课件21张PPT。ReadingLv HongUnit1What do they have in common (共同之处)?The reason for building the pyramids (金字塔)
in Egypt is still unknown even today.Loch NessThe Loch Ness Monster
the largest lake in northern ScotlandWho built Stonehenge (石柱) in England and for
what reason? No one knows the answer! Himalayas
(喜马拉雅山)the highest mountain range
in the worldYeti (野人)You might run into a
Yeti in the Himalayas,
or just see a few
footprints.ReadingBoy missing, police puzzledWhat is the article about?
2. Do the police know what happened to the boy?
3. Is the title a complete sentence?
4. What are the features(特征)of this title?It’s about a missing boy.No.No. It should be “A boy is missing and the police
are puzzled.”.Short, clear, brief, attractive…Skimming Skim the article to get the main idea. Who is missing?
How old is the boy?
When and where did the boy disappear?
Why did people show great interest in the
boy’s disappearance?
Read the first paragraph to answer the Qs:Justin Foster.15.Two days ago, in Dover.Because there are sightings of puzzling lights in the sky and
reports of alien visits around the time of his disappearance.ScanningScan the article to find certain
information. Read the second paragraph to answer the Qs:What day did Justin disappear?
Why did Justin’s parents become worried?
Mrs. Foster thought
Mr. Foster was surprised
Justin Foster
On last Friday.Careful ReadingRead the article carefully to find
detailed information.Read the rest paragraphs to answer the Qs:How did the police find that Justin returned home
that night?
2. What was the UFO like?
3. Who else has been taken by the aliens?
4. Who is in charge of the case?How did the police find that Justin returned home
that night?
His friends said
Witnesses said
Kelly heard
2. What was the UFO like?
its appearance color
its inside
spaceshipmulti-coloredlarge(para4)(para5)3. Who else has been taken by the aliens?
4. Who is in charge of the case?
Detective Sam Peterson said ____________________ _________________________(para6)(para7)Features of a newspaper articleTitle: short, clear, brief, attractive…A fifteen-year-old boy called Justin Foster, who
may be taken by aliens, went missing two
days ago in Dover.Second paraJustin’s parents became worried and
called the police. The rest paraPolice found Justin returned
home.what Kelly heard that
nightwhat Kelly saw
that nightMavis wood’s
experience possibilitiespara3para4para5para6para7Lead paraan inverted pyramid
format(倒金字塔形) Self-evaluationWrite a summary of the story
according to the following chart
and illustrate your summary.Justin Fosterstrange objectsAt 8 p.m. _________________________________At 10.45 p.m. _____________________________At 11 p.m. ________________________________After 11 p.m. , he was heard __________________The next morning, he was found ______________its appearance its inside _______________________________Shape ______________Colour ______________Size _______________left home to play baseball with friendswalked towards homeput on his favourite CDreturned homemissingspaceshipmulti-coloredlargeAlthough we have much advanced science and technology, there are still many tales of the unexplained. Maybe with your continuous efforts, you can uncover one of them. So concentrate on your study and get yourselves ready.Homework Finish your summary
the exercises on page 4-5. Thanks foryour attention