【精品解析】牛津上海版(深圳用)小学英语五年级下册Module2 Unit 5同步练习(一)


名称 【精品解析】牛津上海版(深圳用)小学英语五年级下册Module2 Unit 5同步练习(一)
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文件大小 189.8KB
资源类型 试卷
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-02-28 23:10:18


牛津上海版(深圳用)小学英语五年级下册Module2 Unit 5同步练习(一)
(1)face same watch
(2)boat coat float
(3)home so go
(4)heavy each teach
【解析】【分析】(1)face和same的划线部分发/e /,而watch的划线部分发/ /。发音不同。故答案为:错误。
(2)boat, coat和float的划线部分发/ /。发音相同。故答案为:正确。
(3)home,so和go的划线部分发/ /。发音相同。故答案为:正确。
2.We are good friends. We often _____________ a film and _____________ TV together.
A.see; see B.watch; watch C.look; see
【解析】【分析】句意:我们是好朋友。我们经常一起……电影和……电视。第一空和film搭配,用see或watch都可以,look是不及物动词,错误;第二空和TV 搭配,用动词watch;B选项正确。故答案为:B。
3._____________ Sunday Peter and Jim are going to row a boat.
A.Do B.On C.At
4.— What _____________ you do this week
— I think I'll be very busy
A.do B.will C.are
5.My friends are going to _____________ teachers.
A.is B.are C.be
【解析】【分析】句意:我的朋友们将要……老师。这是be going to do,“将要做……”结构,to后面跟动词原形,C选项正确。故答案为:C。
【点评】这是考查be动词适当形式的题目。要掌握be going to“将要做……”结构。
a. I want to play it with you. b. At my school. c. Table tennis. d. I am going to play badminton. e. Hi, Jack. Nice to see you, too.
A: Hello, Sam. Nice to see you!
A: What are you going to do this weekend
A: What's your favourite sport
Do you have time
A: Yes. What do you want to do
Do you want to come with me
A: Where do you want to play
A: OK! See you later.
B: See you!
a. I want to play it with you. 我想要和你一起玩。
b. At my school. 在我们学校。
c. Table tennis. 乒乓球。
d. I am going to play badminton. 我有打羽毛球。
e. Hi, Jack. Nice to see you, too. 你好,杰克。见到你也很高兴。
(1)根据上句:你好,山姆。见到你很高兴!可知这是见面问号,回答用e. Hi, Jack. Nice to see you, too.正确。故答案为:e。
(2)根据上句:本周末你打算做什么?这是问打算做什么,回答用d. I am going to play badminton.正确。故答案为:d。
(3)根据上句:你最喜欢的运动是什么?这是问最喜欢的运动,回答用c. Table tennis.正确。故答案为:c。
(4)根据上句:你想要做什么?这是问想要做什么,回答用a. I want to play it with you.正确。故答案为:a。
(5)根据上句:你想要去哪里玩?这是问地点,回答用b. At my school.正确。故答案为:b。
7.—What is the boy going to do
【答案】He is going to row a boat.
【解析】【分析】句意:— 这位男孩在做什么?—……。根据图片在划船“row a boat”。故答案为: He is going to row a boat.
8.— What's he good at
【答案】He is good at playing the piano.
【解析】【分析】句意:—他擅长什么?—……。根据图片是弹钢琴“play the piano”。故答案为: He is good at playing the piano.
【点评】这是考查情景交际的题目。要掌握短语play the piano。
9.row / Lily / boat / a / going / to / is / tomorrow/ morning( )(连词成句)
【答案】Lily is going to row a boat tomorrow morning.
【解析】【分析】row划,Lily莉莉,boat船,a一艘,going去,to到,is是,tomorrow明天,morning早晨,根据所给的问号,结合词义,可知句子是一般疑问句:莉莉明天早上打算去划船。故答案为Lily is going to row a boat tomorrow morning.
10.is/ Sally / what / going
/ do/ to / this / Saturday( )(连词成句)
【答案】What is Sally going to do this Saturday
【解析】【分析】is是,Sally萨利,what什么,going去,do做,to到,this这,Saturday星期天,根据所给的问号,结合词义,可知句子是一个特殊疑问句:萨利这星期六打算做什么?故答案为What is Sally going to do this Saturday
11.going / am/ fly/ I / on/ park /the /Sunday/ in/ to/ kite /a(. ) (连词成句)
【答案】I am going to fly a kite in the park on Sunday.
【解析】【分析】going去,am是,fly放,I我,on在……上,park公园,the这,Sunday星期天,in在……里,to到,kite风筝,a一个,根据所给的句号,可知句子是一个陈述句,根据所给词义可以连成句子:我打算在星期天去公园放风筝。故答案为I am going to fly a kite in the park on Sunday.
