Lesson 6 教学设计
本节课以培养学生语言能力、思维品质、文化品格和学习能力为教学目标,紧密结合天津市教委对课后服务的新要求和我校暖课程建设,为学生们循序渐进地创设生动、真实的语言环境,运用希沃白板制作英文课程表,实现交互学习的同时操练How many...lessons do you have in a week We have... .We have ...lessons on ... and ... ,提高学习效率。培养和发展学生掌握学校各素拓课程内容的能力,使学生能够在学校提供的8个素拓课程中去选择自己最喜欢的club。在课堂中进行二次分组,让学生用What club do you like best 寻找与自己喜欢同样俱乐部的学生,找到同伴,组成新的小组,培养了学生的思维品质和用英语做事情的综合语言运用能力。
1. 通过创设天津市委对课后服务的要求,介绍学校素拓课程的真实情境,让学生在实际应用中学习目标词汇:art club, music club和paint a picture,play the piano,在对话交流中习得知识。
2. 学生能够在真实的语境中,正确运用句型学习并进一步巩固讯问一周有几节课的语言How many music lessons do you have in a week We have two. We often.. in our...club.应用白板一起制作英语课程表。学生能够通过chant活动训练语音、语感。根据思维导图介绍我校俱乐部,巩固本堂课重点语句。
1.展示我校暖课程丰富多彩的clubs时,在writing club展示学生书写的软笔书法作品及春联,Reading club展示五年级经典诵读作品之一三字经,观看美丽的天津魏记风筝等,弘扬中华优秀传统文化,增强学生对国家和民族的认同,增强民族文化自信。
2. 多学习电脑技能,减少玩电脑游戏时间;多读书,培养爱读书的良好学习习惯;多跑步,但不能在雾霾天气户外运动等,在知识的学习中,结合学生生活实际,引导学生树立正确的价值观,养成良好的学习生活习惯。
2. 通过教师创设的情境,鼓励学生将本单元所学知识进行分类(rooms和things you can do)、观看视频及图片自主发现paint与draw的区别。建立挑选喜欢的俱乐部、寻找新的同伴和为外国人介绍我校俱乐部的语言情境支架,启发学生动脑思考,培养学生用英语去解决问题、做事情的能力。
1. 学生能够在自主学习和小组合作中,积极运用电子白板、平板的各种功能,完成教师布置的任务,参与课堂教学的各个环节。在一个个真实的语言情境中不断转换角色体验交流,感知模仿和创编表演,提高学生的口语交际能力。
2. 能够提前完成教师布置的课前作业,总结班级各课程的节数,为新课的学习打好扎实的基础。课中,应用平板完成语篇填空操练和挑选俱乐部。在小组合作中,灵活使用平板中的图片素材介绍自己的俱乐部。课后能够较好地完成分层作业。
能够听、说、认读词语 art club, music club和paint a picture, play the piano;学习并进一步巩固询问一周有几节课的语言 How many music lessons do you have in a week We have two. We often.. in our...club.本堂课通过创设制作英文课程表及介绍各个俱乐部能做的事情进行实际应用,突破重难点。
教学流程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
Step1 Warming-up and leading in.激趣导入温故知新 Greetings2. Rooms and things we can do.T: We know there are so many different kinds of rooms in our school. And we can do a lot of things in it. Right T: So can you divide them to two groups Rooms and Things we can do. When you drag, please read it loudly.For example, music club. T: Who wants to try GreetingsStudents drag the phrases to the right group and read.Read the phrases loudly and say the sentences with them.Ss:There is classroom,librarymeeting,room,science,lab,language lab and art club.“We often.... in our... club.” 快速地将学生带入英语情境中,让学生应用电子白板完成课堂活动,将本单元所学习的房间及动词短语分类,培养思维品质,激发学生的学习兴趣,创设本节课的课堂气氛。
Step2Presentation Make an English timetable.T: Lately, Tianjin Municipal education commission has new documents.T: Look, the title is red. It means it's very important. It’s about us. Do you want to read T: Our school will offer you both colorful clubs and after-school services.When is school over What's the after-school services So now let’s see what lessons we have every day. OK Did you finish it on your pad Let's make a new English timetable here. Students drag different lessons to the right places and make a new English timetable. One student asks questions and others answer.How many Chinese/maths/PE/ science/art/music lessons do you have in a week Ss: We have ... We have ... lessons on..., ... and ... . 学生通过询问本课目标语言,How many...lessons do you have in a week We have...并应用电子白板直接制作英语课程表,培养他们用英语做事情的能力。
教学流程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
