小学英语外研版(一年级起点)二年级下册 Module 5 表格式教案(3个课时)


名称 小学英语外研版(一年级起点)二年级下册 Module 5 表格式教案(3个课时)
格式 doc
文件大小 90.4MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 外研版(一年级起点)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-03-12 22:31:52



教材分析 本模块的话题是描述正在发生的事情和谈论正在进行的活动。第一单元的课文情境是Amy和Fangfang谈论大家正在做什么活动,她俩也因此找到自己喜欢的事情。这篇课文旨在培养学生友爱互助的品质。第二单元的课文情境则是两个男孩在谈论操场上的孩子们在做什么游戏的对话。模块的核心语言是Lingling is skipping. Daming and Sam are playing hide-and-seek. Daming is hiding and Sam is seeking. Those girls are playing clapping games. What are the kids playing 第一单元的Activity 1是一段歌谣,呈现数字的韵律,突出正在发生的动作和及时上学的好习惯,提前呈现课文难点。第二单元的Activity 1是以一个正在发生的小故事形象地呈现新知识点What are you doing 练习部分,第一单元的Activity 4呈现的是一张孩子们玩耍的图片,要求学生能依据语言框架,简单描述正在进行的活动。第二单元的Activity 3要求学生能依据语言框架简单描述图片中正在发生的事情。第二单元Activity 4是本模块的歌谣部分,Activity 5是看动作猜一猜的游戏,一般疑问句和第二单元的文本中的特殊疑问句关系较密切,因此整合一般疑问句和特殊疑问句进行对比教学,帮助学生加深对文本的理解。第二单元Activity 6提供了模块的任务语境,引领学生充当学校电视台小记者,现场报道操场上正在发生的活动和事情。模块的整体教学设计思路,是让学生通过第一课时学习第一单元,包括第一单元的Activity 1至Activity 4,以及活动用书第18页和第19页;第二课时学习第二单元,包括第二单元的Activity 1至Activity 4,以及活动用书第20页和第21页;第三课时以再构文本为语境,以第二单元的Activity 6为基础任务进行语言输出。总共通过三个课时逐渐搭建语言框架,内化巩固后进行模块话题的输出。本模块的内容与前几个模块(模块2、模块3、模块4、模块5)关联比较密切,都是现在进行时,陈述句、否定句、一般疑问句和特殊疑问句都有涉及,因此可在本模块的第三课时做适当的综合练习加以汇总和巩固。另外第8模块又出现现在进行时,整合话题,可适当回顾本模块的语言内容。
模 块教 学目 标 语用任务:第一单元看图描述操场上的学生们都在做什么活动,通过看绘本描述羊羊聚会的场面。第二单元绘制某集体活动的图片或展示照片,根据图片或照片进行现场报道,全班评选学校电视台小记者。语言知识目标:描述正在发生的事情和谈论正在进行的活动;全体学生能运用:Lingling is skipping. What are the kids playing 全体学生能理解:skip、hurry up、late、sad、no、those、clap、game、clapping game、well、kid、catch、of course全体学生能运用:skip、late、sad、no、game、kid部分学生能运用:hurry up、those、clap、clapping game、well、catch、of course进一步学习现在进行时态语句的语音语调。语言技能目标:全体学生能听懂、会说:Lingling is skipping. What are the kids playing 全体学生能认读:skip、late、sad、no、game、kid部分学生能认读:hurry up、those、clap、clapping game、well、catch、of course全体学生能拼写2-3个自选单词;全体学生能运用“What are… playing ”询问他人正在进行的活动。情感态度:乐于运用英语开展捉迷藏等游戏,体验学习的乐趣。鼓励学生要乐于参与活动,与朋友一起玩耍,培养学生开朗乐观的情感态度和团结互助的品质。学习策略:通过动作帮助理解和记忆单词,将词语与相应事物建立联系。文化意识:了解捉迷藏等中外小朋友都在玩的游戏,初步注意到中外文化的异同。
教学重点及难点 教学重点:引导学生在前几个模块的基础上,进一步学习现在进行时的肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句和特殊疑问句;引领学生正确描述他人和自己在做的事情和活动。教学难点:如何正确地问答和描述多人正在做的事情和活动;汇总模块2、模块3、模块4、模块5现在进行时的规律。
教学辅助 课件、CD-ROM、学生练习纸
教学策略 思维导图学习法、情境导入法、自然拼读法、任务教学法、合作探究法
