人教版(2019) 必修第二册 Unit 4 History and Traditions 词汇练习学案(无答案)


名称 人教版(2019) 必修第二册 Unit 4 History and Traditions 词汇练习学案(无答案)
格式 doc
文件大小 815.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-03-16 12:18:47



Unit 4 Book 2 练案
I. Fill in the blanks with proper words:
1. chief
They said they would only let us through if we hired the chief and his brother as guides.
She had to keep bringing forth new ideas in her dance to support her chief position in the troupe
His chief joy centred in studying foreign language. 他的________乐趣集中在学习外语上。
2. puzzle
Everyone was a bit ___________ by her sudden departure. 她突然离去,大家都感到有点莫名其妙。
Their reason for doing it is still a __________ to me. 他们为什么要那样做此事我仍感到莫名其妙。
To explain the ___________ findings, he offers two theories.为了解释这些令人困惑的发现,他提出了两种理论。
I ________________ that I haven’t heard from Liz for so long.我很奇怪这么长时间没有收到莉斯的信了。
She listened with a ___________ expression on her face.她脸上带着困惑的表情听着。
No one has yet succeeded in explaining the puzzle of how life began.
Keys: puzzled, puzzle, puzzling, am puzzled, puzzled, puzzle
3. join
Please ________ this pole to that one.请把这根竿子和那根竿子接起来。
The island is___________________to the mainland by a bridge.这座岛由一座桥与大陆相连。
The two parties have ____________ to form a new government. 两党联合组成了新政府。
__________ Chinese traditional medicine with western medicine. 将中西医结合。
This flight __________ with a New York one.这班飞机可接上纽约的另一趟航班。
The fight against terrorism seemed to ________ the nation.与恐怖主义的斗争似乎把全国人民团结了起来.
Keys: join, joined/connected, combined, Combine, connects, unite
4. break away (from sb/sth) 脱离;背叛;逃脱;摆脱
The thief broke away from the policeman.小偷从警察那里______了。
He broke away from all his old friends.他同所有的老朋友______了往来。
You must break away from such habits.你必须______那些习惯。
Among the painters who broke away from the traditional style of painting were the Impressionists,who lived and worked in Paris.在那些_______传统绘画风格的画家中, 有生活和工作在巴黎的印象派画家。
The southern part of Ireland was unwilling and broke away to form its own government.
Keys:逃脱, 断绝, 摆脱, 脱离,脱离
5. belong
The students feel that they ___________ a particular group.(2019浙江)学生们觉得他们属于一个特定的群体。
The future _____________ those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.未来属于那些相信梦想之美好的人。
Dunn believes that people who reach out to strangers feel a significantly greater sense of ____________, a bond with others.(2018全国II)邓恩认为,向陌生人伸出援手的人会感到一种强烈的归属感,一种与他人的联系。
Lockers are available to store any ______________ during your visit.(2017全国I)
Keys: belong to, belongs to, belonging, belongings
6. as well
The classroom is a place for learning and that includes leaning from textbooks, and mistakes ______________.(2018全国III) 教室是一个学习的地方,也包括从课本和错误中学习。
Now when people refer to England, they can find Wales included ____________.
But Sarah, who has taken part in shows along with top models, wants to improve that she has brains _______________ beauty.(2017全国III) 但曾和名模们一起参加过各种节目的莎拉,希望自己智慧与美貌并重。
Amy, as well as her brothers, _________ given a warm welcome when returning to the village last week.(2019天津)
She cooks _________________ her mother.她做饭做得和她妈妈一样好。
I want to prove that I can teach myself a respectful profession, without going to college, and be just _______________, if not better than, my competitors.(2016北京)
I washed those old curtains and now they look _______________ new.
