Unit 1 Science Fiction Period 1 Reading and Thinking 课件(50张PPT)+教案


名称 Unit 1 Science Fiction Period 1 Reading and Thinking 课件(50张PPT)+教案
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-03-11 14:28:35


Period 1 Reading and Thinking
Unit 1 Science Fiction
Lead in
Look at the picture and discuss some questions
Do you agree with him Why
Today’s science fiction is tomorrow’s science fact.
——Isaac Asimov
Lead in
1.What do you see in the picture
2.What things does this picture remind you of
Look at the picture on Page 1 and discuss the following questions.
We can see buildings and machines in the future.
It reminds us of science fiction
Lead in
3.Have you read any science fiction What elements does science fiction usually include
Look at the picture on Page 1 and discuss the following questions.
elements of science fiction
scientific theme
setting in the future
futuristic technology
1.when it comes to science fiction,what do you usually think of?
Before you read ,discuss these questions in groups.
AI and robots
2.Have you ever read novels written by Isaac Asimov?what impresses you most about his works
He wrote about robots.
His works focus on exploring the relationship between robots and humans.
Various answers……
Before you read ,discuss these questions in groups.
3.How do robots already help humans in their lives today
What do you think a domestic robot could do for a family in the future
Skim the title and predict the plot
Rewritten. It is originally written by Isaac
It is probably about a product which makes its users feel satisfied.
2.How do you understand the word “adapted” in the title
1. What is the story entitled Satisfaction Guaranteed probably about
Scan the text, focusing on the outline of the story.
____________: Larry persuaded Clair to accept the robot that would be tested out.
Paragraph 1
________________ : The process of the robot helping Clair.
Paragraph 3 to 8
________________ : The result of Clair living with the robot.
Paragraph 9
divide the text into three parts
Scan the text, focusing on the outline of the story.
How many characters are mentioned Who are they What are the relationships between them
Larry Belmont
Gladys Claffern
a couple
work on
test out
a household robot
Scan the text, focusing on the outline of the story.
Whose satisfaction shall be guaranteed
Claire’s. Tony are supposed to guarantee that Claire will be satisfied with him and his service.
Read carefully and figure out the change of Claire’s feelings.
1 -----Before he arrived.
2 ----When Claire first saw him.
Claire disliked him .
She was alarmed.
3 ----When Tony asked if he should help her get dressed.
She felt embarrassed .
Read carefully and figure out the change of Claire’ feelings.
5. ---when he helped her talk to the saleswoman.
6. --- when she fell and Tony caught and held her.
She called him a dear.
She felt his warmth.
4 ----When Tony offered sympathy to her.
She admired him .
Read carefully and figure out the change of Claire’ feelings.
Claire’s feelings toward Tony changed as the story developed.
call him a dear
feel his warmth
Read the story again and choose the best answer.
1. What does Larry Belmont think of testing out the robot in his house
A. It is an extra benefit.   B. It is his responsibility.
C. It helps improve his house.D. It can make Claire happy.
2. How did Claire feel when Tony offered to help her get
A. Proud. B. Happy. C. Guilty. D. Embarrassed.
Read the story again and choose the best answer.
3. Why does Tony work on the house improvement
A. Because Claire wants to hold a party in her house.
B. Because Claire plans to give Larry a surprise.
C. Because Claire doesn’t think it good enough for Larry.
D. Because Claire intends to make the best of Tony.
Read the story again and choose the best answer.
4. Tony did the following things to help Claire realize her dream EXCEPT .
A. making her home elegant
B. giving her a new hairstyle and changing the makeup she wore
C. giving her advice on her dresses
D. going into a jewellery shop to buy her a necklace
5.Which of the following is NOT Tony’s characteristic
A. Clumsy. B. Handsome.
C. Helpful. D. Smart.
Read the story again and answer detailed questions.
1.Was Claire satisfied with Tony and his service
2.What caused the change of Claire’s feelings
Yes. Because Tony provided her with such perfect service and great comfort.
Tony’s care/attention/support/help/
3.To claire, was Tony more like a household robot ,or a friend or even a lover
A lover.
(Various answers.)
Read the text and discuss the following questions in groups.
