人教版(2019) 选择性必修 第三册 Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle学案(4份打包)


名称 人教版(2019) 选择性必修 第三册 Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle学案(4份打包)
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文件大小 230.2KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-03-17 13:25:17


主题学习目标 通过本单元学习了解习惯是如何养成的,并且能意识到自身的不良习惯并积极加以改正,养成健康的生活方式。
语言能力目标 核心单词 tobacco, alcohol, abuse, dominate, psychology, rely, facilitate, examine, negative, pessimistic, discipline, pill, compose, surgeon, surgery, liberation, shave, disturb, cigarette, specialist, consultant, drug, skip, dizzy, flu, stimulate, dentist, nut, skateboard, dynamic, bowling, comedy, monthly, enhance, refresh, absorb
重点词块 in response to , rely on , straight away , decide on , make up one’s mind , be composed of , shave off , stressed out , worn out
单元语法 动词不定式(短语)作主语
写作能力 根据本单元所学知识能够写一篇语言简洁、结构清晰的建议信。
“Can I get a light ” This is the commonest question among smokers. What if this question is to come from an unusual source The National Health Promotion Foundation uploaded (上传) an anti-smoking advertisement. The anti-smoking ad has quickly been known as “the most powerful anti-smoking ad”.
The anti-smoking video, called “Smoking Kid”, features children walking up to adult smokers and asking for a light. The children in the ad are actors but the smoking adults are unsuspecting participants in the project.
The video begins with the statement“Adults know that smoking is harmful, but don’t remind themselves of this fact”. Once a “smoking kid” approaches the adults, every adult asked is shocked that the child with a cigarette in his hand is asking for a light. The first adult starts by saying, “I’m not giving it to you.” Then the video goes on to state “Every adult filmed said no and reminded the children that smoking is bad”.
Before going away, the kid hands each adult a booklet after being turned down for a light. The booklet says, “You worry about me, but why not about yourself ” The adults look around for the child as their faces are filled with confusion and discomfort. The video shows that a few of the smokers quickly threw away their cigarettes or put them away, showing that this experiment was effective at that moment. The most influential element in the ad isn’t the use of children or the responses from the smoking adults. It comes down to something much simpler than that. Why is it that we worry about other people, forgetting to worry about ourselves
1.What was the adults’ reaction to the children asking for a light
A. They looked around for the children’s parents.B. They paid no attention to the children’s request.
C. They quickly threw the children’s cigarettes away.D. They rejected the children’s request and educated them.
2.According to the last but one paragraph, the anti-smoking ad is .
A. unusual B. shocking C. influential D. encouraging
3.Which could be the best title of the text
A. Give up smoking for your healthB. Keep away from smoking, adults
C. Tell your children not to smokeD. Reject a child asking for a light
Section Ⅰ Reading and Thinking
Ⅰ. 课文翻译
教材原文 HABITS FOR A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE As teenagers grow up, they become more independent and start making their own decisions. However, during this period, it can be easy for some of them to form bad habits. These bad habits, if left unchecked, could lead to more serious ones when they become adults. For example, some of them may become involved in tobacco or alcoholabuse, which can lead to physical and mental health problems. To prevent harmful habits like these from dominating a teenager’s life is essential. They must learn to recognise bad habits early and make appropriate changes. To change bad habits is never easy, even with many attempts. There is a famous saying based on the philosophy of Aristotle: “We are what we repeatedly do.” In many ways, our lifestyle is the sum of choices we have made. We make a choice to do something, and then we repeat it over and over again. Soon that choice becomes automatic and forms a habit that is much harder to change. The good news is that we can change, if we understand how habits work. According to modern psychology, we must first learn about the “habit cycle”, which works like this: ●Firstly, there is a “cue”, an action, event, or situation that acts as a signal to do something. ●Secondly, there is a “routine”, the regular action you take in response to the cue. ●Thirdly, there is the “reward”, the good thing or feeling we get from the routine. For example, when we feel unhappy (cue), we eat lots of unhealthy snacks (routine), which makes us feel happy (reward). The reward makes us much more likely to continue the cycle, and the bad habit of relying on unhealthy snacks is formed. To facilitate a positive change in our bad habits, we must first examine our bad habit cycles and then try to adapt them. We can do this by combining the information from our habit cycles with our own positive ideas. For example, we could try to replace a negative routine with something more positive. So, when we feel unhappy again (cue), rather than eat snacks, we could listen to some of our favourite music instead (routine), which will make us feel relaxed (reward). Aside from changing bad habits, we can also use the habit cycle to create good habits. For example, when we come to an escalator (cue), our normal routine is to ride it, but we could change this routine into something more positive by taking the stairs instead. Many of us try to change bad habits quickly, and if we are not successful straight away, we often become pessimistic and give up. In fact, the most successful way to change is not suddenly, but over a period of time. As the Chinese philosopher Lao Zi wrote, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” One step seems small, but it is essential. To reach the goal of change, a person must show some discipline and repeatedly take many small steps. After all, it is not easy to break bad habits. For young people, there is plenty of time to change bad habits. However, there is no “magic pill” or delete button that will help you; you have to think about your bad habits and decide on some changes. You have the power to build a happy and healthy life full of good habits! 教材译文 健康的生活方式需养成的习惯 青少年在成长过程中,会变得更加独立并且开始自己作决定。不过, 他们中的一些人在这期间容易养成坏习惯。如果放任不管,这些坏习惯,在他们成年后会导致更为严重的有害习惯。例如,有些青少年可能会吸烟成瘾或酗酒, 造成生理和心理健康问题。防止此类的有害习惯主宰青少年的生活是至关重要的。他们必须学会及早发现坏习惯,并做出适当的改变。 改变坏习惯并非易事,即使三番五次地尝试。有一条基于亚里士多德哲学思想的名言:“重复的行为造就了我们。”在很多方面, 我们的生活方式是我们做出的选择的总和。我们选择做某事, 然后一遍又一遍地重复。很快,这种选择就变成了无意识的行为,并会发展成一种更加难以改变的习惯。好消息是如果我们了解习惯是如何运作的,我们就能做出改变。 根据现代心理学, 首先我们必须了解“习惯环”。它的运作原理如下: ●首先,有“提示”,即一个动作、事件或情况作为做某事的信号。 ●其次, 形成“惯例”,即你响应提示采取的有规律的行动。 ●第三,有“奖励”,即我们从惯例中得到的好处或感觉。 例如,当我们不开心时(提示),我们会吃很多不健康的零食(惯例),这会让我们感到快乐(奖励)。这种奖励使我们更有可能继续这一循环, 从而形成了依赖不健康零食的坏习惯。 为了促使我们坏习惯的积极改变,我们首先必须审视我们的坏习惯环,然后尝试去改变它们。通过将习惯环中的信息与我们自己的积极想法相结合,我们就可以改变这些习惯。例如, 我们可以试着用更积极的东西来取代消极惯例。所以, 当我们再次感到不开心时(提示),与其吃零食,不如听一些我们最喜欢的音乐(惯例),这会使我们感到放松(奖励)。除了改变坏习惯,我们也可以用习惯环来创造好习惯。例如,当我们遇到自动扶梯(提示)时,我们通常的做法是乘坐它,但我们可以通过爬楼梯来改变这种惯例,让它变成积极的事情。 我们中有许多人试图快速改变坏习惯, 如果不能马上成功,我们往往会变得悲观并放弃。事实上, 最成功的改变不是一蹴而就的, 而是需要花费一段时间的。正如中国哲学家老子所说:“千里之行, 始于足下。”一步看似微小,却至关重要。为了达到改变的目的,一个人必须表现出一定的自制力,并不断小步前进。毕竟,改掉坏习惯并非易事。 对于年轻人来说,他们有足够的时间来改变坏习惯。然而,并没有“灵丹妙药”或删除按钮可以帮助你;你必须思考你的坏习惯,然后下定决心做出一些改变。你有能力打造一个充满良好习惯、快乐而又健康的生活!
