人教版(2019) 选择性必修 第二册 Unit 3 Food and Culture学案(3份打包)


名称 人教版(2019) 选择性必修 第二册 Unit 3 Food and Culture学案(3份打包)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-03-11 12:48:54


Reading and Thinking
The culture of food and dining in the West is a little different from that in China.The proper Western dinner at a fine restaurant is one of manners, focusing on conversation.You are expected to have knowledge of table manners such as what folk or knife to use as these are essential in Western dining.The meal would consist of several courses including a soup or salad, an appetizer, the main dish, and a dessert.The atmosphere will be filled with light music that would only serve as background as people converse with each other.The decorations are usually sparse and are only meant to highlight the atmosphere that is being created by the music.This type of dining is different from the dining experience in most restaurants in China.However, with the increase in internationalism, more restaurants are opening which reflect the more Western dining style.The Chinese people, now more affluent and knowledgeable about international customs, are beginning to join in this dining experience.This is not to say that people have given up the deep richness in culture that Chinese food represents.It only means that more choices and tastes are becoming available to population.This represents a significant improvement as it will change the perception that the height of Western dining is fast food.As cultural communication expands, knowledge of Western food will improve.
[理解] (True or False)
1.The proper Western dinner at a fine restaurant focuses on conversation.(T)
2.Chinese people have given up the deep richness in culture that Chinese food represents.(F)
3.If cultural communication expands, knowledge of Western food will improve.(T)
1.essential adj.        必要的,本质的
2.consist of 由……组成(或构成)
3.appetizer n. 开胃菜
4.atmosphere n. 气氛,氛围
5.sparse adj. 稀少的,稀疏的
6.highlight v. 突出,强调
7.reflect v. 反映,反射
8.affluent adj. 富裕的,丰富的
9.significant adj. 重要的,有意义的
10.perception n. 感觉,知觉,洞察力
Section ⅠReading and Thinking
①cuisine n.菜肴;风味;烹饪
②Jean Anthelme Brillat Savarin让·安泰尔姆·布里亚 萨瓦兰(法国美食家)
③put more simply更简单地说
④prior adj.先前的;优先的
prior to在……之前的
⑤consist vi.
consist of由……组成(或构成)
⑥pepper n.甜椒;灯笼椒;胡椒粉
⑦authentic adj.真正的;真实的
⑧recipe n.烹饪法;食谱
⑨on the other hand 另一方面
bold adj.大胆自信的;敢于冒险的
recommend vt.推荐;介绍
order v.点菜
chef n.厨师;主厨
peppercorn n.胡椒粒
vinegar n.醋
stuff vt.填满;把……塞进
slice n.(切下的食物)薄片
slice ... off切下
onion n.洋葱;葱头
Kazak adj.哈萨克族的
Inner Mongolian内蒙古人
lamb n.羊羔肉;羔羊
lamb kebab烤羊肉串
elegant adj.精美的;讲究的;文雅的
dim sum n.点心(中国食品)
exceptional adj.特别的;罕见的
The French author Jean Anthelme Brillat Savarin② once wrote, “Tell me what you eat[1], and I will tell you what you are.” Put more simply③, this means “You are what you eat.[2]” Most people today relate this saying to healthy eating. However, Brillat Savarin was actually referring to our personality, character, and culture.
Certainly, in many ways this seems to be true. Chinese cuisine is a case in point. Prior④ to coming to China[3], my only experience with Chinese cooking was in America, with Chinese food that had been changed to suit American tastes[4]. For example, America's most popular Chinese dish is General Tso's chicken, which consists⑤ of fried chicken covered in a sweet sauce[5], flavoured with hot red peppers⑥. This is probably not an authentic⑦ Chinese recipe⑧, however, so it cannot tell us much about the Chinese. On the other hand⑨, it does tell us a lot about Americans. It tells us, for example, that Americans love bold, simple flavours. And, since the dish was also invented recently, it tells us that Americans are not afraid to try new foods.[6]
[5]关系代词which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词General Tso's chicken。
Later, I had a chance to experience authentic Chinese food by coming to China. When my family and I had just arrived in China, we went looking for a good place to eat in Beijing. A Sichuan restaurant had been recommended to us by a friend, and finally, we found it. Tired, hungry, and not knowing a word of Chinese[7], we had no idea how to order , so the chef just began filling our table with the best food we had ever eaten[8]. With this, we had the pleasure of experiencing an entirely new taste:Sichuan peppercorns . The food was wonderful and different, but what was even more important was the friendship offered us.[9]
[9]并列连词but连接两个分句;在第二个分句中连接代词what引导主语从句;offered us是过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰名词friendship。
We soon moved to Shandong Province in the eastern part of North China. My favourite dish there was boiled dumplings served with vinegar [10]. I observed that family is important to the people there. It has become a favourite traditional dish of the people in North China, where making dumplings has always been a family affair with everyone—from the youngest to the oldest — joining in to help [11]. Later, I learnt that the most famous food in Shandong is pancake rolls stuffed with sliced Chinese green onions [12].