How did Tony feel about Claire
Was he also attached to Claire
Did he have no feelings was he just a robot and was just performing his duty
Read the text and discuss the following questions in groups.
How was Tony similar to a human being
How was Tony different from a human being
How do you think this story will end Work in groups and come up with an ending .
1.Tony let her go and ________________________. It was then that Claire realised that __________________________________________________.
2.What ______________________________ by those women! She might not be as beautiful as them, but __________________________________________________.
3. But even though Tony had been _______________________, he would
____________________-you cannot have women_________________
disappeared from sight
Tony had opened the curtains of the front window
falling in love
a sweet victory to be envied
none of them had such a handsome lover
so clever and caring
have to be rebuilt
with machines
Listen to the rest of the story. How different is it from your ending.
Listen again and discuss the following questions.
1.How did the guests feel about Claire, the house and Tony
2.What happened to Tony in the end
They felt envied that Claire had such a handsome lover.
Tony was taken away and had to be rebuilt...
Work in groups and voice your opinions.
1. Do you like the ending
2. Was it a logical one
Various answer.....
Work in groupsand voice your opinions.
3.How does Tony's story relate to the laws
Isaac Asimov's three laws of robotics
A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
A robot must obey any orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
Work in groupsand voice your opinions.
4.Do you think it is possible for a person to love a robot Why
Yes, I do, because the robot thinks and acts like human beings, which can make us forget the differences between robots and human beings. Our love for someone mainly comes from emotion instead of the matter of what we are made of.
Various answers.....
Language points
Important words
1. guilty adj.内疚的;有罪的;有过失的
guilt n.内疚;悔恨;犯罪;罪行
be guilty of 犯有……罪
be/feel guilty about/over/for... 对/为……感到内疚/有愧
I feel guilty about having told a lie.
(2).She had feelings of _______ about leaving her children and going to work.
(3).It was ridiculous that the corrupt official was declared not guilty ___ corruption.
Language points
Important words
2. ridiculous adj.愚蠢的;荒谬的;荒唐的
It is/was ridiculous that...……是荒谬的。
a ridiculous idea荒唐的主意
look ridiculous看上去可笑
sound ridiculous听起来荒谬
absolutely/totally ridiculous荒谬绝伦
(1).                (……是荒谬的)they are short of water in a country where it is always raining.
(2).[词汇复现]She           (看上去很可笑) in this hat while she was fond of the style.
(3).It sounded like           (荒唐的主意). However,it was the idea that led to this invention.
It is ridiculous that
looked ridiculous
a ridiculous idea
Language points
Important words
3.suspend vt.悬;挂;暂停;暂缓
suspense n.悬念;焦虑
in suspense 悬而未决
(1)Julie (suspend) from her job shortly after the incident.
(2)The wonderful film gave me a good experience because of its _________(suspend).
(3)He didn't tell me the truth,which kept me suspense all day.
was suspend
Language points
Important words
4.dismiss vt.让(某人)离开;解散;解雇;消除
dismiss sb. for sth. 因……而解雇/开除某人
dismiss sb. from sth. 解雇/开除某人
(1)The servant (dismiss) for being lazy and dishonest.
(2)She claimed she was unfairly dismissed her post.
was dismissed
Important words
Language points
5.appointment n.预约;约会;委任
make/have an appointment with sb. 和某人有约
keep an appointment赴约 by appointment按照预约
appoint v.任命;委派;安排,约定
appoint sb. (as/to be)任命某人(为……)
appoint sb. to do sth. 指派某人去做某事
(1)I’m coming here by (appoint) to collect my salary and bonus.
(2)She_______________ (appoint) mayor of the city for her integrity and what she had done for the public.
(3)Mr Black is a careful and experienced engineer so he is often appointed __________(deal) with some challenging tasks.
was appointed
to deal
6.dignity n. 庄重;庄严;尊严
Important words
Language points
【考点精练】 单词拼写/单句语法填空
1.We do this because we believe in the ___________(尊严) and value of every person.
2.The terminally ill( 绝症患者)should be allowed to die _________ dignity.
with dignity 有尊严地;体面地
教材原句: He always treated her with dignity.
