人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 History and traditions练习(含解析)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 History and traditions练习(含解析)
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-02-26 23:11:18


Unit 4 History and Traditions
If you hear the word “castle” or the word “palace”, you may picture the same kind of building for both: large, made of stones, probably with a tower. And, of course, you're not entirely wrong, as those are features of both palaces and castles.
So then why bother to visit one royal building in the United Kingdom—Buckingham Palace and another in the same country— Windsor Castle It turns out that there is a difference, and you can find it pretty plainly in these two popular buildings.
The Case for Castles
Castles were residences for royalty. But they were also intended as defensive seats. Say you're a king who has taken a particular area over. Now you have to hold it. So you build a castle and staff it with soldiers to defend your conquered territory and ensure it remains part of your kingdom.
Castles were built throughout Europe and the Middle East primarily for the protection of the king and his people. Some common features of castles include:
●thick walls and heavy gates to keep invaders out
●protective low walls for archers to shoot with cover
●high towers for keeping a lookout for the surrounding lands
●gatehouses for admitting allies instead of allowing enemies into the castle
The Place for Palaces
Palaces, on the contrary, had no defensive purposes. They were first meant for showing off the great victory of the war. Palaces were where the spoils (战利品) of war might be displayed, along with grand architecture, massive banquet halls, golden table settings and maybe even hundreds of luxuriously decorated rooms.
While kings certainly took up residence in palaces as well as castles, nonmilitary royals might also have lived in (or still live in) palaces. Ministers could live in castles to show the power of their riches rather than their nonexistent military power. The term comes from Palatine Hill in Rome.
1.Which of the following is one feature of castles? B
A.Low towers surrounding castles.
B.Defensive low walls for shooting.
C.Gatehouses allowing enemies into the castle.
D.Thick walls and heavy gates to lock invaders in.
解析:细节理解题。根据The Case for Castles部分的“protective low walls forarchers to shoot with cover”可知,用来射击的防御性低墙是城堡的特点之一。
2.Why were palaces first built? D
A.To accommodate ordinary soldiers.
B.To defend the king's conquered territory.
C.To show off the art of royal painting.
D.To display huge success of the war.
解析:细节理解题。根据The Place for Palaces部分的“They were first meant for showing off the great victory of the war.Palaces were where the spoils (战利品) of war might be displayed”,可知,最初建立宫殿是为了炫耀战争的胜利。
3.What is the main purpose of the text? B
A.To list the reasons for kings' living in palaces.
B.To make a comparison between castles and palaces.
C.To talk about the value of castles in modern times.
D.To show palaces are more popular than castles.
解析:写作目的题。根据第二段最后一句“It turns out that there is a difference,and you can find it pretty plainly in these two popular buildings.”以及下文中对城堡和宫殿的特点的介绍可知,本文是为了对比城堡和宫殿。
Have you ever heard a rumor spread around by students at your school Rumors, like fake news, can often misinform individuals and lead them to believe false information.
In an attempt to settle this problem, the country of Singapore has passed a bill that bans companies and individuals from publishing false information online.
This law, known as The Protection From Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Bill, has caused a public outcry (强烈的抗议), as the government has been given the power to remove content that it considers inaccurate or against the public's interest.
Since Singapore's citizens are part of different racial and religious groups, the government fears that rumors or fake news can increase tensions within an already small country.
With the new law coming into effect, Singapore's government now has the authority to monitor news sites, social media platforms, and other databases of information to determine whether the content is falsified. The government can order for the removal of fake news, and publishers of this information can receive prison time and fines up to one million Singapore dollars!
Critics fear that the bill threatens their freedom of speech and freedom of expression. Since national issues and world news are generally discussed on online platforms, many are concerned that this new bill will prevent individuals from talking freely and having healthy conversations.
Several companies, including Google, Facebook, and Twitter, have offices situated in Singapore, meaning that the new law will affect their company operations. Social media companies in Singapore could face a decline in activity, as users may fear posting their opinions and being punished by the government.
Others are concerned that the law does not clearly state what a “false statement” is. Such an ambiguity might allow the government to misuse their power, even though the intention is to curtail the mow of false information and rumors throughout Singapore.
This law does give rise to several concerns related to freedom and privacy and it will be interesting to see what Singapore's government will do to deal with this problem.
4.Why are some people against the bill? C
A.They think the bill can't get rid of fake news.
B.They belong to different racial and religious groups.
C.They think their freedom of speech may be harmed.
D.They don't want to increase tensions in their country.
解析:推理判断题。根据第三段“...the government has been given the power to remove content that it considers inaccurate or against the public's interest.”及第六段第一句“Critics fear that the bill threatens their freedom of speech and freedom of expression.”可知,一些人强烈地抗议新法案是因为新法案给政府赋予了删除不准确或不符合公共利益的内容的权力。这些人认为这会影响到他们的言论自由。故C项正确。
5.What does the government have the right to do under the new law? A
A.Punish publishers of fake news.
B.Monitor telephone conversations.
C.Prohibit certain people from going online.
D.Fine fake-news makers any amount of money.
解析:细节理解题。根据第五段最后一句“The government can order for the removal of fake news, and publishers of this information can receive prison time and fines up to one million Singapore dollars!”可知,新法案生效后政府有权惩罚虚假新闻制造者。故A项正确。
6.How will the new law affect social media companies in Singapore? D
A.Their users' privacy may be disturbed.
B.Their income will increase very slowly.
C.Their illegal activities will come to light.
D.Their social media may become less active.
解析:细节理解题。根据第七段第二句“Social media companies in Singapore could face a decline inactivity, as users may fear posting their opinions and being punished by the government.”可知,社交媒体的使用者因害怕发表言论受到惩罚而降低活跃度。故D项正确。
7.What does the underlined word in paragraph 8 probably mean? D
A.Prove.       B.Accelerate.