创设情境感悟新知 2.Introduce colorful clubs in our primary school.T: Oh,look, we have five lessons left. What are they Let's listen to our principal. She is also an English teacher.T: Look, on Friday, you will have writing lessons. On Monday and Thursday, you can choose the club you like. I hope you all like it.T: These are warm lessons for you. There are many pictures of our clubs in your pad. Please talk about them with your partners.3.Learn music club and art club.music clubT: Look, what club is it T: This is our music club.What do you do in our music club T: Listen, what is she doing Who is she Your music teacher, Miss Yue.What is this pi-a-noWho can write here Who can play the piano Do you like music Let’s chant.Look at your ipad, what words are with “ar” 1.Talk about the colorful clubs in the pad in groups.This is our...We often...Look at the pictures, watch the video and think. Talk about what we often do in our music and art club.Students write words and play the piano on the whiteboard.Look at the pictures in pad and find words with “ar” and learn the pronunciation. 紧密结合天津市教委对课后服务的新要求和我校暖课程建设,为学生们循序渐进地创设生动、真实的语言环境,引导他们在图片及视频的多种感官体验中了解我校俱乐部。学习本课重点词语:art club, music club和paint a picture, play the piano。学生在白板上书写单词、自主发现paint与draw的区别,弹钢琴,在真实的情境中学习新知。
教学流程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
创设情境感悟新知 Art club.T: Look, what club is it T: This is our art club.What do you often do in our art club Look, how beautiful they are!What is she doing She is drawing a picture.T:Boys, draw a picture.Girls, draw a picture.T: Watch the video. Is she drawing a picture, too Who can write paint Can we say we often paint a picture T: we often paint pictures in our art club. Look at the pictures and talk.Watch the video and find the difference between paint and draw.Learn the new phrases: paint a picture.
Step3Practice Get to know other clubs.Writing ClubT: What beautiful writing! Who wrote it T: Hanson, I have two questions for you. How long do you write every day Why do you like writing Surprise me! Look, he can even write the spring festival couplets. Let’s learn from him, OK Computer ClubT:Look, what are they (学生们爱玩的电脑游戏:吃鸡、王者荣耀等)Do you like them But can you play them in our club No. It’s not your choice. What can you do Get to know other clubs.Students go to the front point to the club they like and talk about them.S: This is our writing/reading/kite/computer/football/running club.Ss: What do you often do .... S: We often... in our ...club.Each student answers the questions and introduces What they often do in the club.Finish the blanks.One student comes to the front and drag. Others finish it in the pad. 1.充分发挥学生的自主性,学生上前选择自己喜欢的俱乐部,生生互动,用目标语言介绍各个俱乐部。教师在不同的俱乐部进行德育渗透,弘扬传统文化,增强学生的民族自信。
教学流程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
趣味操练二次分组 T: So don’t play too much computer games, learn more skills, you’ll be better! Right Reading club:What books do you read Reading is a good habit. I like reading English story books. Kite club:T:Look at these kites Are they beautiful Who made them Mr Wei. Tianjin Kites is our traditional art.Wei ji Kite is very famous in China. Are you proud of him If we have chance, we can go to his shop and learn. Football clubRunning clubT:She is so good at running. Do you miss her Now she is skiing in Dong Bei. She works very hard in the training. Best wishes for her.Running is good for you. But if it’s hazy outside, can you run Remember not to run outside in hazy weather.2.Let’s finish the blanks.T: Now boys and girls, do you know our clubs Let’s finish the passage.Who can come to the front Others please finish it on your pad.Please check.T: Wonderful! Who is also right Bravo! Read after him.3.Let’s choose the club and find.T: My dear students, you can choose the club you like. Please choose your club and write them. Check the answers andread the passage together.Choose the club they like and find the classmates who like the same club.Students choose their favourite clubs in pads, then stand up and ask“What club do you like best ”to find new partners. 少玩电脑游戏;多读书,多跑步,但不能在雾霾天气户外运动等,在知识的学习中,结合学生生活实际,引导学生树立正确的价值观,养成良好的学习生活习惯。2.词句篇逐步提升难度,语篇的填空练习让学生学会如何介绍学校。3.课堂中进行了二次分组,让学生寻找与自己喜欢同样俱乐部的学生。学生通过