Language points
Important words
7.declare vt.表明;宣称;公布
declare sb. /sth. to be宣布某人或某事是……
declare for/against赞成/反对……
declare war (on...)(向……)宣战
declare that宣布……
(1)The chairman declared___________ suspending the decision to increase the employees’ salary.
(2)He had a third examination and ________________ (declare) unfit for duty.
(3)It______________ (declare) that there will be no school this afternoon.
was declared
is declared
Language points
Important words
[易混辨析] declare,announce
※declare 一般指在正式场合宣布官方的立场或态度,其后可跟复合宾语,还有“断言,宣称”之意。
1.The government has plans to create 10,000 new jobs.
2.In September,the government war on the drug dealers.
Language points
Important phrases
1.test out检验;测试
1.test v._______________________ n._________
test on sth _______________ test out _______________
2.stand the test of time ______________________
3.Once each teacher spent an hour, one day a week, _________ (test) pupils in every subject.
4.It may be five or six years before the new drug can ___________ (test) on humans.
【教材原句】 It was going to be tested out by Larry’s wife,Claire.
be tested
Language points
Important phrases
2. or rather 更确切地说
【教材原句】 So Claire borrowed some library books for him to read,or rather,scan. 于是克莱尔借了一些图书馆的书给他看,更确切地说给他扫描一下。
rather than 而不是
other than 除……之外
more than 很,非常;超过;不仅仅是
①The children are learning to eat.          ,they are learning table manners.
②Mary,           you, was rewarded the first prize in the competition.
③I don’t know any French people           you.
④He is           our teacher. He is also our best friend.
Or rather
rather than
other than
more than
Language points
Important sentences
1.He seemed more like a human than a machine.
more than与数词连用,意为“超过;不止”,相当于over;
more than与名词连用,意为“不只是;不仅仅……”,相当于not only;
more than与形容词、副词连用,意为“非常,很”,相当于very。
(1)She is more than a teacher to us.She is our friend.
(2)What the saleswoman watched last night was more like a science fiction film than a new product launch.
【考点精练】: 把下列句子翻译成中文
2.As she turned around,there stood Gladys Claffern.
Important sentences
Language points
(1)In the dark corner of the room,___________________(那只猫跳了起来) and caught the mouse.
(4)The plane flew away. Away______ _____ ______.
up jumped the cat
comes the teacher
3. suggest (that)+ 主语+(should)do... 建议某人做某事
Important sentences
Language points
It is suggested that + 主语+(should)do...
The suggestion is that+ 主语+(should)do...
(1)suggest 表示“建议”时,后面不能接to do,但可以接动词-ing 形式, 即suggest doing sth. 。
The coach suggested having another match. 教练建议再进行一场比赛。
(2)suggest 表示“暗示,表明”时,后面的宾语从句不用虚拟语气。
Jane’s pale face suggested that she was ill,and her parents suggested that she (should) have a medical examination.
Language points
Important sentences
①[2020 天津卷] To help us prepare for the exam,the teacher suggested      (read) through our notes.
②My deskmate’s sleepy look suggested that he      (be) tired of his study and I suggested that he       (have)a rest.
③The suggestion is       all the people who will join in picking apples should wear a hat and a pair of gloves.
④It is suggested that you should spend more time studying English.
(should) have
The suggestion is that you should spend more time studying English.
appointment: make/have an appointment with sb; keep an appointment,
by appointment
2.guilty : be guilty of; be/feel guilty at/about
3.suspend: suspend...from...; in suspense
4.dismiss: dismiss sb. for sth; dismiss sb. from sth.
