人教版(2019) 选择性必修 第三册 Unit 5 Poems学案(4份打包)


名称 人教版(2019) 选择性必修 第三册 Unit 5 Poems学案(4份打包)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-03-17 13:31:00


主题学习目标 通过本单元学习了解诗歌的不同形式和内容, 了解韵律和节奏, 培养对诗歌的兴趣。
语言能力目标 核心单词 drama, sorow, literary, rhyme, folk, diamond, recite, amateur, mod, format, respective, delicate, comprehension, shelf, core, blank, civilian, sympathy, version, inocent, era, corespond, sow, sed, deadline, contest, polish, string, complicated, variation, racial, prejudice
重点词块 nurseryrhyme, bemadeupof
单元语法 复习定语从句
写作能力 根据本单元所学知识能够写一篇语言简洁、结构清晰的与诗歌有关的应用文。
Anyone can write a baby poem, and everyone enjoys reading it, the young and the old. Baby shower(送礼聚会) poems can have rhythm and rhyme, but they certainly don’t have to. Poems can be either long or short, but short poems are probably best for your typical baby shower needs. You can add a little humor as well!
The people who are most often touched by baby shower poems are those who have had children themselves. Sweet poems can remind them of the time when their little ones were still young. No one will appreciate them more than the family members themselves. If you are a creative writer or have a special talent for putting words together in a special way, then you should try writing your own baby shower poems. This would make a great gift as well.
If you decide to write your own baby poems, even common things can inspire you. Inspiration can be found anywhere. Look back on your own memories from the past. What was special about your childhood What special objects have you treasured over the years What words of wisdom (智慧) could you pass on to the next generation Look around the house and imagine a baby being there. What do you see, hear, or feel Let those thoughts be the sources of your best baby poems.
When writing a baby poem, you do not have to write like Shakespeare, and you just have to be sincere. When the baby grows up, you can think of how special they will feel knowing the words are just for them.
If you are not the creative type-don’t worry! There are lots of places online where you can look for poems saying just the things you want to say. Poems have been written on all subjects throughout the ages, and baby shower poems are no exception. A quick search online doesn’t have to take any time at all.
1.In the author’s opinion, baby shower poems .
A.all have a little humor in them
B.are not suitable for adults to enjoy
C.don’t have to have rhythm or rhyme
D.must be short enough to meet babies’ needs
答案: C
2.What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about
A.Advice from famous poets on writing poems.
B.Words that can be used in baby poems.
C.Different ways of writing baby poems.
D.Inspiration for writing baby poems.
答案: D
3.According to Paragraph 4, a baby poem should sound .
答案: B
Section Ⅰ Reading and Thinking
Ⅰ. 课文翻译
教材原文 A FEW SIMPLE FORMS OF ENGLISH POEMS There are various reasons why people compose poetry. Some poems tell a story or describe a certain image in the reader’s mind. Others try to convey certain feelings such as joy and sorrow. The distinctive characteristics of poetry often include economical use of words, descriptive and vivid language, integrated imagery, literary devices such as similes and metaphors, and arrangement of words, lines, rhymes, and rhythm. Poets use many different forms of poetry to express themselves. Now we will look at a few of the simpler forms. Some of the first poems a young child learns in English are nursery rhymes. They are usually the traditional poems or folk songs. The language of these rhymes, like Poem A, is to the point but has a storyline. Many children enjoy nursery rhymes because they rhyme, have a strong rhythm, and often repeat the same words. The poems may not make sense and even seem contradictory, but they are easy to learn and recite. By