人教版(2019) 选择性必修 第二册 Unit 3 Food and Culture 学案(4份打包)


名称 人教版(2019) 选择性必修 第二册 Unit 3 Food and Culture 学案(4份打包)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-03-04 11:21:48


主题学习目标 本单元通过学习了解中外饮食文化, 加深学生对中外特色菜肴及饮食文化差异的了解, 让学生领略中国饮食文化的丰富多彩、博大精深, 深入理解饮食与文化的关系, 增强跨文化沟通意识和能力。
语言能力目标 核心单词 cuisine, prior, consist, peper, recipe, chef, stuf, slice, onion, lamb, elegant, exceptional, minimum, consume, garlic, ba-con, ham, sausage, cabage, desert, canten, cafeteria, pork, somewhat, madam, calorie, asociation, regardles, catego-ry, fibre, quantity, ideal, fundamental, chew, consistent, trick, overal
重点词块 priorto, consistof, slice.. of, lambkebab, dimsum, junkfod, beancurd, redbraisedpork, regardlesof
单元语法 过去完成时的主动语态和被动语态
写作能力 利用本单元所学知识、技能和策略能够写一篇语言简洁、结构清晰的描述类说明文。
Sometimes we are curious to know what type of food is healthy and what kind of food may hurt our health.
As a result of years of research, we know that too much fat is bad for our health. For example, Americans eat a lot of meat and only a small number of grains, fruits, and vegetables. Because of this, they often get cancer and heart disease. In Japan, on the other hand, people eat lots of grains and very little meat. They also have a very low rate (比率) of cancer and heart disease. In fact, the Japanese live longer than people in any other country. Unfortunately, when Japanese people move to the United States, the rate of heart disease and cancer increases as their diet changes. What’s more, as hamburgers and other high-fat foods become common in Japan, the rate of heart disease and cancer is increasing there as well. People are also eating more meat and dairy products in other countries such as Cuba and Hungary. It’s no surprise that the disease rate in these countries is increasing along with the change in diet.
Therefore, doctors everywhere advise people to eat more grains, fruits, and vegetables, and eat less meat and dairy products.
1. Why do Americans often get cancer and heart disease
Because Americans eat a lot of meat and only a small number of grains, fruits, and vegetables.
2. What should we eat
We should eat more grains, fruits, and vegetables, and eat less meat and dairy products.
3. What’s the main idea of the passage
It is mainly about healthy eating.
Section Ⅰ Reading and Thinking
教材原文 CULTURE AND CUISINE The French author Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin once wrote, “Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are.” Put more simply, this means “You are what you eat.” Most people today relate this saying to healthy eating. However, Brillat-Savarin was actually referring to our personality, character, and culture. Certainly, in many ways this seems to be true. Chinese cuisine is a case in point. Prior to coming to China, my only experience with Chinese cooking was in America, with Chinese food that had been changed to suit American tastes. For example, America’s most popular Chinese dish is General Tso’s chicken, which consists of fried chicken covered in a sweet sauce, flavoured with hot red peppers. This is probably not an authentic Chinese recipe, however, so it cannot tell us much about the Chinese. On the other hand, it does tell us a lot about Americans. It tells us, for example, that Americans love bold, simple flavours. And, since the dish was also invented recently, it tells us that Americans are not afraid to try new foods. Later, I had a chance to experience authentic Chinese food by coming to China. When my family and I had just arrived in China, we went looking for a good place to eat in Beijing. A Sichuan restaurant had been recommended to us by a friend, and finally, we found it. Tired, hungry, and not knowing a word of Chinese, we had no idea how to order, so the chef just began filling our table with the best food we had ever eaten. With this, we had the pleasure of experiencing an entirely new taste: Sichuan peppercorns. The food was wonderful and different, but what was even more important was the friendship offered us. We soon moved to Shandong Province in the eastern part of North China. My favourite dish there was boiled dumplings served with vinegar. I observed that family is important to the people there. It has become a favourite traditional dish of the people in North China, where making dumplings has always been a family affair with everyone-from the youngest to the oldest-joining in to help. Later, I learnt that the most famous food in Shandong is pancake rolls stuffed with sliced Chinese green onions. Then we moved to northern Xinjiang. Some of our friends were Kazak and Inner Mongolian. These groups traditionally wandered the open range on horses. As a result, their traditional foods are what you can cook over an open fire-usually boiled or roasted meat, such as lamb kebab. Our travels then took us to South China, and then on to central China. In each place we went, we experienced wonderful local dishes, from Guangdong’s elegant dim sum—small servings of food in bamboo steamers-to the exceptional stewed noodles in Henan. Everywhere, the food was as varied as the people. However, one thing is always true: Through food, Chinese people everywhere show friendship and kindness. At a minimum, the kinds of food local people consume tell us what they grow in their region, what kinds of lives they lead, and what they like and do not like. Could we also say, for example, that those who like bold flavours are bold themselves Or, that those who like spicy food tend to have a hot temper Maybe. Maybe not. What we can say, however, is that culture and cuisine go hand in hand, and if you do not experience one, you can never really know the other. 