5.declare: declare sb. /sth. to be; declare for/against; declare war(on...);
declare sth. open/closed; declare that
6.test out 7. more like
bonus, ridiculous, integrity, dignity, salary
absurd, whereas, saleswoman, ladder. nail,
词汇拓展 : 1.appoint→appointment 2.guilty→guilt 3.division→divide
1. 出差去 be away ______ a business trip
2. 看上去更像人类而不像机器 seem more like a human ______ a machine
3. 高大英俊,头发光滑,声音低沉 tall and handsome ______ smooth hair and a deep voice
4. 逐渐欣赏某人的智慧和诚实正直 gradually admire one’s ________ _________ _________
5. 有尊严地 ______ dignity
6. 提高某人的社会地位 ___________ one’s social position
7. 作为恩惠 ___ a favour
O n
wisdom and integrity
8. 涂指甲 _________ _________ ___________
9. 对某人粗鲁无礼 be ________ _______ _________
10. 改变态度;转变态度 _______ ________ ____________
11. 在恋爱;在交往 be _______ a relationship
12. 稳步改进 work steadily _______ the improvements
13. 推开某人 push sb ________
14. 感觉不只是想取悦某人 feel ________ __________ just the desire to please sb
paint one’s nails
rude to sb
change one’s attitude
more than
1.It’s ridiculous that this country declared war four countries at the same time.
2.In doing scientific experiments,one must be more careful with the instruments.
3.The secret police (suspend) their victims from the ceiling and beat them.
4.According to the new evidence,the saleswoman was
declared (guilt) of murder.
5.Among the biggest problems faced by the remote village (be) the lack of experienced teachers.
6.Test your new life: Take a week away in your new town to explore and experience everything.
7.The chairwoman declared that the working group
(dismiss) for failing to complete its task on time.
8.He told me that he had made appointment with the dentist to have his tooth pulled out next week.
had been dismissed
1.In a word,I am _________________________what you said.总之,我对你说的话非常满意。
2.Due to the outbreak of the war, .
3.His work is before they are put on the market.
4. because of her excellent work and diligence.
5.She _______________________________about not being able to protect her own children.
more than content with
all sports events were suspended
to test out new designs of cars
She was appointed as general manager
had feelings of guilt/was guilty
A robot used for housework was tested 1__________ in Larry’s family. He looked like a tall and handsome man with smooth hair and a deep voice. Larry was going to be away from home with the robot 2______________(accompany) his wife Claire. Claire didn’t like the idea in 3______ beginning,but she agreed to it at last. At her first sight of Tony,Claire was alarmed. When Tony offered to help her dressing,Claire felt 4____________ (embarrass). 5__________(gradual),Tony began to win Claire’s trust. Tony gave Claire a new hairstyle and improved her makeup.
He suggested that she invite Gladys and her 6__________(friend) to the house the night before he was to leave and Larry was 7__________(return). By that time,Tony expected that the house,8__________ was being completely transformed, would be ready. The night of the party arrived. The clock struck eight. The guests 9_______________ (arrive)soon. Tony 10__________(declare) that he did not want to leave her the next day. Then the front door bell rang.
to return
would be arriving
Do the exercises on
Page 61 of Workbook.
Unit 1 Science Fiction
Period 1 Reading and Thinking教学设计
课题 Unit 1 Period 1 Reading and Thinking 单元 Unit 1 学科 English 年级 Grade 2
教材 分析 This is the first period of this unit. The theme of the activity is "talk about science and robots". The article title points to the theme, which is to develop interest in reading science fiction.
学习目标与核心素养 Knowledge objectives: 1.To be able to use the following vocabulary correctly:appointment,declarer,guilty,dismiss,suspend,bonus,ridiculous, integrity, dignity, 2.To grasp what Tony did to help Claire and how Claire’s emotion developed during Tony’s stay at her house. 3.To be able to find out the characters mentioned in the story and then tell who they are by scanning the passage. Skill objectives: Be able to grasp the general idea of the passage and grasp the context of the passage. Emotional objectives: To develop the interest in reading science fiction. Thinking quality objectives: Be able to voice opinions about robots and AI.
重点 How to grasp the general idea of the passage . How to use the vocabulary correctly.
难点 How to write a science fiction short story.
教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
导入新课 Lead –in (PPT1-5) 1.Read what Isaac Asimov said about science fiction. Today’s science fiction is tomorrow’s science fact. ——Isaac Asimov Do you agree with him Why Answers:Any answer is possible. 2.Look at the picture on Page 1 and discuss the following questions. 1).What do you see in the picture 2).What things does this picture remind you of 3).Have you read any science fiction What elements does science fiction usually include Answers: 1).We can see buildings and machines in the future. 2).It reminds us of science fiction 3).scientific theme;setting in the future;characters (robots,aliens..)futuristic technology;paranormal activities are the main elements of science fiction. Students read the famous sayings . The teacher tasks questions . Students look at the topic chart and discuss with the unit title. Students themselves describe the picture in their own words. To arose students’ interest in science fiction. To predict the main content of this unit.