Ⅱ. 词汇拓展
1. independent / nd pend nt/ adj. 独立的;自主的;自治的→ independently / nd pend ntli/ adv. 独立地;自立地→ independence / nd pend ns/ n. 独立→ dependent /d pend nt/adj. 依赖的;依靠的
2. dominate /'d m ne t/ vt. &vi. 支配;控制;占有优势→ domination / d m 'ne n/ n. 支配;控制
3. repeatedly /r pi t dli/ adv. 重复地→ repeat /r pi t/ v. 重复→ repeated /r pi t d/ adj. 重复的
4. psychology /sa k l d i/ n. 心理学;心理;心理影响→ psychological / sa k l d kl/ adj.心理的→ psychologically / sa k l d k li/ adv. 心理上地;精神上地→ psychologist /sa k l d st/ n.心理学家
5. rely /r la / vi.依赖;依靠;信赖→ reliable /r la bl/ adj. 可信赖的;可依靠的
6. examine / ɡ z m n/ vt.(仔细)检查;审查;测验→ examination / ɡ z m ne n/ n. 检查;审查;考试
Ⅲ. 情境词块
1.become involved in 参与; 作为一部分
2.make a choice 做选择
3.prevent…from doing sth. 阻止……做某事
4.act as 充当; 起作用
5.rely on 依赖; 依靠; 信赖
6.aside from 除……之外
7.回答; 答复 in response to
8.而不是 rather than
9.立即; 马上 straight away
10.决定; 选定 decide on
Ⅳ. 情境佳句
句型公式 状语从句的省略
教材原句 These bad habits, if left unchecked, could lead to more serious ones when they become adults. 如果放任不管, 这些坏习惯, 在他们成年后会导致更为严重的有害习惯。
中文例句 当你朝着你的目标努力时, 你要和积极乐观的人待在一起。
句式仿写 Stay with positive people while working towards your goals.
句型公式 不定式作主语
教材原句 To prevent harmful habits like these from dominating a teenager’s life is essential. 防止此类的有害习惯主宰青少年的生活是至关重要的。
中文例句 十分钟之内完成这项工作是很难的。
句式仿写 To finish the work within ten minutes is very hard.
句型公式 much/a lot+形容词比较级
教材原句 Soon that choice becomes automatic and forms a habit that is much harder to change. 很快, 这种选择就变成了无意识的行为, 并会发展成一种更加难以改变的习惯。
中文例句 现在我感觉自信多了。
句式仿写 Now, I feel much more confident.
Ⅰ. 文本理解
1.Reading for the main idea.
What’s the main idea of the text
A.How the “habit cycle” works.
B.Why bad habits should be changed.
C.Forming good habits for a healthy lifestyle is beneficial to a teenager’s life.
D.There are no shortcuts to changing bad habits.
答案: C
2.Reading for the structure.
Fill in the following blanks with proper words.
Main idea Reasons
Part 1 (para.1) Why bad habits should be changed. Bad habits can lead to 1. physical and 2. mental health problems.
Part 2(para. 2—para. 4) How habits 3. are formed . ●Para. 2: How a choice can 4. lead to a habit. ●Para. 3: How the “habit cycle”5. works and an example about it. ●Para. 4: How to 6. change bad habits and 7. create good ones.
Part 3(para. 5—para. 6) Habits should be changed gradually. Para. 5: Breaking bad habits is not easy. Para. 6: There are no 8. shortcuts to changing bad habits.
Reading for the details.
1.How can a teenager prevent bad habits from ruling his or her life
A.By leaving them unchecked.
B.By being aware of bad habits and making proper changes.
C.By being more independent.
D.By talking to their parents and teachers.
答案: B
2.Why does the author quote Aristotle’s words
A.To show changing bad habits is never easy.
B.To imply that we always do useless things.
C.To tell us to make preparations in advance.
D.To tell us only we ourselves can dominate our life.
答案: A
3.Which of the following is considered as the “reward”
A.You decide to borrow two books from the city library.
B.You take a walk around the school in the morning.
C.You are willing to volunteer in your community this weekend.
D.You find yourself excited after a talk with your friend.
答案: D
4.What is the author’s attitude to changing bad habits
Ⅱ. 难句突破
1.The good news is that we can change, if we understand how habits work.
【分析】本句是一个主从复合句。其中that we can change为that引导的表语从句 , if we understand…为if引导的条件状语从句 , how habits work为how引导的宾语从句。【译文】好消息是如果我们了解习惯是如何运作的, 我们就能做出改变。
2.So, when we feel unhappy again (cue), rather than eat snacks, we could listen to some of our favourite music instead (routine), which will make us feel relaxed (reward).
【分析】本句是一个主从复合句。when we feel unhappy again为when引导的时间状语从句, which will make us feel relaxed为which引导的非限制性定语从句 , 修饰整个主句的内容。
【译文】所以, 当我们再次感到不开心时(提示), 与其吃零食, 不如听一些我们最喜欢的音乐(惯例), 这会使我们感到放松(奖励)。
Ⅲ. 概要写作
Step 1 Question Answering
1.What kind of bad habits do teenagers usually form
Teenagers tend to form bad habits like tobacco or alcohol abuse.
2.What damage can these bad habits do to teenagers
They can lead to physical and mental problems.
3.What should teenagers do to prevent these bad habits from dominating their life
To prevent these bad habits from dominating their life, they have to learn to recognize them and make proper changes.
4.What can help them to change
Understanding the “habit cycles” can help.
5.What should we do to change a bad habit
We need to examine our bad habit cycles and change them.
6.Can we change the bad habits suddenly
We can’t change the bad habits suddenly but need to show some discipline.
Step 2 Sentence Rewriting
Teenagers tend to form bad habits like tobacco or alcohol abuse, which can lead to physical and mental problems.
2.用become aware of改写第3句。
To prevent these bad habits from dominating their life, they have to become aware of them and make proper changes.
What we need to do is examine our bad habit cycles and change them.
4.用get rid of和all of a sudden改写第6句。
We can’t get rid of the bad habits all of a sudden but need to show some discipline.
Step 3 Summary Writing
Teenagers tend to form bad habits like tobacco or alcohol abuse, which can lead to physical and mental problems. To prevent these bad habits from dominating their life, they have to become aware of them and make proper changes. Much to our delight, understanding the “habit cycles” can help. What we need to do is examine our bad habit cycles and change them. However, we can’t get rid of the bad habits all of a sudden but need to show some discipline.