[11]关系副词where引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词North China。
[12]过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰名词短语pancake rolls。
Then we moved to northern Xinjiang. Some of our friends were Kazak and Inner Mongolian . These groups traditionally wandered the open range on horses. As a result, their traditional foods are what you can cook over an open fire—usually boiled or roasted meat, such as lamb kebab[13].
Our travels then took us to South China, and then on to central China. In each place we went[14], we experienced wonderful local dishes, from Guangdong's elegant dim sum—small servings of food in bamboo steamers— to the exceptional stewed noodles in Henan. Everywhere, the food was as varied as the people. However, one thing is always true: Through food, Chinese people everywhere show friendship and kindness.
法国作家让·安泰尔姆·布里亚 萨瓦兰曾写道:“告诉我你平时吃什么,我就可以说出你是什么样的人。”更简单地说,这句话就是“人如其食”的意思。如今,大多数人把这条谚语与健康饮食联系起来。然而,布里亚 萨瓦兰实际上指的是我们的个性、品格及文化。
minimum n.最小值;最少量
consume vt.吃;喝;饮;消耗
temper n.脾气;火气
At a minimum, the kinds of food local people consume tell us what they grow in their region, what kinds of lives they lead, and what they like and do not like.[15] Could we also say, for example, that those who like bold flavours [16] are bold themselves Or, that those who like spicy food tend to have a hot temper Maybe. Maybe not. What we can say[17], however, is that culture and cuisine go hand in hand, and if you do not experience one, you can never really know the other.
[15]这是一个主从复合句;定语从句local people consume修饰先行词food;句中三个what引导的宾语从句作动词tell的宾语。
Step One:Pre reading
1.What do you often have for breakfast and supper
Answers may vary.
2.Do you know the three kinds of functional food
Energy giving foods, body building foods; protective foods.
Step Two:While reading
Ⅰ.Read for the main idea
1.What's the main idea of the passage
A.What people eat is related to their culture.
B.Chinese foods are delicious.
C.Americans are bold to try new foods.
D.What you eat reflects your health state.
2.Match the main idea with each paragraph.
Para.1  A.eating in Beijing
Para.2 B.food in Shandong Province
Para.3 C.the introduction of the topic
Para.4 D.America's most popular Chinese dish
Para.5 E.culture and cuisine go hand in hand
Para.6 F.food in South China and central China
Para.7 G.food in northern Xinjiang
答案:Paras.1~7 CDABGFE
Ⅱ.Read for details
Read the passage carefully and choose the best answers.
1.Why does the author cite “You are what you eat” in Paragraph 1
A.To introduce the theme of the article.
B.To persuade people to eat healthy food.
C.To show the impact of food on health.
D.To prove culture has little to do with cuisine.
2.What does the author think of General Tso's chicken tasted in America
A.It is delicious.
B.It is not authentic.
C.It is too spicy.
D.It shows Chinese culture.
3.What impressed the author and his family more in a Sichuan restaurant
A.The spicy food they ate.
B.Sichuan peppercorns.
C.The friendship they felt.
D.The new experience.
4.What does the author find from eating dumplings in Shandong
A.Dumplings have to be eaten with vinegar.
B.Dumplings are the most popular in Shandong.
C.Everyone in Shandong can make dumplings.
D.Making dumplings is a family affair.
5.What does the author find different people in China have in common
A.They are all particular about food.
B.They are all good at making food.
C.They all show friendship and kindness.
D.They are all proud of their food and culture.
答案:1~5 ABCDCⅢ.Read for the structure
Read the passage again and fill in the blanks.
Step Three:Post reading
The French author Jean Anthelme Brillat Savarin once wrote, “Tell me what you eat ,and I will tell you what you are”, 1.which means “You are what you eat.” In fact,Brillat Savarin was actually 2.referring (refer) to our personality,character,and culture.In many ways,this seems to be true.Chinese cuisine is a case in point.China is a country with vast 3.areas (area) and a large population.So the food is as 4.varied (vary) as the people.For example,people in Shandong like boiled dumplings 5.served (serve) with vinegar,because the process of making dumplings can bring the family members together.6.Traditionally (traditional),people in Xinjiang spent most of their time on horse backs, and that is 7.why they prefer their food to 8.be cooked (cook) over an open fire.In conclusion,through food,Chinese people everywhere show their culture as well as their friendship and 9.kindness (kind).So what we can say is that culture and cuisine go hand 10.in hand, and if you do not experience one,you can never really know the other.