C.Promote.  D.Decrease.
解析:词义猜测题。根据第四段“the government fears that rumors or fake news can increase tensions within an already small country”可知,新加坡政府通过这个法案的初衷就是为了避免虚假新闻在国内造成局势紧张。画线单词所在句的意思为:如此模糊的概念可能允许政府在这方面滥用权力,尽管政府的意图是为了抑制错误信息和流言蜚语在新加坡境内的传播。故该词义为“减少”,所以D项正确。
September 23 marks the start of a new season. 1.F In Great Britain, the third season of the year usually has only one name: autumn. But if you travel across the Atlantic, you'll find that people use both fall and autumn interchangeably when referring to this time of year, making it the only season in the English language with two widely accepted names. 2.C
According to Dictionary. com, fall isn't a modern name that followed the more traditional autumn. The two terms are actually first recorded within a few hundred years of each other, with the term fall being used even a bit earlier.
3.G The word is of Germanic origin and meant “picking” or “collecting” , a nod to the act of gathering and preserving crops in the field before winter. In the 1500s, English speakers began referring to the season separating the hot and cold months as either the fall of the leaf or the spring of the leaf, or fall and spring for short. 4.D By the end of the 1600s, autumn, from the French word“automne” and the Latin “autumnus” , had overtaken fall as the standard British term for the third season.
Around the same time England adopted autunm, the first-ever British American colonists (殖民者) were voyaging to North America. 5.B While the former fell out of fashion overseas, it established itself in the local vocabulary by the time America won its independence. Today, using both words to describe the season before winter is still a unique American behavior.
A. The Americans prefer using fall to using autumn.
B.With them they brought the words fall and autumn.
C.So what is it about the season that makes it so special
D.But for some reason, only spring had staying power in Britain.
E.It is time to gather apples, rice and other things for the farmers.
F.However, what exactly you should call that season depends on where you are.
G.Before either word appeared, the season between summer and winter was known as harvest.
1.考查细节支撑句。空前提到了“a new season”,空后讲大不列颠和大西洋彼岸对这一季节叫法的不同,故F项符合语境,选项中的“that season”和“depends on where you are”分别与文中内容对应。
3.考查细节支撑句。上文提到了一个季节的两种叫法,结合下文的“The word”可知,空处所填句中应用一个有关秋季另一种叫法的单词,G项“在两个词出现之前,夏季和冬季之间的季节被称为harvest”。符合题意。
5.考查细节支撑句。空前讲大约在英格兰采用autumn来指代秋天的同一时间,第一批去美国的英国殖民者开始漂洋过海到了北美,空后提到前一个词虽然在大洋彼岸不再流行,但却在美国独立后站稳了脚跟。B项中的“them”“they”对应了空前的“the first-ever British American colonists(殖民者)”,B项中的“fall”对应了空后的“the former”。
Undoubtedly, Britain is a nation of hat wearers. From taking off hats 1.to launching mortar boards (学位帽) in the air, hats have long been associated with ceremonies and practices.Even the history of the country can 2.be told (tell) through hats.
3.Dating (date) back to medieval England, the flat cap became a symbol of working class culture in the 19th and 20th centuries.The Edwardian era was 4.a golden age of hats, when the decorations became even more delicate, ranging from flowers, birds to fruits.The pork pie hat, starting in the mid-19th century, was the 5.choice (choose) for many well-dressed Victorian citizens.Decades later it 6.gradually (gradual) became a key feature of London street style.By the 1960s, though, hats faded out of people's sight because of the rise of private cars.It was the Royal Wedding
7.held (hold) in 2011 that contributed to the return of hat wearing.For example, Hat Works Museum—the only museum in Stockport featured in hats and hat making—is 8.more popular (popular) than ever, with a distinct increase among its visitors.
9.What marks Britain out on the world stage is the large number of hats that can be called its own.The variety of hats in Britain 10.reflects (reflect) its multicultural background and rich cultural heritage.
2.考查动词的语态。分析句子结构可知,tell和句子主语the history of the country构成被动关系,故谓语用被动形式。故用be told。
3.考查非谓语动词。date和句子谓语became之间没有连词,故用其非谓语动词形式,且固定词组date back to意为“追溯到”,和句子主语the flat cap构成逻辑上的主谓关系。故用其现在分词形式。
4.考查冠词。golden age意为“黄金时代”,是可数名词单数形式,其前无限定词修饰,此处在文中第一次提及,且golden的发音以辅音音素开头。故用不定冠词a修饰。
7.考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,hold和句子主语the Royal Wedding构成逻辑上的动宾关系,故用其过去分词作后置定语。本句是一个强调句,即:It is+被强调部分+that+句子剩余部分,对句子主语the Royal Wedding进行强调。
10.考查动词的时态和主谓一致。根据语境可知,此处为一般性描述,应用一般现在时,且主语为The variety,故此处谓语用第三人称单数形式reflects。
Last weekend, after pay a visit to the city of New York, I visited the National Air and Space Museum of the Smithsonian Institution, where lies in Washington, D.C..
The museum, which covers a area of 18, 000 square meters, is made of 24 exhibition halls. All kinds of planes, rockets, missiles and spaceship of great importance and variously old instruments that famous pilots and astronauts used are on display.In addition, I see copies of some satellites and aircraft.More interestingly, I tried operating on some aircraft by myself.During the visit, I took lots of pictures as well.
This brief visit helped myself learn much about the history of human space exploration. It made me more interesting in science and technology.
Last weekend, after a visit to the city of New York, I visited the National Air and Space Museum of the Smithsonian Institution, lies in Washington, D.C..
The museum, which covers area of 18, 000 square meters, is made of 24 exhibition halls. All kinds of planes, rockets, missiles and of great importance and old instruments that famous pilots and astronauts used are on display.In addition, I copies of some satellites and aircraft.More interestingly, I tried operating on some aircraft by myself.During the visit, I took lots of pictures as well.