教材译文 文化与美食 法国作家让·安泰尔姆·布里亚-萨瓦兰曾写道: “告诉我你平时吃什么,我就可以说出你是个什么样的人。”简单地说,这句话就是“人如其食”的意思。如今,大多数人把这条谚语与健康饮食联系起来。然而,布里亚-萨瓦兰实际上指的是我们的个性、品格及文化。 当然,从很多方面来看,此话不假。中国菜就是个很好的例子。来中国之前, 我只在美国接触过中式烹饪,那里的中国食物已被改变,以适应美国人的口味。例如,美国最受欢迎的中国菜是“左宗棠鸡”,它在油炸的鸡肉上淋上甜酱,再佐以煸炒过的红辣椒制成。然而, 这或许并不是地道的中餐做法,因此并不能让我们对中国人了解多少。不过在另一方面,它确实让我们对美国人了解很多。例如,这道菜说明美国人喜爱浓烈、简单的口味。此外,由于这道菜也是最近才发明的,所以它告诉我们美国人不惧怕尝试新的食物。 后来,我来到中国,有机会品尝地道的中国食物。我与家人刚刚抵达中国,便在北京找一个吃饭的好地方。一位朋友之前向我们推荐过一家川菜馆,最终我们找到了这家餐馆。我们疲惫不堪,饥肠辘辘,也不认识一个汉字,不知道该怎么点餐,所以厨师径自在我们的桌子上摆满食物;那是我们吃过的最可口的佳肴。于是,我们高高兴兴地体验了一种全新的口味:四川花椒。食物妙不可言、与众不同,但更为重要的是我们所获得的友谊。 不久,我们到了位于华北东部的山东省。在那里我最喜爱的食物是蘸着醋吃的水饺。我发现那里的人都很重视家庭。水饺已成为华北人民最喜爱的一种传统食物:包饺子一直是一项全员参与的家庭活动, 无论老少都会加入进来帮忙。后来,我了解到,山东最有名的食物是煎饼卷大葱。 随后,我们又到了新疆北部。我们的一些朋友是哈萨克族人和内蒙古人。传统上,他们骑着马在广阔的草原上漫步。因此, 他们的传统食物在篝火上烹制而成,通常是水煮肉或烤肉,例如羊肉串。 接着,我们前往华南,之后又去了华中。我们每到一处,都会品尝当地美食, 有广东的精致点心——那是放在竹蒸笼里蒸出来的小份食品,还有河南独特的烩面。所到之处的美食与当地人一样精彩纷呈。然而,有一件事始终不变:每个地方的中国人都通过食物展现友情与善意。 当地人吃的食物种类至少能让我们知道该地区种植什么作物、人们过着怎样的生活以及他们的喜好。例如,我们是否也能这样推断,喜欢重口味的人性格粗犷 抑或喜欢辛辣食物的人往往脾气火暴?也许是的,也许又不是。但是,我们可以确定的是, 文化和美食这两者息息相关,如果你没有体验过其中的一个,你就永远无法真正了解另一个。
① consist [k n s st]vi.组成;构成→ consistent [k n s st nt] adj.一致的;连续的
② elegant [ el ɡ nt]adj.精美的;讲究的;文雅的→ elegantly ['el ɡ ntli] adv.优美地;高雅地
③ stuff [st f] vt.填满;把……塞进n.东西;物品→ stuffed [st ft] adj.塞满了的;吃饱了的
④exceptional [ k’sep nl] adj.特别的;罕见的→ except [ k’sept] vt.把……除外;不包括prep.除……之外→ exception [ k’sep n] n.例外
⑤ minimum ['m n m m] adj.最低(限度)的;最小的n.最小值;最少量→ maximum ?['m ks m m] adj.最高的;最大极限的n.最大量;最大限度
⑥ consume [k n’sju m] vt.吃;喝;饮;消耗→ consumer [k n’sju m ] n.消费者;用户
⑦ stable ['ste bl] adj.稳定的;稳重的→ stability [st 'b l ti] n.稳定(性)→ stabilize ['ste b la z] v.(使)稳定, 稳固→ stabilization [ ste b la 'ze n] n.稳定;稳定化
1. refer to 指的是
2. a case in point 很好的例子
3. prior to 在……之前的
4. consist of 由……组成(或构成)
5. on the other hand 另一方面
6. 因此 as a result
7. 至少 at a minimum
8. 手拉手,密切关联, 相连带 hand in hand
9. 与……有联系 be related to
10. 切下 slice…off
句型公式 do/does/did强调谓语动词
教材原句 On the other hand, it does tell us a lot about Americans. 不过在另一方面,它确实让我们对美国人了解很多。
中文例句 我的确希望你能把烟戒掉,因为我希望你能像我一样活得健康、长寿。
句式仿写 I do hope you can give up smoking , because I hope you can live a life as long and healthily as I do.
句型公式 祈使句+and+陈述句
教材原句 Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are. 告诉我你平时吃什么,我就可以说出你是个什么样的人。
中文例句 养成良好的学习习惯,你将会提高学习效率。
句式仿写 Form good learning habits and you will improve your learning efficiency.
句型公式 with复合结构
教材原句 It has become a favourite traditional dish of the people in North China, where making dumplings has always been a family affair with everyone-from the youngest to the oldest-joining in to help. 它(水饺)已经成为华北人民最喜爱的一种传统食物:包饺子一直是一项全员参与的家庭活动,无论老少都会加入进来帮忙。
中文例句 那位年轻的妇女抱着一个熟睡的婴儿,漫步在大街上。
句式仿写 The young woman, with a baby sleeping deeply in her arms , was wandering in the street.
1. Reading for the main idea.
Choose the best answer according to the text.
What’s the main idea of the text
A.The link between food and culture.
B.The importance of cuisine.
C.The comparison of Chinese and American food.
D.The diversity of Chinese food.
Reading for the structure.
Fill in the blanks with proper words.
America ◆Chinese food had been changed to 1. American tastes. ◆America’s most popular 2. is General Tso’s chicken. ◆It does tell us a lot about Americans instead of 3. .
Beijing ◆We experienced an entirely new 4. :Sichuan peppercorns. ◆The food was 5. .
Shandong ◆My favourite dish there was 6. served with vinegar. ◆The most famous food is pancake rolls 7. sliced Chinese green onions.
Northern Xinjiang ◆The traditional foods are usually boiled or roasted 8. , such as lamb kebab.
South China ◆We experienced Guangdong’s elegant dim sum-small servings of food in 9. .
Central China ◆We experienced the exceptional 10. in Henan.
1. suit
2. Chinese dish
3. the Chinese
4. taste
5. wonderful and different
6. boiled dumplings
7. stuffed with
8. meat
9. bamboo steamers
10. stewed noodles
Reading for the details.
Choose the best answer according to the text.
1. What does the idiom “a case in point” most probably mean
A.A good idea.
B.A proper example.
C.A right decision.
D.A reasonable suggestion.
2. What did the author think was more important
A.The friend’s recommendation.
B.The taste of Sichuan food.
C.The service of the restaurant.
D.The friendship offered to them.
3. Which of the following contains rich vitamins and fibre
A.Dairy products.
1. And,① since the dish was also invented recently , it tells us ② that Americans are not afraid to try new foods.
【分析】本句为主从复合句。①since the dish was also invented recently为since引导的原因状语从句,②中that Americans are not afraid to try new foods为that引导的宾语从句。
2. It has become a favourite traditional dish of the people in North China, where ① making dumplings has always been a family affair with everyone-from the youngest to the oldest—② joining in to help .
