowledge aims:
Teach the students the new word “shadow” and the new sentences “It’s getting……” “It’s becoming……”.
Ability aims:
The students can use the sentences about the comparative of the adjectives in real situation.
Emotion goals:
Guide the students to love their parents. Guide the students to grateful to their parents.
Teaching key points and teaching difficult points:
Teaching key points:
Master the usage about the comparative of the adjectives.
Teaching difficult points:
The students can retell the story by using the new words and the sentences about the comparative of the adjectives.
Teaching methods:
The Situational Teaching Method
The Communicative Approach
The Cooperative Learning Method
The Natural Method
Teaching steps
Step 1. Warm-up
The teacher and the students greet with each other.
Step 2. Preview
Show the students some photos of our school and our city.
Teach the new sentences “ It’s getting……” “It’s becoming……”
(设计意图:这一环节我用学生们熟悉的今日的校园和池州城与昔日的校园和池州城作对比,让他们在我为其创设的真实的情境中感知这些变化,让学生们对句型 “ it’s getting……” “It’s becoming……”有个直观的认识,知识的传授显得生动、形象而易理解。)
Show the students a shadow of a tree in our school. Teach the new word “shadow”. The students try to find some shadows in our classroom.
(设计意图:这一环节旨在引导学生认识、理解 “ shadow” 一词,我运用了直观教学法,通过图片和找一找教室里的影子,帮助学生理解、掌握这个生词,也让学生们在上课的第一时间把握了学习的主动性。)
Step 3. Presentation
The students read the story quickly and choose a title for the story.
Read Paragraph 1 carefully and write T (true) or F (false).
1. The sun is getting higher and higher.
2. The duck’s shadow is getting shorter and shorter.
Read Paragraph 2 carefully and underline the little duck’s questions.
Read Paragraph 2 carefully and choose.
Read Paragraph 3 carefully and underline the old tree’s answering.
Read paragraph 3 carefully and finish the dialogue.
Demonstration and practice
The scientist explains the change regulation of the shadow.
The teacher makes an experiment about the shadow.
Step 4. Practice
Task: Think and write
Step 1: Discuss.
Step 2: Write down the changes in yourself.
Step 3: Share.
I’m getting
Because I like
I’m becoming
The teacher acts as a reporter. She will interview the students about their changes and their future.
The students enioy a poem “ Where did the time go ”
Step 5. Homework
1. Retell the story to your friends and your parents.
2. Write down the changes about your friends.
3. Give your parents a hug, and say “I love you” to them.
Blackboard design
The little duck’s shadow
Answer watch
It’s getting……
It’s becoming……
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