A miss is ___________________ a mile. 失之毫厘,谬以千里。
Keys: as well, as well, as well as, was, as well as, as good as, as good as, as good as
7. currency
The ability to design, build and export green technologies for producing clean water, clean air and healthy and abundant food is going to be the ___________ of power in the new century.(2018浙江)
One of the problems she had was getting used to the foreign ___________. 她的问题之一是如何适应外币。
These developments are likely to make our ___________ problems with robocalls(自动电话) much worse.(2019北京)
Some analysts estimate that food production will need to be raised by 50 percent to maintain __________ levels.(2018天津) 一些分析人士估计,粮食产量需要提高50%才能维持目前的水平。
If ___________ trends don't bend, Russia's population will be about the size of Yemen's by the year 2050.(2017江苏)
The model projects that ___________ blue areas with little phytoplankton(浮游植物) could become even bluer.(2019北京) 该模型预测,目前浮游植物稀少的蓝色区域可能会变得更蓝。
____________, most ingredients must be changed to a paste(糊状物) before a printer can use them.(2018天津)
Keys: currency, currency, current, current, current, currently, Currently
8. defence
This fort was once the main __________ of the island. 这座堡垒曾经是这个岛上主要的防御设施。
The forest will act as a defence __________ desert dust. 森林能起到防御沙漠尘土的作用。
The __________ of the accused was rather weak. 被告人的辩护软弱无力。
They responded at once and rose as one man in defence of their motherland.
The wall was built _____________ the road from being washed away by the sea.
Electricity is used for light, heating, power, and to defend the ship _________________ attacks.
Keys: defence, against, defence, in, to defend, against/from
9. surround
____________ yourself with uplifting individuals who challenge you to be better while loving you for who you are.(2016浙江)
We ______________________ a natural playground just perfect for walking, caving, climbing and cycling.(2019江苏)
Steve arrived and sat in the front row, ________________ his family. (2019江苏)
Now we live in a world__________________ the "can’t do" attitudes. (2018天津)
That means a transparent object doesn't look very different from the ______________ air or water.(2015北京)
Much of the real significance of railroads and highways is not in their direct physical effect on the scenery, but in the ways that they affect the _______________ community. (2011北京)
Why do the hikers take no notice of the _______________ during the journey (2018天津)
Determining where we are in relation to our ________________ remains an essential skill for our survival.(2017江苏)
Keys: Surround, are surrounded by, surrounded by, surrounded by, surrounding, surrounding, surroundings, surroundings
10. evident
Mclntyre and his colleagues documented a widespread death of big trees that was ___________ even in wildlands protected from woodcutting or development.(2019浙江)
This view is especially _____________ on Kilimanjaro as climbers go through five ecosystems in the space of a few kilometers.(2019全国I)这种景象在乞力马扎罗山上尤为明显,因为登山者在几公里的空间内穿过五个生态系统。
There is__________that they range all the way across the Arctic, and as far south as James Bay in Canada.(2019全国I)
That is only ___________ that traditions once existed.(2018全国II) 这只是传统曾经存在过的证据。
Now we have the most direct ___________ yet that he is right.(2017北京) 现在我们有最直接的证据证明他是对的。
Keys: evident, evident, evidence, evidence, evidence
11. achieve [ 't i v]vt. 达到;取得;实现
We should especially recognize our children's efforts to push themselves and work hard __________ a goal.(2019浙江)
We can __________ meaning only if we have made a commitment to something larger than our own little egos(自我).(2019天津) 只有当我们献身于比我们自己更大的目标时,我们才能获得意义。
The only way _________ the impossible is to believe that it is possible. (Alice in Wonderland)
Handle the most important tasks first so you'll feel a real sense of _______________. (2016全国II)
Picking up her “Lifetime _____________” award, proud Irene declared she had no plans to retire from her 36-year-old business.(2019全国II)自豪的艾琳在领取“终身成就奖”时宣布,她没有退休的打算。
The father of success is work, and the mother of ______________ is ambition.勤奋乃成功之父,志向乃成功之母。
Keys: to achieve, achieve, to achieve, achievement, Achievement, achievement
12. locate
Whenever you move to a new area, you should _________ the fire alarm pull stations and the two exits nearest your room. (2018天津) 当你搬到一个新的地方,你应该找到消防警报拉站与最接近你房间的两个出口。
_________ where the Belt meets the Road, Jiangsu will contribute more to the Belt and Road construction.(2017江苏)
His office_________________ the Xiangshan campus of the university in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province.(2018全国III)
The store______________ upstairs in Building 3 right next to the Laser Dome.(2017全国I)
When the Bishop Arts Theatre was donated to our town, the_________ was considered a poor area of town.(2018江苏)
The scientist located the _________ location allocated to him.
