人教版(2019) 选择性必修第三册 Unit 3 Environmental Protection 单词讲解(2)课件(19张)


名称 人教版(2019) 选择性必修第三册 Unit 3 Environmental Protection 单词讲解(2)课件(19张)
格式 pptx
文件大小 414.4KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-03-16 07:40:35



unit3environmental protection
words and expressions(2)
basin [C]盆;脸盆;盆地;流域
penguin [C]企鹅
reform vi. &vt. &n.
As far as I am concerned, the law needs to be reformed.依我看,这部法律需要进行改革。
(2) n. 改革;变革;改良
economic reform 经济改革
the reform of the educational system 教育体制的改革
reforms in education 教育改革
reform and opening-up 改革开放
undergo vt经历;经受;忍受
Our astronauts undergo a long period of testing and training.
implement vt[正式用语]使生效;执行(carry out)
implement a policy执行政策
harmonious adj协调的;和谐的;和睦的
a harmonious relationship between man and nature
moderate 适度的;中等的;温和的
submit vi. &vt.
搭配:submit...to... 把……提交给……
Your monthly budget must be submitted to the company on the first day of each month.
搭配:submit(oneself)to.. 向……屈服
He submitted himself to a search by the security guards. 他只好让保安搜身。
There is no denying that she refused to submit (herself) to threats.
·Mr Smith didn't submit. On the contrary, he spoke up before the specialists.
annual adj每年的;年度的:
annual income/leave年收入/年假
an annual report/meeting年度报告/年会
Our school's annual sports day took place yesterday in 30-degree heat.
annually adv 每年;一年一度地
tropical adj来自热带的;(天气)湿热的
chaos 混乱;一团糟
In chaos 混乱;杂乱
The city was in chaos after the earthquake.
on behalf of sb.(=on one's behalf)
On behalf of the whole company, I express my sincere thanks to those who are involved in the research.
on behalf of our class, welcome you warmly and sincerely
in behalf of sb / in sb's behalf 为了某人;为了某人的利益:
We collect money in behalf of the homeless.我们为无家可归的人筹钱。
nuclear adj核的;核能的;核心的
nuclear energy/weapons/fuel核能/核武器/核燃料
sensitive adj. 敏感的;善解人意的;灵敏的;易被惹恼的
be sensitive to...对……敏感/过敏/体贴
be sensitive about对……神经过敏
The nerve in this tooth is exposed, so it is sensitive to cold food.这颗牙的神经暴露着,所以它对冷食很敏感。
She is very sensitive to other people’s feelings.她很能体谅他人的感受
Susan is sensitive about her appearance, her eyes in particular苏珊对自己的外貌很敏感,尤其是她的眼睛。
a highly sensitive electronic camera 高度灵敏的电子摄像机
Jungle 丛林;密林
Smog 烟雾;雾霾
originate [正式用语]起源;发源;创立
volume [C]卷;册:
a novel in three volumes 一部三卷本的小说
the volume of a container 容器的容积
The volume of traffic on the roads has sharply increased in recent years.
a garbage can 垃圾箱
Their advice turned out to be nothing but garbage.他们给的建议结果一点价值都没有。
enterprise [C]企业;公司;事业:
undertake /build an enterprise 创办企业/事业
a state-owned enterprise 国有企业
restore vt恢复;修复
Believe it or not, restoring those broken paintings will cost an arm and a leg.信不信由你,修复那些破损的画要花费一大笔钱。
Her job is restoring old paintings.她的工作是修复古画。
restoration [C] &[U](旧建筑/旧家具等的)修复;整修
the conservation of old buildings 古建筑的保护
There is a need for the conservation of trees, or there will soon be no forests.
保护树木大有必要, 否则过不了多久所有的森林就会消失。
conservationist n [C]环境保护主义者
dozen / dozens of
two dozen bottles of orange 两打瓶装橙汁
dozen (pl dozen/dozens)[C](一)打;十二个;十几个;许多:
a dozen students 十几个学生
dozens of 很多:
The hurricane blew away dozens of farming villages and brought down thousands of trees.
regulation [C]规则;法规:
fire/safety/building/school regulations防火条例/安全条例/建筑法规/校规
the regulation of affairs 事务管理
regulate the traffic 管理交通
regulate a watch 校准手表
disposal [U]去掉;清除;处理
inspection [U]&[C]检查;视察
The local authorities started to carry out inspections regularly and fine tourist organizations for abuses.
Inspect 仔细检查(examine);视察;检阅:
Make sure you inspect the goods before signing for them. 签收前一定要仔细检查货物。
inspector [C]检察员;督察员
Fine [常用于被动语态]处……以罚款:
You'll be fined 200 yuan. 你会被罚款200元。
Fine…for(doing) sth 因(做)某事对……处以罚款
The police fined me for driving too fast.因开车超速我被警察罚了款。
n[C] 罚金;罚款:
pay a heavy/large fine 付巨额罚款
campaign [C](政治、商业、社会)运动;(宣传)活动;战役:
The government is launching an advertising campaign in order to tell people about the dangers of drugs.
waterway n [C] 水道;航道water +way
tolerate vt 容忍;忍受;容许(put up with)
Those who know how to tolerate others can naturally lead a happy life.
Thank you