playing with the words in nursery rhymes, children learn about language. A Hush, little baby, don’t say a word, Papa’s gonna buy you a mockingbird. If that mockingbird won’t sing, Papa’s gonna buy you a diamond ring. If that diamond ring turns to brass, Papa’s gonna buy you a looking glass. If that looking-glass gets broke, Papa’s gonna buy you a billy goat. If that billy goat won’t pull, Papa’s gonna buy you a cart and bull. One of the simplest kinds of poem is the“list poem”, which contains a list of things, people, ideas, or descriptions that develop a particular theme. List poems have a flexible line length and repeated phrases which give both a pattern and a rhythm to the poem. Some rhyme (like B and C), while others do not. B Mother Hundreds of stars in the deep blue sky, Hundreds of shells on the shore together, Hundreds of birds that go singing by, Hundreds of bees in the sunny weather, Hundreds of dewdrops to greet the dawn, Hundreds of bees in the purple clover, Hundreds of butterflies on the lawn, But only one mother the world over. George Cooper C LIFE Life can be good, Life can be bad, Life is mostly cheerful, but sometimes sad Life can be dreams, Life can be great thoughts Life can mean a person, Sitting in court. Another simple form of poem that amateurs can easily write is the cinquain, which is made up of five lines. With these, you can convey a strong picture or a certain mood in just a few words. Look at the example (D). D Brother Beautiful, athletic Teasing, shouting, laughing Friend and enemy too Mine Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry that consists of 17 syllables. It has a format of three lines, containing 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively. It is not a traditional form of English poetry, but is very popular with English writers. It is easy to write and, like the cinquain, can give a clear picture and create a special feeling using very few words. The haiku poem (E) on the right is a translation from Japanese, which shows a moment in the life of a delicate butterfly. E A fallen blossom Is coming back to the branch. Look, a butterfly! English speakers also enjoy poems from China, those from the Tang Dynasty in particular. A lot of Tang poetry has been translated into English, such as this one (F). F Where she awaits her husband On and on the river flows. Never looking back, Transformed into stone. Day by day upon the mountain top, wind and rain revolve. Should the traveller return, this stone would utter speech. Wang Jian With so many different forms of poetry to choose from, you may eventually want to write poems of your own. Give it a try! 教材译文 英文诗歌的几种简单形式 人们写诗的原因多种多样。有些诗歌讲述一个故事, 或描述读者心中的某个形象。另一些诗歌试图表达特定的情感, 如喜悦和悲伤。诗歌的显著特点通常包括精炼的用词、生动的描述性语言、整体的意象、类似明喻和暗喻等文学手法, 以及词、行、韵和节奏的编排。诗人用许多不同的诗歌形式来表达自己。现在我们来看看几个较为简单的诗歌形式。 一个孩童最早学习的一些英语诗歌是童谣, 它们通常是传统诗歌或民谣。这些童谣(如诗歌A)的语言简单明了, 但带有故事情节。许多孩子喜欢童谣是因为它们押韵、节奏感强, 且往往重复一些字眼。这些诗歌可能没什么道理, 甚至看起来自相矛盾, 但是它们容易学习和背诵。通过童谣中的文字游戏, 孩子们学习了语言。 A 嘘, 小宝贝, 别说话, 爸爸给你买只知更鸟。 知更鸟, 不唱歌, 爸爸给你买枚钻石戒。 钻石戒, 变黄铜 爸爸给你买镜子。 小镜子, 摔破了, 爸爸给你买只公山羊。 公山羊, 不肯拉, 爸爸给你买架大牛车。 最简单的诗歌之一是“清单诗”, 它包含一份有关事物、人物、想法或描述性内容的清单, 形成一个特定主题。清单诗的诗行长度灵活, 且有重复的词语, 这就使得这种诗歌具有了一定的模式和节奏。有些(清单诗)押韵(如B和C), 有些则不押韵。 B 母亲 千百颗星星挂在深蓝的天空, 千百枚贝壳遍布悠长的海岸, 千百只鸟儿鸣唱着飞过, 千百只蜜蜂在阳光下穿梭, 千百滴朝露迎接黎明, 千百只蜜蜂在紫色的三叶草间嬉戏, 千百只蝴蝶在草丛翩翩起舞, 可在这茫茫的世间, 我只有一个母亲。 乔治·库珀 C 生活 生活可能很美好, 生活也可能很糟糕, 生活常常充满欢乐, 但有时令人沮丧。 生活可能是梦幻一场, 生活可能是伟大的思想 生活可能是一个人, 坐在法庭上。 另一种业余爱好者很容易就能写出来的形式简单的诗是五行诗, 它由五行组成。通过五行诗, 只用几句话, 你就可以传达出一幅动人的画面或表达一种特定的情绪。请看示例(D)。 D 兄弟 帅气, 爱运动 爱闹, 爱叫, 又爱笑 是我的朋友 也是我的敌人 俳句是日本的一种诗歌形式, 由17个音节组成。格式是三行,分别包含5个、7个和5个音节。它不是传统的英文诗歌形式, 但很受英语作家的欢迎。它创作起来很容易, 就像五行诗一样, 能用很少的词描绘出一幅清晰的画面, 表达一种特殊的情感。右边的俳句诗(E)是从日文翻译过来的, 展示了一只娇弱的蝴蝶生命中的一个瞬间。 E 凋落的花朵 正要回到树枝上瞧啊, 是只蝴蝶!说英语的人也喜欢中国的诗歌, 尤其是唐代的诗歌。许多唐诗都被翻译成了英文, 比如这首(F)。 F 望夫处, 江悠悠。 化为石, 不回头。 上头日日风复雨, 行人归来石应语。 王建 有这么多不同形式的诗歌可选, 你可能最终想写属于你自己的诗了。试一试吧!