Do you think “culture and cuisine go hand in hand”? Give your reasons.
Yes, I think so.Different cuisines are created depending on different weather, produce, religion and other factors.These are important components of culture.
1.Put more simply,this means “You are what you eat.”
[句式分析] 本句是一个主从复合句。Put more simply为过去分词短语在句中作状语;this 指代上文中的“Tell
me what you eat,and I will tell you what you are.”。what引导表语从句。
[自主翻译] 更简单地说,这句话就是“人如其食”的意思。
2.On the other hand, it does tell us a lot about Americans.
[句式分析] 本句为强调句,强调谓语。在英语句式中,若对谓语进行强调时,则在其前根据具体情况加上do/does/did,谓语动词用原形。
[自主翻译] 另一方面,它确实让我们对美国人了解很多。
3.Tired,hungry,and not knowing a word of Chinese,we had no idea how to order,so the chef just began filling our table with the best food we had ever eaten.
[句式分析] 该句是由so连接的两个并列分句组成的。在第一个分句中,Tired,hungry,and not knowing a word of Chinese作状语,表示当时“我们”所处的状态。在第二个分句中,we had ever eaten为省略了关系代词that的定语从句,修饰先行词food。
[自主翻译] 我们又累又饿,也不认识一个汉字,不知道该怎么点餐,所以厨师径自在我们的桌子上摆满了食物,那是我们吃过的最可口的佳肴。
4.Later, I learnt that the most famous food in Shandong is pancake rolls stuffed with sliced Chinese green onions.
[句式分析] 本句是一个复合句。句中that引导宾语从句;stuffed with sliced Chinese green onions为过去分词短语作定语,修饰pancake rolls,相当于定语从句which are stuffed with sliced Chinese green onions。
[自主翻译] 后来,我了解到山东最有名的美食是煎饼卷大葱。
1.Chinese cuisine 中国菜
2.prior approval 优先批准
3.a minimum price 最低价格
4.shake some pepper onto the sandwich
5.secret recipe 秘方
6.as bold as brass 脸如城墙厚;极其胆大妄为
7.a professionally trained chef 受过职业培训的厨师
8.fruit vinegar 果醋;水果醋
9.a large slice of 一大部分
10.lose one's temper 发脾气;发怒;生气
11.a strict vegetarian diet 一种严格的纯素饮食
12.junk food 垃圾食品
13.The bag was stuffed (stuff) with dirty clothes.
14.He was elegantly (elegant) dressed in a grey suit, blue shirt, and paisley tie.
15.At the age of five he showed exceptional (exception) talent as a musician.
16.Consumption (consume) rather than saving has become the central feature of contemporary societies.
[掌握规律 巧记单词]
exception n.例外;特殊+ al→exceptional adj.特别的;罕见的
例:addition n.加法;添加物→additional adj.另外的;额外的;附加的
internation n.国际→international adj.国际的
1.They can also refer to (指的是) pop culture and new cultural trends.
2.If a person places money prior to (在……之前) anything else, it's very likely that he could not enjoy the happiness in life.
3.Fishermen sliced the fin off (把……切下) the shark and tossed the creature back into the water to die.
4.When we are under stress our bodies tend to (倾向于) tense up.
5.The committee consists of (由……组成) ten members.
6.One of these key dynamics is that your career will always go hand in hand (和……紧密相关) with the amount of value you create in the marketplace.
1.[教材原句] Put more simply, this means “You are what you eat.”
[句式分析] 过去分词(短语)作状语。
[佳句仿写] 我的家乡四面环山,空气清新,环境优美。
Surrounded by mountains, my hometown has fresh air and fantastic environment.
2.[教材原句] On the other hand,it does tell us a lot about Americans.
[句式分析] do/does/did 强调谓语。
[佳句仿写] 前几天确实发生了一起可怕的交通事故。
An awful traffic accident did happen the other day.
3.[教材原句] Tired,hungry,and not knowing a word of Chinese,we had no idea how to order,so the chef just began filling our table with the best food we had ever eaten.
[句式分析] 形容词(短语)作状语。
[佳句仿写] 由于刻苦又认真,他很快取得了骄人的成绩,并一度成为热点人物。
Hard working and serious, he quickly achieved remarkable results and at one point became a hit.