This brief visit helped learn much about the history of human space exploration. It made me more in science and technology.
2.考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,该句为包含非限制性定语从句的复合句,句中the National Air and Space Museum of the Smithsonian Institution为先行词,关系词指代先行词且在从句中作主语。故用which引导该定语从句。
4.考查介词。be made up of为固定搭配,意为“由……组成;由……构成”。此处表示:这个博物馆面积达18 000平方米,由24个展厅构成。
5.考查名词的数。spaceship为可数名词,根据该句中的All kinds of可知,该处应用其复数形式。
7.考查动词的时态。根据本文首句中的Last weekend可知,本文叙述的是过去发生的事情,故用一般过去时。故将see改为saw。
10.考查形容词。此处表示:这让我对科学技术更感兴趣。由该句中的me可知,该处修饰人,表示“感兴趣的”。故用形容词interested。Unit 4 History and Traditions
第一部分 课本知识梳理
1.It is a local__________(风俗习惯).
2.(2020·全国·高一单元测试)They have _____________ (宣布,发布) that they will hold their wedding ceremony next week.
3.She__________(迎接)us with a smile.
4.If you continue to do__________(非法的)things,you will end up in prison sooner or later.
5.She stepped back appearing surprised and put up her hands,as if in__________(防御).
6.He might easily have been seen by someone who lived___________(附近).
7.After being questioned by the police, she was released without __________ (指控).
8.My mother works in a ______________(附近的)company and she usually walks home.
9.The______________(位置)of the Arts Theatre was considered a poor area of town.
10.As is known to all, China has made great____________________(成就)during the past decades.
11.(2022·北京西城·高一期末)Every year, the moment I get on the train, I ________ (surround) by Shanxi accents—I know that I am heading home to my family.
12.(2022·上海·高一)The subject of these lectures ________(announce) by the lecture committee.
13.The best ________(defend) is to attack.
14.I should try to keep my mind _____________(concentrate)on what I have to do.
15.(2020·山东·济宁市实验中学高一开学考试)I need a new passport so I will have to have my photograph___________(take).
16.(2022·全国·高一)There is also no ________ (evident) that protein from a powder or bar can improve athletic performance any more than protein from food.
17.Turn to a page in your journal to your list of strengths and ________ (achieve).
18.He is excited and eager ________ (go)out on his own.
19.Suppose you are ________ charge of the Shy and Mighty Society, what will you do to help other shy people
20.It ________ that Tu Youyou was the first Chinese to win the Nobel Prize in Medicine.(announce)
the number of, the amount of, at the entrance to, fix one’s eyes on, attend to, all the way, break away from, It is well known that , keep your eyes open, in charge
21.Even if we start reducing_________carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, the climate is going to keep on warming for decades or centuries.
22.Only by increasing_________doctors by 50 percent can the patients be treated.
23.Rather than take the aeroplane_________,they decided to take a train to Vancouver.
24._________the cinema there was a crowd pushing to get in.
25.The old man carefully_________the wounded soldiers day and night.
26.The clever boy_________the blackboard and answered the questions.
27.You must_________if you are going to make your trip to the United Kingdom enjoyable and worthwhile.
28.The doctor_________told us that our father was recovering from his illness day by day.
29.Only then did I realize that it was foolish of me to _________all of my friends and never contact them.
30._________China is rich in culture as well as natural resources.
第二部分 综合应用拔高
(2021·湖北·宜昌市夷陵中学高一期中) Washington, D.C.Bicycle Tours
Cherry Blossom Bike Tour in Washington, D.C.
Duration: 3 hours
This small group bike tour is a fantastic way to see a world-famous cherry trees with beautiful flowers of Washington, D.C.Your guide will provide a history lesson about the trees and the famous monuments where they blossom. Reserve your spot before availability — the cherry blossoms—disappear!
Washington Capital Monuments Bicycle Tour
Duration: 3 hours (4 miles)
Join a guided bike tour and view some of the most popular monuments in Washington, D.C.Explore the monuments and memorials on the National Mall as your guide shares unique facts and history at each stop. Guided tour includes bike, helmet, cookies and bottled water.
Capital City Bike Tour In Washington, D.C.
Duration: 3 hours
Morning or Afternoon, this bike tour is the perfect tour for D.C.newcomers and locals looking to experience Washington, D.C.in a healthy way with minimum effort. Knowledgeable guides will entertain you with the most, interesting stories about Presidents, Congress, memorials, and fortable bikes and a smooth tour route(路线) make cycling between the sites fun and relaxing.
Washington Capital Sites at Night Bicycle Tour
Duration: 3 hours (7miles)
Join a small group bike tour for an evening of exploration in the heart of Washington, D.C.Get up close to the monuments and memorials as you bike the sites of Capitol Hill and the National Mall. Frequent stops are made for photo taking as your guide offers unique facts and history. Tour includes bike, helmet, and bottled water. All riders are equipped with reflective vests and safety lights.
31.Which tour do you need to book in advance
A.Cherry Blossom Bike Tour in Washington, D.C.
B.Washington Capital Monuments Bicycle Tour.
C.Capital City Bike Tour in Washington.
D.Washington Capital Sites at Night Bicycle Tour.
32.What will you do on the Capital City Bike Tour
A.Meet famous people. B.Go to a national park.
C.Visit well-known museums. D.Enjoy interesting stories.
33.Which of the following does the bicycle tour at night provide
A.City maps. B.Cameras.
C.Meals. D.Safety lights.
(2021·安徽·亳州二中高一期末) The meaning of silence varies among cultural groups.Silences may be thoughtful, or they may be empty when a person has nothing to say. A silence in a conversation may also show stubbornness, uneasiness, or worry. Silence may be viewed by some cultural groups as extremely uncomfortable; therefore attempts may be made to fill every gap(间隙) with conversation. Persons in other cultural groups value silence and view it as necessary for understanding a person's needs.
