人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit3 The Internet-Reading and Thinking同步检测练(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit3 The Internet-Reading and Thinking同步检测练(含答案)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-02-22 18:54:39



Unit 3 The Internet——Reading and Thinking
1. Much useful information about these planets ______(collect) since 1971.
2. The new dictionaries are very useful. They sell well and _________(sell) out already.
3. Recently, some students ________(find) to order take-out through cell phone Apps.
4. In my hometown, there is always a harvest supper for the farmers after all the wheat ________ (cut).
5. I ’m writing to inform you that a Tai Chi Club __________(found) in our school recently.
  Whenever I catch sight of the  1  on my finger, which is full of emotional value and a gift from my mom for graduation, a  2 feeling will surround me. And the story with it comes to me.
I was on vacation in Hawaii with my family. We were at the  3  and at some point I  4 my ring and placed it in the cup holder of a foldable chair. Beach day continued and we really  5 ourselves. Happy and tired, we  6 up and went home. Once I got home, I found my ring wasn ’t on my finger. I  7  what I ’d done. Panic seized me  8 .
We  9 back to the beach and  10 the general area where we had been before because it is really so long a beach. I hunted eagerly and  11 . But 10 minutes later, I broke down and couldn ’t help  12 loudly.
Knowing what had happened, some  13 got on their hands and knees to search for my ring. Eventually, I found the ring. I stood up and  14 to the kind strangers “I found it”. They all crowded around me happily. My tears of loss turned into tears of joy and thankfulness.
Now I smile to every stranger I come across, because I want to  15 the kindness on.
1. A. sign   B. ring   C. skin  D. cut
2. A. confused B. upset
C. warm D. frustrated
3. A. island B. beach
C. table D. hotel
4. A. took up B. took out
C. took off D. took in
5. A. taught B. enjoyed
C. helped D. found
6. A. packed B. picked
C. caught D. came
7. A. realized B. convinced
C. concluded D. wondered
8. A. clearly B. frequently
C. widely D. entirely
9. A. traveled B. walked
C. raced D. jogged
10. A. searched B. left
C. wandered D. recognized
11. A. aimlessly B. slowly
C. hopelessly D. carefully
12. A. crying B. singing
C. laughing D. calling
13. A. coworkers B. neighbors
C. friends D. strangers
14. A. said B. waved
C. shouted D. talked
15. A. keep B. get C. put D. pass
 Exercise helps to keep us in good health. Doctors at the American Heart Association suggest getting at least 150 minutes of proper physical activity every week. Many people exercise for a few minutes every day or every other day. So, getting 150 minutes every week is easy.
But what about those times when you are sick If you do not feel well, should you keep following your exercise habit Following are the answers from health experts.
Edward R. Laskowski is a doctor at the Mayo Clinic. He and other experts have a general rule about exercising when you are sick. It is usually fine to exercise properly (not hard), he explains, if your symptoms are all “above the neck”. These signs may include a runny nose, sneezing or a sore throat.
Geralyn Coopersmith, a physical fitness trainer who has written several books on exercise offers similar advice. However, both Coopersmith and Dr. Laskowski suggest taking a break from exercising if signs of your illness appear “below the neck”. Pay special attention to symptoms such as chest congestion, bad cough or pain in the stomach.
There are other symptoms that can tell you to avoid exercise. They include a higher than normal body temperature, a sense of feeling very tired, and widespread muscle pain.
Both Coopersmith and Dr. Laskowski suggest listening to your body. If you feel really bad, take a break and let your body rest. If you don ’t feel too bad, these experts both suggest cutting down the amount of exercise. For example, if you usually run, take a quick walk instead.
