Module 6 Unit 2
Let’s have fun this Saturday!
(外研社新标准英语一起 第八册)
1、知识目标:听懂,并熟练运用will 和Let’s 的句型来提出建议,发出邀请。
2、能力目标:能准确的把握Let’s 的语言运用环境。
重点:能熟练的掌握will 和 Let’s 的句型,并运用其来向朋友发出活动的邀请。
难点:1、课文中meet, east, west的处理,让学生对这些抽象性的单词能够有具体形象化的记忆。
2、通过where, what, when三个疑问词对课文的处理,引导学生完成邀请函的填写。
3、准备把握Let’s 的语用环境。
(室外课,学生活动场地更大,但所学的课堂道具更多; 室内课,PPT可以对课堂的内容进行更好的展示,但学生的活动范围较小,活动效果不如室外课放得开)
1. Greetings: Nice to meet you! I’m happy to meet you here!
【设计意图:用旧知引出新知 meet, 激发学生对接下来的活动的兴趣。】
2. Game: Let’s meet here!
Invite some students to look for the teacher or students. When they hear “Let’s go !”, please run to the teacher. When they hear “stop’, please stop.
【设计意图:老师通过不断地变换位置,与学生达成 ”Let’s meet here!” 约定,让学生在活动中体会meet的新用法,消除学习旧知的疲劳感。】
3. T: Is it fun
(Learn “fun” and show the title.)
情境设置:Let’s have fun this Saturday! (板书)
1. Free talk:
① T:What will we do this Saturday (板书)
S:We’ll ____________________.
② T; Where will we meet (板书)
S: Let’s meet ___________________. (park0
③ T; Where is the park
(Learn “next to”)
T: Where is Seven Seven is next to ___________.
【设计意图:通过观察老师与同学的位置关系,形象的理解next to 的意思,为接下来活动的开展奠定基础。】
2. Game: Be next to you!
Students walk in a circle. When they hear “Be next to XX”, please be next to it.
【设计意图:利用教室里现有的物品,和课前准备的实物道具,通过游戏,让学生更好的理解next to 的意思,能更准确的对其进行运用,即使是反复的操练,也能通过游戏消除学生的疲劳感。】
(T: Is it fun )
3. Learn the new word: west and east.
① Look at the picture of the compass. North
West East
② T: Where is the west / east
(Point to the west and the east, and stick the words to the right direction.)
③ Practice;
T:What can you see in the classroom
S: I can see ___________.
There is a ___________ in the west / east of the classroom.
4. Game: Let’s do it!
When the students get the orders from the teacher or students, please do the actions in the right place. If you are too slow or wrong, you’re out.
【设计意图: 通过游戏巩固对新词汇的掌握,并让学生在活动中得到放松,保持对学习的兴趣。】
(T: Is it fun )
III. Text learning
T: Our friends, Amy, Lingling, Sam and Daming, they will also have fun this Saturday! Let’s go to see it.
1. Listen to the first time, and judge “ T ”or “ F ”.
① There is a zoo next to the school. ( )
② They will play football in the east of the park. ( )
③ They can fly the kites in the north of the park. ( )
④ They will meet at 11 o’clock. ( )
⑤ It’s a fun day. ( )
2. Listen, read and check the answers.
【设计意图: 第一遍只有听力,并完成5题判断题, 让学生带有问题去整体感知课文内容,并训练听力的基本能力;第二遍通过观看课文的视频,跟读课文, 让学生对课文的内容更加熟悉,通过解决这几个判断题,掌握课文的大致内容。】
3. Open the book, and read the text. Please discuss the following questions with the members.
① Where will they meet
② What will they do
③ When will they meet
【设计意图: 通过小组合作、讨论学习,进一步掌握课文的内容,采用学生自主讨论学习的方式,相互间互相帮助,解决困难,有利于培养学生自主学习、合作学习的能力。问题的设置围绕着where, what和when三个词来展开,即体现了本课的主体内容,也为后面环节的开展铺好了道路。】
4. Learn the new word: o’clock.
① Show some pictures to practise “____ o’clock”.
② T: When will we meet (板书)
S:Let’s meet at ______ o’clock.
【设计意图: 结合meet 的用法,在对话中操练o’clock,让学生对于单词的运用更有语境,更有实际意思。】
IV. Practice
1. Game: Let’s play together!
Tell your classmates what you will do this Saturday, and ask them if she/he would like to play with me.
If you would like to play with her/him, please tell he/him.
What will you do this Saturday!
S: I’ll _______________. Will you ______________
Ss: Ok! Let’s _________________.
At last, make a new group according to the result of the game.
【设计意图: 设定语境,让学生能运用语言进行交际。不仅能向朋友们发出活动的邀请,而且还能接受朋友的邀请,活动更贴近学生的生活和表达需要,将语言的运用语境和生活巧妙的结合,启发了学生的思考。 通过这个游戏,对学生们进行了重新的分组,每个学生自主的选择了自己喜欢的队伍,增进了同学间的友谊,也为下一个环节的良好开展奠定了基础。】
2. Group work
① Make a plan for this Saturday with the friends.
Hello friends,
Let’s have fun this Saturday!
We’ll _______________________________. We can ____________________________. Let’s
meet ____________________________. See you there!
)② Complete the invitation with the members.
at 8 o’clock
) (
go to Beijing
) (
see the Great Wall
T: Today, we make a plan for this Saturday.
We’ll go to the park. Let’s meet in the park. Let’s meet at 10 o’clock. I believe we will have fun this Saturday.
VI. Homework
Write an invitation to your friends. Invite them to have fun with you this weekend.