4.[教材原句] Later, I learnt that the most famous food in Shandong is pancake rolls stuffed with sliced Chinese green onions.
[句式分析] 过去分词(短语)作定语。
[佳句仿写] 政府已经采取一些有效措施清理被日常垃圾污染的河流。
The government has taken some effective measures to clean the river polluted by daily waste.
1.consist of 由……组成(或构成)
(教材p.26)For example, America's most popular Chinese dish is General Tso's chicken, which consists of fried chicken covered in a sweet sauce, flavoured with hot red peppers.
consist in            在于,存在于
consist with=be consistent with 与……一致
The performances of the circus consist of monkeys swinging and tigers jumping through the burning rings.
[练透] 单句语法填空
①Listening is thus an active, not a passive behavior consisting (consist) of hearing,understanding and remembering.
②The beauty of the city consists in its magnificent buildings.
③The results are entirely consistent (consist) with our earlier research.
④Life mainly consists of happiness and sorrow while happiness and sorrow consist in struggle. Remember that your ideal life does not always consist with reality.
[写美] 补全句子
⑤Five people make up the team; in other words, the team consists of/is made up of five people.
[点津] 由consist组成的几个短语consist of/in/with都不能用于被动语态和进行时态。
2.consume vt.吃;喝;饮;消耗
(教材p.27)At a minimum, the kinds of food local people consume tell us what they grow in their region, what kinds of lives they lead, and what they like and do not like.
(1)consume away       毁灭,毁掉
be consumed with 为(某种思想)而不断受折磨
(2)consumer n. 消费者
consumption n. 消费
We have no more right to consume happiness without producing it than to consume wealth without producing it.
[练透] 单句语法填空
①These animals consumed (consume) large amounts of vegetation, which reduced plant diversity in the park.
②He sketched out plans to give consumers (consume) more affordable choices.
③The book has described the problems of excessive energy consumption (consume).
④The fire soon consumed away the wooden buildings.
[写美] 补全句子
⑤As we all know, fat people consume more energy than slim people.
[点津] 多种“吃”法
3.temper n.脾气;火气
(教材p.27)Or, that those who like spicy food tend to have a hot temper
in a bad temper       发怒,发脾气
keep/lose one's temper 忍住/发脾气
out of temper 发火的,发怒的
fly into a temper 勃然大怒
She lost her temper with a customer and shouted at him.
[练透] 单句语法填空
①Her boss would fly into a temper if a project wasn't done on time.
②I was in a bad temper last night.
[写美] 补全句子
③She lose her temper and looked at him with eyes flashing angrily.
[句型公式] 形容词(短语)作状语
(教材p.26)Tired, hungry, and not knowing a word of Chinese,we had no idea how to order,so the chef just began filling our table with the best food we had ever eaten.
For a moment she just stood there, unable to believe what had just happened.
[练透] 单句语法填空
①Hearing the news, she stood there, surprised (surprise).
②He, cold and hungry (hunger), spent seven days in the wind and snow.
[写美] 补全句子
③After the long journey, the three of them went back home, hungry and tired.
15Section Ⅱ Learning About Language
1.Prior to coming to China, my only experience with Chinese cooking was in America, with Chinese food that had been changed to suit American tastes.
2.When my family and I had just arrived in China, we went looking for a good place to eat in Beijing.
3.A Sichuan restaurant had been recommended to us by a friend, and finally, we found it.
4.... so the chef just began filling our table with the best food we had ever eaten.
主动语态 被动语态
肯定形式 had done had been done
否定形式 had not done had not been done
一般疑问句 had+主语+done had+主语+been done
特殊疑问句 疑问词+had+主语+done 疑问词+had+主语+been done
They had already had breakfast before they arrived at the hotel.
He told me that there had been an argument between them.
They said that production costs had been reduced.
①They had cleaned the classroom before the teacher came.
→The classroom had been cleaned before the teacher came.(变为被动语态)
②She had finished writing the composition by 10:00 this morning.
→She had not finished writing the composition by 10:00 this morning. (变为否定句)
→Had she finished writing the composition by 10:00 this morning (变为一般疑问句)
→Who had finished writing the composition by 10:00 this morning?(对句中主语she提问)
He said that he had been abroad for 3 years.
他说他在国外待了3 年了。
I had hoped to see more of Shanghai.
(1)在“hardly/scarcely/barely ... when ...”和“no sooner ... than ...”句型中,when和than从句中用一般过去时,主句用过去完成时,当否定副词放在句首且用倒装时,表示“刚刚……就……”。
Hardly had I got home when the rain poured down.
