Unit 8 Birthdays 拓展阅读教案(表格式)


名称 Unit 8 Birthdays 拓展阅读教案(表格式)
格式 docx
文件大小 20.7KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 牛津译林版
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-02-27 21:49:46



5下 unit8 拓展阅读
Unit 8 Birthdays Monkey’s birthday present
※ 教学目标: 1. 学生通过语篇阅读,整体感知故事,初步理解相关单词“prepare, drum, hedgehog, stylish, bought, myself, prick, quill”及词汇“use up ,can't think of ”。 2. 学生通过语篇阅读,进一步形成预测文本、捕捉信息、猜测生词、语言归纳等能力。 3. 学生通过想象、角色扮演、品读等活动,在理解故事的基础上,学会从他人的角度考虑问题。 4. 能为自己的好朋友制定一个生日计划。 教学重难点:学会阅读,给学生提供适合学生的阅读策略。第二,如何在阅读中克服故事中的生词。 ※ 学生学情: 我班共有30位学生,大多数学生对英语学习比较感兴趣,敢说、乐说英语;有部分学生在英语学习上有畏难情绪,课堂思考、发言不够积极。进入五年级后,我们不管是在平时每个单元的语篇教学还是在平时的一些阅读练习,我们都加大了阅读指导力度,对学生的阅读能力的培养有一定的帮助。大部分学生具备了一些阅读的策略意识,能捕捉文本中较明显的语言信息。但阅读纯正的绘本故事是第一次,所以对于学生来说,这会是一个难点。此外,故事中的生词也比较多,篇幅比较长,所以会给学生的阅读带来一定的困难。
教 学 过 程
教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
Step 1 Warming up Greeting Free talk What day is it today What’s the weather like today What date is it Is it your birthday When’s your birthday Let’s enjoy a song T: What is the song about What things do you know about birthday 1. Greeting. 2. Answer the question. 3. Enjoy the song Answer the questions 通过歌曲“When’s your birthday ” 为课堂热身。也自然引出Birthday的话题,复习关于birthday的知识。
Step 2 Pre- reading Show a picture T: Who’s he What’s in his hand Show the invitation card Teach: Hedgehog Show the cover T: What’s the name of the book Introduce the writer and painter S: Monkey 2. Answer questions. 介绍主要人物、故事名字及发生背景、作家和插画作者。
Step 3 While- reading Before the party Task1 Watch and find T: Monkey is invited to the party, Are there any animals invited to the party too Watch the pictures quickly and try to find out the other animals. 2. check 3. Teach the new words. Raccoon Task2 read and circle 1. T: Hedgehog invited four friends to his party. What will his friends do before they go to the party 2.Read P1-P7 (Scan reading扫读), circle the presents 3.Check 4. Teach new words: prepare drum (Tip: learn new words according to the old words) Task3 Read and underline T: Why do they prepare these presents Read P1-P7(Extensive reading泛读), try to underline: Why do they choose the presents Check Teach new words: Stylish can’t think of bought myself Step 4 Read and under line T: They all prepare presents. Now, they go to the party. What will Hedgehog do when he receives the presents Culture Chinese people&Western people Read P8-P12(Intensive Reading), underline : What will Hedgehog do with the presents Check Teach new words: smile prick quill 1. Watch and find 1. Guess: They will ... 2. Read and circle 1.Read and underline 2. Learn new words S: He will open the presents. Read and underline 通过浏览绘本图片,在找出小动物的同时,对故事有个初步的整体认知。 通过扫读法,找出朋友们准备的礼物。学会通过快速扫读提取文本简单信息。 并教给学生通过旧词学习新词的方法。 通过泛读这一方法,找出动物们选择礼物的原因。学会通过快速阅读,提取关键信息。 先预测小刺猬会用礼物做什么,再通过精读这一方法,找出文中关键信息,检测自己预测的正误。用信息差的方式调动学生阅读的积极性。
Step 4 Post- reading About 5’ 1. T: What do we learn from this story Read and retell T: First, read P1-P12(Intensive Reading), 4 a group. Then, try to retell the story according to the sentences Help Monkey T: Monkey is not happy. He didn’t choose a good present for Hedgehog. If he his another chance. Can you help him Hedgehog’s plan T: Monkey feels very sorry to Hedgehog today. He wants to do well on hedgehog’s birthday next year. So, he makes a plan. T: Is Monkey’s plan good Do you have a good friend Do you want to make a plan for you friend’s birthday Let’s have a try! 1. S: .... In English/ in Chinese 2.Read and retell in groups 3: S: Hedgehog likes... You can give him ... Read the plan together Write down the plan Show the plan 从故事中学到什么,引发学生思考,渗透情感教育:要站在别人的角度去看问题。 将“要站在别人的角度去看问题”,这一认识进行实践运用。 由小猴子为小刺猬明年的生日作的计划引出为自己朋友的生日制定计划,联系第八单元的内容,进行拓展,整合运用。
Step 5 Homework Assign homework Tell this story to your friends or your parents. Try to make you plan perfect! 进一步巩固和强化本课的学习内容。