Ⅱ. 词汇拓展
1. sorrow /'s r /n. 悲伤; 悲痛; 伤心事vi. 感到悲伤→ sorrowful /'s r fl/adj. 悲伤的; 悲哀的
2. literary /'l t r ri/adj. 文学的; 爱好文学的; 有文学作品特征的→ literature /?l tr t (r)/n.文学; 著作
3. recite /r 'sa t/vt. 背诵; 吟诵; 列举→ recitation /res 'te n/n. 朗读; 朗诵
4. respective /r 'spekt v/adj. 分别的; 各自的→ respectively /r 'spekt vli/adv. 分别; 各自; 依次为
5. comprehension /?k mpr 'hen n/n. 理解力; 领悟力; 理解练习→ comprehend /k mpr 'hend/v. 理解; 领悟→ comprehensible /k mpr 'hens bl/adj. 可理解的; 能懂的
6. civilian /s 'v li n/n. 平民; 老百姓→ civil /'s vl/adj. 平民的; 国民的
Ⅲ. 情境词块
1.nursery rhyme 童谣; 儿歌
2.to the point 简明恰当的; 简洁中肯的
3.be made up of 由……组成(构成)
4.consist of 由……组成
5.in particular 尤其; 特别
6.quite a few 相当多; 不少
7.in spite of 不管; 尽管
8.与……相比 compare…with
9.表达自己的想法 express oneself
10.讲得通; 有意义 make sense
Ⅳ. 情境佳句
句型公式 while表对比
教材原句 Some rhyme(like B and C), while others do not. 有些(清单诗)押韵(如B和C), 有些则不押韵。
中文例句 我喜欢喝茶, 而她喜欢喝咖啡。
句式仿写 I like tea, while she likes coffee .
句型公式 with+宾语+宾语补足语
教材原句 With so many different forms of poetry to choose from, you may eventually want to write poems of your own. 有这么多不同形式的诗歌可选, 你可能最终想写属于你自己的诗了。
中文例句 没有可以求助的人, 约翰只好自己解决了这个难题。
句式仿写 With no one to turn to , John had to solve the difficult problem all by himself.
Ⅰ. 文本理解
1.Reading for the main idea.
What’s the main idea of the text
A.To tell us the reasons why people compose poetry.
B.To introduce a few simple forms of English poems.
C.To explain what rhyme and rhythm are.
D.To encourage people to try to compose poems.
2.Reading for the structure.
Fill in the following blanks with proper words.
Types of poems Characteristics
Nursery rhymes Have a strong 1. rhythm . 2. Repeat the same words. Easy to learn and recite.
3. List poems Have a 4. flexible line length and repeated phrases. Some 5. rhyme while others do not.
cinquain Easy to write. Made up of 6. five lines. Convey a strong picture or a certain 7. mood .
8. Haiku A 9. Japanese form of poetry. Made up of 10. seventeen syllables. Easy to write. Give a clear picture. Create a special feeling using very few words.
Tang poems Have descriptive and vivid language.
3.Reading for the details.
1.How many forms of poems does the passage talk about
答案: D
2.Why do poets compose poetry?
A.To describe a certain image or convey certain feelings.
B.To catch more people’s attention.
C.To make himself or herself understood.
D.To practice his or her writing skills.
答案: A
3.Which two poems have rhyming words
A.Poem A and Poem B.Poem E and Poem F.
C.Poem C and Poem D.Poem B and Poem E.
答案: A
4.Which of the following is not mentioned in Poem E
A.A butterfly.B.A blossom.
C.A child.D.A branch.
答案: C
Ⅱ. 难句突破
1.One of the simplest kinds of poem is the “list poem”, ① which contains a list of things, people, ideas, or descriptions ② that develop a particular theme .
【分析】本句是一个主从复合句。其中①为which引导的非限制性定语从句, 修饰先行词list poem,②为 that 引导的定语从句, 修饰先行词things, people, ideas or descriptions。
【译文】最简单的诗歌之一是“清单诗”, 它包含一份有关事物、人物、想法或描述性内容的清单, 形成一个特定主题。
2.Another simple form of poem ① that amateurs can easily write is the cinquain, ② which is made up of five lines .
【分析】本句是一个主从复合句。其中①为that引导的定语从句, 修饰先行词poem,②为which引导的非限制性定语从句, 修饰先行词 cinquain 。【译文】另一种业余爱好者很容易就能写出来的形式简单的诗是五行诗, 它由五行组成。
Ⅲ. 概要写作
Step 1 Question Answering
1.What are the characteristics of nursery rhymes
They rhyme, have a strong rhythm and often repeat the same words. Although they may not make sense, they are easy to learn and recite.