Many Native Americans value silence and feel it is a basic part of communicating among people, just as some traditional Chinese and Thai persons do. Therefore, when a person from one of these cultures is speaking and suddenly stops, what may be implied(暗示) is that the person wants the listener to consider what has been said before continuing.In these cultures, silence is a call for reflection.
Other cultures may use silence in other ways, particularly when dealing with conflicts among people or in relationships of people with different amounts of power. For example, Russian, French, and Spanish persons may use silence to show agreement between parties about the topic under discussion. However, Mexicans may use silence when instructions are given by a person in authority rather than be rude to that person by arguing with him or her. In still another use, persons in Asian cultures may view silence as a sign of respect, particularly to an elder or a person in authority.
Nurses and other care-givers need to be aware of the possible meanings of silence when they come across the personal anxiety their patients may be experiencing. Nurses should recognize their own personal and cultural construction of silence so that a patient’s silence is not interrupted too early or allowed to go on unnecessarily. A nurse who understands the healing(治愈) value of silence can use this understanding to assist in the care of patients from their own and from other cultures.
34.What does the author say about silence in conversations
A.It implies anger.
B.It promotes friendship.
C.It is culture-specific.
D.It is content-based.
35.Which of the following people might regard silence as a call for careful thought
A.The Chinese.
B.The French.
C.The Mexicans.
D.The Russians.
36.What does the author advise nurses to do about silence
A.Let it continue as the patient pleases.
B.Break it while treating patients.
C.Evaluate its harm to patients.
D.Make use of its healing effects.
37.What may be the best title for the text
A.Sound and Silence
B.What It Means to Be Silent
C.Silence to Native Americans
D.Speech Is Silver; Silence Is Gold
(2019·全国全国·高一专题练习) Located in Pisa, the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy has become the sign of Italy. It is the third oldest structure in Pisa’s Cathedral Square. There eight floors in the Leaning Tower of Pisa including observation deck at the top. The weight of the tower is about 14,500 metric tons. There are amazing facts of the Leaning Tower of Pisa that we will mention here.
The Leaning Tower of Pisa was not originally intended to lean, but because it was built on soft soils the tower gradually leaned to one side. Prior to its restoration (修复) from 1990 to 2001, the tower had a tilt (倾斜) of 5.5 degrees. Many people think that it will fall one day. Millions of tourists come to the lawns around the tower to take the classic photo pretending to hold up or knock down the tower.
It is said that you must visit the Leaning Tower of Pisa during the day. At night the shops are closed and it appears unimpressive. But, if you plan to visit on a full moon night, the tower will look charming. Mornings are the best time to beat the crowds. Summer in Pisa is very hot and wet, but you can expect rain in fall and winter.
Even though some people regard the tower to be an engineering failure owing to the tilt, the tower has acquired a special place in history. The tower has also been used for experiments by the famous Italian scientist named Galileo Galilei. He is believed to have thrown two balls of different mass from the tower to prove that their falling time is not related to their mass.
On your tour you should not miss various places of interest near the Leaning Tower of Pisa including Lucca, Florence, and Santa Maria della Spina.
38.What will you see if you go to Pisa’s Cathedral Square
A.The Leaning Tower of Pisa standing in the middle.
B.More than one ancient structure to visit.
C.The Leaning Tower of Pisa covering a lot of space.
D.Pisa’s amazing buildings around the square.
39.Why does the tower tend to lean to one side
A.Because it was originally designed like that.
B.Because the base of the tower was not strong.
C.Because many people came to knock it down.
D.Because the builders used lots of soft soils.
40.When will you visit the tower if you dislike being disturbed
A.In summer. B.At night.
C.In the morning. D.In winter.
41.What has made the tower much more famous
A.It will fall to the ground in the soon future.
B.It is an obvious engineering failure.
C.Galileo once did experiments on the tower.
D.The restoration lasted more than ten years.
(2021·云南·昆明八中高一阶段练习)The name England comes from the words “Angle land”. The Angles were people who came from northern Germany in the 5th and 6th centuries, after the Romans had left. The French name for England is Angleterre, which also means “Angle land”. There were also invasions (侵略) of southern England by Saxons and Jutes (people from another part of northern Germany). English people are sometimes called Anglo-Saxons. The Celts who used to live in this area were forced to move back into Scotland, Ireland, Cornwall and into Western France (the area known as Brittany).
England at first became a series of kingdoms, the strongest of which was Wessex (the name comes from West-Saxon). The names of many of the areas in England come from this period—for example, the name Sussex comes from South-Saxon, Essex from East-Saxon, and East Anglia from East-Angle. The Vikings then came from Denmark, and later the Normans invaded from France. Eventually England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland were united, forming the United Kingdom.
The English language is the main language spoken throughout England, although there are many different accents. It can be difficult to know how to spell or to pronounce some English words, because the language has been influenced by Latin and Greek (languages used at the time of the Romans, and used in religion and education until recent times), German (the language of the Angles, Saxons and Jutes), French(the language of the Normans), Gaelic/Scots (Celtic languages) and Danish (the language of the Vikings).
There are now many people throughout the United Kingdom who speak a foreign language either as their first or second language, mainly due to immigration (移民) from Europe or the Commonwealth (countries which used to be part of the British Empire).
42.What's the first paragraph mainly about
A.The origin of the name England.
B.The Celts used to live in England but left for some reason.
C.Southern England once was attacked by Saxons and Jutes.
D.Angles and Saxons came from different parts of northern Germany.
43.In the history of England, ________ once was the strongest kingdom.
A.Sussex B.Wessex
C.Essex D.East Anglia
44.What can we learn from the third paragraph
A.English words are hard to spell and to pronounce.
B.England had been invaded by most of the countries of Europe.
C.The English language was influenced by several foreign languages.