Keys: locate, Located, is located at, is located, location, local
13. conquer
Energy and persistence _________ all things.(Benjamin Franklin) 精力加毅力可以征服一切。——本杰明·富兰克林
Dangers will arise in any career, but presence of mind will often ___________ the worst of them.
In 1066 William the___________, the Duke of Normandy (part of modern France), invaded and __________ England. http://www./ - /javascript:; ( http: / / www. / " \l " / javascript:;" \o "真人发音 )
The chase is always much more exciting than the __________ anyway. 不管怎么说,追求的过程总比得手更为刺激。
The French empire had expanded largely through military __________. 法兰西帝国的扩张主要靠军事征服。
Keys: conquer, conquer, Conqueror, conquered, conquest, conquest
14. port
Cities usually have a good reason for being where they are, like a nearby_________ or river. (2018全国III)
When I reached the ________, the workers were loading the rice onto the ship.
One solution is obviously to __________ foreign workers via immigration. (2017江苏)
The__________of meat from aboard is held up for the epidemic ( http: / / www. / " \l " / javascript:; ) situation ( http: / / www. / " \l " / javascript:; ).
The ability to design, build and __________ green technologies for producing clean water, clean air and healthy and abundant food is going to be the currency of power in the new century.(2018浙江)
America will increase its food _________.(2012江苏) 美国将增加食品出口。
Keys: port, port, import, import, export, export
15. fascinate
The place continues to __________ visitors, cloaked in its mystery.
The children are _____________ by the toys in the shop window.
I still find this story both ____________ and unbelievable. 我仍觉得这个故事既神奇又不太可信。
What it will be called in future, and what it will do, remain _____________ questions. http://www./ ( http: / / www. / " \o "点击发音 )
Keys: fascinate, fascinated, fascinating, fascinating
16. charge
We choose this hotel because the price for a night here is down to $20, half of what it used to___________.(2017江苏)
The museum has no admission____________but visitors can make donations.博物馆不收门票,但游客可以捐款。
She rejected the ___________ that the story was untrue.她否认了说她编造事实的指控。
Before use, the battery must ___________d. 使用前,电池必须充电。
How much did he charge ______ the repairs 他们收了多少修理费?
