课题 Spring begins from March.(the third period)
学科 英语 学段 高年级 年级 五年级
相关领域 阅读教学 课时 第三课时
教材 陕西旅游出版社小学英语五年级下册
教学目标 1.能读懂Let’s learn more 部分的短文,正确理解并灵活运用begin from从……开始,from…to…从……到…… four seasons,New Year等短语。
教学重点 能灵活运用begin from从……开始,from…to…从……到……等短语,并能进行相应的替换练习,达到学以致用的目的。
教学难点 能够准确、流利、熟练地朗读Part B Let’s learn more,语音语调正确自然。
教学环节 教师引导 学生学习 设计意图
Leading-in Ask the students to sing the song“If you are happy”!2.Ask some questions.Q1:How many seasons are there in a year Q2:How many months are there in a year Q3:How many months are there in each season 1.Sing the song.2.Answer the questions.Four.Twelve.Tree. 1.复习关于季节的句型。2.激趣导入,引入课题。
Autonomic learningCooperation researchSolving problemsEliminate doubt and confusion The title:Spring begins from March. Listen and think.. 通过观察图片,使学生感受到四个季节都是迷人的,激发学生对大自然的喜爱和赞美之情。2.自主学习,培养学生快速的阅读能力。
Study the text.Q1:Which month does spring begin 1.Find out the answer in the third sentence of this passage.2..Read the sentence. 3.Repeat it .
Q2:Is summer from June to August Answer the question freely:1.Find out the answer in the fourth sentence of this passage.3.Read with feelings.
Q3:Which month is New Year in Q4:How many months does each season have A:Spring begins from March.从……开始B:It's from March to May.从……到…… 1.Read and find the answer in the seventh sentence of this passage. 2.Read and find the answer in the second sentence of this passage. 3.Talk freely.3.Group work.(complete the blanks)4.Read the text fluently.
Practice and improve Discuss and write 1.Think and talk.2.Watch and think. 1.知识拓展; 2.巩固练习;3.习作训练。
There are seasons in a year. Each season has______ months. Spring begins from______. Summer is from______to_____ . Autumn begins from______. Winter is from ______to ______. New Year is in the ____ month of the year. Then how many months are there in a year. Do you know 1.Discuss and write.2.Share to the class.
Summary Colorful seasons,Colorful life! Listen and watch the video. 归纳总结。
Homework 1.Read the text with your friends.(和朋友朗读课文。)2.Talk about the seasons in your hometown.(在家乡谈论四季。) Finish the homework after school. 1.情感教育;2.巩固新知。
Unit3 Spring begins from March.A: Spring begins from March.从……开始B: It's from March to May.从……到…… Blackboard Design白板屏幕 图片及重点单词