人教版(2019)必修第一册:Unit 3 Sports and Fitness习题(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第一册:Unit 3 Sports and Fitness习题(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 21.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-03-15 15:13:06



必修一unit 3 Sports and Fitness
4.士兵们正忙于营救地震中受伤的人们。(get injured)
6.她总是表现出极大的决心,从不放弃,证明她是一个真正的冠军。(determination; give up; champion)
9.今天下午来自我们学校的十名运动员将参加这场比赛。(athlete; competition)
10.因为玛丽在节食,所以她比以前更苗条了。(on a diet; slim)
11.她是一个优雅的老太太,我们都喜欢她。(graceful; so...that...)
12.人们一直鼓励她游泳来增强肌肉的力量。(build up; strength)
13.不要害怕失败,也不要总是拿自己与别人相比较。(failure; compare...with...)
14.他是一个语言艺术大师,他为我们树立了一个榜样。(master; set an example)
15.队长终于获得了成功。他很享受这种在这个世界上有所作为的感觉。(captain; make it; make a difference)
After winning gold with three perfect scores in the women’s 10-meter diving on Thursday, the 14-year-old girl, Quan Hongchan, has won the nation’s heart with her innocent and honest talks at news conferences. When asked about what was her secret, she replied, “I don’t know. Some people say my splash (水花) into the water is even smaller than the splash they make when they throw a dumpling into a pot. I don’t know and I never compare them. I just dived every day. Each day, I needed to practise about seven hours, and some days I did for 10 hours.”
Quan was born and raised in a poor village in Zhanjiang City. When she was still in primary school, Chen Huaming, the diving coach at Zhanjiang Sports School, noticed that Quan jumped much higher than the other kids. After giving her a try on a diving board, he instantly knew he had discovered a true talent.
Chen suggested to the youngster that diving could be the answer to her family’s financial problems. Quan immediately made up her mind to become the best in the sport. Her mom was sick then. S really wanted to make money to help her receive better treatment.
1. Singing is a good way to reduce stress.
2. It’s important to learn to take a positive attitude to life when you are in trouble.
3. Beijing is the first city in the world to hold both Summer Olympics and Winter Olympics.
4. Soldiers are busy rescuing those who got injured in the earthquake.
5. It is important to interact with the audience when you are giving a speech.
6. She always showed great determination and never gave up, proving she is a true champion.
7. Never try to cheat in an exam. It is against the school rules.
8. She opened a book and pretended to read, with tears dropping on the open page.
9. Ten athletes from our school will take part in the competition this afternoon.
10. Because Mary is on a diet, she is becoming slimmer than before.
11. She is such a graceful old lady that we all like her.
12. She has always been encouraged to swim to build up the strength of her muscles.
13. Don’t be afraid of failure and don’t always compare yourself with others, either.
14. He is a master of the art of language and he set an example for us.
15. The captain made it finally. He enjoyed the feeling of making a difference in the world.