课题:Unit 4 There are seven days in a week. Lesson 22
(科目: 英语 )
(教学对象: 四年级学生 )
本单元围绕一周七天展开学习。Lesson 22是第四单元第四课,在前三课已学一周的前五天周日到周四的基础上,本课自然过渡到一周的最后两天周五,周六的学习,同时对前三课单词起到复习巩固的作用。本课以教师询问学生们一周有几天,分别是什么为情景,展开对两组重点句型的学习,即如何询问一周有几天,它们是什么,如何表达一周有七天,并能说出一周七天的名称。本课以真实的教室环境为情景,以教师与学生间的问答为依托,使学生在真实的情景中理解掌握本课重点知识,并能够运用所学知识回答实际问题。
知识与技能:1. 能够听说读写词汇Friday 和 Saturday。
How many days are there in a week
There are seven days in a week.
What are they
They are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday and Saturday.
教学重点:1. 能够听说读写词汇Friday 和 Saturday。
There are seven days in a week.
They are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday and Saturday.
教学难点: 由于一周七天过长,学生在叙述时容易丢词落词,因此我让学生采用歌谣的节奏叙述一周七天。
教学准备: 彩色单词卡片,PPT,时间表等。
教学过程 设计意图
一.课前准备 课前布置板书设计,将学生分为7人一组,选出每组小组长,交代小组长加分任务,每组桌子上摆放一列火车轨道和一沓星期火车卡片以备课堂评价使用,分发Timetable纸以备书写单词和语言拓展。二. 上课过程Step1:Warming-up ( 热身活动)1. 师生相互问候后,询问学生今天是星期几,让学生一起唱星期的儿歌。T: Hello, everyone.Ss: Hello, Miss Yang.T:What day is todaySs: It’s Friday.T: Are you happy on Friday Ss: Yes!T: I also feel very happy today. Let’s chant together.Everybody, Stand up! Read it together.What day What day What day is it today Monday, Monday, Today is Monday.… Today is Wednesday. (学生边做动作边说)2.让学生迅速抢答老师提出的问题。T: Give me a quick answer, please.Ss: OK!T: Number one: How many students are there in your class S1: Thirty-two.T: one train. T: Number two: How many lessons do you have in the morning S2: We have four.T: Number three: How many days are there in your class S3: There are seven.(回答正确的学生奖励一列星期小火车,组长将小火车摆放在本组轨道上。)Step 2: Presentation ( 新知呈现 )1. 教师带领学生玩数星期的游戏,让学生一个接一个地从周日数到周六,接下来玩 “寻找消失热气球” 的游戏,让学生快速说出星期几消失了。T: Let’s play a counting game.Ss: Great.T: Look! What’s missing S1: Tuesday. / It’s Tuesday.…T: Look! What’s missing Two days are missing.What are they S2: Friday and Saturday. / They are Friday and Saturday.2.教师让学生寻找新单词“Friday”和“Saturday”并教授新单词“Friday”和“Saturday”的拼读和拼写。T: Excellent! Where are they Let’s find them.Look! “day” flies to the jar. “Fri” flies to the jar.What’s it Can you guess?Ss: Friday.T: Excellent! Read after me. Friday, Fridayi- - Fri - FridayCan you spell Friday Show me your fingers.Ss: F-r-i-d-a-y.教师将单词书写在黑板上的单词卡片上。T: spell one by one. (让不同学生拼读单词)S1:F-r-i-d-a-y,Friday…T: write “Friday” on your timetable. ( 让学生在时间表上按照教师单词卡片书写单词“Friday”, 过程中指导学生正确书写。)T: Let’s find Saturday. Look! “day” flies to the jar.“Satur” flies to the jar. Guess, What’s it Ss: Saturday.T: Excellent! Read after me. Saturday, Saturday a- - Sa ur-- Satur SaturdayCan you spell Saturday Show me your fingers.Ss: S-a-t-u-r-d-a-y.教师将单词书写在黑板上的单词卡片上。T: spell one by one. (让不同学生拼读单词)S1:S-a-t-u-r-d-a-y, Saturday.…T: write “Saturday” on your timetable. ( 让学生在时间表上按照教师单词卡片书写单词“Saturday”, 过程中指导学生正确书写。)3.带领学生一起唱“Let’s Chant”部分的英文歌曲“Days of week”.T: Let’s count days of week. Ss: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.T: That makes a week. make-makes- That makes - That makes a week.Ss: make-makes- That makes - That makes a week.T: Everybody, first time, just listen. Ss listen to the song. Everybody, stand up! This time, please sing loudly.Ss sing the song. Sunday, la-la-laMonday, la-la-la…That makes a week.4. 