【分析】本句为主从复合句。句中 where 引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词 North China ,其中动名词短语① making dumplings 在从句中作主语;现在分词短语②joining in作介词 with 的宾语补足语。
【译文】它(水饺)已经成为华北人民最喜爱的一种传统食物:包饺子一直是一项全员参与的家庭活动, 无论老少都会加入进来帮忙。
Step 1 Question Answering
1. How does the writer understand the saying“You are what you eat.”?
The food we eat refers to our personality, character and culture, and Chinese cuisine is a good example.
2. What did the writer do when in China
He travelled to many places in China with his family and tasted many different kinds of local food.
3. What did the writer find during the visit
He found the food everywhere was as varied as the people.
4. What’s the writer certain about after eating the delicious food of different places
He is certain about one thing-Chinese people show friendship and kindness through food.
5. What’s the writer’s opinion about culture and cuisine
Culture and cuisine go hand in hand.
Step 2 Sentence Rewriting
1. 用主语从句和represent改写第1句。
What we eat represents our personality, character and culture, and Chinese cuisine is a good example.
2. 用experience改写第2句。
He travelled to many places in China with his family and experienced many different kinds of local food.
3. 将第3、4句合并为含让步状语从句的主从复合句。
Though he found the food everywhere was as varied as the people, he is certain about one thing-Chinese people show friendship and kindness through food.
Step 3 Summary Writing
1. 将以上句子连成一篇语言流畅、用词准确、逻辑严密的文章概要。
What we eat represents our personality, character and culture, and Chinese cuisine is a good example. He travelled to many places in China with his family and experienced many different kinds of local food. Though he found the food everywhere was as varied as the people, he is certain about one thing-Chinese people show friendship and kindness through food. There is no doubt that culture and cuisine go hand in hand.
1. prior adj.先前的;优先的
Prior to coming to China, my only experience with Chinese cooking was in America, with Chinese food that had been changed to suit American tastes.
① She will be unable to attend because of a prior engagement.
② If a person places money prior to anything else, it’s very likely that he could not enjoy the happiness in life.
③ She visited me on the day prior to her death.
(1) prior to 在……之前的
(2)priority n.优先事项;优先权
prior to意为“在……之前的”,其中to是介词,后接动词时要用v.-ing形式。
① The will was made two days prior to his death.
② Financial security was high on his list of priorities (prior).
③ 保护我的妹妹是我最重要的责任。
The duty to protect my sister is prior to all others .
2. consist vi.组成;构成
For example, America’s most popular Chinese dish is General Tso’s chicken, which consists of fried chicken covered in a sweet sauce, flavoured with hot red peppers.
① The team consists of ten members.
② Success consists in hard work.
③ His action does not consist with his words.
(1) consist of 由……组成
consist in = lie in 在于,存在于
consist with 与……一致,相吻合
(2) consistent adj.一致的;连续的
表示“由……组成”的短语还有:be composed of;be made up of。
consist of没有被动语态, 且不用于进行时态。
Life mainly consists ① of happiness and sorrow while happiness consists ② in struggles. Remember that your ideal life does not always consist ③ with the reality.
→The United Nations consists of many nations.
→The United Nations is made up of many nations.
→The United Nations is composed of many nations.
→Many nations make up the United Nations.
3. stuff vt.填满;把……塞进n.东西;物品
Later, I learnt that the most famous food in Shandong is pancake rolls stuffed with sliced Chinese green onions.
① Be very careful with this stuff, and it can be dangerousif it isn’t handled properly.
② I stuffed everything into a suitcase.
③ She stuffed her suitcase with presents for the kids.
stuff…into… 把……塞进……
stuff…with… 用……填满……
be stuffed with被……填满
① He hastily(匆忙地) stuffed a few clothes into a bag.
② Her briefcase was stuffed with paper.
③ 他们提着很大的塑料袋,袋子里装着衣服和食物。
→They carried large plastic bags which/that were stuffed with clothing and food . (定语从句)
→They carried large plastic bags stuffed with clothing and food . (非谓语动词)
4. slice n.(切下的食物)薄片vt.把……切成薄片
Later, I learnt that the most famous food in Shandong is pancake rolls stuffed with sliced Chinese green onions.
① Try to eat at least four slices of bread a day.
② For breakfast I had a thick slice of bread and butter.
③ Father pared the apple, and cut it into five slices for his five children.
④ Take out the seeds before you slice up the fruit.
(1) a slice of 一片;一份;一部分
slice off切下
slice up 切成片
(2) cut…into slices 把……切成片
(3)sliced adj.切成片的
① Would you slice the cucumber up
② They spend a fair slice of the budget on research and development.
③ He cut the meat into thick slices.
④ I’ll slice off a thick piece from the loaf by myself.
5. minimum adj.最低(限度)的;最小的n.最小值;最少量
At a minimum, the kinds of food local people consume tell us what they grow in their region, what kinds of lives they lead, and what they like and do not like.
① Repairing your car will cost a minimum of 100 dollars.
② At a/the minimum, they must be guaranteed against any form of further attacks.
③ He couldn’t join the army, because he was below the minimum height allowed by the rules.
④ I’ve kept/reduced your expenses to an absolute minimum.
a minimum of 最少……
at a/the minimum 至少
below the minimum 低于最低限度
keep/reduce sth. to a minimum 降到最低点
above the minimum超过最低限度
① The candidates must have a first degree at a minimum.
② We tried to keep costs down to a minimum.
③ Cook for a minimum of 2 hours, or until the meat is tender.
1. 祈使句+and+陈述句
The French author Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin once wrote, “ Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are.”
法国作家让·安泰尔姆·布里亚-萨瓦兰曾写道: “告诉我你平时吃什么,我就可以说出你是个什么样的人。”(教材P26)
① Follow it up, explore all around it, and before you know it, you will have something worth thinking about to occupy your mind. 跟踪下去,不断探索,不知不觉中,你就会发现某种值得思考的东西占据着你的头脑。
② Quit smoking, or you may ruin your health.
③ One more effort, and you’ll succeed.
(1)祈使句+and+陈述句 = If…+主句
(2)祈使句+or/or else/otherwise+陈述句 = If…not…+主句
①Call me tomorrow and I will let you know the lab result.