1. abuse n.滥用;虐待;辱骂vt.滥用;虐待;辱骂
For example, some of them may become involved in tobacco or alcohol abuse, which can lead to physical and mental health problems. 例如, 有些青少年会吸烟成瘾或酗酒, 造成生理和心理健康问题。(教材P14)
①The case has brought the problem of child abuse into focus.
②Much of the crime in this area is related to drug abuse.
③Government officials shouldn’t abuse their powers.
④It is said that the journalists, who covered the case last week, have been threatened and abused.
(1)虐待儿童 child abuse
酗酒/嗜毒 alcohol/drug abuse
(2)滥用职权 abuse one’s power
①He came to the help of another driver who was being racially abused (abuse) by three white passengers.
②It is said that drug and alcohol abuse (嗜毒和酗酒) contributed to Brian’s early death.
③He was accused of abusing his wife (虐待妻子) last week.
2. in response to 回答;答复
Secondly, there is a “routine”, the regular action you take in response to the cue. 其次,形成“惯例”,即你响应提示采取的有规律的行动。(教材P14)
①With the help of his teammate, the operator made a quick response to the event.
在他的队友的帮助下, 这个操作员对事件作出了快速的反应。
②They made no response to our call for help, which disappointed us.
③During the outbreak of the novel coronavirus pneumonia disease, China rose up to the challenge and responded to it bravely.
在新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情暴发期间,中国迎难而上, 勇敢应对此次挑战。
(1)对……作出回应 make a response to/in response to
没有回应 make no response
(2)v.回答;作出反应 respond
回答; 对……作出回应 respond to
①Knowing basic first-aid techniques will help you respond quickly to emergencies.
②So far, the artist has not responded to the question. (respond)
③So far, the artist has made no response to the question. (response)
④So far, the artist has done nothing in response to the question. (response)
3. reward n.回报;奖励;报酬vt.奖励;奖赏;给以报酬
Thirdly, there is the “reward”, the good thing or feeling we get from the routine. 第三, 有“奖励”,即我们从惯例中得到的好处或感觉。(教材P14)
①The boss rewarded him with a trip to China for his contributions.
因为他的贡献, 老板奖励他一次中国之旅。
②The soldier received a medal in reward for his bravery in fighting the forest fire that broke out in Liangshan, Sichuan Province.
③The company gave/offered a reward to him for his positive attitude.
④There is really nothing more rewarding in the world than helping others live a happy life.
(1)因(做)某事用某物奖励某人 reward sb. with sth. for (doing) sth.
(2)作为(对……的)回报 in reward (for).../as a reward (for)...
为某事而给某人奖励 give/offer a reward to sb. for sth.
(3)adj.有益的; 值得做的 rewarding
reward 作名词时,多指对某人工作的回报、报酬;作动词时,表示“奖励; 给以报酬”
prize 多指在比赛、竞赛或抽奖中得的奖
award 作名词时,多指官方颁发的奖品、奖项
A $100 reward has been offered for the return of the necklace. 已悬赏100美元寻找这条项链。
The Scottish girl with blue eyes won first prize in the Fifth Chinese Speech contest.
His movie won several awards at the film festival.
①(2020浙江7月)It is rewarding (reward) to try new things.
②The students have been working hard on their lessons and their efforts will be rewarded with success in the end.
③作为通过考试的奖励, 她从父母那儿得到了一辆新自行车。
As a reward for passing the exam, she got a new bike from her parents.
4. rely on 依赖;依靠;信赖
The reward makes us much more likely to continue the cycle, and the bad habit of relying on unhealthy snacks is formed. 这种奖励使我们更有可能继续这一循环, 从而形成了依赖不健康零食的坏习惯。(教材P15)
①Farmers can rely on ducks to protect their crops.
②You may rely on it that she can achieve her ambition.
③Trains are safe, reliable, cheap and best for long-distance journeys.
火车安全可靠、费用低廉, 最适宜长途旅行。
(1)依赖/依靠某人做某事 rely on sb./to do sth.
相信……;指望…… rely on it that...
(2)adj.可依靠的;可信赖的 reliable
①We should rely on it that everything will go well.
②(2019北京)Some students don’t have a reliable (rely) car, while others have to share vehicles with parents who work six days a week.
You can rely on me to keep your secret.
5. decide on 决定;选定However, there is no “magic pill” or delete button that will help you; you have to think about your bad habits and decide on some changes. 然而, 并没有“灵丹妙药”或删除按钮可以帮助你; 你必须思考你的坏习惯, 然后下定决心做出一些改变。(教材P15)
①In the end, he decided on spending his summer holiday by the sea.
②If you are determined to succeed, please grasp the opportunity offered by our company.
③They decided/determined to move abroad and make a fresh start.
④Jane has made a decision to study abroad.
决定/决心做某事的其他常用表达: be determined to do sth. ; decide/determine to do sth. ; make a decision to do sth. ; make up one’s mind to do sth. 。
①I don’t want to make the wrong decision (decide) and regret it later.
②At today’s meeting, we are to discuss and decide on the most effective approach to the study of mathematics.
③Later Mrs Smith decided to buy/decided on buying/made a decision to buy/determined to buy/was determined to buy/made up her mind to buy (决定买)this kind of cloth because she was told that the cloth washed very well.
6. make up one’s mind 下定决心
We need to make up our minds and show some discipline, and make small changes over time. 我们需要下定决心, 表现出一定的自制力, 并渐渐地作出一些小的改变。(教材P16)
①She made up her mind to pass down traditional Beijing Opera.
②So stubborn is the old man that he won’t change his mind whatever you say.
这个老人很固执, 不管你说什么他都不会改变主意的。
③Remain true to our original aspiration and keep/bear our mission firmly in mind.
不忘初心, 牢记使命。
④Suddenly a logical thought came into my mind.
(1)下定决心做某事 make up one’s mind to do sth.
(2)改变某人的主意 change one’s mind (3)记住…… keep/bear sth. in mind
(4)突然想起 come into/to one’s mind
使想起bring sth. to mind
①We made up our mind to go (go) to the country for our holiday.
The picture brought my close friends to mind.
Always keep in mind that safety comes first.
7. compose vt.&vi.组成;作曲;撰写
Life is composed of many elements, such as family, friends, study, work, entertainment, and so on. 生活是由许多元素组成的, 如家庭、朋友、学习、工作、娱乐等。(教材P16)
①The China Greater Bay Area is composed of/is made up of/consists of nine cities in Guangdong Province as well as Hong Kong and Macao.
②On a freezing day, the composer composed a very beautiful piece of music.
③The journals contain accounts of literary composition.
(1)由……组成 be composed of = consist of = be made up of
(2)n.作曲家;创作者 composer
(3)composition n.构成;作曲;创作
①He is a famous composer of pop music and has composed more than 200 pieces of music already. (compose)
②This is my favorite melody and it is one of Beethoven’s greatest composition (compose).
The committee is composed of ten men .
= The committee is made up of ten men .
= The committee consists of ten men .
1. as 引导时间状语从句
As teenagers grow up, they become more independent and start making their own decisions. 青少年在成长过程中, 会变得更加独立并且开始自己作决定。(教材P14)
①As I waited for the bus at the stop, I heard the news that the annual dragon boat race would be held the next month.
②Her eyesight was failing as she grew older.
③With time going by, I developed a preference for sports.