(2)在“It was the first/second ( ...) time that ...”中,that从句的谓语动词使用过去完成时。
It was the first time that we had been introduced at the conference.
It was the best book I had ever read.
①I had intended (intend) to call on you but I was too busy then.
②We hurried to the station only to find that the train had left (leave).
③A week passed when she realised that the parcel had been sent (send) to the wrong address.
④No sooner had (have) the boy spoken these words than the warden hit him on the head with the soup spoon.
⑤It was the best film that had been directed (direct) by him.
⑥It was the first time that they had enjoyed (enjoy) such a wonderful performance.
contribute to ... 为……做出贡献;向……捐款;促成,造成;有助于,导致
(教材p.28)Italy, Greece, and Spain are famous for their olives, figs, and other ingredients, which have all contributed to centuries of cuisine development.
(1)contribute to doing sth     有助于做某事
contribute money to the flood striken area
contribute time to the activity 把时间花在活动上
contribute articles to the magazine 给杂志社撰稿
(2)contribution n. 贡献;捐赠;投稿
make a contribution/contributions to 为……做出贡献
(3)contributor n. 捐赠者
Many factors contributed to the decline, said Patrick McIntyre, an ecologist who was the lead author of the study.
[练透] 写出contribute to在下列句子中的意思
①Arts contribute to cultural development when people gather together to share their experience. 有助于
②I believe that each of us can contribute to the future of the world. 为……做出贡献
③It is an honor to be invited to contribute to your magazine. 给……投稿
[写美] 翻译句子
It is our responsibility to contribute to/make contributions to our motherland.
Positive emotions not only contribute to success, but also contribute to our sense of happiness.
[点津] “导致,引起”的多种表达:cause, result in, bring about, lead to
4Part Ⅰ Order food together with a foreign friend
1.cafeteria n. 自助餐厅;自助食堂
2.pork n. 猪肉
3.somewhat adv. 有点;稍微
4.have a try 试一试
5.generally speaking 通常来说
6.at all 根本;全然
7.a solution to ... ……的解决办法
8.look up 查寻;查阅
9.pick up 捡起;拾起
10.Is there anything you especially like
11.To which address should I send your order
12.Your food and drink will be delivered within half an hour.
13.Most of us are in a hurry so we get fast food like pizza or hamburgers, but we are tired of fast food.
1.What food does Sally like
A.Chicken.    B.Fish.    C.Eggs.
2.What are the speakers going to do
A.Cook dinner. B.Go shopping. C.Order dishes.
3.What food does the woman order
A.Pork noodles.
B.Roasted beef steak.
C.Fish salad.
4.How does the woman order her food
A.By making a phone call.
B.By showing up in the restaurant.
C.By using the Internet.
5.Who will pay the bill
A.The man.
B.The woman.
C.The woman's husband.
6.What does the man order for dessert
A.Ice cream. B.Salad. C.None.
7.What food has a light taste
A.Beijing food.
B.Shanghai food.
C.Hunan food.
8.What does the man think about Chinese food
A.Very delicious. B.Very spicy. C.Oily.
9.What are people like nowadays according to the speaker
A.They are too lazy to cook.
B.They prefer fast food.
C.They are always in a hurry.
10.What do most people want to do
A.Enjoy home made dishes with families.
B.Eat out more with friends.
C.Start food business on the Internet.
11.What does the speaker advise people to do
A.Buy a computer in their neighborhood.
B.Cook healthy meals at home.
C.Order food online.
12.What kind of talk is the speaker giving
A.A lecture on food and health.
B.An advertisement for a food website.
C.A speech on the development of cooking.
答案:1~5 BCCAB 6~10 CBACA 11~12 CB
(Text 1)
M:Sally, do you like seafood
W:Yes, of course.
M:Is there anything you especially like
W:Well, I really don't know.I can never remember the names.
M:OK.Is there any food you don't eat
W:Well, I don't eat chicken, and I don't like eggs, either.But I like all kinds of fish and vegetables.
M:And then let's look at the menu and see what they've got for us.
(Text 2)
M:Hello, how can I help you
W:Hello, I'd like a plate of chicken noodles, two chicken wings and fish salad.
M:OK, Ma'am.Do you need any drinks
W:Mango juice and that's all I want.
M:All right.To which address should I send your order
W:221B.Baker Street.And my name is Shery Homes.
M:I see.Your food and drink will be delivered within half an hour.Hope you enjoy the meal.
(Text 3)
M:It is very nice of you to invite me.
W:I'm very glad you can come, Dr.Wang, what would you like
M:This is my first time at a Chinese restaurant.Could you tell me the different features of Chinese food
W:Generally speaking, Beijing food is a bit oily; Shanghai food is rather light and Hunan dishes are very spicy.