② Follow (follow) your doctor’s advice, and you will get better soon.
③Give up smoking, or/otherwise you may die of lung cancer.
④A bit more effort, I think, and you will settle the problem.
⑤充分利用各种条件, 我们就能取得成功。
→ Make the most of all kinds of conditions , and we will achieve success.
→ If we make the most of all kinds of conditions , we will achieve success. (if引导条件状语从句)
→ Making the most of all kinds of conditions , we will achieve success. (分词短语作状语)
2. do/does/did 强调谓语动词
On the other hand, it does tell us a lot about Americans. 不过在另一方面,它确实让我们对美国人了解很多。(教材P26)
① However, we do know that in 1092 AD he invented the first real clock.
② He does work hard and can finish the job in time.
③ She did tell me about her address but I forgot all about it.
I do wish you a merry Christmas.
She does come from a European country.
He did read the letter just now.
3. with复合结构
It has become a favourite traditional dish of the people in North China, where making dumplings has always been a family affair with everyone-from the youngest to the oldest-joining in to help.
① We finally got to the old village with the little girl leading the way.
② The man sat in the chair, with his hands tied behind his back.
③ With the house empty, Jack felt lonely.
④ With a lot of work to do, I couldn’t go to see the film.
⑤ Don’t stand with your hands in your pockets.
⑥ With the production upped by 60%, the company has had another excellent year.
“with复合结构”在句中多作状语, 也可以作定语。常见的结构有:
with +宾语+
①With winter coming (come), it’s time to buy warm clothes.② With all the things she needed bought (buy), she went home happily.
③ With nothing to do (do), Tom sleeps at home.
④The college entrance examination is drawing near, so the students feel great pressure.
With the college entrance examination drawing near , the students feel great pressure.
⑤After she took a great weight off her mind, she passed all the tests successfully.
With a great weight taken off her mind , she passed all the tests successfully.
1. The more petrol and electricity we consume (消耗), the more carbon we are letting off.
2. At the age of five, little Mary showed exceptional (特别的) talent as a musician.
3. He believes that students should be encouraged to experiment with bold (大胆的) ideas.
4. People are now largely vegetarians (素食者);they only eat bread, vegetables, fruit and so on and they don’t eat meat or fish.
5. The school sets up special dorms and canteens (食堂) for foreign students.
6. Enjoying the local cuisine (菜肴) is one of the delights of the holiday abroad.
7. Can you write down the recipe (菜谱) for this dish so that I can cook it at home
8. Truly elegant (精美的) chopsticks might be made of gold or silver with Chinese characters.
9. Neil and Chris try to spend the minimum (最少的) amount of time in the garden.
10. He has a bad temper (脾气) and will not listen to anybody, so you’d better not stand in his path.
consist of;prior to;on the other hand;at a minimum;stuff up;slice…off;as a result;be linked to;hand in hand;refer to
1. Just phone in your order three or more days prior to departure.
2. Many people helped him. As a result , he succeeded in the end.
3. The children went on an outing hand in hand by twos.
4. That sweet consists of eggs, honey and cream.
5. He sliced the top off his finger while he was cutting vegetables.
6. The video cameras are linked to a powerful computer.
7. On the other hand , the idea appealed to him.
8. If you don’t know the exact meaning of the word, you may refer to the dictionary.
9. This work would take three months at a minimum .
10. He has a bad cold and his nose is stuffed up .
My only experience with Chinese cooking was in America, which had been changed 1. (suit) American tastes, prior 2. coming to China. Later, when I arrived 3. Beijing, we had the pleasure of experiencing an entirely new taste:Sichuan peppercorns. We soon 4. (move) to Shandong Province. My favourite dish there was boiled dumplings served with vinegar. Later, I learnt that the most famous food in Shandong is pancake rolls 5. (stuff) with sliced Chinese green onions. Then we moved to northern Xinjiang. The traditional foods there are 6. (usual) boiled or roasted meat, such as lamb kebab. Our travels then took us to South China,7. then on to central China. We experienced wonderful local 8. (dish), from Guangdong’s elegant dim sum-small servings of food in bamboo steamers-to the 9. (exception) stewed noodles in Henan. What we can say is 10. culture and cuisine go hand in hand, and if you do not experience one, you can never really know the other.
1. to suit
2. to
3. in
4. moved
5. stuffed
6. usually
7. and
8. dishes
9. exceptional
10. that
20Section Ⅱ Learning About Language
(1)(教材P26)When my family and I had just arrived in China, we went looking for a good place to eat in Beijing.
(2)(教材P26)Tired, hungry, and not knowing a word of Chinese, we had no idea how to order, so the chef just began filling our table with the best food we had ever eaten.
(3)(教材P26)A Sichuan restaurant had been recommended to us by a friend, and finally, we found it.
(4)(教材P26)Prior to coming to China, my only experience with Chinese cooking was in America, with Chinese food that had been changed to suit American tastes.
1. 例句(1)和(2)的黑体部分为过去完成时,其构成为“ had+动词过去分词 ”,表示过去某一时间或动作以前已经发生或完成了的动作。
2. 例句
(3)和(4)的黑体部分为过去完成时的被动语态形式, 其构成为“ had+been+动词过去分词 ”,表示过去某一时间以前已经被完成的动作。
Ⅰ. 基本结构:had+动词过去分词
1. 肯定句:主语+had+动词过去分词+其他。
He had already been to New York earlier in the week.
2. 否定句:主语+hadn’t+动词过去分词+其他。
At that time we hadn’t met her.
3. 一般疑问句:Had+主语+动词过去分词+其他?
—Had you visited here before
—Yes,I had./No,I hadn’t.
——是,我来过。/没有, 我以前没有来过。
4. 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词或词组+had+主语+过去分词+其他?
Where had you been before you came here
Ⅱ. 基本用法
1. 表示在过去某一时刻或动作以前完成了的动作,也可以说过去的时间关于过去的动作。即“过去的过去”。
By nine o’clock last night, we had got 200 pictures from the spaceship.
到昨晚9点钟, 我们已经收到200张宇宙飞船发来的图片。
2. 表示过去某一时间的动作或状态持续到另一时间,并且还有可能持续下去,常和for, since构成的时间状语连用。
He said he had worked in that factory since 1949.