(1)as 引导时间状语从句时, 意为“ 当……时候;随着 ”,多强调主句和从句中的动作同时发生,从句可放在主句前也可放在主句后。
(2)随着时间的流逝 as time goes by/with time going by
①As the population increases (increase), more land is needed.
②With the population increasing (increase), more land is needed.
③We all have to accept that as we get older, our reactions slow down.
We all have to accept that with us getting older, our reactions slow down.
2. 状语从句的省略
These bad habits, if left unchecked, could lead to more serious ones when they become adults. 如果放任不管, 这些坏习惯,在他们成年后会导致更为严重的有害习惯。(教材P14)
①When (she was) asked the meaning of “green with envy”, she smiled.
②Even if (I am) invited, I won’t go to his birthday party.
③If (it is) necessary, I’ll come tomorrow.
(1)在时间、地点、条件、方式和让步状语从句中, 如果主从句的主语一致,且从句的谓语动词还有 be 动词时,可以省略从句的主语和be 动词。
(2)当从句的主语是 it ,从句的谓语中又含有 be 动词时,可以省略从句中的it和be动词。
①The medicine is quite effective if taken (take) on time.
②(2020天津)Harriet Stowe, mother of six, wrote parts of Uncle Tom’s Cabin while cooking (cook).
③ If possible (如果可能), I’ll learn to carve.
④It sounds like something is wrong with the car’s engine. If so (如果这样), we’d better take it to the garage immediately.
3. rather than连接两个并列成分
So, when we feel unhappy again (cue), rather than eat snacks, we could listen to some of our favourite music instead (routine), which will make us feel relaxed (reward). (教材P15)
所以,当我们再次感到不开心时(提示),与其吃零食, 不如听一些我们最喜欢的音乐(惯例),这会使我们感到放松(奖励)。
①He would rather die than give in.
②He decided to study further rather than work.
③It is what you do rather than what you say that matters.
④We will have the meeting in the classroom rather than in the hall.
⑤John, rather than his roommates, is to blame.
是约翰,而不是他的室友, 应该受到责备。
(1)rather than 与would 连用时,构成would rather... than... 结构,意为宁愿……而不愿…… ,表示主观愿望。
(2)rather than不与would连用时,表示客观事实,意为是……而不是…… ,连接两个并列成分,如名词、代词、形容词、不定式、动词-ing形式、介词短语、分句等。
(3)rather than 连接两个并列成分作主语时,谓语动词应与rather than前面的成分在人称和数上保持一致,遵循就远原则。有相同用法的还有 as well as, together with,with等。
(4)rather than 连接两个不定式时,后一个常省略to,当rather than 位于句首时,后常跟不带to 的动词不定式。
①What we expect from you is working hard rather than hardly working (work).
②Rather than allow (allow) the vegetables to go bad, he sold them at half price.
You rather than I are going camping.
Ⅰ. 语境填词
1.The government imposed a ban on tobacco (烟草) advertising.
2.A decision made by a person who is under the influence of alcohol (酒精) is generally not very good.
3.Those who love animals hold the view that animal abuse (虐待) needs to be taken seriously.
4.(2020江苏徐州期中)The center has a strong team which consists of top medical experts in psychology (心理学).
5.Take the escalator (自动扶梯) to the third floor and the entry of the last office is on the left.
6.(2020浙江嘉兴一中月考)With children, it is important to achieve the right balance between love and discipline (纪律).
7.The new airport will facilitate (促进) the development of tourism.
8.They appeared surprisingly pessimistic (悲观的)about their chances of winning.
9.The crisis had a negative (消极的) effect on trade.
10.The actors not performing sit at the side of the stage in full view, waiting for their cues (提示).
Ⅱ. 语境选词
in response to; decide on; rely on; straight away; over and over again; make up one’s mind; be composed of; be involved in; come up with; aside from
1. Aside from being fun, swimming is an important fitness activity.
2.On hearing the news, the doctor rushed to the disaster area straight away to treat the patients.
3.You may rely on it that he will come to see you.
4.We must decide on a fit place for the meeting.
5.The manager has already come up with a suitable solution.
6.He contributed one hundred dollars to the charity in response to my request.
7.When taking a test, you’d better check your paper over and over again so that you might reduce the mistakes.
8.Moved by the lovely children, he made up his mind to donate more money to the homeless.
9.I’m very afraid that your son may be involved in the crime.
10.Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen.
Ⅲ. 课文语法填空
With teenagers growing up, 1. can be easy for some to form bad habits. For example, some of them may become 2. (involve) in tobacco or alcohol abuse. If 3. (leave) unchecked, these bad habits could lead to more serious ones. To change harmful habits, teenagers must learn to understand how habits work-the “habit cycle”. Then adapt the bad habit cycles by combining the information from our habit cycles 4. our own positive ideas. Don’t try to change bad habits quickly, for the most successful way to change is over a period of time. As the Chinese philosopher Lao Zi 5. (write), “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”6. (reach) the goal of change, a person must show some discipline and 7. (repeat) take many small steps.
The good news is 8. there is plenty of time for young people to change bad habits. However, there is no “magic pill” and you have to think about your bad habits and decide on some 9. (change). You have the power to build a happy and 10. (health) life that is full of good habits!
1. it 2. involved 3. left 4. with 5. wrote 6. To reach 7. repeatedly 8. that 9. changes 10. healthy
21Section Ⅱ Learning About Language
(1)(教材P14)However, during this period, it can be easy for some of them to form bad habits.
(2)(教材P14)To change bad habits is never easy, even with many attempts.
(3)(教材P15)After all, it is not easy to break bad habits.
(4)(教材P16)Changing a bad habit is difficult, and it is easy to make excuses and give up.
观察上面句子,动词不定式在这些句子中作的是主语;it 在句中为形式主语。
1. 单个不定式作主语时,谓语动词通常用第三人称单数形式。两个或两个以上的不定式作主语时,若语意基本一致或不定式作为一个整体,谓语动词用单数;若语意不一致,则用复数。
To get enough protein each day is beneficial to our health. 每天摄取足够的蛋白质对我们的健康有益。
To love and to be loved is sweet to us. 爱和被爱对我们来说都是甜蜜的。
To improve people’s lives and to speed up social construction are two important tasks. 改善人们的生活和加快社会建设是两项重要任务。
2. 动词不定式作主语时,若不定式太长,为避免头重脚轻,常用it作形式主语,将真正的主语置于后面。
It is impossible to rely on your parents all your life.
It is essential to reserve a table in advance of festivals. 在节日前预订桌位是有必要的。
3. 常用句型
(1)It is+adj.+(for/of sb.) to do sth.
如果形容词表示的是不定式的逻辑主语的性质、身份、特点,如careless, clever, good, kind, foolish, honest, lazy, nice, silly, wise等,用介词of。
如果形容词表示的是事物或行为的特点或性质,如difficult, easy, hard, important, impossible, necessary, inconvenient, essential 等,用介词for。
It is impolite of you to disturb others. 打扰他人是不礼貌的。
It is difficult for us to finish writing the composition in a quarter of an hour. 在十五分钟内写完这个作文对我们来说太难了。
(2)It is+n.+to do sth. 做某事是……
It is a hard task to change long habits in a short time.