新课讲授 Pre-reading (PPT6-11) Before you read ,discuss these questions in groups. 1).when it comes to science fiction,what do you usually think of? 2) Have you ever read novels written by Isaac Asimov?what impresses you most about his works 3) How do robots already help humans in their lives today What do you think a domestic robot could do for a family in the future Answers:1).AI and robots 2).He wrote about robots. His works focus on exploring the relationship between robots and humans.. 3).Any answer is possible. Reading (PPT12 -20) 1.Skim the title and predict the plot 1).What is the story entitled Satisfaction Guaranteed probably about 2).How do you understand the word “adapted” in the title Answers: 1).It is probably about a product which makes its users feel satisfied. 2).Rewritten. It is originally written by Isaac Asimov. 2.Scan the text, focusing on the outline of the story. divide the text into three parts Answers: Paragraph 1: Larry persuaded Clair to accept the robot that would be tested out. Paragraph 3 to 8: The process of the robot helping Clair. Paragraph 9: The result of Clair living with the robot. 3.Scan the text, answer questions. 1)How many characters are mentioned Who are they 2)What are the relationships between them 3)Whose satisfaction shall be guaranteed Answer: 3)Claire’s. Tony are supposed to guarantee that Claire will be satisfied with him and his service. 4.Read carefully and figure out the change of Claire’s feelings. Before he arrived.Claire disliked him . When Claire first saw him.She was alarmed. When Tony asked if he should help her get dressed. She felt embarrassed . When Tony offered sympathy to her. She admired him . when he helped her talk to the saleswoman. She called him a dear. when she fell and Tony caught and held her. She felt his warmth. 5.Read the story again and choose the best answer. 1). What does Larry Belmont think of testing out the robot in his house A. It is an extra benefit. B. It is his responsibility. C. It helps improve his house.D. It can make Claire happy. 2). How did Claire feel when Tony offered to help her get dressed A. Proud. B. Happy. C. Guilty. D. Embarrassed. 3). Why does Tony work on the house improvement A. Because Claire wants to hold a party in her house. B. Because Claire plans to give Larry a surprise. C. Because Claire doesn’t think it good enough for Larry. D. Because Claire intends to make the best of Tony. 4).Tony did the following things to help Claire realize her dream EXCEPT . A. making her home elegant B. giving her a new hairstyle and changing the makeup she wore C. giving her advice on her dresses D. going into a jewellery shop to buy her a necklace 4.Which of the following is NOT Tony’s characteristic A. Clumsy. B. Handsome. C. Helpful. D. Smart. Answers: ADBDA Read the story again and answer detailed questions. 1).Was Claire satisfied with Tony and his service 2).What caused the change of Claire’s feelings 3).To Claire, was Tony more like a household robot ,or a friend or even a lover 7.Read the text and discuss the following questions in groups. 1)How did Tony feel about Claire Was he also attached to Claire . Did he have no feelings,was he just a robot and was just performing his duty Any answer is possible. 2)How was Tony similar to a human being Answers:Similarities:   Tony was tall and handsome with smooth hair and a deep voice just like an attractive man.   Tony offered help, suggestions, sympathy and comfort, and treated Claire with dignity just like a human, or rather, a gentleman. 3).How was Tony different from a human being Answers:Differences:   A human being’s facial expression changes often, whereas Tony’s never changed.   Different from a human, Tony had no idea of avoiding body contact between men and women when he offered to help dressing.   A human being read books, however, Tony scanned books. Post-reading(PPT20-25) How do you think this story will end Work in groups and come up with an ending . Listening Listen to the rest of the story. How different is it from your ending Students listen again and complete the following sentences.   ① Tony let her go and ________________. It was then that Claire realized that ________________.   ② What ________________ by those women! She might not be as beautiful as them, but ________________.   ③ But even though Tony had been ________________, he would ________________ --you cannot have women ________________.   Answers: disappeared from sight; Tony had opened the curtains of the front window; a sweet victory to be envied; none of them had such a handsome lover; so clever and caring; have to be rebuilt; falling in love with machines. 3.listen again and discuss the following questions. 1).How did the guests feel about Claire, the house and Tony 2).How did the guests feel about Claire, the house and Tony Answers:1).They felt envied that Claire had such a handsome lover. 2).Tony was taken away and had to be rebuilt... 4.work in groups and voice opinions: 1). Do you like the ending 2). Was it a logical one 3).How does Tony's story relate to the laws 4).Do you think it is possible for a person to love a robot Why Any answers is OK. Language points(PPT26—48) Important words 1. guilty adj.内疚的;有罪的;有过失的 【热点归纳】 guilt n.内疚;悔恨;犯罪;罪行 be guilty of 犯有……罪 be/feel guilty about/over/for... 对...感到内疚/有愧 【考点精练】 (1).我因为说了谎话而感到内疚。 (2).She had feelings of _______ about leaving her children and going to work. (3).It was ridiculous that the corrupt official was declared not guilty ___ corruption. 2. ridiculous adj.愚蠢的;荒谬的;荒唐的 【热点归纳】 It is/was ridiculous that...……是荒谬的。 a ridiculous idea荒唐的主意 look ridiculous看上去可笑 sound ridiculous听起来荒谬 absolutely/totally ridiculous荒谬绝伦 【考点精练】:完成句子 (1).                (……是荒谬的)they are short of water in a country where it is always raining. (2).She           (看上去很可笑) in this hat while she was fond of the style. (3).It sounded like           (荒唐的主意). However,it was the idea that led to this invention. 3.suspend vt.悬;挂;暂停;暂缓 【热点归纳】 suspend...from...把……悬挂在……上,暂令……停职(停学) suspense n.悬念;焦虑 in suspense 悬而未决 【考点精练】 (1)Julie (suspend) from her job shortly after the incident. (2)The wonderful film gave me a good experience because of its _________(suspend). (3)He didn't tell me the truth,which kept me suspense all day. 4.dismiss vt.让(某人)离开;解散;解雇;消除 【知识归纳】 dismiss sb. for sth. 因……而解雇/开除某人 dismiss sb. from sth. 解雇/开除某人 【考点精练】 The servant___________ (dismiss) for being lazy and dishonest. She claimed she was unfairly dismissed______ her post. 5.appointment n.预约;约会;委任 【热点归纳】 make/have an appointment with sb. 和某人有约 keep an appointment赴约 by appointment按照预约 appoint v.任命;委派;安排,约定 appoint sb. (as/to be)任命某人(为……) appoint sb. to do sth. 指派某人去做某事 【考点精练】 (1)I’m coming here by (appoint) to collect my salary and bonus. (2)She_______________ (appoint) mayor of the city for her integrity and what she had done for the public. (3)Mr Black is a careful and experienced engineer so he is often appointed __________(deal) with some challenging tasks. 6.dignity n. 庄重;庄严;尊严 教材原句: He always treated her with dignity. 托尼处理一些事情总是让她觉得很有尊严。 【热点归纳】 with dignity 有尊严地;体面地 考点精练】 单词拼写/单句语法填空 1.We do this because we believe in the ___________(尊严) and value of every person. 2.The terminally ill( 绝症患者)should be allowed to die _________ dignity. 7.declare vt.表明;宣称;公布 【知识归纳】 declare sb. /sth. to be宣布某人或某事是…… declare for/against赞成/反对…… declare war (on...)(向……)宣战 declare that宣布…… 【考点精练】  (1)The chairman declared___________ suspending the decision to increase the employees’ salary. (2)He had a third examination and ________________ (declare) unfit for duty. (3)It______________ (declare) that there will be no school this afternoon. [易混辨析] declare,announce ※declare 一般指在正式场合宣布官方的立场或态度,其后可跟复合宾语,还有“断言,宣称”之意。 ※announce多指提前宣布或公开宣告大家关心的事。 【考点精练】:announce,declare 1.The government has plans to create 10,000 new jobs. 2.In September,the government __________ war on the drug dealers. Important phrases 1.test out检验;测试 教材原句】 It was going to be tested out by Larry’s wife,Claire. 它将由拉里的妻子克莱尔测试。 【考点精练】 1.test v._______________________ n._________ test on sth _______________ test out _______________ 2.stand the test of time ______________________ 3.Once each teacher spent an hour, one day a week, _________ (test) pupils in every subject. 