Unit 2 It's Show Time! Lesson 12 A Blog about the Silk Road 教案(表格式)


名称 Unit 2 It's Show Time! Lesson 12 A Blog about the Silk Road 教案(表格式)
格式 docx
文件大小 21.4KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 冀教版
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-03-01 20:43:27



课题名称 Lesson12 A Blog about the Silk Road
授课班级 Class 6
课型 New Reading and Writing Lesson
教材分析 本节课为本单元的最后一课,围绕旅游博客展开话题,重点是让学生学会用一般过去时写英语游记,学习一些重点词汇和表达等。 本节课的难点是准确使用过去时表达旅行中的所见所闻,一是一般过去时规则动词和不规则动词的变化,如opened,saw等,另一个是词汇的表达,如realized,experienced 等。
教学目标 知识目标: (1)New words blog, experience, alive, own, suggestion, ancient, realize, get back. (2)掌握和准确使用一般过去时书写游记。 能力目标:培养学生综合运用语言的能力,提高学生听说读写的能力。尤其是通过游记提高学生书写的能力。 情感目标:通过拓展中国名胜古迹,让学生更好了解中国文化,培养学生写游记的能力和习惯。同时加强学生对现代社交网络博客的了解。
教学重点 学会用一般过去时书写英语游记,学习重点词汇和表达等。
教学难点 熟练准确运用一般过去时表达旅行中的见闻和感受。
学情分析 本班学生对于词语和句型的理解和掌握相对较快,所以本节课将教材进行了整合和改动。秉承用中学的理念,采用任务型教学方式,将新授知识的时间压缩,课堂任务增加,让学生在使用中更好的理解和掌握知识,同时获得情感的培养和能力的提高。
教学环节 教学内容 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
I Lead in the reading task of this class. (Suppose I went to the Silk Road last vacation.) Show a picture of myself to the students ask the students where I went. Talk about my trip route I had and what I did on the trip. (suppose I went to the Silk Road and I mainly visited three cities- Xi’an、Lanzhou and Dunhuang. I visited Xi’an drum tower and Terra Cotta Warriors, and in Lanzhou ate Lanzhou noodles and rode a camel in Dunhuang.) Listen to the teacher’s talking. 通过老师旅游路线的图片吸引学生注意力,将课堂和现实生活结合起来,引出旅游这个话题,激发学生的积极性。
II Fast-reading Where did Li Ming go (10 seconds) Match the four new words with the correct meanings. Give students 10 seconds to quick answer the first question. Give students 2 minutes to read the passage, find and underline the four words in the passage and finish the second question. Try to answer two questions and understand the meaning of the four words. 在阅读新课文之前解决单词障碍,让学生从整体上感知课文,为下位把握文章结构做铺垫。
III Careful-reading Answer four questions Where did Li Ming go Who went to the trip with Li Ming What places did Li Ming see How did Li Ming think about the trip 1.Give students two minutes to read the passage carefully and answer the questions. Questions: a. Where did Li Ming go? b. Who went to the trip with Li Ming? c. What did Li Ming see on the trip d. How was Li Ming feeling about the trip 2.Show the answers 1.Read the passage and answer the questions. 2.Speak the answers out. 通过四道问题,理清本篇旅游博客中李明所写的主要内容,为下文旅游博客写作结构总结做铺垫。
IV Group Work I How to write a trip blog The tense The structure Give students 3 minutes to group discuss how to write a trip blog from two questions: tense and structure. Let’s students find the answer from the passage and the four careful-reading questions (Qs; where, who, what, how). Two questions: a. Which tense(时态) should we use b. What points should we include (包含) Show the answer and summarize the structure together. Students discuss and find the answer from the passage. Summarize the structure based on the passage and four careful-reading questions. Check answers 该环节是让学生初步尝试用文章中内容来提炼旅游博客的结构。为了降低学生回答问题难度,此处运用了两种方式:1.用小组讨论的方式。2.细节阅读问题的提示。所以学生可以基本总结出结构框架。 该活动设计体现了用中学及合作学习的理念。
V Brain Storm Enlarge the vocabulary of writing Show pictures of Tian’an men Square. Ask students what the picture reminds you of. Summarize what they say and give them vocabulary about the trip blog about Tian’an men Square. Do the brain storm and speak out what the picture reminds them of. (Beijing, roast duck, the palace Museum...) 此处以班里同学的一张旅游照片为引子,导出写作大概内容。上面总结出了写作的结构,为了降低了学生写作的难度,此阶段让学生充分发动联想力,扩充写作词汇。 一为学生后面写作思路做铺垫,二可以充实写作内容。
VI Group Work II Group speak the trip blog to Tian’an men Square Give students 3 minutes to prepare the group speaking- the trip to the Tian’an men Square based on the template I gave. Template: He just got back from a great trip to.... (Where) He went to ... with .... (Who ) He is .... (What) He had a good time with .... He... He hopes .... (How) Prepare and each group asks one student to speak the writing to the class. 小组合作编写作文降低写作难度,打消了学生的对说作文的畏难情绪。作文的生成需要用到本课所总结出的结构和一些句型及短语,既是操练也是对知识的检测。也为最后作文的最终生成做了铺垫。
VII Group Work III Group writing Give students 7 minutes to write down the trip blog based on what they said before. Give comments on writing. Summarize what we learned. Homework Discuss and finish the writing. Upload the writings by Pad. Students give a comment on other students’ writings. 旅游博客为本节课主线,本环节为最后一个环节,是书写作文和展示互评环节。通过学生互评,学生们可以更清楚的认识自己的不足,激发学生的主动性,而且学生会对所学知识印象深刻,学生会在评改中学会修改、发展、提高。
课后反思 本节课任务型操练较多。在最后的任务生成阶段,四组(全班共13组)学生完成的不错,说明学生对本节课内容掌握较好,知识目标达成较好。本节课从pre-writing的阅读,结构和单词的准备,说作文;到while-reading的小组合作式写作;最后到post-writing学生互评作文。以词汇结构准备-说作文-写作文-评作文的顺序贯穿了整节课。本节课的结尾,通过对课程的总结的,向学生渗透了爱国思想,通过旅游发现国家的美,从而更加热爱祖国的思想教育。本节课的不足在于1. 跨度较大,头脑风暴中的词汇,应该让学生连词成句;2.只给出模板,缺少了教师的示范作文。今后的写作课中定会注意以上两点。