人教版(2019)必修第二册 Unit 1 Cultural Heritage Period2重点词汇学案(无答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第二册 Unit 1 Cultural Heritage Period2重点词汇学案(无答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 28.4KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-03-09 13:41:20



Unit1 Cultural Heritage重点词汇学案
1. ...and it is not possible to preserve everything from our past as we move towards the future.
preserve vt. 保存;保护;维持;腌;
n. 保护区;禁猎地;蜜饯/腌菜 (pl. preserves以复数形式出现)
我们将竭尽全力维护和平。We will do everything ________________.
她决定做桃子蜜饯作圣诞礼物。She decided ________________for Christmas gifts.
preserve...from (doing)... be well preserved
preserve one's eyesight
There comes a time when the old must give way to the new.
A give way to B...A给B...让路,A被B...取代(前者被后者取代,虽有被动的含义,但不能用被动)
Always give way to buses. 永远要为公交车让路。
Russian roads are notoriously dangerous and drivers _______________ pedestrians.
give away _______________ give back _______________
give in _______________give up _______________ give off _______________
1. The children were requested to________ their exam papers at once.
2. At the beginning, learning English seemed so difficult that I wanted to________without a
3. The bananas are __________ a bad smell. So you'd better throw them away.
4. That weekend we went to a nearby neighbourhood and __________ some money to the
people there.
3. Finding and keeping the right balance between progress and the protection of cultural sites can be a big challenge.
balance n.平衡,均衡,账户余额;vi & vt 平衡,使平衡 balanced adj. 均衡的
the ecological balance of the forest _______________
on balance _______________ out of balance _______________
keep one's balance _______________ lose one's balance _______________
the balance between A and B_______________balanced diet _______________
strike a balance between A and B_______________balance A against B _______________
1. Keeping a ________ diet and taking exercises regularly is considered as a healthy
lifestyle. 保持均衡饮食和定期运动被认为是一种健康的生活方式。
2. We must balance the gain _______ the losses before making a decision.
4. But the proposal led to protests. 但是提议带来了抗议。
lead to (鲜见用被动) 导致,引起 = result in
lead sb to a place 带领某人去某地
lead sb to do sth
习语:All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通罗马
糟糕的饮食终将导致疾病。 A poor diet will ultimately ______________.
False fire alarms are illegal and may _______ imprisonment.
Fried food may be tasty,
5. But the proposal led to protests. 但是提议带来了抗议。
proposal n. n. (常为书面正式的)提议,建议;求婚;复数 proposals
你的提议正在被考虑。Your proposal is being considered.
make a proposal 提出建议 a proposal for sth...的建议
a proposal that sb should do sth...某人应该做某事的建议,that从句的谓语通常用
(should) + 动词原形(思考:从句中跟虚拟语气的词有哪些?)
他建议会议延期。He made a proposal_______________________________.
propose v. 建议;打算,计划;求婚
propose to do 建议做某事,打算做某事
propose sth 建议某事 propose a toast 敬酒
6. Water from the dam would likely damage a number of temples and destroy cultural relics...
likely adj. 很可能的;合适的;有希望的;adv. 很可能;或许
be likely to do _________________
unlikely adj. _________________;adv. 未必
be unlikely to do sth...未必会发生某事,不太可能会发生某事
If you grow up in a large family,________________________________________________
2. (2018年全国一卷) 如果你不懂中国的餐桌礼仪,你有可能使你的朋友感到尴尬。
If you don't know Chinese table manners,_________________________ _______________________
7.... the government turned to the United Nations for help in 1959.
turn to sb for help 向某人寻求帮助= resort to 依靠,求助于,诉诸于
turn to 其他意义
① turn to+方向:转向... ② turn to/into 变成...
③ turn to 翻到第...页 ④ turn to th 开始进行,开始从事
turn 其他常见搭配:
turn on turn off turn up
turn down turn out turn over
turn around by turns in turn
It's one turn to do ...