4.It may be five or six years before the new drug can ___________ (test) on humans. 2. or rather 更确切地说 【教材原句】 So Claire borrowed some library books for him to read,or rather,scan. 于是克莱尔借了一些图书馆的书给他看,更确切地说给他扫描一下。 【归纳拓展】 rather than 而不是 other than 除……之外 more than 很,非常;超过;不仅仅是 【考点精练】 ①The children are learning to eat.          ,they are learning table manners. ②Mary,           you, was rewarded the first prize in the competition. ③I don’t know any French people           you. ④He is           our teacher. He is also our best friend. Important sentences 1.He seemed more like a human than a machine. 他看起来更像一个人而不是一台机器。 【热点归纳】 more...than...的基本用法“比……更……”,特殊用法“与其说……不如说……”,“是……而不是……”。 more than与数词连用,意为“超过;不止”,相当于over; more than与名词连用,意为“不只是;不仅仅……”,相当于not only; more than与形容词、副词连用,意为“非常,很”,相当于very。 【考点精练】: 把下列句子翻译成中文 (1)She is more than a teacher to us.She is our friend. (2)What the saleswoman watched last night was more like a science fiction film than a new product launch. 2.As she turned around,there stood Gladys Claffern. 【句式分析】 将here,there,now,then,in,out,off,away等表示地点或时间的副词或者介词短语置于句首,且主语为名词时,主谓用完全倒装。当主语为代词时,主谓语序不变 【考点精练】:补全句子  (1)In the dark corner of the room,___________________(那只猫跳了起来) and caught the mouse. (2)我们走了。_______we_________. (3)老师来了。Here_________________. (4)The plane flew away. Away______ _____ ______. 3. suggest (that)+ 主语+(should)do... 建议某人做某事 【归纳拓展】 It is suggested that + 主语+(should)do... The suggestion is that+ 主语+(should)do... 【误区警示】 (1)suggest 表示“建议”时,后面不能接to do,但可以接动词-ing 形式, 即suggest doing sth. 。 The coach suggested having another match. 教练建议再进行一场比赛。 (2)suggest 表示“暗示,表明”时,后面的宾语从句不用虚拟语气。 Jane’s pale face suggested that she was ill,and her parents suggested that she (should) have a medical examination. 简苍白的脸表明她生病了,她父母建议她做一下医疗检查。【考点精练】 单句语法填空 ①[2020 天津卷] To help us prepare for the exam,the teacher suggested      (read) through our notes. ②My deskmate’s sleepy look suggested that he       (be) tired of his study and I suggested that he       (have)a rest. ③The suggestion is       all the people who will join in picking apples should wear a hat and a pair of gloves. 句型转换 ④It is suggested that you should spend more time studying English. →_______________________________________________________________                                    summary词汇清单 应用词汇: appointment: make/have an appointment with sb; keep an appointment, by appointment 2.guilty : be guilty of; be/feel guilty at/about 3.suspend: suspend...from...; in suspense 4.dismiss: dismiss sb. for sth; dismiss sb. from sth. 5.declare: declare sb. /sth. to be; declare for/against; declare war(on...); declare sth. open/closed; declare that 认知词汇: bonus, ridiculous, integrity, dignity, salary absurd, whereas, saleswoman, ladder. nail, test out more like 词汇拓展 : 1.appoint→appointment 2.guilty→guilt 3.division→divide Exercises 短语填空 1. 出差去 be away ______ a business trip 2. 看上去更像人类而不像机器 seem more like a human ______ a machine 3. 高大英俊,头发光滑,声音低沉 tall and handsome ______ smooth hair and a deep voice 4. 逐渐欣赏某人的智慧和诚实正直 gradually admire one’s ________ _________ _________ 5. 有尊严地 _________ dignity 6. 提高某人的社会地位 ___________ one’s social position 7. 作为恩惠 _______ a favour 8. 涂指甲 _________ _________ ___________ 9. 对某人粗鲁无礼 be ________ _______ _________ 10. 改变态度;转变态度 _______ ________ ____________ 11. 在恋爱;在交往 be _______ a relationship 12. 稳步改进 work steadily _______ the improvements 13. 推开某人 push sb ________ 14. 感觉不只是想取悦某人 feel ________ __________ just the desire to please sb 单句语法填空 1.It’s ridiculous that this country declared war _____four countries at the same time. 2.In doing scientific experiments,one must be more _______careful with the instruments. 3.The secret police _________(suspend) their victims from the ceiling and beat them. 4.According to the new evidence,the saleswoman was declared _______(guilt) of murder. 5.Among the biggest problems faced by the remote village ____(be) the lack of experienced teachers. 6.Test _______your new life: Take a week away in your new town to explore and experience everything. 