M:Chinese dishes are delicious.They have a very nice colour, too.
W:Would you like some dessert
M:No, thanks.I'm quite full.
W:Do you enjoy the meal
M:It's the most delicious meal I've ever had.
W:I'm so glad you like it.
(Text 4)
What is cooking Nothing.Nothing is on the shovel.Nothing is in the oven, almost nothing at all.No one has time to cook any more.Everybody needs to eat but meals need to be quick and easy.Most of us are in a hurry so we get fast food like pizza or hamburgers, but we are tired of eating fast food.We want to eat dinner at home with our families and friends.We want food that tastes like home cooking.Fortunately, there is a solution to this problem.Just use your computer to look up food businesses on the Internet.www. will show you a list of restaurants in your neighborhood.You can also see the menus; type the name of the restaurant and the meal you want on the webpage.Dinner can be ready in an hour.You can also order dinner for the next week or next month.The restaurant will deliver your meal to your home for business or you can pick it up.Now you don't have to cook to get a good hot meal.All you need is a computer and a good appetite.
Scene One
M:Good evening.Grandma's Restaurant.May I help you
W:Good evening. 1
M:Okay. May I have your name please, madam
W:Mary Brown.
M: 2
W:I'd like to order the “Free Matching Dinner for 2”.
M:Yes, you may choose two soups, two drinks and four main courses from the menu.
W: 3
M:Are you ready What kind of soup do you want
W:Chicken soup and tomato soup.
M: 4
W:I'd like a plate of noodles, two chicken wings, some beef and a bowl of rice.
M: 5
W:Just a coke and some green tea, please.
M:May I have your address,please
W:Sure. Kingston Court, Belair Cardens, Shatin.
M:Okay, your food will be delivered in half an hour.Thanks for calling.
A.I would like to order some food for dinner.
B.Miss Brown, please tell me your order.
C.How about your main courses
D.Okay. Let me see.
E.And your drinks
答案:1~5 ABDCE
Scene Two
W:May I take your order now, sir
M:Yes, please.
W:1.What would you like to order (你想要点什么)
M:I think I will have some fish.
W:How would you like your fish prepared Smoked, fried or boiled
M:2.I don't like boiled fish (我不喜欢水煮鱼).I like it fried.
W:OK.What would you prefer to go with the fish, bread or pizza
M:I'd like bread.
W:All right.What would you like to drink, wine or whisky
M:3.Whisky is too strong for me (威士忌对我来说太烈了).I think a glass of wine will do.
W:Well, do you want to order anything else
M:4.No, thank you (不用了,谢谢).
W:OK.Let me repeat your order.You ordered fried fish with bread and a glass of wine.5.Would you like to have some dessert (你还需要来点甜点吗)
M:No, thank you very much.
[典例] What is Jack going to do
A.Hurry to his office.
B.Meet Professor Johnson.
C.Help Mary carry the books.
W:Hi Jack.Could you help me carry these books
M:I'd love to, Mary.But I need to meet Professor Johnson in his office immediately.
[分析] 此段对话中只要听清原文中杰克的话I need to meet Professor Johnson,即可得知,杰克将要去见约翰教授,故选B项。
Part Ⅱ Write about a healthy diet
There is much debate nowadays as to what makes up a healthy diet.For example, scientists have insisted for years that a big enemy of health is fatty food.However, there is increasing evidence that the real driver of poor health is not so much fatty food, as it is sugar.Heart disease is the number one killer of Americans.And in America, people who receive 25% of their daily calories or more through sugar are twice as likely to die from heart disease than people who receive less than 10% a day (Journal of the American Medical Association, 2014).This is true regardless of how healthy the rest of their diet might be.Put more simply, while people continue to argue over whether or not fatty food is dangerous, we already know that sugar is a killer.
Much of this extra sugar comes from sweets and sweet drinks.The average American gets 1/3 of his or her sugar through sweet drinks alone.The American Heart Association recommends that we limit ourselves to less than 100-150 calories a day from sugar, which is less than what is usually contained in one can of sweet drink or in a single candy bar.In other words, if you want to be healthy, you have to cut down on desserts, and cut out sweet drinks altogether.
Beyond this, you can keep healthy by consuming different categories of fresh foods, especially fruit and vegetables, which are full of vitamins and fibre, rather than processed foods.Processed foods often contain less nutrition, and have higher quantities of sugar, salt, and fat than fresh ingredients.Besides this, it is also important to have some meat, beans, or dairy products in your diet, as they provide the necessary protein for strong bones and muscle growth.As with everything in life, moderation is key.The ideal diet is a balanced one, without too much or too little of any one thing.