D.It's hard for people who have different English accents to communicate.
45.Why do many people in the UK speak a foreign language nowadays
A.Because they are required to learn a foreign language at school.
B.Because they plan to live outside the UK in the future.
C.Because they have moved from other countries.
D.Because they have worked in other countries.
(2022·山西太原·高一期末) As an old saying goes, “Good fences (栅栏) make good neighbors.” With many people 46 to stay at home during the pandemic, some find good fences can 47 make good friends.
My family lives next to 99-year-old Mary O’Neill. Although Mary’s daughter visits her 48 , the pandemic leaves the old lady in 49 . Amazingly, Mary manages to develop a special 50 with her neighbor—my son Benjamin Olsen, aged two. Mary 51 through the fence as Benjamin learns to walk, talk, and 52 run and play. And when Benjamin sees Mary, he sees a close friend, and 53 her “Mimi”. Mary will also call out. ‘Hey Benjamin!’ when she sees him. It’s just been so pleasant to watch the 54 scene. Mary’s daughter and I, both 55 the relationship has a unique function that has kept the elderly woman 56 the long period of being separated from others.
As the pandemic limitations have lifted, Mary and Benjamin’s friendship continues to grow on both sides of the 57 only now, the gates can be opened. Benjamin 58 Mary on her steps to play games, blow bubbles and enjoy the activities that bring joy to the pair—one at a young age, and the other with a(n) 59 heart.
Friendship can just happen in so many different ways. We are 60 they were able to form this whether one-pandemic or not, because it means a lot to both sides.
46.A.forced B.allowed C.invited D.sent
47.A.never B.also C.only D.already
48.A.more or less B.one by one C.now and then D.up and down
49.A.panic B.loneliness C.freedom D.joy
50.A.custom B.agreement C.interest D.friendship
51.A.visits B.checks C.watches D.passes
52.A.actually B.eventually C.regularly D.suddenly
53.A.calls B.assures C.makes D.regards
54.A.warm B.cold C.bitter D.strange
55.A.doubt B.advise C.predict D.believe
56.A.resisting B.defending C.surviving D.involving
57.A.fence B.family C.society D.road
58.A.replaces B.senles C.joins D.inspires
59.A.old B.young C.close D.far
60.A.confident B.regretful C.disappointed D.moved
The Dujiangyan is the oldest man-made water system in the world, and a wonder in the development of Chinese agriculture. 61. (build)over 2,200 years ago in what is now Sichuan Province in Southwest China, this amazing engineering 62.(achieve)is still used today.
In ancient times, the region where Dujiangyan now stands 63.(suffer)from regular floods from the Minjiang River. 64.(help)the victims of the flooding, Li Bing, 65. region governor, together with his son, decided to find a solution. Li designed a series of channels built at different levels along Mount Yulei that would take away the floodwaters while leaving the river flowing naturally. 66.(good)still, the extra water could be directed to the dry Chengdu Plain, making 67. suitable for farming.
Once the system 68.(finish), no more floods happened and the people were able to live 69.(peaceful). Today, Dujiangyan is admired by scientists from around the world because of one feature. Unlike modern dams, 70. the water is blocked with a huge wall, Dujiangyan still lets waterflow through the Minjiang River naturally, making the ecosystem(生态系统)and fish populations exist in peace.
Dear Mike,
I’m so proud that your city is going to hold such a speech competition.
Li Hua
考查名词。句意:她退后一步,显得很惊讶,并举起了手好像在防御。由词义可知,可以使用名词defence,构成短语in defence(防御)。故填defence。
考查名词。句意:众所周知,中国在过去的几十年里取得了巨大的成就。根据汉语意思“成就”可知应填名词achievement,根据短语make great achievements表示“取得巨大成就”可知应用复数。故填achievements。
11.am surrounded
考查时态和语态。句意:每年,我一上火车,就被山西口音包围着——我知道我要回家了。根据句意,空格处缺谓语,由时间状语every year可知,应该选用一般现在时。谓语动词surround与逻辑主语I之间为被动关系,所以用一般现在时的被动语态。故填am surrounded。
12.has been announced
考查时态和语态。句意:讲座委员会已经宣布了这些讲座的主题。“这个主题讲座被讲座委员会公布”与“这个主题讲座已经被讲座委员会公布了”相比,后者较为合适,既然公布了,肯定有影响,所以符合现在完成时。主语和announce为被动关系,需用被动语态;此外subject是单数的主语,助动词用has。故填has been announced。