2.Is the list poem one of the simplest kinds of poem
Yes. The list poem is one of the simplest kinds of poem.
3.What are the characteristics of the list poem
The list poem has a flexible line length and repeated phrases.
4.How many lines is cinquain made up of
Cinquain is made up of five lines.
5.What does cinquain convey
It conveys a strong picture or a certain mood in just a few words.
6.Is haiku a form of English poetry
No. Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry.
7.How many syllables does haiku consist of
Haiku consists of 17 syllables.
8.What are the characteristics of haiku
It can give a clear picture and create a special feeling using very few words.
9.Has Tang poetry been translated into English
Yes, a lot of Tang poetry has been translated into English.
Step 2 Sentence Rewriting
The list poem, which has a flexible line length and repeated phrases, is one of the simplest kinds of poem.
Cinquain, made up of five lines, conveys a strong picture or a certain mood in just a few words.
Haiku, a Japanese form of poetry, gives a clear picture and creates a special feeling using very few words, consisting of 17 syllables.
Step 3 Summary Writing
Here are a few simple forms of English poems. Nursery rhymes rhyme, have a strong rhythm and often repeat the same words. Although they may not make sense, they are easy to learn and recite. The list poem, which has a flexible line length and repeated phrases, is one of the simplest kinds of poem. Cinquain, made up of five lines, conveys a strong picture or a certain mood in just a few words. Haiku, a Japanese form of poetry, gives a clear picture and creates a special feeling using very few words, consisting of 17 syllables. A lot of Tang poetry has been translated into English.
1. sorrow n.悲伤; 悲痛; 伤心事vi. 感到悲伤
Others try to convey certain feelings such as joy and sorrow. 另一些诗歌试图表达特定的情感, 如喜悦和悲伤。(教材P50)
①He expressed his sorrow at the news of her death.
听到她的死讯, 他表示哀伤。
②To his sorrow, his whole house was destroyed in the earthquake.
令他悲伤的是, 他的整座房子在地震中被毁掉了。
③They said that the decision was made more in sorrow than in anger.
他们说作出这个决定, 与其说是出于气愤, 不如说是出于悲伤。
④Her friend was sorrowing over the loss of a child.
⑤She looked at him with sorrowful eyes.
1.(1)表达悲伤 express one’s sorrow
令某人伤心的是 to one’s sorrow
(对某事)悲哀多于愤怒 more in sorrow than in anger
(2)为……而悲伤 sorrow over
(3)adj.悲伤的, 悲痛的 sorrowful
①His father’s face looked suddenly soft and sorrowful (sorrow).
② To our great sorrow, he died at his post.
The country lowered its flag to half-mast to express sorrow for people who died in the earthquake.
2. to the point简明恰当的; 简洁中肯的The language of these rhymes, like Poem A, is to the point but has a storyline. 这些童谣(如诗歌A)的语言简单明了, 但带有故事情节。(教材P50)
①I’ll come straight to the point: we need more money.
②I think you’ve missed the point.
③I’m afraid what you’re saying now is off the point.
④There’s no point in getting angry.
⑤I was on the point of giving up the search when something caught my eye in the bushes.
(1)直奔主题 come/get straight to the point
没有理解要点 miss the point
跑题 off the point
(2)做某事没有用/没有意义 There’s no point in doing sth.
正要做某事(这时……) be on/at the point of doing sth. (when…)
①Her comments were brief and to the point.
②The climber was on the point of death when they found him.
There’s no point in worrying.
3. make sense 有道理; 有意义; 讲得通; 是明智的
The poems may not make sense and even seem contradictory, but they are easy to learn and recite. 这些诗歌可能没什么道理, 甚至看起来自相矛盾, 但是它们容易学习和背诵。(教材P50)
①It makes sense to save money while you can.
钱能省就省, 这是明智的做法。
②She must try to make sense of what was going on.
③There’s no sense in worrying about it now.
④In a sense, behavior cannot develop independently of the environment.
在某种意义上, 行为不能独立于环境而发展。
⑤In no sense can teaching in school be separated from practice.
(1)(对某人来说)做某事是明智的 It makes sense (for sb.) to do sth. 理解/弄懂某事物 make sense of sth.
(2)在某种意义上 in a sense
决不(位于句首时, 句子用部分倒装) in no sense
做某事是没有道理的 there’s no sense in doing sth.
①See, your computer has broken down again! It doesn’t make sense to buy (buy) the cheapest computer just to save a few dollars.
②In a sense, the generation gap is a sign of social progress, but it also results in difficulties in communication.
This sentence doesn’t make sense.