1. Why did she _________ your invitation
2. He sighed and ______________, leaving alone.
3. These countires are now __________ recycling as a cheaper method.
4. I will _______ the evidence _____ to the police.
5. His prediction ___________ to be completely wrong.
8. A committe was established to limit damage to the Egyptian buildings...
成立了一个委员会来限制对埃及建筑的破坏... limit n. 限制;限度(可数名词);界线;vt. 限制;限定 limited adj 有限的,有限责任的 limitless 无限的
time limit___________ speed limit ___________ off limits ___________ without limit ___________be limited to sth ___________ limit to...___________
There is no _______ how much fresh fruit you can eat in a day.
They may only have ___________ to get their points clear.
9. ...and prevent the loss of cultural relics. ...防止文物损失。
that prevents world cultural heritage sites around the world from disappearing.
阻止某人做某事 prevent sb from sth/doing sth
stop sb from doing sth
keep sb from doing sth
保护某人不受...的危害 protect sb from sth/doing sth
1. 他的建议使我避免犯一个严重的错误。
2. 没有人能阻止这个计划的实施。
3. 我们应该做什么来保护自己不患心脏病呢?
4. 有了这些钱,他和他的父亲免于挨饿。
10. ...and prevent the loss of cultural relics. ...防止文物损失。
loss n. 丧失,损失; 复数 losses
loss of sight __________ loss of life __________ feelings of loss __________at a loss __________ make a loss __________ suffer a loss __________
make up for the loss __________ the loss of... __________
1. 什么都弥补不了时间的损失。
2. 她说他的去世对很多人来说是一个巨大的损失。
3. 去年该公司亏损了20亿美金。
4. 我很茫然下一步要做什么。
11. The group asked for contributions from different departments and raised funds within the international community.
contribution n. 贡献,捐献,投稿;复数 contributions
contribute vi.&vt. vt. 贡献,出力;投稿;捐献;有助于,促成,是……的原因之一
make a contribution to..._______________contribute ...to..._______________
the contribution in..._______________ contribute to ... _______________
1. 中国化学家屠呦呦获诺贝尔生理学或医学奖以表彰其在治疗疟疾方面所做出的贡献。
The Chinese chemist Tu Youyou ________________ the Noble Prize in Physiology or Medicine for her____________________ malaria.
2. 报道称两艘船在设计上的缺陷是造成悲剧的原因。
The report says design faults in both the ships ______________________.
12. Experts investigated the issue...专家们调查了这件事...
investigate v. 调查;研究
过去式/过去分词 investigated; 现在分词 investigating 第三人称单数 investigates
investigation n. _____________ investigate into..._____________
under investigation _____________ conduct an investigation _____________
1. An independent committee has been set up _____________the affair.
2. 警方正在调查一个事故。The police ________________ the accident.
3. 进一步的调查显然是必要的。
__________(obvious) it's necessary to do further_____________.
13. Fifty countries donated nearly $80 million to the project.
donate v. 捐赠,捐献 donation n. 捐赠,捐款,捐赠物;复数形式donations
donate... to...____________ donate blood ____________
14. When the project ended in 1980, it was considered a great success...
consider v. 认为, 考虑 consider to be/as 认为是...
consider doing sth consideration n.
under consideration considerate adj.
considerable adj. 相当大的 considerably adv.
④ 有些历史遗迹相当古老。
15. When the project ended in 1980, it was considered a great success...
success n. 成功(不可数),成功的人或事(可数名词),复数形式successes
successful adj.成功的 succeed v. 成功 (in doing)
① We all believe that work is the key ___ success.
② The evening was considered to be a great ________(suceed).
③ I didn't expect him to be a __________(suceed) writer.
④ A team from the UK were the first to____________ (suceed)clone an animal.
16. Not only had the countries found a path to the future that did not run over the relics of the past, but they had also learnt that...
not only 的倒装用法:
1. not only放在句首时,要借助助动词,进行部分倒装;
2. 置于句首的not only和but also仅连接两个并列词语,不可用倒装结构;
3. 当not only和but also连接两个分句时,在第一个分句用倒装结构;
4. not only修饰主语时不能倒装
___________________________, he also severely criticized the sender.