It is a doctor’s duty to heal the wounded and rescue the dying. 救死扶伤是医生的职责。
(3)It takes/took sb. some time to do sth. 做某事花费某人多长时间
It takes us nine years to build the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge. 建造港珠澳大桥花费了我们9年的时间。
It took me more than an hour to do my homework yesterday. 昨天我做作业用了一个多小时。
Ⅰ. 单句语法填空
1.(2020课标全国Ⅲ)It is traditional to bring (bring) a gift to a housewarming party.
2.(2020课标全国Ⅲ)It’s hard to tell (tell) exactly how many people agree with him, but research indicates that the numbers have been rising for some time.
3.(2020江苏)The implication of these results is that to gain the greatest health benefits from exercise, it may be wise to skip (skip) eating first.
4.(2019课标全国Ⅰ)It is difficult to figure (figure) out a global population of polar bears.
5.(2019天津)Then we will know how important it is to have meaning in our life.
6.Coming out of this experience, I realize it’s OK to be (be) different from others.
7.It was impolite of you to speak to an outstanding teacher like this.
8.It took years of work to reduce (reduce)the industrial pollution and clean the water.
9.It’s very important for the new comers to study some rules.
10.To lose heart means (mean) failure.
Ⅱ. 完成句子
I think it is impolite of you to ask how long the interview will last.
It took her more than an hour to analyze the data which helped her write research reports.
Actually , to start with too much exercise is bad for your physical health.
4.汤姆很固执,所以你要说服他改变主意是很不容易的。(persuade sb. to do sth. ; change one’s mind)
Tom is stubborn, so it’s not easy for you to persuade him to change his mind .
5.那位老人无私地把食物送给街上无家可归的人。(selfless; give away)
It’s selfless of the old man to give away food to the homeless in the street.
6.父亲批评了我并告诉我捉弄别人是错误的。(play tricks on sb.)
Father criticized me and told me it was wrong to play tricks on others .
To be a professional athlete is not easy and it needs persistence day in and day out.
It is hard to predict when driverless cars will be seen everywhere on the roads.
9.对于外国人来说,能够自由使用筷子不是一件容易的事。(it is+n.+to do sth.)
It is not an easy thing for the foreigners to use chopsticks freely.
Nowadays, many people realize it is necessary to teach children the skill of handwriting.
3Section Ⅲ Using Language
Ⅰ. 词汇拓展
1. stimulate / st mjule t/vt.激发;促进;刺激→ stimulation / st mju le n/n.刺激
2. sugary / ɡ ri/adj.含糖的;甜的→ sugar / ɡ (r)/n.糖;食糖
3. comedy / k m di/n.喜剧;喜剧片;滑稽节目→ comedian /k mi di n/n.滑稽演员
4. monthly / m nθli/adv.&adj.每月;每月一次的n.月刊→ month /m nθ/n.月;一个月的时间
5. refresh /r fre /vt.使恢复精力;使凉爽;刷新→ refreshing /r fre /adj.令人耳目一新的;使人精力充沛的→ refreshment /r fre m nt/n.饮料;小食;恢复活力→ refresher /r??fre??/n.使人恢复活力的东西
6. absorb / b z b/vt.吸引全部注意力;吸收→ absorbed / b z bd/adj.被……吸引住;全神贯注的→ absorption / b z p n/n.吸收;全神贯注
Ⅱ. 情境词块
1.be in control of 控制;掌管;管理
2.suffer from 遭受;患病
3.be mad for 非常喜欢;极为需要;对……想得发狂
4.replace…with… 替换为;以……替代
5.试用;试验;测试 try out
6.焦虑不安;心力交瘁 stressed out
7.筋疲力尽的;疲惫的 worn out
8.下定决心 make up one’s mind
Ⅲ. 情境佳句
句型公式 疑问词+to do
教材原句 So I thought about what to try. 所以我一直在想该尝试些什么。
中文例句 他得学会如何寻找食物以及生火。
句式仿写 He has to learn how to hunt for food and make a fire .
句型公式 非谓语动词作状语
教材原句 It has enhanced the quality of my life, improving my health and increasing my happiness. 这提高了我的生活质量,改善了我的健康状况,增加了我的幸福感。
中文例句 他给我发了一封电子邮件,希望能得到更多信息。
句式仿写 He sent me an email, hoping to get more information .
句型公式 as引导非限制性定语从句
教材原句 As Gandhi said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.”正如甘地所言:“欲变世界,先变其身。”
中文例句 他没来,这是常有的事。
句式仿写 As is often the case , he is absent.
本栏目的活动主题是给编辑写一封信,谈谈你的生活方式以及你想要改变的某个不良习惯,是依据 “Listening and Speaking”的交际功能,使语言的“听、说、读、写”能力进一步得到落实。摒弃不良的生活方式,培养良好的生活习惯,对应了《普通高中英语课程标准》(2017年版2020年修订)中的“人与自我”这一主题,不仅可以让学生意识到他们生活中存在的一些不良习惯并加以改正,还能让他们保持对生活的积极态度,并对此表达自己的看法。
教材原文 Dear Editor, After I attended your summer camp about health and lifestyle choices, I realised I hardly ever felt well, either physically or mentally. I often felt sleepy and dizzy, and lacked passion. Most worrying, though, I got the flu easily and experienced many toothaches, too. At the end of the camp I heard, “Change the world by changing yourself.” This stimulated my motivation. A dentist once examined me and told me that too much sugar in my meals had damaged my teeth and health. I made up my mind to change two things in my life: to eat nothing with sugar and to exercise regularly. After that I stopped buying all the sweets, biscuits, and sugary drinks that I used to have every day. Whenever I went out with friends, I brought snacks from home, things that didn’t have any add-ed sugar: fruit, nuts, dried meat, etc. My exercise was very simple: I went outside every day for at least 30 minutes and did something active. Sometimes I played table tennis or badminton with my cousins. Other times I jumped on my skateboard and rode around my neighbourhood, or just took a long walk. The results have been fantastic. I feel more dynamic and stronger than ever, in both body and mind. I sleep soundly at night now. I no longer suffer from a flu virus or toothaches either. Best of all, in my opinion, is how I feel about myself. I feel like I’m in control of my own life. To make choices about myself is within my own power. I CAN change myself. I just need to try. Yours truly, Wang Lu Dear Editor, As I took part in the summer camp about personal life choices, I started to analyse my choices, especially what I did to relax and how it was affecting my whole life. After starting high school, I felt stressed out and always relaxed by playing computer games. I got so absorbed that I played the games day and night. Playing was fun, but I felt even more worn out afterwards! So after the camp, I realised that it was very, very important to adjust my lifestyle. I decided to take control of my life and find other ways to relax. It was a big struggle not to join my friends in playing online games as I’m mad for them. However, I realised that to succeed in quitting, I had to replace it with something else. So I thought about what to try. Rock climbing, bowling, watching comedies, and playing basketball were the things I thought of doing instead. Now my dad and I go rock climbing together monthly! It has en-hanced the quality of my life, improving my health and increasing my happiness. I get refreshed through climbing, spend more time with my dad, and get to meet new friends. After six months of trying out new ways of relaxing, I feel much more energetic. I feel that I can change myself for the better. And if that’s true for me, then it might truly be possible to change the world for the better. As Gandhi said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” Sincerely, George Fielding 教材译文 亲爱的编辑: 在参加了你们举办的关于健康和生活方式选择的夏令营后,我意识到无论是身体上还是精神上,我几乎没有感觉良好过。