考查名词。句意:最好的防御就是进攻。分析可知,空前“best”为形容词最高级,作定语修饰名词,因此所填空应是名词。“defend”,动词,意为“防御;保护”,其名词形式为“defense/defence(保护;防卫)”,“The best defense/defence”在句中作主语。故填defense/defence。
考查非谓语动词。句意:我应该尽量把注意力集中在我必须做的事情上。keep my mind concentrated是“keep+宾语+过去分词作宾语补足语” 结构;宾语my mind 和concentrate 之间逻辑关系为concentrate my mind on ..., 因此my mind 和 concentrate 之间为被动关系, 用过去分词作宾语补足语。 故填concentrated。
考查过去分词作补语。这里考查“ have + sth (宾语)+ 过去分词(宾语补足语)”意为“让 / 叫 / 使 / 请别人做某事”。本句里“have my photograph taken ”里的宾语 photograph 和宾语take之间是被动关系,应用过去分词形式作宾语补足语,意为“请人给我照张照片。”故填taken。
考查名词和固定句式。句意:也没有证据表明粉末或棒状物中的蛋白质比食物中的蛋白质更能提高运动成绩。分析可知,“no”后面用名词。“evident”,形容词,意为“清楚的;显然的”,其名词形式为“evidence”,意为“证据”,“no evidence”在该“there be”句式中作主语。“There is no evidence that...”为固定句式,意为“没有证据表明……”。故填evidence。
18.to go
考查固定短语。句意:他非常兴奋,渴望自己出去。此处为固定短语be eager to do sth.“渴望做某事”。故填to go。
考查介词。句意:假设你负责“Shy and Mighty Society”,你会做些什么来帮助其他害羞的人 sb be in charge of sth“ 某人负责某事”为固定短语。故填in。
20.was announced
考查被动语态。句意:据宣布,屠呦呦是第一位获得诺贝尔医学奖的中国人。根据句意和句型结构,it是主语,announce是谓语动词,主谓之间是被动关系,应用被动语态,根据后文的was,可知本句是一般过去时态,故用一般过去时的被动语态,故填was announced。
21.the amount of
22.the number of
23.all the way
24.At the entrance to
25.attended to
26.fixed his eyes on
27.keep your eyes open
28.in charge
29.break away from
30.It is well known that
考查固定短语。句意:即使我们开始减少二氧化碳和其他温室气体的数量,气候也会持续变暖几十年或几百年。结合语境表示“……的数量”可知短语为the amount of,接不可数名词,故填the amount of。
考查固定短语。句意:只有把医生的数目增加50%,才能治疗病人。结合语境表示“……的数目”可知短语为the number of,后接可数名词,故填the number of。
考查固定短语。句意:他们不愿一直坐飞机,而是决定坐火车去温哥华。结合句意“一直”可知短语为all the way,故填all the way。
考查固定短语。句意:在电影院的入口处有一群人在挤着要进去。结合句意“在入口处”可知短语为at the entrance to,故填At the entrance to。
考查固定短语和时态。句意:那位老人日夜细心地照料着伤兵。结合句意“照料”可知短语为attend to,且结合语境可知描述过去发生的事情,应用一般过去时。故填attended to。
考查固定短语和时态。句意:那个聪明的男孩眼睛盯着黑板回答问题。结合句意“眼睛盯着”可知短语为fix one’s eyes on,结合后文“answered”可知应用一般过去时。故填fixed his eyes on。
考查固定短语。句意:如果你想使你的英国之旅愉快而有价值,你必须睁大你的眼睛。结合句意“睁大眼睛”可知短语为keep your eyes open,且must后跟动词原形。故填keep your eyes open。
考查固定短语。句意:主治医生告诉我们,我们的父亲正在一天天地康复。结合语境表示“负责,主管”可知短语为in charge,故填in charge。
考查固定短语和非谓语动词。句意:只有在那时我才意识到我与我所有的朋友断绝关系,从不联系他们是愚蠢的。结合语境表示“放弃,脱离”可知短语为break away from,且此处为句型“it be+adj+of sb. to do sth”,不定式作真正主语,上文已有不定式符号to。故填break away from。
考查固定句型。句意:众所周知,中国有丰富的文化和自然资源。结合句意“众所周知”可知句型为it is well known that,句首单词首字母要大写。故填It is well known that。
本文是一篇广告应用文。文章介绍了在Washington, D.C. 骑自行车旅行的四条路线的相关行程及注意事项。
31.细节理解题。根据文章Cherry Blossom Bike Tour in Washington, D.C.中的Reserve your spot before availability可知,这个骑行项目需要提前预约。故选A。
32.细节理解题。根据文章Capital City Bike Tour in Washington, D.C.中的Knowledgeable guides will entertain you with the most interesting stories about Presidents, Congress, memorials, and parks.可知,在这个活动中,你可以享受有趣的故事。故选D。
33.细节理解题。根据文章Washington Capital Sites at Night Bicycle Tour中的All riders are equipped with reflective vests and safety lights.可知,所有骑行者都要装备反光背心和安全手电筒。故选D。
本篇文章最容易出错的题是21题,究其原因是不熟悉词汇reserve的词义:预约。in advance意为“提前“。因此,高考前熟悉词汇和短语是重中之重的事情。Reserve your spot before availability — and the cherry blossoms — disappear在有效期和樱花消失前预约。
34.细节理解题。根据第一段The meaning of silence varies among cultural groups. A silence in a conversation may also show stubbornness, uneasiness, or worry. 可知,沉默的含义因文化群体而异,交谈中的沉默也可能表示固执、不安或担忧。所以作者认为谈话中的沉默是有文化特性的。故选C项。
35.细节理解题。根据第二段中Many Native Americans value silence and feel it is a basic part of communicating among people, just as some traditional Chinese and Thai persons do. Therefore, when a person from one of these cultures is speaking and suddenly stops, what may be implied(暗示) is that the person wants the listener to consider what has been said before continuing可知,许多印第安人珍视沉默,认为这是人与人之间交流的基本组成部分,就像一些传统的中国人和泰国人一样。因此,当一个来自其中一种文化的人说话时突然停下来,暗示说话者想要倾听者在继续之前思考一下所说过的话。所以中国人认为谈话时人们沉默是为了让别人思考。故选A项。
36.细节理解题。根据末段末句A nurse who understands the healing value of silence can use this understanding to assist in the care of patients 可知,了解沉默的治疗价值的护士可以利用这种了解来帮助护理病人。所以作者建议护士要用沉默来治疗病人。故选D 。
37.主旨大意题。根据第一段“The meaning of silence varies among cultural groups”可知, 沉默的含义因文化群体而异。以及先问介绍了在不同文化背景下谈话期间的沉默的不同含义。所以短文的最佳标题是“沉默意味着什么”。故选B 。
38.细节理解题。依据第一段中的“It is the third oldest structure in Pisa’s Cathedral Square”可知,在比萨大教堂广场上不仅仅有一座古建筑,因此选项B正确。
39.细节理解题。依据第二段中的“because it was built on soft soils”可知,该塔倾斜的原因是它建在松软的土地上,并不是建筑使用了松软的土,故排除D项,B项正确。