教材分析 第一单元的课文情境是Amy看到Fangfang一个人坐在台阶上,没有和大家玩耍,就问她是不是不高兴。Fangfang说她没找到人一起玩,因为大家都在忙于各自的活动:Lingling在跳绳,Daming和Sam在捉迷藏,还有两个女生在玩拍手游戏。Amy问Fangfang是否喜欢玩拍手游戏,Fangfang说喜欢,于是她们就高兴地玩起了拍手游戏。这篇课文旨在培养学生友爱互助的品质。
课时教学目 标 语言知识目标:全体学生能运用:Lingling is skipping. 全体学生能理解:skip、hurry up、late、sad、no、those、clap、game、clapping game、well部分学生能运用:hurry up、those、clap、clapping game、well进一步学习现在进行时态语句的语音语调。语言技能目标:多数学生能看图描述操场上学生们都在做什么活动;多数学生能看懂原创绘本,描述羊羊聚会的场面;全体学生能听懂、会说:Lingling is skipping.全体学生能认读:skip、late、sad、no、game部分学生能认读:hurry up、those、clap、clapping game、well全体学生能拼写2-3个自选单词。情感态度:乐于运用英语开展捉迷藏等游戏,体验学习的乐趣。学习策略:通过动作帮助理解和记忆单词,将词语与相应事物建立联系。文化意识:了解中外小朋友都在玩的游戏,初步注意到中外文化的异同。
教学重点与难点 教学重点:掌握词汇skip、hurry up、late、sad、no、those、clap、game、clapping game、well的音、义、形。教学难点:多数学生能看图描述操场上学生们都在做什么活动;多数学生能看懂原创绘本,描述羊羊聚会的场面。
教学辅助 PPT课件、CD-ROM、学生练习纸
教学策略 思维导图学习法、情境导入法、自然拼读法、任务教学法、合作探究法
教学内容(含时间设置) 教学活动 设计意图
教师活动 学生活动
Step 1: Warm-up(2 minutes) Play a chant. Listen, sing and clap. 通过拍手说唱歌谣,解决一个文本难点,复习现在进行时和数字。
Step 2: Presentation(20 minutes) 1. Find friends for the baby.T: Look, is the baby sad T: What does the baby say T: What are his friends doing 2. Show the picture of Fangfang.T: Fangfang is sad too. No one is playing with her. What are her friends doing Let’s watch the video and find.T: What is Lingling doing Teach the word “skipping”:skip---skippingT: What are Daming and Sam doing Teach “hiding” and “seeking”:ride---ridinghide---hidingsee---seek---seekingT: What are those girls doing T: Say what’s the same between “skipping” and “clapping”.3. More questions.T: Lingling, Sam, Daming and those girls are all playing. What are Fangfang and Amy doing Let’s watch again. Then let’s look and say. 1. Find friends for the baby.S: Yes, it is sad.S: No one is playing with me.S: It is singing.S: It is reading a newspaper.S: It is...2. Watch the video and answer questions.S: Lingling is skipping.S: Daming and Sam are playing hide-and-seek. Daming is hiding, and Sam is seeking.S: Those girls are playing clapping games.S: Double p+ing3. Watch and answer.S: They are playing clapping games too. 通过帮助小婴儿找朋友,在情境中有效理解和解决了一个难点词汇和句型,并有效回顾和运用了部分动词的进行时态。通过预设和呈现,学生们可以直接切入和理解文本重点句型。掌握一定的学习记忆词汇的策略:1.与学过的词汇进行对比记忆。2.在重点句型中进行词汇的类比记忆。通过再观看文本,找到解决问题的方法,获得帮助人的乐趣。
Step 3: Practice(5 minutes) 1. Ask students to listen, repeat and circle “-ing”. Pay attention to their pronunciation.2. Ask students to work in pairs and choose the right answer. Listen, repeat and circle “-ing”.2. Work in pairs. Think and say. 通过对文本重点句型的复述,夯实学生对文本的知识建构。养成良好学习语言的习惯,注重模仿,掌握正确、地道的语音语调。