Finally, a fundamental key to healthy eating is to eat slowly.It takes about twenty minutes from the time you start eating for your brain to tell your body that you are full.What this means is that people who chew too quickly end up eating too much food because they still feel hungry.Eating slowly also allows your body to digest your food better, and will allow you to enjoy your food more.In addition, studies show that consistent eating habits, for example, taking three meals a day at the same time each day, are better for our health.It is also better to eat a modest amount of food each time, rather than to eat a lot in one meal, and then a little in the next.
There is no one trick to healthy eating.Rather, healthy eating starts with having a healthy attitude towards food.One question you can ask yourself is, “Do I eat to live, or live to eat?” If you are using food mostly for nutrition, then you are on the right track with your diet.However, if food has become the centre of your life, you might be on the road to bad health.It is up to you to decide how you want to live, and to make the right decisions about your diet.
首段用了for example,however,as等词从不同的观点入手,到段末得出结论:在人们的日常饮食中,糖分是健康杀手。
第二段用了extra,average,alone,recommend,limit,less than等词,表明健康饮食的关键是减少糖分的摄入。
第三段使用了consume,fresh,full of等词来表明健康的饮食应该是新鲜的,并且是均衡的。
第四段使用了fundamental,slowly,end up,better,modest等词来突出慢吃是对身体健康有好处的。
第五段使用了start with,then,however等词来说明人们如何看待食物才是保持健康饮食的关键所在。
首段引用了杂志上的内容来引出话题“sugar is a killer”。然后分段阐述采取哪些措施可以形成一种健康的饮食。
第二段提出健康饮食的关键是减少糖分的摄入,并用了in other words来对前文中较复杂的内容用简明的语言来解释。
第四段提出第三个健康饮食的关键点是吃饭应该慢慢吃,用了for example,in addition等词来举例和衔接。
1.In recent days/Recently/Nowadays,we have to face the problem that ...,which is becoming more and more serious.
2.Overall, I think I have healthy eating habits.
3.As for the things that I am doing ...
4.Many reasons/factors will contribute to the phenomenon.First/Firstly, ...; Second/Secondly, ...
5.The reason of the phenomenon lies in several aspects.
6.When talking about how to solve this problem, different people have different ideas.As far as I am concerned, we should ...
7.Still, I should improve my eating habits by ...
8.All in all/In short/conclusion/a word/As is said/stated above, I believe ...
Step 1 一仿结构布局合理
Step 2 二仿语言规范美观
1.用recently,a heated topic引出话题。
Healthy diet is a heated topic among people recently, for diet plays an important role in our daily life.
Firstly, I rarely consume sweet foods, let alone junk food.
Secondly, my diet contains quantities of green vegetables and fruits.
Vegetables and fruits can supply/provide me with necessary vitamins.
Thirdly, a modest amount of meat and rich dairy products are also included in my diet.
Fourthly, I take three meals a day at the same time each day, regardless of holidays.
(6)句式升级 [用非限制性定语从句连接(2)和(3)]
Secondly, my diet contains quantities of green vegetables and fruits, which can supply/provide me with necessary vitamins.
Personally, sticking to a healthy diet helps me stay in shape.Hope you can join me!
Step 3 三仿句间过渡自然
句(4)和句(5)之间用most fundamentally连接。
Thirdly, a modest amount of meat and rich dairy products are also included in my diet.Most fundamentally, I take three meals a day at the same time each day, regardless of holidays.
Step 4 誊写
Healthy diet is a heated topic among people recently, for diet plays an important role in our daily life.
As for me, I have a healthy diet.Firstly, I rarely consume sweet foods, let alone junk food.Secondly, my diet contains quantities of green vegetables and fruits, which can supply/provide me with necessary vitamins.Thirdly, a modest amount of meat and rich dairy products are also included in my diet.Most fundamentally, I take three meals a day at the same time each day, regardless of holidays.
Personally, sticking to a healthy diet helps me stay in shape.Hope you can join me!
Evaluation A B C D
1.(final copy) Be well organized.
2.(every sentence) Have correct tense and voice.
3.(final copy) Use what we have learned in the reading beautifully.
4.(writing) Be neat and beautiful.
5.(passage) Use proper conjunctions(连接词).
6.(passage) Use transitional sentences(过渡句).
7.(spelling, punctuation and capitalization) Be correct.
8.(final copy) Be worthy of being shared.