1. How long should people do exercise according to doctors
A. No less than two and a half hours a week.
B. One hundred and fifty minutes each day.
C. At least a few minutes every day.
D. About 150 minutes every other day.
2. People with symptoms “below the neck” are advised to________.
A. stop exercising
B. walk instead of run
C. ignore the symptoms
D. do less exercise
3. What does the underlined part “listening to your body” in the last paragraph mean
A. Taking good care of yourself.
B. Learning to take advice of your body.
C. Making decisions according to your physical condition.
D. Listening to music when exercising to keep healthy.
4. What is the text mainly about
A. Warnings against exercise when you are ill.
B. Harmful results of exercise when you are ill.
C. Time for exercise when you are ill.
D. Professional suggestions on exercise when you are ill.
1.has been collected
2.have been sold
3.have been found
4.has been cut
5.has been founded
1.B。根据第二段“Once I got home, I found my ring wasn ’t on my finger. ”可知, 戴在手指上的是戒指。故选B。
2.C。confused困惑的; upset心烦的; warm温暖的; frustrated沮丧的。根据“which is full of emotional value and a gift from my mom for graduation”可知, 这枚戒指充满了妈妈对作者的情感, 所以内心应该是温暖的。故选C。
3.B。根据文章第三段“We   back to the beach”可知, 作者一家是到海滩度假。故选B。
4.C。 took up占据, 开始从事; took out拿出; took off摘下, 脱掉; took in吸收。根据下文“placed it in the cup holder of a foldable chair”可知, 作者应该是摘下了戒指。故选C。
5.B。句意: 海滩度假继续着, 我们玩得真的很开心。enjoy oneself为固定搭配, 意为“玩得开心”, 符合此处语境。故选B。
6.A。句意: 我们又高兴又累, 我们收拾行李回家了。根据“went home”可知, 回家之前要打包行李。pack up为固定搭配, 意为“打包”。故选A。
7.A。根据前文“Once I got home, I found my ring wasn ’t on my finger. ”推测, 作者这时候意识到了自己将戒指忘在了海滩上。故选A。
8.D。句意: 我完全惊慌了。clearly清晰地; frequently频繁地; widely广泛地; entirely完全地。因为对作者来说最重要的戒指丢失了, 所以判断出作者很恐慌。故选D。
9.C。作者发现戒指丢了后应该是匆忙赶回海滩去寻找, 符合作者当时焦急的心情。race back表示“匆忙赶回去”, 符合题意。故选C。
10.A。根据“ because it is really so long a beach ”可知, 作者返回海滩, 全家人都在搜索他们之前待过的大概位置。故选A。
11.D。句意: 我急切而仔细地寻找着。aimlessly漫无目的地; slowly缓慢地; hopelessly没有希望地; carefully仔细地。根据“eagerly”推测, 作者应该会仔细搜索戒指。故选D。
12.A。句意: 但10分钟后, 我再也控制不住自己, 大声哭了起来。can ’t help doing sth. 情不自禁做某事, 为固定搭配。根据“broke down可推测, 作者没有找到, 因此哭了。故选 A。
13.D。句意: 知道发生了什么事后, 一些陌生人跪在地上来寻找我的戒指。由最后一段“Now I smile to every stranger I come across” 可知, 作者遇到了陌生人帮助她。故选D。
14.C。句意: 最终, 我找到了戒指。我站起来, 向善良的陌生人喊道“我找到它了”。根据“ I found it”可知, 作者找到戒指后, 应大声喊出心里的喜悦之情。故选C。
15.D。根据“Now I smile to every stranger I come across ”可知, 作者对遇见的陌生人微笑是要把爱心、善举传递下去。pass on传递。故选D。
1.A。细节理解题。根据第一段中第二句可知, 医生的建议, 人们应该每周至少锻炼150分钟, 即不少于两个半小时。故选A。
2.A。细节理解题。根据第四段第二句可知, 如果“脖子以下”出现了疾病症状, 应暂停锻炼。故选A。
3.C。词义猜测题。根据画线词后面的句子可知, Coopersmith 和 Laskowski博士建议人们锻炼要根据身体状况而决定。画线部分意思为“根据你的身体状况做决定”。故选C。
4.D。主旨大意题。文章说明了锻炼有助于保持身体健康, 但是在感觉不适的时候, 要根据具体情况而定。文章主要介绍专家就生病时的锻炼提出了一些建议。故选D。