Step 4: Extension(12 minutes) 1. Guess the password of an email.Hint: The password is a phrase and you can get it from the pictures.T: What are they doing T: OK, thank you. The password is “playing hide-and-seek”. Spell the phrase.T: Let’s read the mail. T: May is crying. She’s sad. Why T: Let’s help her.T: What is L doing T: What is M doing T: What is X doing T: What is H doing T: What are N and F doing T: Is May sad at last T: Why Look and find out the password.S: They are playing hide-and-seek.S: playing hide-and-seekS: No one is playing with her.S: OK!S: He is playing the drums.S: He is singing.S: He is running.S: He is skipping.S: They are playing hide-and-seek.S: No, she is very happy.S: She is playing with her friends. 通过神秘型的任务学习,学生们不仅运用了所学知识,还掌握了拼读单词记忆的好方法。培养学生乐于参与活动,与大家一起玩耍的意识,形成开朗乐观的情感态度和团结互助的品质。通过一段现场播报,训练学生们熟练运用现在进行时来表达正在发生的事情。
Step 5: Summary(1 minute) Sum up the language points and share the idea suggested in the dialogue — Help each other. 通过总结,使学生认识到重难点,掌握主题,明白团队互助的意义。
课堂评价 教师口头评价;用学过的词汇描述正在发生的活动,完成本课时任务。
家庭作业 1. Read the dialogue. 2. Look and talk about what they are doing at break time.
板书设计 Module 5 Unit 1 Lingling is skipping. Daming and Sam are playing hide-and-seek. Daming is hiding and Sam is seeking. Those girls are playing clapping games.
教材分析 第二单元的课文情境是两个男孩在聊天,其中一人问另一个人小伙伴们在玩什么,另一个人告诉他,他们在玩追人的游戏。第一个人又问可不可以加入他们,随后得到了肯定的回答。培养学生乐于参与,友好相处的品质。
课时教学目标 语言知识目标:全体学生能运用:What are the kids playing 全体学生能理解:kid、catch、of course全体学生能运用:game、kid部分学生能运用:catch、of course进一步学习现在进行时态语句的语音语调。语言技能目标:全体学生能听懂、会说:What are the kids playing 全体学生能认读:kid部分学生能认读:catch, of course全体学生能拼写2-3个自选单词;全体学生能运用“What are… playing ”询问他人正在进行的活动。情感态度:乐于运用英语开展等游戏,体验学习的乐趣。学习策略:通过动作帮助理解和记忆单词,将词语与相应事物建立联系。文化意识:了解中外小朋友都在玩的游戏,初步注意到中外文化的异同。
教学重点与难点 教学重点:掌握词句:What are the kids playing 教学难点:多数学生能看图描述操场上学生们都在做什么活动。
教学辅助 课件、CD-ROM、学生练习纸
教学策略 情境导入法、自然拼读法、任务教学法
教学内容(含时间设置) 教学活动 设计意图
教师活动 学生活动
Step 1: Warm-up(2 minutes) Look and guess.The teacher draws on the blackboard and students guess what the teacher is drawing.T: Look! I’m drawing sth. on the blackboard. Can you guess what I’m drawing Look and guess.S: Are you drawing… 通过这种互动的游戏,调动学生的积极性,展开想象,积极运用一般疑问句和词汇参与竞猜,达到热身和回顾的目的。