Tomorrow is weekend. I am not going to school and my parents are not going to work. I am going to have a picnic with my parents near the park. We take some food and drink. I take a kite, too. It is my favourite. First we are going to row a boat in the pool. It is going to be fun, I think. Because I never do it. Then I am going to fly a kite. It is windy. The kite is going to fly high. I can run fast and the kite is high. I think I am so happy this weekend. My parents say if I study hard, they will take me here again.
(1)Tomorrow is windy and it is weekend.
(2)My parents and I are going to have a
picnic on the hill.
(3)I like flying a kite very much.
(4)Tomorrow I am going to school.
(5)My parents aren't going to work this
(1)句意:明天天气有风并且是周末。根据短文句子 Tomorrow is weekend. (明天三周末。)和 It is windy. (天气有风。)可知题目句子叙述正确。故答案为:正确。
(2)句意:我和我的父母打算在山上野餐。根据短文句子 I am going to have a picnic with my parents near the park. (我打算和我的父母在公园旁边野餐。)可知题目句子叙述错误。故答案为:错误。
(3)句意:我非常喜欢放风筝。根据短文叙述 I take a kite, too. It is my favourite. (我还带着一个风筝。那是我的最爱。)可知题目叙述正确。故答案为:正确。
(4)句意:明天我要去上学。根据短文叙述 I am not going to school (我不去上学)可知题目叙述错误。故答案为:错误。
(5)句意:本周末我的父母不用去上班。根据短文叙述 Tomorrow is weekend. I am not going to school and my parents are not going to work. (明天是周末。我不用上学,我的父母不用去上班。)可知题目叙述正确。故答案为:正确。
13.请以"My weekend"为题,根据思维导图的提示,写一写你的周末是怎样度过的,用40-50词表达出来。
参考词汇:not go to school; see a film; row a boat; fun; interesting; in the park; enjoy myself; at the cinema; at the weekend; with my friends...
【答案】My weekend
At weekend I am usually very busy. First I will finish my homework at home. Next I will go out and play with my friends or my family. We usually play football on the playground at our school. After that I often go to the bookshop to read books with my friends. Because I like storybooks and my friends like picture books. At every weekend we are all busy but we are all happy.
1. 题目是“我的周末”, 思维导图是要求从以下方面叙述:1. 做什么;2. 为什么这么做;3. 去哪里;4. 感觉如何。
2. 题目所给单词或短语是: not go to school不用上学; see a film看电影; row a boat划船; fun有趣; interesting有意思; in the park在公园; enjoy myself玩得高兴; at the cinema在电影院; at the weekend在周末; with my friends和我的朋友们等。
3. 根据提示写出句子,可以适当发挥。
1 / 1牛津上海版(深圳用)小学英语五年级下册Module2 Unit 5同步练习(一)
(1)face same watch
(2)boat coat float
(3)home so go
(4)heavy each teach
2.We are good friends. We often _____________ a film and _____________ TV together.
A.see; see B.watch; watch C.look; see
3._____________ Sunday Peter and Jim are going to row a boat.
A.Do B.On C.At
4.— What _____________ you do this week
— I think I'll be very busy
A.do B.will C.are
5.My friends are going to _____________ teachers.
A.is B.are C.be
a. I want to play it with you. b. At my school. c. Table tennis. d. I am going to play badminton. e. Hi, Jack. Nice to see you, too.
A: Hello, Sam. Nice to see you!
A: What are you going to do this weekend
A: What's your favourite sport
Do you have time
A: Yes. What do you want to do
Do you want to come with me
A: Where do you want to play
A: OK! See you later.
B: See you!
7.—What is the boy going to do
8.— What's he good at
9.row / Lily / boat / a / going / to / is / tomorrow/ morning( )(连词成句)
10.is/ Sally / what / going
/ do/ to / this / Saturday( )(连词成句)
11.going / am/ fly/ I / on/ park /the /Sunday/ in/ to/ kite /a(. ) (连词成句)
Tomorrow is weekend. I am not going to school and my parents are not going to work. I am going to have a picnic with my parents near the park. We take some food and drink. I take a kite, too. It is my favourite. First we are going to row a boat in the pool. It is going to be fun, I think. Because I never do it. Then I am going to fly a kite. It is windy. The kite is going to fly high. I can run fast and the kite is high. I think I am so happy this weekend. My parents say if I study hard, they will take me here again.
(1)Tomorrow is windy and it is weekend.
(2)My parents and I are going to have a
picnic on the hill.
(3)I like flying a kite very much.
(4)Tomorrow I am going to school.
(5)My parents aren't going to work this
13.请以"My weekend"为题,根据思维导图的提示,写一写你的周末是怎样度过的,用40-50词表达出来。
参考词汇:not go to school; see a film; row a boat; fun; interesting; in the park; enjoy myself; at the cinema; at the weekend; with my friends...
