Module 6 Unit 1
I’ll draw the pictures.教学设计
Title I’ll draw the pictures.
Language Focus & Function 本课是以谈论将要制作的英语小报为主线,谈论将要做的事情,学会正确询问及回答“将作”
Contentanalysis 本课主要讲述将要做的事,了解办英语手抄报的过程。我借助“任务型”教学,采用多媒体等教学手段,将听、说、读、写、玩、演、唱溶于一体,激发学生学习英语的兴趣和愿望,设计多样的活动方式让学生感知语言,在真实的情景中学习语言、运用语言。
Students 四年级小学生已经具备了一定的单词量,小学阶段所要掌握的语法项目和功能话题也学习了很多,但是他们对方位词语的学习还是第一次接触到。所以我以兴趣为主导, 采用任务型的教学模式,让学生在教师的指导下,感知语言材料,通过游戏等,让学生在动静交错,个人与小组竞争活动中习得了英语,形成积极的学习态度。
Task Objectives 知识目标:学生能听、说、认读以下词组:draw the pictures, write the reports, cut the paper, stick the newspaper, 并能在真实情景中运用。能力目标:全体学生能运用已学语言说明计划或打算。策略目标: 通过小组合作、自主学习,分层次学习等各种任务型活动,培养学生的合作意识,形成良好的学习策略,加深学生间的友情。情感目标:在小组活动中能与其他同学积极配合和合作。
Important & difficultPoints 重点:讨论分工,说明计划或打算。难点:灵活运用各知识点于实际生活中。
Realia 多媒体课件等。
Methods 多媒体教学、小组合作、分层次教学、任务型教学等。
Teaching Model 任务启动-任务提出-任务准备-任务完成-总结及作业
steps Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Purpose
任务启动 GreetingsWarming up:sing a song:3.T:(1)Your English is good. You are good at English. I am good at Art .I will draw a picture.Guess ,what is it I’ll draw a big circle. I’ll clean it What are they There are 3sheep too. What are they doing Listen and answer the questionsWhat is the purple sheepsaying What is the orange sheepsaying What is the green sheep saying 4.They are talking about “good at”.Your English is good.They are good at English too.from now ,you are the purple sheep team ;They are the orange sheep team.if you are great ,you can stick the pictures and reports cards on your paper.Let’s have a match .let’s read the text in roles. 5.What are you good at Open your e-schllo bag ,Look and circle Iam good at ... 齐唱歌曲They are sheep.The purple sheep is good at Music.The orange sheep is good at Art.The green sheep is good at PE.-分组并分配任务 。---学习新词:stick 用电子书包统计学生们的特长并提出问题。 通过合作让学生复习一般将来时态的基本表达方式“I’ll……”并初步感知good at 这上词组,为进一步学习做好铺垫。 课前让学生明确本节课的评价活动,树立自信心,培养集体荣誉感,教师利用贴粘贴这一直观情景,让学生感知了“stick” 一词的含义。
提出任务 T: Some pupils are good at PE,some are good at Art .What are they good at Let’s learn M6 U1,I ’ll draw the pictures. (1)Listen ,point ,and circle “will” 听录音圈出:will 老师播放录音,请学生边听边打开电脑,圈出 will的句子, 初步感知课文。
任务准备 整体感知 播放CD-Rom完整课文。 听第一遍录音。 训练听力
语言点讲解与操练 (2)How many “will “Will”将要表示一般将来时,让我们通过微课复习一下一般将来时。本课用一般将来时来叙述计划,打算并讨论分工。What will they do What’s Lingling’s idea (3)We can say :”The idea is fantastic.”----学习新词:fantasticThe dance is fantastic.The dance is fantastic.The dance is fantastic.(4)Who can spell this word or----port----reportsay the phrase(5)Who will write the reports Read the text with your e-schoolbag.and talk about what do you know what don’t you know Work in group: write the reports cut the paper stick the pictures draw the pictures(6)say the chant:操练重点句型,(7)转盘游戏解巩固重点短语:Draw the pictures;write the reports;Cut the paper;stickthe pictures 通过电子书包复习一般将来时。带着问题听录音跟读。That’s a great idea. 看图说句子理解新词: fantastic通过自然拼读自学生词: reportlisten to the report.This is TV report.Write the report.学生利用电子书包跟读课文学生自编chant学习单词。学生扮演警察操练单词。同桌合作: Draw ,draw ,I’ll draw the pictures.Write,write,I’ll write the report.Cut ,cut ,I’ll cut the paper.Stick,stick ,I’ll stick the pictures. 带问题听音使学生目的明确;警察角色的扮演将east和west与现实生活相联系,也有助于调动学生参与的热情;小组合作使每个孩子都有操练的机会,课堂实现了高效。
全文操练 再次操练课文。利用电子书包测试课文理解判断“T”or“F”并尝试背诵全文。 听音跟读。同桌操练。分角色朗读课文。 让每一个学生都能积极参与,训练朗读的能力。
任务完成 重点操练,拓展运用 (1)T: What will they do Here comes our friends ,Who are they 灰太郎,灰太郎,what will you do Will you stick . Will you stick Will you stick 同法学习:Will you cut... Will you write... (2)What will our classmates do this wennkend 通过声音,视频等手段扩展:He is goodat..../He will...重点句型(3)No pains,no gains.没有付出,就没有收获! 全班提问操练重点句型猜图片,并拓展学习单词:LOGOHe is good at PE.He will play basketball.She is good at music.She will dance.情感教育: 有志者,事竟成! 利用目标语句 为所学语句设计适合的场景,符合语言学习的为用而学的原则。这种方式既活跃课堂气氛,又给了学生自主学习的空间,充分展示了以学生为主体的教学方式。
总结评价 T: You’re so good today. How to mak e an English newspaper.T: wow, our newspaper is fantastic T: Let’s sing a song:What will you do What will you do This weekend,this weekend;I’ll draw the pictures,I’ll write the reports ,This weekend,this weekend! 感受胜利的喜悦,朗读评价卡上的文化知识。利用两只老虎的曲调把课文唱出来! 评价使学生获得正面的激励,评价卡上的关于美国的知识有助于加深学生对美国的了解,也为课下交流和知识的延展做了铺垫。
家庭作业 Make an English newspaper.then take a photo by your e-shool bag! 常规听音背诵作业适合所有学习,为英语语言的学习积累素材,培养地道的语音。拓展作业使孩子所学知识与生活实际相联系,符合语言为用而学的原则。
板书设计 Module6 Unit 1 I’ll draw the pictures. write the reports stick cut the paper fantastic stick the pictures report draw the pictures