新人教版(2019)必修一unit 5 listening and speaking课件(13张PPT+教案+学案)


名称 新人教版(2019)必修一unit 5 listening and speaking课件(13张PPT+教案+学案)
格式 zip
文件大小 163.5MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-03-03 15:36:40


B1U5 Languages around the world Listening & Speaking
Explore languages around the world教学设计
【Learning Objectives】
In this lesson, students will
1. talk about some countries and the languages spoken in these countries;
2. practice listening for main idea and details;
3. give a speech about which other foreign language they would choose to learn and why.
【Learning Procedures】
Activity 1 Watching a video and Introducing the topic
This activity is designed for Aim 1.
1. Enjoy an English video and talk about which foreign languages interest you and why.
Q: The song, let it go, is performed by 25 diverse languages. Do you like it
2. Talk about 6 landmarks in 6 countries and their languages.
Here are 6 landmarks in 6 countries. Which official languages are spoken in these countries Can you try to say hello in these languages
Q: I believe it will surely be a fascinating experience to learn foreign languages.
If you are to choose one other foreign language, which would you choose to learn and why
2. Introduce the quote of Frank Smith.
Q: Why do people learn languages This is the best answer I have seen. “The corridor” represents the journey of life. What does “open every door” mean What benefits can we have from learning languages
Since there are so many benefits, let’s listen to a speech about learning foreign languages, and find out what’s the speaker’s opinion about foreign language learning.
[设计意图] 通过课前欣赏歌曲“Let it go”,以及谈论6个地标,它们对应的国家和语言,学说各种hello,教师引入话题“learning foreign languages”,让学生谈论感兴趣的语言以及原因。接着,通过单元开篇的引语,引出学外语的好处。板书学生的回答。
Activity 2 Listening
This activity is designed for Aim 2 and to prepare for Aim 3.
Step 1 Listening for details
1. Listen to the speech and tick the two languages with the most native speakers.
2. Circle the official languages of the United Nations (UN).
[设计意图] 学生第一次听文本,回答两个细节信息。估计第一题部分同学会有困难,重听这一句,感受是isn’t还是is。如果没有困难就过去。
Step 2 Listening for the topic and details
1. What is the main topic of this speech
2. How many languages are there in the world
3. How many billion people speak the UN’s official languages as their native or second language
4. What is the attitude of the speaker towards foreign language learning
[设计意图] 学生第二次听文本,回答两个细节信息。估计第一题部分同学会有困难,提示听力技巧:关注重复的词。后几题都不难。
Step 3 Listening for details
The speaker thinks it is useful to learn English, but it is wise to learn at least one other foreign language.
What examples does the speaker give to support her idea
1. What are the reasons why students choose to learn a foreign language
students language(s) reasons
many students one of the UN languages
an American girl Danish
another young lady French
[设计意图] 学生第三次听文本,并填空,回答演讲者举的例子:三个理由。为输出做准备。这一步没有按照教材,听代词指代。因为代词指代学生没有困难。而且本节课目标无关,所以舍去。
Activity 3 Learn from the speaker before giving a speech
This activity is designed to prepare for Aim 3.
1. Read the listening text and talk about speaking skills they can learn from the speaker.
Learning one other foreign language brings so many benefits. So which other foreign language would you choose and why
Give a speech about which foreign language(s) you choose to learn and the reasons/ benefits.
Q: What can you learn from the speaker
2. Learn speaking skills from the speaker under the guidance of the teacher.
1). How do we understand the first two sentences
It seems that… However… They first go down and then go up, to highlight 7000.
What’s the function of this speaking skill
It makes us willing to go on listening and arouse our interest.
2). How many times is “English” mentioned in the first paragraph Why
3 times. Because we are familiar with English.
The speaker is very considerate. She considers our knowledge background.
[设计意图] 读听力文本,学习演讲技巧:举例使演讲更有说服力;先抑后扬引起听众的兴趣;充分考虑听众的认知,与听众引起共鸣。
Activity 4 Give a speech
This activity is designed for Aim 3.
1.Give a speech about which other foreign language you would choose to learn and the reasons/ benefits.
1). make your idea clear and your speech convincing
2). use speaking skills
Conclusion: All of your reasons are unique. One thousand readers, one thousand Hamlet. One thousand students, one thousand reasons.
Actually, we learn foreign languages not only out of our personal development, but also make our contributions to our country, like her.
Activity 6 Watching a video and concluding the lesson
This activity is designed to prepare for Aim 3.
1. Use an English video where Zhang Jing, an interpreter, won honor for our country with her impressive English to encourage students to learn foreign languages well.
Learn foreign languages. Be a voice for China.
评课老师(路桥中学 任钗)点评:
Globe, country, individual.三个环节
2.整体与局部结合:符合认知规律的,与活动1内容上相关。Attitude应该再听一遍。主旨策略:关注repeated words.
3. 语言输出:前,先关注语言学习的原因,对三个原因进行了概括。中,总结出口语策略:欲扬先抑。学生能够完成speech,并运用策略。
1.融入opening page
B1U5 Languages around the World Listening and Speaking
Explore languages around the world
the CN Tower
the Brandenburg Gate
the Louvre Museum
the Red Square
the Taj Mahal
the Palace of Madrid
English & French
Hindi & English
One language sets you in a corridor for life.
Two languages open every door along the way.
-- Frank Smith
1. Tick (√) the two languages with the most native speakers.
2. Circle the official languages of the United Nations (UN).
Listening for details