1. 如果两个动作紧接着发生,则常常不用过去完成时,特别是在包含 before 和 after 的复合句中,因为从句的动作和主句的动作发生的先后顺序已经非常明确,可以用一般过去时代替过去完成时。
After he arrived in England, Marx worked hard to improve his English.
2. 过去完成时与现在完成时的用法区别:现在完成时表示相对于现在来说已完成的动作,过去完成时表示相对于过去某一时刻来说已完成的动作。
We have cleaned this polluted river.
He said he had translated this book into Japanese.
他说他已经把这本书译成了日语。Ⅲ. 特殊用法
1. 动词 think, want, hope, mean, plan, intend 等用过去完成时来表示过去未曾实现的想法、希望、打算或意图等。
They had wanted to help but could not get there in time.
We had hoped to be able to come and see you.
2. 过去完成时还可用在 hardly…when…, no sooner…than…, it was the first/second/…time (that)…等固定句型中。
Hardly had he begun to speak when the audience interrupted him.
No sooner had he arrived than he went away again.
It was the third time that he had been out of work that year.
Ⅳ. 过去完成时的被动语态
过去完成时的被动语态是过去完成时态和被动语态的结合。表示过去某一时间以前已经被完成的动作,常与by, before 等介词短语或时间状语从句连用。由 “had+been+动词过去分词” 构成。
(1)肯定结构:主语+had been done+其他成分。
(2)否定结构:主语+had not been done+其他成分。
(3)疑问句结构:Had+主语+been done+其他成分?
疑问词+had+主语+been done+其他成分?
How many buildings had been destroyed when the earthquake ended
As the assignment had been done, he went on to search the Internet.
The media reported more than 1,000 people had been killed in the earthquake.
1. I wish she had taken (take)the medicine last night.
2. He couldn’t enter the house, for he had left (leave) his key at school.
3. No sooner had he got (get)home than I told him the inspiring news.
4. We first met on a train in 2010. We both felt that we had known (know) each other for years.
5. My classmate said he had given (give)the book to the English teacher.
6. They had learnt (learn)about 2,000 English words by the end of last term.
7. He said he would go to see the play, although he had seen (see)it before.
8. By the time he was twelve, Edison had begun (begin)to make a living by himself.
9. The test question will be spoken just one time, you must listen very carefully in order to understand what the speaker has said (say).
10. —Where did you go on holiday
—I had hoped (hope)to go to Hawaii, but I didn’t catch the plane on time.
1. 我一到家就发现我的夹克衫忘在操场上了。
The moment I got home, I found I had left my jacket in the playground.
2. ——你寄包裹了吗?
—Have you sent the parcel
—Not yet. The post office had already been closed when I got there.
3. 一听到我被允许参加这次活动的消息,我就马上告诉了母亲。
Upon hearing the news that I had been allowed to take part in the activity, I informed my mum of it at once.
4. 战争爆发时他在那儿住了半个世纪。
He had lived there for half a century when the war broke out.
5. 那不是他第一次向我们撒谎了。
That was not the first time that he had lied to us .
In February this year, it was the first time I 1. (visit) the Palace Museum. Hardly I 2. (arrive)there when it 3. (begin) to rain. Unluckily, the museum 4. (close) when we 5. (arrive)at the gate, so we had to go there again the next day. By the time I 6. (leave) Beijing, I 7. (visit)almost all the famous places of interest. My uncle 8. (visit) it many times already, and he was very glad to be my guide. He 9. (be) to New York earlier in the week. He said if he 10. (have) enough money, he would have been there much earlier. It was a fantastic place.
1. had visited
2. had arrived
3. began
4. had been closed
5. arrived
6. left
7. had visited
8. had visited
9. had already been
10. had had
5Section Ⅲ Using Language
Ⅰ. 词汇拓展
1. associate / s ie t/v.联系;交往→ association / s si e n/ n.协会;关联→ associated / s sie t d/adj.有关联的;相关的
2. fundamental / f nd mentl/adj.根本的;基本的;基础的n.基本规律;根本法则→ fundamentally / f nd ment li/adv.根本上,基本上3. modest / m d st/adj.些许的;谦虚的;朴素的→ modestly / m d stli/adv.谦虚地;谦逊地→ modesty / m d sti/n.谦逊
4. trick /tr k/n.诀窍;计谋;把戏→ tricky / tr ki/adj.狡猾的;棘手的
Ⅱ. 情境词块
1. make up 组成;化妆;编造
2. regardless of 不管;不顾
3. in other words 换句话说
4. cut down on 减少;节省
5. quantities of 大量的
6. as with 就……而言;如同
7. 简单地说 put more simply
8. 而不是 rather than
9. 在正确的道路上 on the right track
10. 取决于 be up to
Ⅲ. 情境佳句
句型公式 while引导时间状语从句
教材原句 Put more simply, while people continue to argue over whether or not fatty food is dangerous, we already know that sugar is a killer. 简单地说,当人们还在为高脂肪食物是否有害而争论不休时,我们已经知晓糖分是健康杀手。
中文例句 我们正在讨论问题时,他们冲了进来。
句式仿写 They rushed in while we were discussing questions .
句型公式 倍数表达方式
教材原句 And in America, people who receive 25% of their daily calories or more through sugar are twice as likely to die from heart disease than people who receive less than 10% a day. 在美国,每天从糖分中摄取25%或更高卡路里的人死于心脏病的可能性是日摄取量少于10%的人的两倍。
中文例句 长江差不多是珠江的两倍长。
句式仿写 The Yangtze River is almost twice longer than the Pearl River.
句型公式 It takes/took(sb.) some time to do…做……花费(某人)多长时间
教材原句 It takes about twenty minutes from the time you start eating for your brain to tell your body that you are full. 开始进食大约20分钟后,你的大脑才会告知你的身体“你吃饱了”。
中文例句 由于大雨,我花了三天才赶到北京。
句式仿写 It took me three days to arrive in Beijing because of the heavy rain.