我经常感到困倦和头晕,缺乏激情。然而,最让我担心的是,我很容易得流感,还总是牙疼。 在夏令营结束时,我听到有人说:“通过改变自己来改变世界。”这激发了我的动力。有一次, 一位牙医给我做了检查,并告诉我,我的饮食中摄入的糖分过多,损害了我的牙齿和健康。我下定决心改变生活中的两件事:不吃含糖的食物,经常锻炼。 从那以后,我不再买以前每天常吃的所有糖果、饼干和含糖饮料。每次和朋友出去,我都会从家里带一些没有添加任何糖分的零食:水果、坚果、肉干等。 我的锻炼很简单:我每天在室外活动至少30分钟并做一些积极的训练。有时我会和堂(表)兄弟姐妹们打乒乓球或羽毛球,其他时候我就跳上滑板在家附近滑滑板,或走很长的路。 这些做法成效显著,在身心上,我感觉比以前更有活力、更加强壮。我现在晚上睡得很香,也不再受流感病毒或牙痛的折磨。在我看来,最好的是我对自己的感觉。我觉得我能掌控自己的生活。我有能力对自己的生活做出选择。我能改变自己。我只需要去尝试。 您忠实的, 王璐 亲爱的编辑: 在我参加关于个人生活选择的夏令营时,我开始分析自己的选择,尤其是我为了放松所做的事以及它是如何影响我的整个生活的。 进入高中后,我感到焦虑不安,总是通过玩电脑游戏来放松。我太投入了,没日没夜地玩游戏。打游戏很好玩,但玩完之后我觉得更疲惫不堪!所以夏令营结束后,我意识到调整我的生活方式是至关重要的。我决定要掌控自己的生活, 寻找其他的放松方式。 不加入我的朋友们一起玩那些我非常喜欢的网络游戏绝非易事。然而,我意识到要想成功戒瘾,就必须用其他东西来代替它。所以我一直在想该尝试些什么。攀岩、保龄球、看喜剧和打篮球都是我想出来的替代活动。 现在我和爸爸每个月都一起去攀岩!这提高了我的生活质量,改善了我的健康状况, 增加了我的幸福感。通过攀岩,我感觉神清气爽,而且有更多的时间和爸爸一起,还能认识新朋友。 用了六个月尝试新的放松方式后,我感到精力充沛多了。我觉得可以让自己变得更好。如果我能做到,或许我还能让世界变得更好。正如甘地所言:“欲变世界,先变其身。” 您忠实的, 乔治·菲尔丁
1. 头晕 dizzy
2. 缺乏激情 lack passion
3. 意识到 become aware that...
4. 严重后果 severe consequences
5. 下定决心 make up one’s mind
6. 作出一些改变 make some changes
7. 含糖饮料 sugary drinks
8. 锻炼 take exercise
9. 至少 at least
10. 充满活力的;精力充沛的 dynamic
Before attending the summer camp, there was a time when I often felt sleepy and dizzy, and lacked passion.
Most worrying, though, I got the flu easily and experienced many toothaches, too.
3.幸运的是,在夏令营快结束时,我意识到,如果放任不管,这些坏习惯会造成更加严重的后果。Luckily, at the end of the camp, I became aware that if left unchecked, these bad habits would cause more severe consequences.
Therefore, I made up my mind to make some changes.
Firstly, I stopped buying all the sweets, biscuits and sugary drinks.
Secondly, I took exercise actively every day for at least 30 minutes.
Now, I feel much more dynamic and stronger than ever, in both body and mind.
1.将第2句改为含主语从句的复合句。(What worried me most was...)
What worried me most was that I got the flu easily and experienced many toothaches, too.
2.将第7句改为含同位语从句的复合句。(There is no doubt that…)
Now, there is no doubt that I feel much more dynamic and stronger than ever, in both body and mind.
Dear Editor,
Here, I would like to share my story with you. Before attending the summer camp, there was a time when I often felt sleepy and dizzy, and lacked passion. What worried me most was that I got the flu easily and experienced many toothaches, too.
Luckily, at the end of the camp, I became aware that if left unchecked, these bad habits would cause more severe consequences. Therefore, I made up my mind to make some changes. Firstly, I stopped buying all the sweets, biscuits and sugary drinks. Secondly, I took exercise actively every day for at least 30 minutes.
Now, there is no doubt that I feel much more dynamic and stronger than ever, in both body and mind.
Wang Lu
1.假设你是李华。最近,杂志Healthy Life就中学生的生活方式进行征稿。请你给编辑发一封电子邮件投稿,包括以下内容:
1. 过去你的生活方式以及问题所在;
2. 你做出改变的方法;
3. 最后的结果。
注意:1. 词数80左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
体裁 发现并改掉自身不良习惯的应用文
时态 一般过去时、一般现在时
人称 以第一人称为主
要点 1. 描述过去的不良习惯; 2. 为改掉不良习惯所采取的措施; 3. 最后的结果。
Dear Editor,
Here I would like to share my story with you. As my study stress grew, there was a time when I couldn’t sleep at night. Worst of all, I started smoking and became addicted.
One day, I suddenly became aware that if left unchecked, my bad habits would make me fail. Therefore, I decided to change myself. Whenever I wanted to smoke, I chose to play basketball instead. Besides, I got up early to take exercise every day.
Now, there is no doubt that I am in high spirits, concentrating on my study.
Li Hua
1. worst of all 最糟糕的是
2. become addicted (to)上瘾
3. become aware that... 意识到……
4. There’s no doubt that…毫无疑问
5. in high spirits情绪高涨
6. concentrate on 集中于……
7. As my study stress grew, there was a time when I couldn’t sleep at night. 随着我学习压力的增加,有一段时间我晚上睡不着觉。(此句中as引导时间状语从句,when 引导定语从句)
1. in control of 控制;掌管;管理
I feel like I’m in control of my own life. 我觉得我能掌控自己的生活。(教材P20)
①Students are encouraged to take/gain/get control of their own learning, rather than just depend on the teacher.
②Shea used diets and exercise to bring her weight under control.
③The children have been completely out of control since their father left.
控制;掌管;管理 take/gain/get control of
控制得住;抑制得住(不造成损害) get/bring/keep sth. under control
失去对某事物的控制 lose control of
无法管理;失去控制 out of control
被控制住;处于控制之下 under control
①He is in control of the company. I mean, the company is in the control of him.
②Don’t worry-everything is under control.
③Before retirement, she has lost control of (已经失去对……的控制) the company.
2. stressed out 焦虑不安;心力交瘁
After starting high school, I felt stressed out and always relaxed by playing computer games. 进入高中后,我感到焦虑不安,总是通过玩电脑游戏来放松。(教材P20)
①Faced with the entrance examination, the students are under great stress.
②I think the company places/lays/puts too much stress on cost and not enough on quality.
③The author mentioned the book groups to stress the importance of reading.
④When we get stressed, we tend to breathe more quickly.
⑤It was a stressful time for all of us.
(1)n.压力;紧张;重音;强调 stress
在压力下;承受着压力 under stress
强调;着重于 lay/put/place stress on/upon
(2)强调……的重要性 stress the importance of
(3)stressed adj.(人)焦虑不安的;心力交瘁的
stressful adj.(事物)紧张的;压力重的
①What we want to stress (stress) is that stress is different for everyone.