让学生观看黑板上的小火车车厢,让学生按照星期的顺序为打乱的车厢排序,数数小火车车厢有几节,引出本课重点句型“How many days are there in a week ” “There are seven.” “What are they ” “They’re Sunday, Monday, Tuesday…”T: Boys and girls, I have a good friend. It’s a train.His name is “week”. Look! What’s the first day of the week Ss: It’s Sunday.T: What’s next day Ss: It’s Monday. …Ss: It’s Saturday.T: Excellent! Let’s read them.Ss: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.T: How many days are there in a week Let’s count together.Ss: one-two-three-four-five-six-sevenT: How many days are there in a week One word.Ss: Seven.T: Three words.Ss: There are seven.T: four words.Ss: There are three days.T: seven words.Ss: There are seven days in a week.T: How many days are there in a week Ss: There are seven days in a week.T asks different students “How many days are there in a week ”S1: There are seven days in a week.…T: Practice in groups.( 让学生在小组里练习对话。)Which group wants to show Ok! Group 1Group 1: S1: How many days are there in a week The other Ss: There are seven days in a week.Group 2:…T: Boys and girls, There are seven days in a week.What are they Look at the train and tell me.Ss: Sunday, Monday… and Saturday.T: Excellent! They’re Sunday, Monday… and Saturday.Ss: They’re Sunday, Monday… and Saturday.T asks different students “What are they ”S1: They’re Sunday, Monday… and Saturday.…T: Practice in groups.( 让学生在小组里练习对话。)Which group wants to show Ok! Group 1Group 1: S1: “What are they ”The other Ss: They’re Sunday, Monday… and Saturday.Group 2:…Step 3: Practice (练习巩固)1.带领学生朗读本课课文并让学生分角色朗读课文。T: Open your books. The first time, listen carefully.Ss listen to the flash.T: This time, read after it.Ss: Read after the tape.T: Read the dialogue together.Ss read together.Ss: This time girls play the teacher. Boys play the students.Ss read the dialogue in roles.T: Read the dialogue in groups.Which group wants to show Ok! Group 1Group 1: S1: Hello, everyone. Let’s play a game.The other Ss: Great!…Group 2: …(给表演好的组加一列星期小火车。)Step 4:Production (拓展延伸)教师播放视频Peter叙述自己制定的时间表,让学生仔细观看, 模仿视频和白板上给出的例句,完成自己的时间表并在小组里讨论。T: Do you have timetable Peter also has a timetable.Let’s listen to Peter’s timetable.Ss watch the video.T: Finish your timetable. Talk about it in your groups.Ss finish their time table and talk about it in groups.T: Volunteers. Who want to read your timetable S1: There are seven days in a week. They are Sunday, Monday… and Saturday. I have a music lesson on Monday. I play football on Saturday.S2… (给说的好的学生所在的组加一列小火车。)教师展示生活中五颜六色的事物,让学生感受生活每一天都是五颜六色的。T: colorful hands, colorful cake, colorful rainbow, Everyday is colorful. We love everyday.Ss: We love everyday.Step 5 Homework: (作业布置 )T: Let’s look at the homework. One star, copy and recite new words and sentences.Two stars, recite the text. Three stars, read the timetable to your parents.Step 6: Blackboard design.(板书设计)Lesson 22 在热身活动部分询问学生今天是周几,复习巩固前一课中重点句型: What day is today It’s ….热身活动我采用chant形式,并让学生边说边做动作,激发了学生的学习热情, 充分调动了学生参与课堂的积极性。让学生迅速回答教师的问题以复习巩固前三课的重点句型,提高学生听力能力和口语表达能力。奖励形式采用在火车轨道上添加星期小火车卡片形式,调动学生的学习兴趣,提高小组合作意识。采用游戏方式让学生复习巩固一周七天的表达,让学生寻找消失的星期,提高了学生的观察力和注意力。通过寻找最后两个消失的星期,引出本科重点词汇: Friday 和Saturday。在教授这两个词汇时,采用形象的构词法形式:day 先飞入罐子里,Fri 再飞入罐子中,组成Friday,Saturday同样采用此形式,使学生深刻记忆两个词汇的组成方式。让学生拼读单词,练习单词自然拼读能力。让学生将单词入格书写,培养学生正确书写英文字母。让学生在学习完所有一周七天的词汇后,通过歌曲形式再次复习巩固一周七天。通过介绍给学生我的新朋友小火车week,激发学生求知欲,让学生从打乱顺序的七天中排列一周七天的正确顺序,使学生在过程中深刻记忆一周七天的顺序。让学生观察小火车车厢引出本课重点句型“How many days are there in a week ” “There are seven.” “What are they ” “They’re Sunday, Monday, Tuesday…”在操练这两组句型时采用小组合作形式,调动学生操练重点句型的积极性,学会自主学习。本部分我让学生以小组为单位分角色朗读,调动学生的参与性,在分配角色的过程中,学生学会了合作配合。在角色扮演的过程中提高了综合语言应用能力,体会到在真实情境中重点句型的运用。本部分我采用微课小视频形式介绍了Peter的时间表,让学生对周几做什么的表达方式进行语言输入,学生对微课的形式充满了兴趣,认真观看小视频,并学习表达方式。学生自然而然地产生了想说表达的小“冲动”。提高了学生的口语表达能力和语言组织能力。为学生展示生活中五颜六色的事物, 让学生体会生活的美好,热爱每天的生活。作业布置采用不同星星等级,分层设置作业难度,使每位学生都能根据自己的能力完成作业。