40.细节理解题。依据第三段中的“Mornings are the best time to beat the crowds”可知,上午是参观斜塔的最佳时间,那个时候可以避开人群,故选C项。
41.推理判断题。依据倒数第二段倒数一、二句“The tower has also been used for experiments by the famous Italian scientist named Galileo Galilei. He is believed to have thrown two balls of different mass from the tower to prove that their falling time is not related to their mass.”可知,科学家伽利略曾经在斜塔上做过抛下两个不同质量的球体的实验,这使斜塔变得更加有名,由此可知C项正确。
主旨大意题。根据第一段“The name England comes from the words “Angle land”. The Angles were people who came from northern Germany in the 5th and 6th centuries, after the Romans had left. The French name for England is Angleterre, which also means “Angle land”. (英格兰这个名字来源于“天使之地”这个词。盎格鲁人是5世纪和6世纪时罗马人离开后从德国北部来到这里的。英格兰的法语名字是Angleterre,意思是“天使之地”。)”可知第一段内容主要是介绍英国这个名字的由来。故选A项。
细节理解题。根据第二段“England at first became a series of kingdoms, the strongest of which was Wessex (the name comes from West-Saxon). (英格兰最初成为一系列王国,其中最强大的是威塞克斯(这个名字来自于西撒克逊)。)”可知威塞克斯曾是英格兰诸多王国中最强大的王国,故选B项。
推理判断题。根据第三段内容“The English language is the main language spoken throughout England, although there are many different accents. It can be difficult to know how to spell or to pronounce some English words, because the language has been influenced by Latin and Greek (languages used at the time of the Romans, and used in religion and education until recent times), German (the language of the Angles, Saxons and Jutes), French(the language of the Normans), Gaelic/Scots (Celtic languages) and Danish (the language of the Vikings).(英语是整个英格兰的主要语言,尽管有许多不同的口音。有些英语单词很难拼写或发音,因为这种语言一直受到拉丁语和希腊语(罗马人时代使用的语言,直到最近也还一直用于宗教和教育)、德语(盎格鲁人、撒克逊人和朱特人的语言)、法语(诺曼人的语言)、盖尔语/苏格兰语(凯尔特语)的影响语言)和丹麦语(维京人的语言)的影响。”可知第三段主要介绍了英语受到了Latin,Greek,German, Gaelic, Scots, Danish等几种外国语言的影响,故选C项。
细节理解题。根据最后一段“There are now many people throughout the United Kingdom who speak a foreign language either as their first or second language, mainly due to immigration (移民) from Europe or the Commonwealth (countries which used to be part of the British Empire).(现在有很多人在英国讲一门外语作为第一或第二语言,主要是由于移民来自欧洲或英联邦(国家曾经是大英帝国的一部分)。)”可知,现在很多英国人都说外语是因为他们是从其他国家移民过来的。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:正如一句老话所说:“好篱笆造就好邻居。”疫情期间,许多人被迫呆在家里,一些人发现好篱笆也能造就好朋友。A. forced被迫;B. allowed允许;C. invited邀请;D. sent送。根据下文“ stay at home during the pandemic”(疫情期间,要呆在家里)可知,疫情期间,人们是不得不待在家的,所以是被迫待在家的。故选A。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:正如一句老话所说:“好篱笆造就好邻居。”疫情期间,许多人被迫呆在家里,一些人发现好篱笆也能造就好朋友。A. never从不;B. also也;C. only只有;D. already已经。根据上文“Good fences (栅栏) make good neighbors.”和本处“good fences can    2    make good friends”可知,这属于递进关系,好篱笆造就好邻居,好篱笆也能造就好朋友。故选B。
考查短语语义辨析。句意:虽然玛丽的女儿偶尔会去看望她,但疫情让这位老妇人感到孤独。A. more or less或多或少;B. one by one 一个接一个;C. now and then 偶尔;D. up and down 上上下下。根据上文“My family lives next to 99-year-old Mary O’Neill.”(我家隔壁住着99岁的玛丽·奥尼尔)可知,玛丽是作者的邻居,再结合上文可知疫情期间人们被迫待在家里,所以玛丽的女儿不能时常来看她,所以应该是偶尔来看她。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:虽然玛丽的女儿偶尔会去看望她,但疫情让这位老妇人感到孤独。A. panic惊慌;B. loneliness孤独;C. freedom 自由;D. joy快乐。根据上文“Although Mary’s daughter visits her now and then”中的although和下文“the elderly woman    11    the long period of being separated from others”,可知这是转折关系,虽然玛丽的女儿偶尔会去看望她,但是由于疫情不能出门,长久与他人分隔,自己一个人还是感到孤独的。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:令人惊讶的是,玛丽与她的邻居——我两岁的儿子本杰明·奥尔森——建立了一种特殊的友谊。A. custom风俗;B. agreement同意;C. interest兴趣;D. friendship友谊。根据下文“And when Benjamin sees Mary, he sees a close friend”(当本杰明看到玛丽时,他看到的是一个亲密的朋友)可知,玛丽和本杰明之间是朋友关系。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:玛丽通过篱笆看着本杰明学会走路、说话,最后跑和玩。A. visits拜访;B. checks检查;C. watches看;D. passes经过。根据上文语境和下文的“when Benjamin sees Mary”“Mary will also call out. ‘Hey Benjamin!’ when she sees him.”可知,疫情封锁期间,人们被迫呆在自己家里,可得出玛丽并未越过篱笆和本杰明直接接触,她应该是通过篱笆看着本杰明成长。故选C。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:玛丽通过篱笆看着本杰明学会走路、说话,最后跑和玩。A. actually事实上;B. eventually最终;C. regularly有规律地;D. suddenly突然。根据上文“ Benjamin learns to walk, talk”和下文“run and play”可知,玛丽通过篱笆见证了本杰明的成长,本杰明从学会走路、说话,到最后跑和玩。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:当本杰明看到玛丽时,他看到的是一个亲密的朋友,称呼她为“咪咪”。A. calls叫;B. assures使确信;C. makes做;D. regards认为。