②Mary is beginning to get stressed (stress) because of her stressful (stress) job.
③Up to a certain point, the more stress you are under , the better your performance will be.
The manager of this company lays great stress on the importance of advertisement over and over again .
= The manager of this company stresses the importance of advertisement over and over again .
3. absorb vt.吸引全部注意力;吸收
I got so absorbed that I played the games day and night. 我太投入了,没日没夜地玩游戏。(教材P20)
①The drug is quickly absorbedinto the blood.
②With so much noise outside, I can’t absorb myself in my study.
③The foreign tourists are absorbed in the beautiful scenery of Hangzhou.
(1)把……吸收进……;将……并入…… absorb…into…
(2)全神贯注于 be absorbed in = absorb oneself in
(3)表示“全神贯注于”的短语还有 be lost in ; be buried in ; be devoted to ; focus on ; concentrate on ; pay attention to
①The surrounding small towns have been absorbed (absorb) into the city.
② Absorbed (absorb) in painting, John didn’t notice evening approaching.
= Absorbing (absorb) himself in painting, John didn’t notice evening approaching.
The man was so absorbed in analyzing data that he didn’t know the manager entered the office.
4. worn out 筋疲力尽的;疲惫的
Playing was fun, but I felt even more worn out afterwards! 打游戏很好玩,但玩完之后我觉得更疲惫不堪!(教材P20)
①Walking around a museum all day really wears me out.
②If you treat your coat so roughly, it will be worn out soon.
③Worn rugs increase the danger of tripping.
(1)使某人筋疲力尽 wear sb. out
(2)用坏;穿破;使筋疲力尽 wear out
(3)adj.用坏的;用旧的;疲惫的;筋疲力尽的 worn
①Before the race, he is fine. But afterwards he is worn out .
②The stone steps were worn (wear) and broken.
The little boy ran around kicking a ball, wearing himself out .
5. refresh vt.使恢复精力;使凉爽;刷新
I get refreshed through climbing, spend more time with my dad, and get to meet new friends. 通过攀岩,我感觉神清气爽,而且有更多的时间和爸爸一起,还能认识新朋友。(教材P20)
①He refreshed himself with a glass of coffee.
②I looked at the map to refresh my memory of the route.
③It made a refreshing change to be taken seriously for once.
④Jen returned from the vacation feeling relaxed and refreshed.
(1)使某人恢复精神 refresh oneself
使某人想起;唤起某人的回忆 refresh one’s memory
(2)adj.神清气爽的 refreshed
adj.令人耳目一新的;提神的 refreshing
①After a refreshing (refresh) drink, he felt completely refreshed (refresh).
②Pleasant music is often played between classes to make students refreshed (refresh) and relaxed for a while.
Herbs have been used for centuries to make refreshing drinks .
1. either…or…要么……要么……;或者……或者……
After I attended your summer camp about health and lifestyle choices, I realised I hardly ever felt well, either physically or mentally. 在参加了你们举办的关于健康和生活方式选择的夏令营后,我意识到无论是身体上还是精神上,我几乎没有感觉良好过。(教材P20)
①You either go at once or wait until tomorrow.
②Either you improve your work or I dismiss you.
③Either he or you are right.
(3)其否定形式为 neither…nor… 。
① Is either he or you right
②We will finish the work either this week or next week.
He neither wrote nor phoned.
2. whenever引导让步状语从句
Whenever I went out with friends, I brought snacks from home, things that didn’t have any added sugar: fruit, nuts, dried meat, etc. 每次和朋友出去,我都会从家里带一些没有添加任何糖分的零食:水果、坚果、肉干等。(教材P20)
①Whenever he appears ( = No matter when he appears), he always wears a big smile.
②Whenever you want to come is fine with me.
(1)whenever既能引导名词性从句,也能引导让步状语从句。引导让步状语从句时相当于 no matter when ,意为“无论什么时候”。
(2)其他“特殊疑问词+ever”也能引导让步状语从句和名词性从句,如whatever, whoever, however, wherever等。
①(2019北京) Whatever/No matter what you like to do, there is a way to get involved in various activities on Earth Day.
②(2019天津)We learn that however much we try to please, some people are never going to love us-an idea that troubles at first but is eventually relaxing.
③Whenever he came, I would run away in fear.
→ No matter when he came, I would run away in fear.
Ⅰ. 语境填词
1.I felt dizzy (头晕目眩的) when I looked down from the top of the television tower.
2.There are a lot of great activities you can engage in, such as bowling (保龄球), badminton, basketball and table tennis.
3.The comedy (喜剧) writers often use different techniques to make their audience laugh.
4.The whole family has the flu (流感).
5.Sorry, I can’t go shopping with you, because I have an appointment with my dentist (牙医) this afternoon.
6.This is an opportunity to enhance (提高) the reputation of the company.
7.I’m very happy to join this young and dynamic (有活力的) team.
8.She doubted whether it was reasonable to stimulate (刺激) investment in these regions.
9.Water can absorb (吸收) and give off a lot of heat without big changes in temperature.
10.There is a virus (病毒性疾病) going around the office.
Ⅱ. 语境选词
take control of; stressed out; worn out; be absorbed in; try out; at least; be mad for; replace…with…; suffer from; have problems with
1.I live far from the school and it usually takes me at least 20 minutes to get there.
2.When studying in China, she was mad for paper-cutting and learned a lot from Chinese artists.
3.Don’t forget to try out the equipment before setting it up.
4.He was so deeply absorbed in his composing that he was unaware of things happening around him.
5.Some children may have problems with reading or writing.
6.They suffer from health problems and fear the long-term effects of radiation.
7.Take good care of your schoolbag. If you treat it so roughly, it will be worn out soon.
8.When you feel stressed out , try a short trip with your friends.
9.I’m sorry. I recognize that I have to take control of my temper.
10.It is not a good idea to miss meals and replace them with snacks .
Ⅲ. 课文语法填空
Wang Lu and George Fielding attended the summer camp 1. (organize) by the magazine Healthy Life. At the end of the camp, what Wang Lu heard stimulated her 2. (motivate). She made up her mind 3. (eat) nothing with sugar and to exercise regularly. Now she sleeps soundly at night and feels 4. (dynamic) than ever.
In the meanwhile, George Fielding has changed himself 5. . He used to get so absorbed in games 6. he played the games day and night. However, after the camp, he 7. (take) control of his life though it was 8. big struggle not to play online games. Now he and his dad go rock climbing together 9. (month). It has enhanced the quality of his life, 10. (improve) his health and increasing his happiness.
Since the two students can successfully get rid of their bad lifestyle, I believe you can as well.