4. be made up of 由……组成(构成)
Another simple form of poem that amateurs can easily write is the cinquain, which is made up of five lines. 另一种业余爱好者很容易就能写出来的形式简单的诗是五行诗, 它由五行组成。(教材P51)
①The medical team is made up of three doctors and eight nurses.
= The medical team is composed of three doctors and eight nurses.
= The medical team consists of three doctors and eight nurses.
②Farmers make up only 30% of the total population of the country.
③After all the delays, we were anxious to make up for lost time.
耽搁了这么久, 我们急着想弥补失去的时间。
(1)由……组成 be composed of = consist of
(2)组成 make up
弥补 make up for
①His enthusiasm makes up for his lack of experience.
②This is an organization consisting (consist) of eight countries.
③我们班由52名同学组成, 他们都很友好, 也很努力。
Our class is made up of 52 students/Our class is composed of 52 students/Our class consists of 52 students/52 students make up our class , all of whom are friendly and hard-working.
5. mood n.情绪; 心情; 语气With these, you can convey a strong picture or a certain mood in just a few words. 通过五行诗, 只用几句话, 你就可以传达出一幅动人的画面或表达一种特定的情绪。(教材P51)
①She’s in a good mood today.
②He was obviously in a mood.
很明显, 他心情不好。
③We really felt in the mood for a party.
④I’m too tired and I am in no mood to have a chat with you.
我太累了, 没有心情和你聊天。
(1)心情好/不好 be in a good/bad mood
情绪不好 be in a mood
(2)有意做某事/有做某事的心情 be/feel in the mood for sth./to do sth.
没心情做某事/不想做某事 be in no mood for sth./to do sth.
①He’s been in a real mood all day.
②He was in no mood for being (be) polite to visitors.
③在户外活动了一天之后, 你应该想好好吃一顿。
After a day of outdoor activities, you should be in the mood for a good meal .
6. tease vi.&vt.取笑(某人); 揶揄; 逗弄
Beautiful, athletic帅气, 爱运动
Teasing, shouting, laughing爱闹爱叫, 又爱笑(教材P51)
①She used to tease me about my hair.
②It’s cruel to make fun of a cripple.
③The kids are always playing tricks on their teacher.
(1)就某事取笑某人 tease sb. about sth.
嘲笑某人 laugh at sb.
取笑某人 make fun of sb.
捉弄某人 play a joke/jokes on sb.
戏弄某人 play a trick/tricks on sb.
①I used to get teased (tease) about my name.
②She played a trick on me by telling me David was having a party when he wasn’t.
It is impolite to tease others about their weight and appearance .
The poems may not make sense and even seem contradictory, but they are easy to learn and recite. 这些诗歌可能没什么道理, 甚至看起来自相矛盾, 但是它们容易学习和背诵。(教材P50)
①The challenging task is impossible to complete in such a short period with so few workers.
②The morning air in summer is so good to breathe.
③The sentence is not easy to understand.
④The chair looks rather hard, but in fact it is very comfortable to sit on.
这把椅子看起来很硬, 但实际上它坐上去很舒服。
①形容词用来说明不定式的特征。常见的此类形容词有difficult, hard, impossible, easy, good, comfortable, dangerous, pleasant等。
(2)在该结构中, 如果不定式中的动词是不及物动词, 则必须在其后加上相应的介词。
①(2019课标全国Ⅰ)Modern methods of tracking polar bear populations have been employed only since the mid-1980s, and are expensive to perform (perform) consistently over a large area.
②(2019北京)Credibility is hard to earn (earn) but easy to lose (lose), and the problem is only going to get harder from here on out.
The room is comfortable to live in.
2. 现在分词短语作状语It is easy to write and, like the cinquain, can give a clear picture and create a special feeling using very few words.它创作起来很容易, 就像五行诗一样, 能用很少的词描绘出一幅清晰的画面, 表达一种特殊的情感。(教材P51)
①Seeing my parents waving in the crowd, I went running to them.
看到我的父母在人群中挥手, 我跑向他们。
②The children ran out of the room, laughing and talking happily.
孩子们跑出房间, 愉快地笑着、说着话。
③Not knowing her address, I can’t write to her.
由于不知道她的地址, 我没法给她写信。
④Taking the path that leads out of the town, you will come to a dense wood.
沿着通向郊外的小道前进, 你会来到一片茂密的树林。
⑤Though knowing all this, they made me pay for the damage.
尽管知道了这一切, 他们还是让我赔偿损失。
⑥Her husband died ten years ago, leaving her three children to look after.
她的丈夫十年前去世了, 留下三个孩子要她照顾。
⑦Jane hurried back only to find that her mother had left.
