人教版(2019)必修第二册:Unit 2 Wildlife Protection习题(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第二册:Unit 2 Wildlife Protection习题(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 21.2KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-03-15 15:09:08



必修二unit 2 Wildlife Protection
1.政府应该采取一些有效的措施来保护自然资源。(take effective measures to)
2.科学家说我们平均每天需要8小时的睡眠。(on average)
3.当地政府正在采取行动减少污染,因此空气比以前干净多了。(take actions to; reduce)
5.人类应该学会与自然和谐相处。(in harmony with)
6.人们应该意识到保护野生动物的重要性。(be aware of)
8.未经允许偷看别人的私人信件是违法的。(illegal; permission)
10.你究竟在干什么?请立即停止破坏野生动物的栖息地!(on earth; immediately; habitat)
11.我们将雇佣更多的工人,赚取更多的利润。(make profit)
12.政府是我们国家的最高权威。同时,它也承受着巨大的压力。(authority; under great pressure)
13.随着旅游业的发展,人们越来越担忧环境。(tourism; be concerned about)
14.这对老夫妇打算让他们的儿子出国留学,在我看来这是不明智的。(intend; unwise; opinion)
15.如果你在我们街区被坏人袭击或威胁,这是很不寻常的。(neighborhood; attack; threaten; unusual)
Birds’ bodies are becoming smaller in size in response to climate change, even in places like the Amazon rainforest that are relatively untouched by human hands, according to a new study published in the journal Science Advances.
Researchers found that nearly all of the birds’ bodies have become lighter since the 1980s, losing on average about 2% of their body weight every decade. For an average bird species that weighed about 30 grams in the 1980s, the population now averages about 27.6 grams. The study also revealed that wingspan was getting bigger in the Amazon bird species studied.
A lower body weight and increasing wing length means that birds use energy more efficiently, the researchers noted. For example, compared with a fighter jet with short wings that needs lots of fuel to fly, a glider plane with a thin body and long wings flies up into the air with much less energy.
The study concluded that a warmer climate was the driving force of these changes. The climate in Brazilian Amazon area, where the birds lived, had gotten hotter and wetter over the study period. Animals are dealing with climate change in different ways.
1. The government should take some effective measures to protect the natural resources.
2. Scientists say we need 8 hours’ sleep on average every day.
3. The local government is taking actions to reduce pollution, so the air is much cleaner than before.
4. My teacher often reminds me to pay attention to my handwriting.
5. Man should learn to live in harmony with nature.
6. People should be aware of the importance of protecting wildlife.
7. People are not allowed to download software, music or movies illegally through the school network.
8. It’s illegal to read other people’s private letters without permission.
9. He gradually recovered from his illness after taking the medicine.
10. What on earth are you doing Please stop damaging wildlife’s habitat immediately!.
11. We will hire more workers and make more profit.
12. The government is the highest authority in our country. Meanwhile, it is under great pressure.
13. As tourism develops, people are more concerned about the environment.
14. The old couple intended their son to study abroad, which was unwise in my opinion.
15. It is unusual if you are attacked or threatened by bad guys in our neighborhood.