1. organized 2. motivation 3. to eat 4. more dynamic
5. for the better 6. that 7. took 8. a 9. monthly 10. improving
16Section Ⅳ Expanding Your World
Ⅰ. 单词分层默写
① alcohol n.酒; 酒精
② abuse n.滥用; 虐待; 辱骂vt.滥用; 虐待; 辱骂
③ cue n.提示; 暗示; 信号vt.给(某人)暗示(或提示)
④ facilitate vt.促进; 促使; 使便利
⑤ negative adj.消极的; 有害的; 否定的
⑥ pessimistic adj.悲观的; 悲观主义的
⑦ discipline n.自制力; 纪律; 学科vt.自我控制; 管教; 处罚
⑧ pill n.药丸; 药片
⑨ surgeon n.外科医生
⑩ surgery n.外科手术; 外科学
shave vi., vt.&n.剃(须发); 刮脸
cigarette n.香烟; 卷烟
specialist n.专科医生; 专家
drug n.毒品; 药物 skip vt.跳过; 不参加; 悄悄溜走vi.蹦蹦跳跳地走; 跳绳n.蹦跳
dizzy adj.头晕目眩的
dentist n.牙科医生
dynamic adj.充满活力的; 精力充沛的; 动态的
virus n.病毒; 病毒性疾病
enhance vt.提高; 增强; 增进
① physical adj.身体的; 客观存在的; 物理学的→ physically adv.身体上; 根本上→ physics n.物理学→ physicist n.物理学家
② dominate vt.&vi.支配; 控制; 占有优势→ domination n.控制; 支配
③ repeatedly adv.重复地→ repeated adj.重复的→ repeat v.重复
④ psychology n.心理学; 心理; 心理影响→ psychological adj.心理的→ psychologically adv.心理上地; 精神上地→ psychologist n.心理学家
⑤ reward n.回报; 奖励; 报酬vt.奖励; 奖赏; 给以报酬→ rewarding adj.有益的; 值得做的; 报酬高的
⑥ rely vi.依赖; 依靠; 信赖→ reliable adj.可依靠的; 可信赖的→ reliably adv.可靠地
⑦ examine vt.(仔细)检查; 审查; 测验→ examination n.考试; 检查; 审查
⑧ compose vt.&vi.组成; 作曲; 撰写→ composition n.作文; 作曲→ composer n.作曲家
⑨ liberation n.解放; 摆脱→ liberate v.解放; 使自由
⑩ disturb vt.打扰; 搅乱; 使烦恼→ disturbing adj.令人不安的; 引起烦恼的→ disturbed adj.心神不安的→ disturbance n.干扰; 骚乱
consultant n.顾问; 高级顾问医师→ consult v.商议; 查阅; 请教
stimulate vt.激发; 促进; 刺激→ stimulation n.刺激
sugary adj.含糖的; 甜的→ sugar n.糖; 食糖
comedy n.喜剧; 喜剧片; 滑稽节目→ comedian n.滑稽演员
monthly adv.&adj.每月; 每月一次的n.月刊→ month n.月; 一个月的时间
refresh vt.使恢复精力; 使凉爽; 刷新→ refreshing adj.令人耳目一新的; 使人精力充沛的→ refreshment n.饮料; 小食; 恢复活力→ refresher n.使人恢复活力的东西
absorb vt.吸引全部注意力; 吸收→ absorbed adj.被……吸引住; 全神贯注的→ absorption n.吸收; 全神贯注
Ⅱ. 短语搭配翻译
1.rely on 依赖; 依靠; 信赖
2.aside from 除……之外
3.straight away 立即; 马上
4.decide on 决定; 选定
5.be composed of 由……组成(或构成)的
6.be in control of 控制; 掌管; 管理
7.stick to 坚持
8.stressed out 焦虑不安; 心力交瘁
9.act as 担任; 充当
10.worn out 筋疲力尽的; 疲惫的
11.try out 试用; 试验; 测试
12.make a choice 做选择
13.回答; 答复 in response to
14.而不是 rather than
15.下定决心 make up one’s mind
16.剃掉; 刮去 shave off
17.阻止……做某事 prevent... from (doing) sth.
18.专心于 be absorbed in
19.参与 be/become involved in
20.养成好习惯 form good habits
Ⅲ. 教材原句翻译
1.青少年在成长过程中, 会变得更加独立且开始自己作决定。
As teenagers grow up, they become more independent and start making their own decisions.
2.如果放任不管, 这些坏习惯, 在他们成年后会导致更为严重的有害习惯。
These bad habits, if left unchecked, could lead to more serious ones when they become adults.
3.例如, 有些青少年会吸烟成瘾或酗酒, 造成生理和心理健康问题。
For example, some of them may become involved in tobacco or alcohol abuse, which can lead to physical and mental health problems.
To prevent harmful habits like these from dominating a teenager’s life is essential.
5.正如中国哲学家老子所说:“千里之行, 始于足下。”
As the Chinese philosopher Lao Zi wrote, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
6.所以, 当我们再次感到不开心时(提示), 与其吃零食, 不如听一些我们最喜欢的音乐(惯例), 这会使我们感到放松(奖励)。
So, when we feel unhappy again(cue), rather than eat snacks, we could listen to some of our favourite music instead(routine), which will make us feel relaxed (reward).
7.改掉坏习惯是困难的, 很容易找借口放弃。
Changing a bad habit is difficult, and it is easy to make excuses and give up.
8.我下定决心改变生活中的两件事:不吃含糖的食物, 经常锻炼。
I made up my mind to change two things in my life: to eat nothing with sugar and to exercise regularly.
It was a big struggle not to join my friends in playing online games as I’m mad for them.
10.这提高了我的生活质量, 改善了我的健康状况, 增加了我的幸福感。
It has enhanced the quality of my life, improving my health and increasing my happiness.
Ⅳ. 书面表达
1.结合本单元主题, 使用本单元词汇与句型写一篇语言流畅、用词准确、逻辑严密的短文。
1. 约翰因吸烟成瘾感到悲观。 (tobacco abuse, lead to, pessimistic)
2. 我打算帮助他阻止这个坏习惯继续主宰他的生活, 但无法决定解决方案。(intend to do, stop…from doing, dominate, decide on)
3. 医生说戒烟得靠他自己。(rely on)
4. 为了方便戒烟, 他建议约翰参与一个组织。 (facilitate, become involved in)
5. 一个月后, 他成功了。悲伤被笑声所取代。他的身体也恢复了健康。(make it, pessimism, replace... with..., reward... with...)
John’s tobacco abuse led to his being pessimistic. I intended to help him stop the bad habit from dominating his life, but couldn’t decide on a solution. So I took him to the hospital straight away and had him examined. The doctor said that he should rely on himself to quit smoking. To facilitate his giving up smoking, he suggested that John become involved in an organization. A month later, he made it. Pessimism was replaced with laughter. He was rewarded with a healthy body.
1. dominate/ d m ne t/vt.&vi.支配; 控制; 占有优势。词根domin-意为“主宰; 支配”, -ate为动词后缀, 所以dominate为动词, 意为“统治; 支配”。
2. domin-(统治, 支配), 来自拉丁语名词dominus(房主)。其中dom- = house表示“屋; 家”, in表示在里面, 所以dominate的字面意思即为“在自己家里”, 引申为支配, 统治之意。以dom-为词根的词还有domestic, 其结构为dom- (家, 房屋)+es( = us名词后缀)+tic( = ic 形容词后缀), 故其为形容词, 本意为“家里的”, 引申意为“国内的, 本国的”。常见搭配有:domestic violence (家庭暴力), domestic flight (国内航班), domestic service(家政服务)。
1. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
2. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
3. A health body is worth more than a crown in gold.
4. Health is not valued until sickness comes.
5. Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.
读书之于心灵, 犹如运动之于身体。