(1)现在分词作状语可以表示时间、原因、条件、让步、伴随、结果等。有时为了强调, 分词前会加when, while, if, though等连词。
(2)现在分词短语作结果状语表示自然而然的结果; 而不定式作结果状语表示意料之外的结果, 且常与only 搭配使用。
①A city is the product of the human hand and mind, reflecting (reflect) man’s intelligence and creativity.
②He hurried to the booking office only to be told (tell) that all the tickets had been sold out.
③新建的木制小屋沿着大街排成一排, 把旧城镇变成了梦境。
Newly-built wooden cottages line the street, turning the old town into a dreamland .
Ⅰ. 语境填词
1.He knew nothing of Greek drama (戏剧).
2.To learn more about Chinese culture, Jack has decided to take Chinese folk (民间的) music as an elective course.
3.Jerry is an amateur (业余爱好者) who dances because he feels like it.
4.The movie captures the mood (氛围)of the interwar years perfectly.
5.She used to tease (取笑) me about my bald head.
6.The format (总体安排) of the new quiz show has proved popular.
7.The boat rocked up and down in rhythm (节奏) with the sea.
8.Most of them are extremely delicate (脆弱的) and can be damaged by a simple touch.
9.Concern for the environment is at the core (核心) of our policies.
10.Write on one side of the paper and leave the other side blank (空白的).
Ⅱ. 语境选词
compare with; express oneself; nursery rhyme; to the point; make sense; be made up of; in particular; quite a few; in spite of; transform…into…
1. Compared with letters and public phones, mobile phones and the Internet are faster and more convenient.
2.The building needs quite a few repairs.
3.This is a well-known nursery rhyme which everyone recites as a child.
4.The explanation of the word in this English dictionary is brief and to the point .
5.Young children often have difficulty expressing themselves .
6.In the face of the epidemic, people all over the world need to work together, or the efforts of individual countries will never make sense .
7.English became the official language for business in spite of the fact that the population was largely French.
8.Whenever a camera was pointed at her, Marilyn would instantly transform herself into an outstanding star.
9.Parents and teachers should in particular act as better examples for children.
10.A Chinese team which was made up of excellent medical workers went to Italy to offer assistance.
Ⅲ. 课文语法填空
There are 1. various (vary) reasons why people write poetry. Some poems tell 2. a story or describe something in a way that will give readers a strong impression. Others try to convey certain emotions. Poets use many different forms of poetry to express 3. themselves (they). Some of the first poems a young child learns in English are nursery rhymes, 4. which may not make sense and even seem contradictory, but are easy 5. to learn (learn) and recite. One of the simplest kinds of poem is the “list poem” 6. with a flexible line length and repeated phrases. Another simple form of poem that amateurs can 7. easily (easy) write is the cinquain, which is made up of five lines. Besides, haiku is a Japanese form of poetry that consists of 17 syllables, 8. but it is very popular with English writers. English speakers also enjoy poems from China, especially Tang poetry. A lot of Tang poetry 9. has been translated (translate) into English in the past decades. With so many different forms of poetry 10. to choose (choose) from, you may eventually want to write poems of your own. Give it a try!
20Section Ⅱ Learning About Language
(1)(教材P50)There are various reasons why people compose poetry.
(2)(教材P50)One of the simplest kinds of poem is the “list poem”, which contains a list of things, people, ideas, or descriptions that develop a particular theme.
(3)(教材P50)List poems have a flexible line length and repeated phrases which give both a pattern and a rhythm to the poem.
(4)(教材P51)Another simple form of poem that amateurs can easily write is the cinquain, which is made up of five lines.
(5)(教材P51)Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry that consists of 17 syllables.
(6)(教材P51)The haiku poem (E) on the right is a translation from Japanese, which shows a moment in the life of a delicate butterfly.
观察上面句子, 它们中均包含了定语从句 , 其中(1)、(3)、(5)中的定语从句为限制性定语从句, (6)中的为非限制性定语从句, (2)和(4)中既有限制性定语从句也有非限制性定语从句。
1. 定语从句的基本概述
(1)定义:在主从复合句中, 修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。定语从句一般跟在它所修饰的名词或代词之后。
①关系词有关系代词和关系副词两类。关系代词有that, which, who, whom, whose, as; 关系副词有when, where, why等。
根据定语从句与先行词之间关系的紧密程度, 定语从句可分为限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句。
(1)限制性定语从句紧跟先行词, 不用逗号与主句隔开, 删除后会影响整个句子的表达。
She is the nurse who looks after the children.
Do you still remember the man who taught us English
(2)非限制性定语从句常用逗号与主句隔开, 起补充说明的作用, 如省略, 句子意思仍然完整明确。
The book, which he lost yesterday, has been found.