教学流程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
down on your pad.One volunteer, here.T:Look, he likes computer club.T:Let’s find the classmates who like the same club.What can you ask What club do you like best Only English, No Chinese! Each group stands in a line. Everybody, stand up! Find your new partner! 运用目标语句才能找到同伴,组成新的小组,培养了学生的思维品质和语言能力。
Step4Production对话交流拓展表演 Read the news on the Wechat and create new situation.T: How many clubs are there in our school Do you know Do want to know more clubs We can read our news on Wechat.T: Principals from America and English have visited us. T: Look, what beautiful clubs!That is me! I am a translator. Look at the clubs:Music club-Chinese tea-Handcraft Polymer clay(Pandas are so cute.)Writing club-Martial arts-DiabloTraffic police excercisesOh, they’re so sweet and great! T:Do you want to talk with foreigners Wait. You will have more chances.T: Listen. A new wechat message. Let’s see. Oh, It’s from our principal!Wow, it's our pleasure. Are you excited Let me reply to her . Read the news on the school Wechat and talk about the pictures.What clubs are they Read the new wechat message on Miss Zhang’s phone. Be ready to introduce our clubs to foreigners.Group work.Three students act as foreigners, one as a guide.Students in Art club draw pictures on the whiteboard.Other groups use their pads to show their works or videos in order to introduce their clubs. 创设真实情境,学生通过查看学校公众号了解我校丰富多彩的素拓课程。校长发送的微信通知,让五年级学生展示俱乐部迎接新加坡学生回访,激发学生运用英语与世界交流的激情。
教学流程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
对话交流拓展表演 Next Monday. What day is it today It’s very short. Since it’s our English class. Let’s practice now. OK T: I have some pictures of our visit to Singapore. Look,how happy they are! Who are they Our Richard and David.T: What are you doing Do you like their clubs So try your best to show our clubs. Let’s do a role play.T: Who can act as visitors We need a guide too. Look,you can use the language here. T: They will visit each group. Others please introduce your club for them. In your pads, there are some pictures or videos. You can show them too.T: Art club, come to the front. You can draw pictures here. 4.Role playStudents do the role play to show their clubs to foreigners. 学生们小组合作、白板作画,充分利用平板中的作品展览与视频展现我校五年级组的暖课程。在小组扮演中,学生们通过表演、模仿、操练,提高用英语做事情的综合语言运用能力。
Step5Consolidation提升思维 Mind-mapLet’s see what we have learned this lesson.2.Make a mind-map on the blackboard.So in our school, there is ...club.Do you love our school Each group introduces their club with sentences: This is our.. We often... in the club according to the mind-map.Say the clubs in our school loudly. 应用思维导图为学生总结梳理本堂课的重点知识。
Step6Homework分层作业 1. Talk about our school with your friends and families.2. Make your own mindmap of our school.You can choose one of them. 1. Talk about our school with your friends and families.2. Make your own mindmap of our school. 完成分层作业。