All goods are delivered _____________________. 一切物品免费送货。
Pushchairs are available ____________________ near each checkroom.(2008江苏)
He ________________________ murder. 他被指控犯有谋杀罪。
He was_______________ a flying task.(2013全国II) 他负责一项飞行任务。
He told me that the factory was______________________his brother.他告诉我工厂由他兄弟管理。
He_____________________the farm after his father’s death. 父亲去世后,他接管了农场。
Keys: charge, charge, be charged, for, free of charge, free of charge, was charged with, in charge of, in/under the charge of, took charge of
17. amount
Today $8 or $10 seems a small amount of money, but at that time these__________were forbidding to most citizens.(2019全国III)
But whatever it is, praise should be given on a case-by-case basis and be proportionate(成比例的) to the amount of effort your child has put into it.(2019浙江)但不管是什么,表扬都应该根据具体情况,并与孩子付出的努力成比例。
The total cost of repairs ______________ $100. 修理费用总计达100美元。
Today, scholars have generated large __________ of instructive research about restaurants.(2018江苏)
Keys: amounts, amount, amounts to, amounts
18. approach
As a new approach starts to become apparent, two ideas stand out.(2017江苏)
His approach to the problem are wrong.他处理这个问题的________是错误的。
All the approach to the palace were guarded by troops.通往宫殿的所有_______都有军队把守。
As you approach people, be polite.(2017浙江) 当你_______别人时,要有礼貌。
Many people don't dare to approach Nature any more; to them the world they were born to enjoy is all threat.(2014天津)许多人不敢再________大自然;对他们来说,他们本来要享受的世界充满了威胁。
Over the years, there have been a number of different techniques to help designers approach this important point.(2018全国I)多年来,已经有许多不同的技术来帮助设计师________这一重要问题。
It starts with looking inside yourself and understanding who you are with respect to the natural world and how you approach the gardening process.(2016全国II)
Most positive emotions are associated with approach behaviour: we move closer to people we like.(2014江苏)
China's approach to _____________ its environment while feeding its citizens “offers useful lessons for agriculture and food policymakers worldwide.”(2018全国II)
Facing up to your problem rather than running away from them is the best approach to ____________ things out.(2014浙江) 解决问题的最佳方法是直面问题,而不是逃避问题。
Business is the organized approach to ______________ customers with the goods and services they want.(2013全国I)
Keys: 方法, to, 通道,接近, 接近, 处理, 对待, 亲近, protecting, working, providing
19. generous
Most streets are of vehicles, and there are ___________green spaces and good public-transport lines, including fast buses and bicycle paths.(2010浙江)
It's an amazing accomplishment and one we cannot achieve without ___________support from individuals, corporations, and other social organizations. (2017全国I)
He was generous________ his time, for which I was grateful.他在时间上很慷慨,对此我很感激。
While the clip(视频片段) might look like part of a new ad campaign, Bridges said the only goal was to show ___________ and sympathy.(2019浙江)
Keys: generous, generous, with, generosity
20. eager
Some of us were confident and eager___________part in the class activity, while others were nervous and anxious. (2018全国III) 我们中的一些人很自信并渴望参加课堂活动,而另一些人则有些紧张和焦虑。
Believe it or not, he or she is on your side and is eager ____________ you do well.(2015浙江)
It was of the man, no longer young, unbowed by defeat, unafraid of responsibility, and eager________ greatness.
Some of them are eager_______romance, while others enjoy being single.
Keys: to take part in, to see, for, for
21. feast
People light lamps, play music on an important ________ day, and offer good things to the dead.
I sincerely hope you can set aside some time for the art ________.(2017全国Ⅱ)
A cheerful look makes a dish a _________.笑脸待客饭菜香。
The king feasted his friends ______ chicken and coconuts.国王以鸡肉和椰子款待他的朋友。
He _____________________ the beautiful scene.他尽情欣赏这美丽的景色。
Keys: feast, feast, feast, on, feasted his eyes on
22. dot
The road to success _________________ many tempting parking spaces.通往成功的道路上布满着诱惑人的停车场。
There is a small _______, brighter than its surroundings. 那里有个小点,要比周围亮一些。
Keys: is dotted with, dot
23. greet
__________ the New Year 迎接新年
A sweet smell _________ the nose.香气扑鼻
Li Jiang and Su Hua don't agree on what to wear when __________ the British students.(2019江苏)
The moment I arrived in Paris, I ________________ a nice French couple who would become my host parents.(2013浙江) 我一到巴黎就受到一对法国夫妇的欢迎,他们后来成了我的寄宿家长。
Most people around the world now greet each other by shaking hands, but some cultures use other __________ as well.