1.somewhat adv.有点;稍微
(教材p.31)How is Hunan cuisine somewhat different from Sichuan cuisine
somehow    不知怎么地,以某种方式,莫名其妙地
anyhow 总之,无论如何,不管怎样
His theories are somewhat remote from reality.
[练透] 选词填空(somewhat/somehow/anyhow)
①He was quite polite, of course, but somehow I didn't like his manner.
②He would go to his hometown and see, anyhow.
③I was somewhat surprised to see him.
[写美] 补全句子
④We were somewhat tired after a long walk.
2.association n.协会;关联
(教材p.32)Journal of the American Medical Association,2014
(1)in association with ...  与……联合/有关联
(2)associate vt. 联想;联系
n. 同伴;伙伴
associate ... with ... 使……与……联系起来
associate with sb 与某人交往/联系
be associated with ... 与……有关联
Sadness is our primary association with crying, but the fact is that people report feeling happier after crying.
[练透] 单句语法填空
①The villagers avoided him because of his association with the enemy.
②Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others.
③They don't associate with each other after office hours.
[写美] 补全句子
④There are many serious health problems which are associated with smoking.
3.regardless of 不管;不顾
(教材p.32)This is true regardless of how healthy the rest of their diet might be.
despite/in spite of     尽管;不管
in/with regard to 关于;至于
The law requires equal treatment for all, regardless of race, religion, or sex.
[练透] 单句语法填空
①She is determined to do it regardless of all consequences.
②Dr. Bethune continued working in spite of cutting his hand during an operation.
③With regard to my favorite Chinese poet, I'd like to introduce Du Fu to you.
[写美] 补全句子
④We should praise their efforts regardless of whether their team wins or loses.
[点津] (1)regardless of强调“不认为……重要”,从而不加以重视或考虑。
(2)regardless of 后可接whether, what引导的从句,而despite/in spite of后常接名词,不接从句。
4.quantity n.数量;数额
(教材p.32)Processed foods often contain less nutrition, and have higher quantities of sugar, salt, and fat than fresh ingredients.
a large/small quantity of   大量的/少量的
large quantities of 大量的;许多的
in quantity 大量地
in quantity and quality 在数量和质量上
Your work has improved in quantity and quality this term.
[练透] 单句语法填空
①A large quantity of money has been/was collected (collect) to help those suffering from the floods.
②Quantities of food and tents were (be) sent to earthquake stricken areas from Shandong Province yesterday.
③We can offer you a better price if you can buy it in quantity.
[写美] 补全句子
④To begin with, the most expected activity is the annual table tennis competition that involves a large quantity of/quantities of talent players.
[点津] a quantity of, large quantities of既可接不可数名词,也可接可数名词的复数形式。当它们接不可数名词时,谓语动词根据quantity的单复数形式而定;当它们接可数名词的复数形式时,谓语动词根据名词而定,都用复数形式。
5.fundamental adj.根本的;基础的;基本的n.基本规律;根本法则
(教材p.32)Finally, a fundamental key to healthy eating is to eat slowly.
(1)be fundamental to     对……很重要
fundamental change 根本改变,根本变化
fundamental principle 根本原则;基本原理
(2)fundamentally adv. 根本地,从根本上
He believes better relations with China are fundamental to the well being of the area.
[练透] 单句语法填空
①Some understanding of grammar is fundamental to learning a language.
②Our new managing director has reorganized the company a little bit, but nothing has fundamentally (fundamental) changed.
[写美] 补全句子
③We need to make fundamental changes to the way in which we treat our environment.
6.trick n.诀窍;计谋;把戏
(教材p.32)There is no one trick to healthy eating.
(1)play a trick/tricks on sb   捉弄某人
The trick is to do ... 诀窍在于……
the trick of ……的诀窍
(2)trick sb
The trick is to bend your knees as you catch the ball.
[练透] 单句语法填空
①She was tricked (trick) out of her life savings yesterday.
②The kids are always playing tricks on their teacher.
③He tricked me into lending (lend) him $100.
[写美] 补全句子
④Not only did you correct my mistakes, but you also taught me tricks of studying English.
[句型公式] It is up to sb to do sth
(教材p.32)It is up to you to decide how you want to live, and to make the right decisions about your diet.
It is up to sb to do sth 该句型意为:“该由某人做某事;做某事取决于某人”,其中up后的to为介词。
It is up to parents to teach their children manners.
[练透] 单句语法填空
①It is up to you to settle the prior misunderstanding between us.
②It is up to the travel companies to warn (warn) customers of any possible dangers.
[写美] 补全句子
③It is up to the manager to make the final decision.
④You can pay weekly or monthly — it is up to you.