教材原文 HEALTHY EATING There is much debate nowadays as to what makes up a healthy diet. For example, scientists have insisted for years that a big enemy of health is fatty food. However, there is increasing evidence that the real driver of poor health is not so much fatty food, as it is sugar. Heart disease is the number one killer of Americans. And in America, people who receive 25% of their daily calories or more through sugar are twice as likely to die from heart disease than people who receive less than 10% a day (Journal of the American Medical Association, 2014). This is true regardless of how healthy the rest of their diet might be. Put more simply, while people continue to argue over whether or not fatty food is dangerous, we already know that sugar is a killer. Much of this extra sugar comes from sweets and sweet drinks. The average American gets 1/3 of his or her sugar through sweet drinks alone. The American Heart Association recommends that we limit ourselves to less than 100-150 calories a day from sugar, which is less than what is usually contained in one can of sweet drink or in a single candy bar. In other words, if you want to be healthy, you have to cut down on desserts, and cut out sweet drinks altogether. Beyond this, you can keep healthy by consuming different categories of fresh foods, especially fruit and vegetables, which are full of vitamins and fibre, rather than processed foods. Processed foods often contain less nutrition, and have higher quantities of sugar, salt, and fat than fresh ingredients. Besides this, it is also important to have some meat, beans, or dairy products in your diet, as they provide the necessary protein for strong bones and muscle growth. As with everything in life, moderation is key. The ideal diet is a balanced one, without too much or too little of any one thing. Finally, a fundamental key to healthy eating is to eat slowly. It takes about twenty minutes from the time you start eating for your brain to tell your body that you are full. What this means is that people who chew too quickly end up eating too much food because they still feel hungry. Eating slowly also allows your body to digest your food better, and will allow you to enjoy your food more. In addition, studies show that consistent eating habits, for example, taking three meals a day at the same time each day, are better for our health. It is also better to eat a modest amount of food each time, rather than to eat a lot in one meal, and then a little in the next. There is no one trick to healthy eating. Rather, healthy eating starts with having a healthy attitude towards food. One question you can ask yourself is, “Do I eat to live, or live to eat ” If you are using food mostly for nutrition, then you are on the right track with your diet. However, if food has become the centre of your life, you might be on the road to bad health. It is up to you to decide how you want to live, and to make the right decisions about your diet. 教材译文 健康饮食 当下,何为健康饮食仍众说纷纭。例如,多年来科学家一直认为健康的大敌是高脂肪食物。然而,越来越多的证据表明,导致不良健康的真正因素并非高脂肪食物,而是糖分。心脏病是美国人的头号杀手。在美国,每天从糖分中摄取25%或更高卡路里的人死于心脏病的可能性是日摄取量少于10%的人的两倍(《美国医学会杂志》,2014年)。无论他们饮食的其他方面多么健康,都确实如此。简单地说,当人们还在为高脂肪食物是否有害而争论不休时,我们已经知晓糖分是健康杀手。 多余的糖分大多来自甜食和甜饮料。一个普通的美国人单从甜饮料中摄取的糖分就占三分之一。美国心脏协会建议我们将每日糖摄入量限制在100至150卡路里以下,少于一听甜饮料或一块糖果通常所含的糖分。换言之,你要想身体健康,就必须少吃甜点,完全禁饮甜饮料。 除此以外,为了保持身体健康,你还可以食用不同种类的新鲜食物,尤其是富含维生素和纤维素的水果和蔬菜,而不是加工食品。相比新鲜食材,加工食品通常营养成分较低,糖分、盐分和脂肪含量更高。此外,饮食中摄取一些肉类、豆类或奶制品也十分重要,因为这些食物为强壮骨骼、肌肉生长提供必要的蛋白质。适量是关键,生活中万事均如此。理想的饮食是均衡饮食,避免过多或过少摄入任何一种成分。 最后,健康饮食的基本要诀是细嚼慢咽。开始进食大约20分钟后,你的大脑才会告知你的身体“你吃饱了”。这意味着咀嚼过快的人最终会吃太多食物,因为他们仍然感到饥饿。细嚼慢咽还能让你的身体更好地消化食物、更充分地享受美食。此外,研究表明,有规律的饮食习惯对我们的健康更有好处,例如,每天固定时间食用三餐。而且最好每餐摄入适量的食物,而不是上一餐吃很多,下一餐吃得很少。 健康饮食没有诀窍。相反,健康饮食始于健康的饮食态度。你可以问自己一个问题:“我是为了活着而吃饭,还是为了吃饭而活着?”如果你吃饭主要是为了汲取营养,那么你已经在饮食上走对了路子。然而,如果食物已成为你生活的核心,那么你可能已踏上不健康之路。你想如何生活、如何做出正确的饮食抉择,这完全取决于你自己。
1. 换句话说 in other words
2. 保持健康 keep healthy
3. 减少 cut down on
4. 删除;停止 cut out
5.……的基本要诀 a fundamental key to…
6.……的诀窍 a trick to
7. 取决于 be up to
8. 做出正确的决定 make the right decisions
There is increasing evidence that the real driver of poor health is not fatty food but sugar.
If you want to keep healthy, you have to cut down on desserts, and cut out sweet drinks altogether.
You can keep healthy.
You can consume different categories of fresh foods, especially fruit and vegetables.
A fundamental key to healthy eating is to eat slowly.
There is no one trick to healthy eating.
It is up to you to decide how you want to live, and to make the right decisions about your diet.
1.用not only…but also 升级句2。
If you want to keep healthy, not only do you have to cut down on desserts but also cut out sweet drinks altogether.
You can keep healthy by consuming different categories of fresh foods, especially fruit and vegetables.
A fundamental key to healthy eating is to eat slowly but there is no one trick to healthy eating.
There is increasing evidence that the real driver of poor health is not much fatty food but sugar.
In other words, if you want to be healthy, you have to not only cut down on desserts but also cut out sweet drinks altogether. Besides, you can keep healthy by consuming different categories of fresh foods, especially fruit and vegetables. Finally, a fundamental key to healthy eating is to eat slowly, but there is no one trick to healthy eating.
It is up to you to decide how you want to live, and to make the right decisions about your diet.
1. 介绍自己的饮食习惯;
2. 意识到健康饮食的重要性;
3. 养成健康饮食的习惯。
注意:1. 词数80左右;
2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Like most people from the North, cooked wheaten food is always my favorite. I often have noodles for breakfast, steamed bread or pancakes for lunch and supper. I eat vegetables every day. I like seafood though it’s a little expensive. I often go out for good meals with my family and friends, but we often eat a lot of meat there.
