Unit10 Air Lesson2同步课件


名称 Unit10 Air Lesson2同步课件
格式 ppt
文件大小 30.9MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 牛津深圳版
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-03-11 16:22:56



Unit10 Air Lesson2
Air has no ______ or _______.
Air has no _______ or _______.
We cannot ____ it, but we can ____ it.
Air is __________.
It is important to all ______.
It is also important to ______ and _____.
We all need it to keep us ____.
Look at the _____ and the ______.
Look at the _____ and the _____.
They all need it too.
It keeps them _____ in the sky.
It has no colour or shape.
It has no smell or taste.
We cannot see it, but we can feel it.
It is everywhere.
It is important to all people.
It is also important to animals and plants.
We all need it to keep us alive.
Look at the kite and the balloon.
Look at the plane and the bird.
They all need it too.
It keeps them high in the sky.
What is it
It is air.
How to make a parachute
1. The parachute falls down slowly.
2. The parachute is open.
3. The parachute hits the ground gently.
4. There is air in the parachute.
The air is dirty in some places.
We call this air pollution.
Air pollution is harmful!
1 It’s harmful to the health of people
2 It’s harmful to the nature.
3 Air pollution spreads easily.
4 Air pollution is a global problem.
5 People should stop using coal.
Air pollution
Air keeps us alive.
We get sick if the air is too dirty.
What’s the matter with Kitty
It’s the smoke.
It’s from cars, buses and the factory.
Her eyes hurt.
What hurts her eyes
Where is the smoke from
What’s the matter, Kitty Are you crying
I’m not crying. My eyes hurt.
It’s the smoke.
Where is the smoke from
It’s from the cars and buses.
Look at the black smoke from the factory.
It makes the air dirty.
Let’s go to the park, Ben.
The air is clean there.
The air is so fresh here.
Yes. There are a lot of trees in the park. Trees keep the air clean.
We should plant more trees and keep the air clean.
Yes! We should keep our city clean.
How is the air
How is the air in the picture
It’s dirty.
How is the air in the picture
How is the air in the factory
It’s dirty.
How is the air in the factory
It’s clean.
What’s the matter, Kitty Are you crying
I’m not crying. My eyes hurt.
It’s the smoke.
Where is the smoke from
It’s from the cars and buses.
Look at the black smoke from the factory.
It makes the air dirty.
Let’s go to the park, Ben.
The air is clean there.
The air is so fresh here.
Yes. There are a lot of trees in the park. Trees keep the air clean.
We should plant more trees and keep the air clean.
Yes! We should keep our city clean.
The smoke in the street comes from cars, buses and factories.
The air is dirty in the street.
The air is clean and fresh in the park.
There are a lot of trees in it.
Trees keep the air clean.
Is air important Why
Air, water and food keep us alive.
We can live without food for five weeks.
We can live without water for five days.
We can live without air for only five minutes.
The air on Earth is getting dirty.
Air pollution comes from factories.
We burn coal to make electricity.
Factories give out a lot of smoke.
Look at the pictures.
Talk about them with your classmates.
S1: What makes the air dirty
S2: The smoke from … makes
the air dirty.
S1: What should we do to keep
the air clean
S2: We should …


Our future
Which do you want
We only have one Earth!
We must keep it healthy!
1. Listen to and read “Listen and say” & “Say and act” on Student’s Book pages 68 and 70.
2. Finish your poster about air.
3. Finish Workbook pages 60 and 61.
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