7.The chairwoman declared that the working group ______(dismiss) for failing to complete its task on time. 8.He told me that he had made ___appointment with the dentist to have his tooth pulled out next week. 完成句子 1.In a word,I am _________________________what you said.总之,我对你说的话非常满意。 2.Due to the outbreak of the war,_________________________________________ .由于战争的爆发,所有的体育赛事都被暂停了。 3.His work is ________________________before they are put on the market. 他的工作是在新设计的汽车投入市场之前对它们进行检验。 4._______________________________ because of her excellent work and diligence. 由于出色的工作和勤奋的精神,她被任命为总经理。 5.She _______________________________about not being able to protect her own children. 她对不能保护自己的孩子感到内疚。 课文语法填空  A robot used for housework was tested 1__________ in Larry’s family. He looked like a tall and handsome man with smooth hair and a deep voice. Larry was going to be away from home with the robot 2______________(accompany) his wife Claire. Claire didn’t like the idea in 3__________ beginning,but she agreed to it at last. At her first sight of Tony,Claire was alarmed. When Tony offered to help her dressing,Claire felt 4____________ (embarrass). 5__________(gradual),Tony began to win Claire’s trust. Tony gave Claire a new hairstyle and improved her makeup. He suggested that she invite Gladys and her 6__________(friend) to the house the night before he was to leave and Larry was 7__________(return). By that time,Tony expected that the house,8__________ was being completely transformed, would be ready. The night of the party arrived. The clock struck eight. The guests 9_______________ (arrive) soon. Tony 10__________(declare) that he did not want to leave her the next day. Then the front door bell rang. Students discuss in groups. Let students answer them and the teacher give necessary addition. Ask the students to give the answers one by one. Ask the students to express their opinions Read the passage, divide the text into three parts Teachers use PPT to guide students to figure out the change of Claire’s feelings. Let students read the text and think about more details . Ask the students to have group discussions . Guide students to voice their opinions about the similarities and differences between Tony and human being . Ask the students to listen and find out the end of tbe story.. Let the students fill the information In the blank. Pay attention to the usage of each word. Learn language points one by one. To learn how to use phrases Students read the sentences by themselves and pay attention to the structures. Learn the proper forms to complete the sentences by themselves Students do the exercises by themselves. To remember the new words learned in this period To complete the phrases by themselves. To prepare for later study . To guess what the main topics will be discussed To analyse the text’s main content. To help students to grasp the logical relation of each part of the article from a macro perspective, so as to understand the author's writing intention.. To guide them know more about the details of the story To inspire students to think and express themselves. To guide them to have a further thinking. Learn the details of vocabulary . To train students’ ability to make up correct sentences . To practise the language points. To grasp the usage of important words,phrases and sentences. To pay more attention to the usage of the new words. To pay more attention to important phrases . To grasp the usage of the important sentences. To test their grammar knowledge.
课堂小结 Summary: Guide students to grasp the skills of finding the main idea. Ask and answer some questions about the text. 1. To find out more information by asking and answering. 2. To learn the important and useful expressions .
板书 Language points: Words: appointment guilty dismiss declare suspend Phrases: Test out ;more like ; or rather Sentences: 1.He seemed more like a human than a machine.. 2.As she turned around,there stood Gladys Claffern. 3.suggest (that)+ 主语+(should)do... 建议某人做某事
21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)