His daughter, who is in Boston now, is coming home next week. 他女儿现在在波士顿, 下个星期就要回来了。
3. 关系代词的用法
关系代词 指人 指物 主语 宾语 表语 定语
that √ √ √ √ √
which √ √ √ √
who √ √ √ √
whom √ √
whose √ √ √
as √ √ √ √ √
This is the present (that/which) Jack gave me for my birthday. 这是杰克送给我的生日礼物。
The work that/which has just been finished is very important. 刚刚完成的那份工作很重要。
The man (who/whom/that) you met just now is my old friend. 你刚才遇见的那个人是我的老朋友。
The number of people that/who come to visit the city each year reaches one million. 每年来这座城市游览的人数达到了一百万。
This is the scientist whose achievements are well known.
(2)宜用that, 不宜用which的情况
①先行词是all、few、little(少)、much、none、nothing、everything、something等不定代词, 或被它们修饰时。
Do you have anything that you want to say for yourself
Have you taken down everything that Mr Li said
This is the best way that has been used against pollution. 这是已经用过的抗污染的最好的办法。
The last place that we visited in Beijing was the Great Wall. 我们在北京参观的最后一个地方是长城。
③当先行词被the only, the very等修饰时。
This is the very bus that I’m waiting for.
This is the only bike that I can afford.
I can remember well the person and pictures that I saw in the room. 我能清楚地记得我在那个房间所见到的人和照片。
⑤当主句是以which, who等疑问词开头的疑问句时。
Which is the bike that you lost
⑥主句是there be句型且关系词在从句中作主语时。
There is a seat in the corner that is still available.
①在非限制性定语从句中, 用which, 不用that。
China Today attracts a worldwide readership, which shows more and more people all over the world want to learn about China. 《今日中国》吸引了世界各地的读者, 这表明世界上越来越多的人想了解中国。
②关系代词前有介词时, 通常用which, 而不用that。
This is the house in which Lu Xun once lived.
①as 引导限制性定语从句。as既可以指人, 也可以指物。在定语从句中可以作主语、宾语、表语。常用在so…as…, such…as…, as…as…, the same…as…等结构中。I have got into the same trouble as he has.
Such reasons as we give can persuade him to give up this foolish plan. 我们给出的这些理由可以说服他放弃这个愚蠢的计划。
②as引导非限制性定语从句时, 意为“正如; 正像”, 可放在句首、句末或句中。常用的表达有:
as we all know = as is known to us all众所周知
as is reported/expected正如报道/预料的那样
as is often the case情况常常是这样
as has been said before正如之前所说
4. 关系副词的用法
when where why
时间状语 地点状语 原因状语
Opposite is St Paul’s Cathedral, where you can hear some lovely music. 对面是圣保罗大教堂, 在那里你能听到一些优美的音乐。
I will never forget the days when I stayed in Tibet.
We don’t know the reason why he didn’t attend the party. 我们不知道他没参加聚会的原因。
当先行词为一些表示抽象地点的名词, 如point, stage, case, situation, position等, 且关系词在定语从句中作状语时, 通常用关系副词where。
They have reached the point where they have to separate with each other. 他们已经到了必须分手的地步。
There are cases where this rule is inapplicable.
在一些情况下, 这个规则是不适用的。
当先行词是表示时间、地点或原因的名词, 且关系词在定语从句中作状语时, 用关系副词引导定语从句。有时可用“介词+关系代词”结构替换关系副词。
“介词+关系代词”引导定语从句时, 若先行词指人, 关系代词常用whom; 若先行词指物, 关系代词常用which。
In the dark street, there wasn’t a single person to whom she could turn. 在黑暗的街道上, 没有一个她可以求助的人。
Scientists try to protect the island on which rare animals live. 科学家努力保护那个稀有动物居住的岛。
①根据定语从句中动词或形容词的某种习惯搭配。Some experts think reading is the fundamental skill on/uponwhich school education depends. 一些专家认为阅读是学校教育所依赖的基本技能。This is the new product with which the boss is very satisfied. 这是老板非常满意的那款新产品。
There are various ways in which we can solve this problem. 我们有很多方法可以解决这个问题。
The colorless gas without which we can’t live is called oxygen. 这种我们离开它就不能生存的无色气体被称为氧气。
Ⅰ. 单句语法填空
1.(2020课标全国Ⅰ)The best books are the ones that open further as time passes.
2.(2020课标全国Ⅰ)We’re thinking about how we can engineer plants to replace functions of the things that/which we use every day.
3.(2020课标全国Ⅰ)The longest track and field event at the Summer Olympics is the 50-kilometer race walk, which is about five miles longer than the marathon.
