Unit6 How many
Part C Story time 教学设计
【Teaching contents】:
Unit6 How many Part C Story time
【Teaching aims】]:
(1)学生能在故事中理解并运用“only”“won”“ Let’s have a race.”
(2)通过竞赛游戏,让学生体会友谊,并学会“Good things to share with good friends.”
【Important points】:
1、学生能在故事中理解并运用“only”“won”“ Let’s have a race.”
【Difficult points】:
学生能体会友谊,并学会“Good things to share with good friends.”
【Teaching preparation】:
【Teaching methods】:
【Teaching procedures】:
步骤 目标与内容 设计意图 整合点与软件
Step1、Warm-up and lead in Greeting Sing a song and race 教师在黑板上画出两棵苹果树,对学生们说“Let’s have a race.”引导学生说“Good idea!” 将学生分为男女两组,跟唱歌曲,展开比赛。表现好的小组,将在果树上挂上苹果。 通过创设情境,吸引学生的注意力,并充分调动的学生的学习积极性,使学生融入真实的情景之中。 PPT
Step2:Pretension Pre-reading 出示race的思维导图:How to spell this word What do you think ,when you see this world 从而引出picking apples race。 While-reading Look and answer: What fruit do you see Look and answer:Who are they What fruit do you see Listen and answer:How many apples does Zoom have How many apples does Zip have Who won Follow the tape together. 1、出示思维导图,发散学生思维,引入课题。 2、通过让学生带着问题任务去听听力,让学生对故事有整体感知。
Step3:Practice 1、Let’s dub the video. 2、Group work :Act out the story. 1、自主合作学习让学生在团队合作中体会学和用的乐趣,获得成就感,增强学习英语的兴趣和信心,增强同学情谊。 2、分角色扮演,让学生有意模仿语音语调;通过情景创设,在真实的情景下,表演课本中故事,加深对故事的理解。通过表演调动每一个孩子的参与积极性。
Step4:Consolation and extension Group work : add the end of the story,and act. 通过小组合作表演,改编,创新故事,提供合作思考和交流的机会,提高思考深度和广度,同时进行情感教育。
Step5:summing up /Homework Summing up :What did you learn Homework: Tell the story to your parents and act the story with your friend. Read some stories:绘本推荐 1、总结评价 2、通过绘本推荐,激发学生阅读绘本的兴趣。
Blackboard Work: Unit6 How many Part C Story time Zoom的图片:Let’s have a race. Good idea. Zip的图片 How many apples do you have I have only three. I won!