根据下文“her “Mimi””和“Mary will also call out. ‘Hey Benjamin!’ when she sees him.”(“嘿,本杰明!”当她看见他的时候,玛丽也会喊出来。)可知,“咪咪”是称呼,他喊玛丽咪咪,玛丽喊他本杰明。故选A。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:看到这温暖的一幕真是太开心了。A. warm温暖的;B. cold寒冷的;C. bitter苦的;D. strange奇怪的。根据上文“And when Benjamin sees Mary, he sees a close friend”(当本杰明看到玛丽时,他看到的是一个亲密的朋友)可知,玛丽和本杰明的关系是非常好的,所以这两个人见面的场景应该是很温暖的。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我和玛丽的女儿都相信这段关系有独特的作用,使这位老妇人在与他人长期分离的过程中艰难度过了下来。A. doubt怀疑;B. advise建议;C. predict预测;D. believe相信。根据下文“Mary and Benjamin’s friendship continues to grow on”可知,他们两个人的友谊还在继续,所以我和玛丽的女儿是相信这段友谊的。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我和玛丽的女儿都相信这段关系有独特的作用,使这位老妇人在与他人长期分离的过程中艰难度过了下来。A. resisting抵抗;B.defending防卫;C.surviving艰难度过;D. involving涉及。根据上文第二段第二句“Although Mary’s daughter visits her now and then, the pandemic leaves the old lady in loneliness.”可知,玛丽独自一人居住,特别孤单,是本杰明和她之间的友谊让她在孤单的日子里有了快乐,度过了难关。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:随着疫情限制的解除,玛丽和本杰明的友谊继续在双方的篱笆中成长,只是现在,大门可以打开。A. fence篱笆;B. family家庭;C. society社会;D. road马路。根据文章第一段“some find good fences can also make good friends.”通过词义复现可知是篱笆。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:本杰明和玛丽一起在她的台阶上玩游戏,吹泡泡,享受给他们带来快乐的活动——一个年轻,另一个年轻的心。A. replaces代替;B. senses感觉到;C. joins联合;D. inspires鼓舞。根据下文“the pair”可知,是两个人在玩耍,本杰明联合玛丽一起玩。故选C。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:本杰明和玛丽一起在她的台阶上玩游戏,吹泡泡,享受给他们带来快乐的活动——一个年轻,另一个年轻的心。A. old老的;B. young 年轻的;C. close亲密的;D. far远的。根据上文“Mary and Benjamin’s friendship continues to grow on”和“99-year-old Mary O’Neill”“my son-Benjamin Olsen, aged two”可知,玛丽99岁,本杰明2岁,他们是朋友,所以玛丽是是有一颗年轻的心。故选B。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们很感动他们能够形成这一局面,无论是否有疫情,因为这对双方都意义重大。A. confident自信的;B. regretful后悔的;C. disappointed沮丧的;D. moved感动的。根据下文“because it means a lot to both sides”可知,这段老少友谊对于双方都意味着很多,所以它们之间的友是非常让人感动的。故选D。
64.To help
68.was finished
61.考查非谓语动词。本句中已经存在谓语动词is used,且句中没有连词,故空处应用非谓语形式,因build与句子的主语是逻辑上的动宾关系,因此用动词-ed形式作状语。故填Built。
63.考查时态。句意:在古代,都江堰现在所在的地区经常遭受岷江发洪水。根据In ancient times可知,此处用一般过去时,主语为the region 。故填suffered。
64.考查非谓语动词。本句中已经存在谓语动词decided且句中没有连词,故本空只能做非谓语,且由语境可知,李冰父子决定找出解决问题的方法,其目的是帮助水灾的受害者,因此用不定式作目的状语。故填To help。
66.考查形容词的比较级。上文谈到李冰设计的不同层次的导流渠可以使洪水流走,下文又提到多余的水又能引入干旱的成都平原,故二者之间是递进关系,故用比较级,better still表示“更好的是”。故填Better。
67.考查代词。此处指上文中的the dry Chengdu Plan,所以用it指代同时作make的宾语。故 填it。
68.考查时态和语态。根据空前的Once和空后的happened和were可知,此处用一般过去时,且finish与从句主语the system是被动关系,故填was finished。
70.考查定语从句。空处引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词modern dams,从句中缺少地点状语,因此用where引导。故填where。
71.One possible version:
Dear Mike,
I’m so proud that your city is going to hold such a speech competition. China has many traditional festivals,but I’d like to recommend the Lantern Festival.
The Lantern Festival is celebrated on the 15th of the first month in the lunar calendar, which marks the end of Chinese New Year celebrations. During the festival, children go out at night carrying red lanterns symbolizing good fortune and solve riddles on lanterns.As early as the Western Han Dynasty, it started to become a festival of great significance.
If you need more information about the festival, just feel free to ask me.Wish you success in the competition!
Li Hua
第二步:列提纲 (重点词组)
recommend; celebrate; the end of; symbolize; fortune; significance; as…as
1. China has many traditional festivals,but I’d like to recommend the Lantern Festival.
2. The Lantern Festival is celebrated on the 15th of the first month in the lunar calendar, which marks the end of Chinese New Year celebrations.
3. children go out at night carrying red lanterns symbolizing good fortune and solve riddles on lanterns.
4. As early as the Western Han Dynasty, it started to become a festival of great significance.
1.表文章结构顺序:First of all, Secondly, Finally(供参考)
2.表并列补充关系:What is more, Besides (供参考)
The Lantern Festival is celebrated on the 15th of the first month in the lunar calendar, which marks the end of Chinese New Year celebrations. (本句是which引导的非限制性定语从句)
If you need more information about the festival, just feel free to ask me.(本句是if引导的条件状语从句)