1. What is the main topic of this speech
2. How many languages are there in the world
3. How many billion people speak the UN’s official languages as their native or second language
4. What is the attitude of the speaker towards foreign language learning
repeated words
Listening for the topic and details
the main topic: ___________________________;
__________ kinds of languages in the world;
____ billion people speak the UN languages
attitude: __________;
learning foreign languages
nearly 7000
idea: it is wise to learn…
students language(s) reasons
many students one of the UN languages
an American girl Danish
another young lady French
broaden job chances
connect with family
promote friendship
Give a speech about which foreign language(s) you choose to learn and the reasons/ benefits.
Giving a speech
To some students, it seems that the only foreign language to learn is English. There are, however, nearly 7,000 languages in the world. After Chinese, the language with the most native language speakers isn’t English – It’s Spanish! Learning English is very useful, but it is wise to learn at least one other foreign language, if possible.
There are many reasons why people learn a foreign language. Many students choose to study one of the languages that are spoken at the UN. As they think it means better job chances in the future.
Give a speech about which other foreign language you would choose to learn and state the reasons/ benefits.
1. make your idea clear and your speech convincing
2. use speaking skills
Giving a speech
Learn foreign languages well. Be a voice for China.B1U5 Languages around the World
Period One Listening and Speaking: Explore languages around the world学案
1. Listen to a speech and tick the two languages with the most native speakers.
Circle the official languages of the United States (UN).
2. Listen to the speech again and answer the questions.
1) What is the main topic of this speech
2) How many languages are there in the world
3) How many billion people speak the UN’s official languages as their native or second language
4) What is the attitude of the speaker towards foreign language learning
3. Listen to the speech again.
What are the reasons why students choose to learn a foreign language
students language(s) reasons
many students one of the UN languages
an American girl Danish
another young lady French
To some students, it seems that the only foreign language to learn is English. There are, however, nearly 7,000 languages in the world. After Chinese, the language with the most native language speakers isn’t English – It’s Spanish! Learning English is very useful, but it is wise to learn at least one other foreign language, if possible.
There are many reasons why people learn a foreign language. Many students choose to study one of the languages that are spoken at the UN. As they think it means better job chances in the future. The UN has six official languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish. They are spoken by around 2.8 billion people as their native or second languages.
Some students, though, choose to study a language because of family or friends. One American girl chose to learn Danish because her grandparents were from Denmark. When she was little, her grandpa used to read letters to her in Danish from their relatives in Denmark. Another young lady started learning French because she had several friends from African countries where French is spoken.
What do you think Which other language would you choose to study and why