Her ____________ was less than enthusiastic. 她的问候一点都不热情。
Keys: greet, greets, greeting, was greeted by, greetings, greeting
24. custom ['k st m]n. 习惯;惯例;风俗
On the first day of the new year, dressed up in new clothes, people visit their friends and relatives, which has become a ___________.在新年的第一天,穿着新衣服,人们拜访他们的朋友和亲戚,这已成为一种习俗。
It was her ____________ to rise early.早起是她的习惯。
Instead of devoting themselves to their work, they find themselves working to support the lifestyle to which they have so quickly become ____________.(2015浙江)
They are accustomed to_______________ at meals.(2008江苏) 他们习惯于吃饭时不说话。
The _____________ are ____________ to the __________ to offer small gifts at the local ____________.
Keys: custom, custom, accustomed, not talking, customers, accustomed, custom, customs
25. strike
on strike 在罢工
__________ a match 擦燃火柴
It is by no means clear what the president can do to end the _________.(2012全国II)
Just before September, Miller was __________ by a car and lost his right arm.(2019全国III)
The children of Nome would be helpless if it __________ the town.(2016北京)
Deals will_______________ to reduce the immediate effects.(2011北京)各方将达成协议,以减少直接影响。
___________ the iron while it is hot.趁热打铁。
I was _____________ the beauty of nature. 我被大自然的美丽所震撼。
The area __________________ a terrible earthquake.这个地区发生了可怕的地震。
The clock has just __________ three.时钟刚敲过三点。
An idea has just __________ me.我突然想到一个主意。
That which is___________ and beautiful is not always good. But that which is good is always beautiful.
For Japan, the numbers are more ___________.(2020浙江一月) 对日本来说,这个数字更加惊人。
These effects of the Internet have become even more ___________ since I've begun using a smartphone.(2016江苏)
Keys: strike, strike, struck, struck, be struck, Strike, struck by, was struck by, struck, struck, striking, striking, striking
26. crowd
It ran for just under seven kilometers and allowed people to avoid terrible _________ on the roads above as they travelled to and from work. (2017全国II)
Don't follow the __________, let the crowd follow you.不要随波逐流,要引领潮流。
People ___________ on the road and could not go forward because of the traffic accident some cars had made.
The moment I saw the picture, it all came __________________. 我一看到那张照片,所有回忆就都涌上心头。
a _____________ street 拥挤的街道
Does Kilimanjaro deserve its reputation as a ___________ mountain with lines of tourists ruining the atmosphere of peace?(2019全国I)乞力马扎罗山是不是应该被称为一座拥挤的山峰,挤满了破坏宁静氛围的游客?
Aggressive wildfire control has left California forests _________________ small trees that compete with big trees for resources(2019浙江)积极的野火控制使得加利福尼亚的森林里到处都是小树,它们与大树争夺资源。
The city ________________________ disappointed people with no interest in settling down.(2018全国III)
Keys: crowds, crowd, crowded, crowding in, crowded, crowded, crowded with, was crowded with
II. Fill in the blanks with proper forms of the given phrases.
break down, break up, break off, break in, break out, break through, break away from, belong to, keep an eye on, amount to, a large amount of
1. The company is trying to ________________________ its traditional image.这家公司正试图摆脱它的传统形象。
2. You must_________________________ your young children when you are in a crowded street.
3. When the teacher came in, everybody_________________ talking and stared at her.
4. Planning without any real action________________ nothing.只计划不行动等于什么都不做。
5. Their marriage______________ after ten years.他们的婚姻十年后破裂了。
6. Success will_______________ those who never say "impossible".成功将属于那些从不说“不可能”的人。
7. Somebody _______________ last night and stole the PC and video.昨晚有人闯了进来,偷走了电脑和录像。
8. Scientist believe they have ___________________ in their fight against the disease.
9. Mrs Boggs__________________ and cried when we told her the news.
10. He met _______________________ difficulty but was never stopped.他遇到了许多困难,但从未停止过。
11. I left Europe when World War II _________________in 1939. 1939年第二次世界大战爆发时,我离开了欧洲。
Keys: 1.break away from 2. keep an eye on 3. broke off 4. amounts to 5. broke up 6. belong to 7.broke in 8.broken through 9. broke down 10.a large amount of 11.broke out