I think we should form healthy eating habits. Breakfast is very important to our health. Besides, we’d better eat less meat and more fresh vegetables. All in all, we should realize the importance of a healthy diet.
1. regardless of不管;不顾
This is true regardless of how healthy the rest of their diet might be. 无论他们饮食的其他方面多么健康,都确实如此。(教材P32)
①Drunk driving should be treated as a crime regardless of whether the driver causes a crash or not.
② Regardless of what happens my claim is safe and secure.
③Regardless of the fact that they speak different languages, they can communicate freely.
(1)regardless adv.不管;不顾
(2)regardless of the fact that…不顾……的事实
(3)carry on regardless不管怎样都要进行下去
regardless of 强调“不认为……重要”,从而不加以重视或考虑,其后可以接the fact that…;其同义词despite/in spite of还有“尽管……但是”之意,其后一般不接从句。
In spite of/Despite the heavy snow, she is going out for a walk.
①They continued to work regardless of the fact that it was raining.
②Despite her recent surgery she has been carrying on regardless (regard).
→We arrived at the station on time regardless of the storm .
→We arrived at the station on time despite/in spite of the storm .
2. quantity n.数量;数额
Processed foods often contain less nutrition, and have higher quantities of sugar, salt, and fat than fresh ingredients. 相比新鲜食材,加工食品通常营养成分较低,糖分、盐分和脂肪含量更高。(教材P32)
①The policeman found that the house had been broken into and a quantity of jewelry stolen.
②With more and more forests cut down, large quantities of soil are being washed away.
③It’s cheaper to buy goods in quantity.
(1) a large/small quantity of = large/small quantities of 大量/少量的
(2) in quantity 在数量上;大量地
in large quantities大量地
a quantity of和quantities of后既可接可数名词,也可接不可数名词,“a quantity of+名词”作主语时,谓语动词的单复数取决于名词;“quantities of+名词”作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。
Quantities of nuts were on the table.
Quantities of food were on the table.
A quantity of nuts were on the table.
①During the Qingdao Beer Festival, large quantities of beer are (be) sold out.
②Every day in hot summer, a large quantity of beer is consumed (consume).
③Large quantities of air-conditioners have been sold (sell) since the summer is coming.
④He likes reading and always buys books in quantity /in large quantities (quantity).
3. trick n.诀窍;计谋;把戏vt.哄骗;欺骗
There is no one trick to healthy eating. 健康饮食没有诀窍。(教材P32)
①He used the old trick of attacking in order to defend himself.
②We are playing a trick on a man who keeps bothering me.
③They tricked the old lady out of$25,000.
(1) play tricks/a trick on sb. 搞恶作剧;开某人玩笑
(2)trick sb. out of sth. 从某人处骗走某物
trick sb. into doing sth. 诱使某人做某事
②laugh at嘲笑
③make fun of取笑
④make a fool/joke of愚弄
⑤play a trick/joke on捉弄
①Don’t take it seriously; she just wants to play a joke on you.
②We were tricked into buying a poor car, which made me very upset.
③Her partner tried to trick her out of her share.
1. while引导时间状语从句
Put more simply,while people continue to argue over whether or not fatty food is dangerous, we already know that sugar is a killer. 简单地说,当人们还在为高脂肪食物是否有害而争论不休时,我们已经知晓糖分是健康杀手。(教材P32)
①There’s plenty of rain in the southeast, while there’s little in the northwest.
② While Mary was writing a letter, the children were playing outside.
③ While he loves his students, he is very strict with them.
after a while过了一会儿
for a while暂时,一会儿
all the while一直,始终
The boy is good at maths, while his sister is good at Chinese .
While I understand what you say , I can’t agree with you.
They chatted for a while and then went to work.
2. It takes/took(sb.) some time to do…做……花费(某人)多长时间
It takes about twenty minutes from the time you start eating for your brain to tell your body that you are full. 开始进食大约20分钟后,你的大脑才会告知你的身体“你吃饱了”。(教材P32)
① It took me years to get back on my feet.
② It took me a long time to push my way through the crowd.
③It’s going to cost me over $100,000 to buy new trucks.
在It takes/took(sb.) some time to do…句型中,It为形式主语,真正的主语是不定式短语。
(1)sb.+spends…on/in doing sth. 某人花费……做某事
(2)sth.+costs sb…某物花费某人多少钱
(3)sb.+pays+钱+for sth. 某人付钱买某物
take, spend, cost, pay, buy
①I spent $120 on the books.
②It takes the boy most of his free time to learn drawing.
③She pays £200 a week for this apartment.
④Good words cost nothing, but are worth much.
⑤He bought the bag for ten dollars.
Ⅰ. 语境填词
1.Under normal conditions, only about 20 to 40 percent of vitamin (维生素) E is absorbed.
2.Young girls must be modest (谦虚的) in speech, dress and behavior.
3.A fundamental(基本的) change in the organization of health services was required.
4.Be certain to eat slowly and chew (咀嚼) your food extremely well.
5.The results are entirely consistent (一致的) with the findings of Garnett & Tobin.
6.Could you tell me the tricks (诀窍) of making such tasty cakes
7.The seaside had all sorts of pleasant associations (联想) with childhood holidays for me.
8.This book clearly falls into the category (种类) of fictionalised autobiography.
9.A large quantity (数量) of money has been collected to help those suffering from the floods.
10.Beijing Language and Culture University is ideal (理想的) for you to learn Chinese culture.
Ⅱ. 语境选词
regardless of; quantities of; make up; cut down on; in other words; in addition to; rather than; on the right track; up to; end up
1.Five people make up the team; in other words , the team consists of five people.
2.It is up to you to decide whether to go out for dinner or eat at home.
3.I prefer to get up early rather than go to school without breakfast.
4.What’s your second language in addition to Chinese
5.But if he’s out there every day and playing hard, you should praise his effort regardless of whether his team wins or loses.
6.He cut down on coffee and cigarettes, and ate a balanced diet.
7.In this small country, women officers make up 13 percent of the police force.
8.We haven’t succeeded yet, but we are on the right track .
9.They read large quantities of texts and, in general, read the texts without interruption.
10.Every time they went dancing, they ended up in a bad mood.