【解析】【分析】(1)face和same的划线部分发/e /,而watch的划线部分发/ /。发音不同。故答案为:错误。
(2)boat, coat和float的划线部分发/ /。发音相同。故答案为:正确。
(3)home,so和go的划线部分发/ /。发音相同。故答案为:正确。
【解析】【分析】句意:我们是好朋友。我们经常一起……电影和……电视。第一空和film搭配,用see或watch都可以,look是不及物动词,错误;第二空和TV 搭配,用动词watch;B选项正确。故答案为:B。
【解析】【分析】句意:我的朋友们将要……老师。这是be going to do,“将要做……”结构,to后面跟动词原形,C选项正确。故答案为:C。
【点评】这是考查be动词适当形式的题目。要掌握be going to“将要做……”结构。
a. I want to play it with you. 我想要和你一起玩。
b. At my school. 在我们学校。
c. Table tennis. 乒乓球。
d. I am going to play badminton. 我有打羽毛球。
e. Hi, Jack. Nice to see you, too. 你好,杰克。见到你也很高兴。
(1)根据上句:你好,山姆。见到你很高兴!可知这是见面问号,回答用e. Hi, Jack. Nice to see you, too.正确。故答案为:e。
(2)根据上句:本周末你打算做什么?这是问打算做什么,回答用d. I am going to play badminton.正确。故答案为:d。
(3)根据上句:你最喜欢的运动是什么?这是问最喜欢的运动,回答用c. Table tennis.正确。故答案为:c。
(4)根据上句:你想要做什么?这是问想要做什么,回答用a. I want to play it with you.正确。故答案为:a。
(5)根据上句:你想要去哪里玩?这是问地点,回答用b. At my school.正确。故答案为:b。
7.【答案】He is going to row a boat.
【解析】【分析】句意:— 这位男孩在做什么?—……。根据图片在划船“row a boat”。故答案为: He is going to row a boat.
8.【答案】He is good at playing the piano.
【解析】【分析】句意:—他擅长什么?—……。根据图片是弹钢琴“play the piano”。故答案为: He is good at playing the piano.
【点评】这是考查情景交际的题目。要掌握短语play the piano。
9.【答案】Lily is going to row a boat tomorrow morning.
【解析】【分析】row划,Lily莉莉,boat船,a一艘,going去,to到,is是,tomorrow明天,morning早晨,根据所给的问号,结合词义,可知句子是一般疑问句:莉莉明天早上打算去划船。故答案为Lily is going to row a boat tomorrow morning.
10.【答案】What is Sally going to do this Saturday
【解析】【分析】is是,Sally萨利,what什么,going去,do做,to到,this这,Saturday星期天,根据所给的问号,结合词义,可知句子是一个特殊疑问句:萨利这星期六打算做什么?故答案为What is Sally going to do this Saturday
11.【答案】I am going to fly a kite in the park on Sunday.
【解析】【分析】going去,am是,fly放,I我,on在……上,park公园,the这,Sunday星期天,in在……里,to到,kite风筝,a一个,根据所给的句号,可知句子是一个陈述句,根据所给词义可以连成句子:我打算在星期天去公园放风筝。故答案为I am going to fly a kite in the park on Sunday.
(1)句意:明天天气有风并且是周末。根据短文句子 Tomorrow is weekend. (明天三周末。)和 It is windy. (天气有风。)可知题目句子叙述正确。故答案为:正确。
(2)句意:我和我的父母打算在山上野餐。根据短文句子 I am going to have a picnic with my parents near the park. (我打算和我的父母在公园旁边野餐。)可知题目句子叙述错误。故答案为:错误。
(3)句意:我非常喜欢放风筝。根据短文叙述 I take a kite, too. It is my favourite. (我还带着一个风筝。那是我的最爱。)可知题目叙述正确。故答案为:正确。
(4)句意:明天我要去上学。根据短文叙述 I am not going to school (我不去上学)可知题目叙述错误。故答案为:错误。
(5)句意:本周末我的父母不用去上班。根据短文叙述 Tomorrow is weekend. I am not going to school and my parents are not going to work. (明天是周末。我不用上学,我的父母不用去上班。)可知题目叙述正确。故答案为:正确。
13.【答案】My weekend
At weekend I am usually very busy. First I will finish my homework at home. Next I will go out and play with my friends or my family. We usually play football on the playground at our school. After that I often go to the bookshop to read books with my friends. Because I like storybooks and my friends like picture books. At every weekend we are all busy but we are all happy.
1. 题目是“我的周末”, 思维导图是要求从以下方面叙述:1. 做什么;2. 为什么这么做;3. 去哪里;4. 感觉如何。
2. 题目所给单词或短语是: not go to school不用上学; see a film看电影; row a boat划船; fun有趣; interesting有意思; in the park在公园; enjoy myself玩得高兴; at the cinema在电影院; at the weekend在周末; with my friends和我的朋友们等。
3. 根据提示写出句子,可以适当发挥。
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