Step 2: Presentation(20 minutes) 1. Ask students to look and say.T: What is he doing T: What is the bear doing 2. Play the video of Activity 1.T: Let’s watch and imitate. Act it out.3. Teach the words “playground” and “kids”.T: There are so many children. We can also say so many “kids”.children = kids4. Play the video and ask some questions.T: What are the kids doing T: What are the girls doing T: Can you ask any questions T: Discuss in your groups.T: The boy says, “Can I play with them ” Let’s watch again and find the answer.Show some pictures and practise.T: Look and answer.5. Play the video again and ask students to imitate. Then ask them to act out.6. Ask students to look at pictures and choose the answer. 1. Look and say.S: He is watching TV.S: He is catching them.2. Watch and imitate. Then act out.3. Learn the word “playground” and “kids”.4. Watch and answer.S: They are playing catch.S: The girls are running.S1: What are the boys doing Ss: The boys are catching them.S: Of course, you can.S: Of course, you can.S: Of course, you can.S: Of course, you can.5. Watch and imitate.Then act out.6. Look and choose. 通过小故事,使学生很形象地理解难点生词,并掌握以旧引新的学习策略。通过感知场景,调动学生自主观察和识记复合名词,掌握识记策略。适当渗透用英语学习英语的双解策略和自然拼读教学策略。充分突显学生主体性,整体呈现文本,自主感知,适当引导启发学生提出问题,小组解决问题。培养良好的合作学习习惯。创设有趣的情境,让学生自然习得,消化难点。模仿跟读,掌握语音语调,进而在活动中表演和复述,充分内化文本。有效的阅读选择练习,充分反馈对主要知识点和书写习惯的掌握情况
Step 3: Drills(7 minutes) Play a game: the wheel.T: Kitty wants to play with the kids. Let’s help her. Work in pairs and practise:A: What are the kids doing B: They are…A: Can I play with them B: Of course, you can. Practise in pairs. 理论联系实际,学以致用地帮助他人解决问题。
Step 4: Extension(10 minutes) Show a new story.T: Look, they’re Daming and Lingling. What’s happening Let’s read the story. Enjoy the comic story.Think and say. 通过贴合学生年龄特点和兴趣的绘本展示,使学生敢于阅读,乐于阅读,从中体验知识的能量,从中挥发自己的热情。培养学生喜欢运动的能力,树立参与意识、乐于助人的意识。
Step 5: Summary(1 minute) 引导学生总结重点词汇,并尝试拼读。T: Can you say the main sentences T: Can you spell “catch” T: How to make a friend 逐步总结本课重点,并能因地制宜地运用所学回答老师的问题。 学生们通过自主总结巩固本课所学,并懂得了与人相处之道,明白了更深层次的友谊。
课堂评价 教师口头评价,同学互评;能否用2-3句来描述自己和朋友正在做的活动。
家庭作业 1. Listen to and imitate the dialogue.2. Draw a picture about school life and talk about it.
板书设计 Module 5 Unit 2 What are the kids playing They are playing catch.Can I play with them Of course, you can.