Ⅲ. 课文语法填空
Scientists 1. (insist) for years that a big enemy of health is fatty food. However, there is increasing evidence 2. the real driver of poor health is not so much fatty food, as it is sugar. Beyond this, you can keep healthy by consuming different 3. (category) of fresh foods, especially fruit and vegetables, 4. are full of vitamins and fibre. Besides, it is also important to have some meat, beans, or dairy products in your diet, as they provide the necessary protein for strong bones and muscle 5. (grow). The ideal diet is a 6. (balance) one, without too much or too little of any one thing. Finally, a fundamental key 7. healthy eating is to eat slowly. 8. (eat) slowly allows your body to digest your food better. In addition, studies show that consistent eating habits, for example, taking three meals a day at the same time each day, 9. (be) better for our health. There is no one trick to healthy eating. It is up to you 10. (decide) how you want to live, and to make the right decisions about your diet.
1. have insisted 2. that 3. categories 4. which 5. growth
6. balanced 7. to 8. Eating 9. are 10. to decide
14Section Ⅳ Expanding Your World
Ⅰ. 单词分层默写
① prior adj.先前的;优先的
② recipe n.烹饪法;食谱
③ chef n.厨师;主厨
④ stuff vt.填满;把……塞进n.东西;物品
⑤ slice n.薄片vt.把……切成薄片
⑥ onion n.洋葱;葱头
⑦ exceptional adj.特别的;罕见的
⑧ minimum n.最小值;最少量adj.最低(限度)的;最小的
⑨ consume vt.吃;喝;饮;消耗
⑩ temper n.脾气;火气
junk n.无用的东西
brand n.品牌
stable adj.稳定的;稳重的
canteen n.食堂;餐厅
somewhat adv.有点;稍微
madam n.夫人;女士
calorie n.卡路里
association n.协会;关联
category n.类别;种类
vitamin n.维生素
quantity n.数量;数额
ideal adj.完美的;理想的;想象的n.理想;完美的人(或事物)
trick n.诀窍;计谋;把戏
overall adv.总体上;大致上adj.全面的;综合的
① associate v.联系;交往→ association n.协会;关联→ associated adj.有关联的;相关的
② fundamental adj.根本的;基本的;基础的→ fundamentally adv.从根本上, 基本上
③ modest adj.些许的;谦虚的;朴素的→ modestly adv.谦虚地;谦逊地→ modesty n.谦逊
④ trick n.诀窍;计谋;把戏→ tricky adj.狡猾的;棘手的
⑤ consist vi.组成;构成→ consistent adj.一致的;连续的
⑥ elegant adj.精美的;讲究的;文雅的→ elegantly adv.优美地;高雅地
⑦ stuff vt.填满;把……塞进n.东西;物品→ stuffed adj.塞满了的;吃饱了的
⑧ exceptional adj.特别的;罕见的→ except vt.把……除外;不包括prep.除……之外→ exception n.例外
⑨ minimum adj.最低(限度)的;最小的n.最小值;最少量→ maximum adj.最高的;最大极限的n.最大量;最大限度
⑩ consume vt.吃;喝;饮;消耗→ consumer n.消费者, 用户
stable adj.稳定的, 稳重的→ stability n.稳定→ stabilize v.(使)稳定, 稳固→ stabilization n.稳定;稳定化
Ⅱ. 短语搭配翻译
1.因此 as a result
2.与……有联系 be linked to
3.至少 at a minimum
4.手拉手, 密切关联, 相连带 hand in hand
5.由……组成 consist of
6.切下 slice…off
7.在……之前的 prior to
8.很好的例子 a case in point
9.指的是 refer to
10.另一方面 on the other hand
11.组成;化妆;编造 make up
12.不管;不顾 regardless of
13.换句话说 in other words
14.减少;节省 cut down on
15.大量的 quantities of
16.就……而言 as with
17.简单地说 put more simply
18.而不是 rather than
19.在正确的道路上 on the right track
20.取决于 up to
Ⅲ. 教材原句翻译
1.Prior to coming to China, my only experience with Chinese cooking was in America, with Chinese food that had been changed to suit American tastes.
2.On the other hand, it does tell us a lot about Americans.
3.Tired, hungry, and not knowing a word of Chinese, we had no idea how to order, so the chef just began filling our table with the best food we had ever eaten.
4.We’ll need ten months at least to have the restaurant decorated.
5.We arrived late for supper that day, and so we just ate whatever was left in the university canteen.
6.Processed foods often contain less nutrition, and have higher quantities of sugar, salt, and fat than fresh ingredients.
7.There is no one trick to healthy eating.
8.However, there is increasing evidence that the real driver of poor health is not so much fatty food, as it is sugar.
9.It is up to you to decide how you want to live, and to make the right decisions about your diet.
Ⅳ. 书面表达
1. 你喜欢中餐而我热爱西餐。(while用作并列连词)
2. 中餐因油盐含量高而美味。(Chinese cuisine; be high in; with复合结构)
3. 那些菜含有很高的卡路里。(contain; calorie)
4. 它们需要花费很长时间才能消化。(It takes some time to do sth.; digest)
5. 你一定尽量避免(吃)诸如烤羊肉串和红烧肉那样的菜。(do表强调; lamb kebab; red braised pork)
6. 少点菜,否则你在中国食堂吃饭时会浪费很多。(祈使句+or+陈述句; canteen)
You like Chinese food while I love Western food. As a matter of fact, Chinese cuisine is delicious with food high in oil and salt. But the dishes contain high calories, and it takes a long time to digest them. You do try to avoid the dishes, such as lamb kebab and red braised pork. In addition, order fewer dishes or you will waste a lot when you eat in a Chinese canteen.
本单元中的单词minimum[n.最小值; 最少量adj.最低(限度)的; 最小的]中的前缀mini-表示“小”。minimum最小量(mini+mum), 其反义前缀maxi-表示“最大”“最长”(如: maximum)其他单词还有:
The Lion King《狮子王》
1. Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance.
2. I laugh in the face of danger.
3. I’m only brave when I have to be. Being brave doesn’t mean you go looking for trouble.
4. When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world.
5. It’s like you are back from the dead.
6. You can’t change the past.
7. Yes, the past can hurt. But I think you can either run from it or learn from it.
8. This is my kingdom. If I don’t fight for it, who will
9. Why should I believe you Everything you ever told me was a lie.
10. I’ll make it up to you, I promise.