教材分析 有效复习和整理两个单元的内容,提升学生的整体认知,扩展学生的思路,完成相关练习和反馈。在此基础上,创设生动有趣的任务,使学生在合作中学以致用,懂得合作、团结的重要性。
课时教学目标 复习和巩固学过的词汇和语句,并尝试在任务中运用。Lingling is skipping. What are the kids playing skip、hurry up、late、sad、no、those、clap、game、clapping game、well、kid、catch、of course2. 进一步巩固现在进行时态语句的语音语调。3. 全体学生尝试拼写单词,最少能拼写2-3个自选单词。4. 全体学生能运用“What are… playing ”语言框架询问他人正在进行什么活动。5. 引领学生归纳动词现在分词的情况,找到适合自己的识记策略。6. 演绎回顾现在进行时的要领,训练学生根据人称的变化选择相应的系动词。
教学重点与难点 重点:全体学生能运用语言框架询问他人正在进行什么活动。难点:引领学生归纳动词现在分词的情况,找到适合自己的识记策略。演绎回顾现在进行式的要领。训练学生根据人称的变化选择相应的系动词。
教学辅助 PPT课件、CD-ROM、学生练习纸
教学策略 情境导入法、自然拼读法、任务教学法
教学内容(含时间设置) 教学活动 设计意图
教师活动 学生活动
Step 1: Warm-up(3 minutes) Play a chant.T: Let’s chant. Then underline “…ing”.T: How to remember “catch” and “match” Say the chant.Underline running, skipping and playing.catch - watch - match 说唱导入,调动学生情绪,回顾学过的单词,达到记忆巅峰。
Step 2: Review(20 minutes) 创设闯关任务,引领学生逐步参与,通过演绎,归纳出动词进行式的规律。T: Let’s finish three tasks. Then we can have a present.1. In the parkT: What are they doing T: Let’s think and say2. At the zooT: What are the cats/dogs/fish/ monkeys doing T: Pay attention to the “-ing” forms.3. At schoolT: Let’s recall some words. Can you find the rules 在闯关中逐步思考,发现相似性,总结动词现在分词的变化规律。1. In the parkS: Lingling is riding a bike.Amy is dancing.Daming and Sam are playing hide-and-seek.Tingting is writing.Tingting’s mother is having a picnic.2. At the zooS: They’re skipping / running / swimming/ clapping.Work in groups and sum up the rules. 依据学生好奇心强的特点,在闯关中复习,既有兴趣,又有目标,自主发现,自然生成的复习效果事半功倍。通过问答,掌握现在进行时态里人称变化时系动词的用法,发现和总结动词的变化规律。
Step 3: Extension(15 minutes) 引入综合绘本,指导学生们轻松阅读,意会道理。T: Here’s a present for you —Boom is coming! It’s a funny story. Let’s enjoy it.T: Suppose you’re Rex. What do you like T: What are you doing, Rex T: What are they doing T: What are Lisa and her friends doing T: Easter is coming. What are those rabbits doing T: Rex, what are you doing T (point): What is it doing T (point): Are they playing football T (point): What is it doing T (point): What are they doing T: Rex, what is happening to you T: What are Lisa and her mother doing T: Are you sad, Rex T: What is Lisa doing T: Are you drawing and colouring all night T: What are they looking at
T: Is the farmer opening the door T: Wow, Rex, are you playing football 轻松阅读,悟出道理。Read the story.S: I like playing football.S: I am playing…S: They are talking.They are drawing.They are colouring.S: They are having a birthday party.S: They are all working.S: I am playing so many eggs. And I am playing football, too.S: It is eating.S: No. They are talking.S: It is sleeping.S: They are playing together.S: They are running.S: Yes. I am sad.S: She is helping me.S: The farmer is catching me.S: They are running.S: Yes. I am sad.S: She is helping me.S: Yes, I am drawing and colouring all night.S: They are looking at those eggs.S: Yes, the farmer is opening the door.S: I am not playing football. But I am drawing and colouring footballs. 原创绘本图画精美,内容贴切,非常有效的帮学生汇总多个模块的现在进行时的内容,不仅可以综合测查学生的语言能力,而且还能让学生学会了与人相处的方法和懂得了尊重他人和遵守社会秩序的重要性。
Step 4: Summary(2 minutes) T: What do you learn from this story Work in groups and talk about what you think.S1: Be kind!S2: Be polite. S3: Rules are important.S4: … 通过小组内对绘本故事的思考和讨论,使学生初步懂得与人为善,遵守秩序和规则的意义。
课堂评价 教师口头评价学生对现在进行时态句式的运用情况;学生对现在分词的三种情况的总结;对绘本故事的理解情况。
家庭作业 1. Retell the dialogues of Unit 1 and Unit 2. 2. Talk with your friends about some activities you see.
板书设计 Module 5 Unit 1& Unit 2hide - hiding read - readingride - riding sing - singingdance - dancing play - playingwrite - writing draw - drawinghave - having look - lookingrun - runningswim - swimmingclap - clappingskip - skipping