4.(2020课标全国Ⅰ)Here’s a handful of ways that/which will set you in the right direction.
5.(2020全国新高考Ⅰ)Judges will choose up to 50 honorable mention winners, who will each receive a T-shirt in memory of Earhart’s final flight.
6.(2020课标全国Ⅱ)I see libraries as a safe haven(避风港) for readers and writers, a bridge that/which helps put together a reader with a book.
7.(2020课标全国Ⅲ)In ancient China lived an artist whose paintings were almost lifelike.
8.(2020天津)Dr. Rowan, whose secretary resigned two weeks ago, has had to do all his own typing.
9.(2020江苏)Many lessons are now available online, from which students can choose for free.
10.(2020海南)Amazingly, the trees grow in such a way that/in which their leaves and branches, although close together, never actually touch those of another tree.
Ⅱ. 完成句子
We have entered into an age where dreams have the best chance of coming true .
2.夹克的边缘上有一块布, 可以在黑暗中发光。
On the edge of the jacket, there is a piece of cloth that gives off light in the dark .
This is one of the most interesting books that I have ever read .
4.很多年轻人都去了偏远地区追求自己的梦想, 他们中大部分都接受过良好的教育。
Many young people, most of whom are well-educated , headed for remote regions to chase their dreams.
5.正如报道的那样, 吸烟的人数仅在一年内就已经减少了百分之十七。
The number of smokers, as is reported , has dropped by 17 percent in just one year.
The books on the desk, whose covers are shining , are prizes for us.
7.幸福和成功经常青睐那些善于发现自身优势的人。Happiness and success often come to those who are good at recognizing their own strengths .
8.我们将把在公园的野餐推迟到下周, 届时天气可能会更好。
We will put off the picnic in the park until next week, when the weather may be better .
We’ll reach the sales targets in a month that/which we set at the beginning of the year .
10.他在当地一所高中上的学, 后来考上了北京大学。
He was educated at a local high school, after which he was admitted to Peking University .
7Section Ⅲ Using Language
Ⅰ. 词汇拓展
1. polish /'p l /vt. 修改; 润色; 抛光n. 上光剂; 抛光; 擦亮→ polished /'p l t/adj. 擦亮的; 磨光的
2. complicated /'k mpl ke t d/adj. 复杂的; 难懂的→ complicate /?k mpl ke t/vt. 使复杂化
3. variation /?ve ri’e n/n. 变化; 变体; 变奏曲→ vary /'ve ri/v. (根据情况)变化; 改变→ variety /v 'ra ti/n. (同一事物的)不同种类; 多样化→ various /'ve ri s/adj. 各种各样的
4. racial /'re l/adj. 种族的; 人种的→ race /re s/n. 人种; 种族
5. entertain /ent 'te n/v. 招待; 款待; 娱乐; 使快乐→ entertainment /ent 'te nm nt/n. 娱乐活动; 招待; 款待
Ⅱ. 情境词块
1.pour out 毫无保留地表达感情(或思想等); 畅所欲言
2.hold onto 抓紧; 不放开
3.care about 关注; 担忧
4.in addition to 除……之外
5.偶然遇到 come across
6.跟上; 与……保持同步 keep up with
7.熟悉 be familiar with
8.谋生 make a living
Ⅲ. 情境佳句
句型公式 疑问词+to do
教材原句 Before you read, discuss how to understand a poem with your partner. 在你阅读之前, 和你的搭档讨论如何理解一首诗。
中文例句 我的问题是在哪里可以找到答案。
句式仿写 My question is where to find the answer .
句型公式 wherever引导让步状语从句
教材原句 And then when I found it, wherever it blew, I should know that the wind had been going there too. 后来当我找到它时, 无论它飘到哪儿, 我都知道风肯定也曾经去过那里。
中文例句 无论他们走到哪里, 都受到了热烈的欢迎。
句式仿写 They were warmly welcomed wherever they go .
本栏目的活动主题是写一篇诗歌赏析类文章, 依据“Listening and Speaking”的交际功能, 使语言的“听、说、读、写”能力进一步得到落实。诗歌是最古老的文学样式和艺术形式之一, 是人类表达情感的一种重要方式, 理解和欣赏诗歌, 并在此基础上创作诗歌, 不仅可以陶冶情操, 也可以提高学生的思维能力、思考能力、写作能力和语言表达能力。
教材原文 WIND ON THE HILL No one can tell me, Nobody knows, Where the wind comes from, Where the wind goes. It’s flying from somewhere As fast as it can, I couldn’t keep up with it, Not if I ran. But if I stopped holding The string of my kite, It would blow with the wind For a day and a night. And then when I found it, Wherever it blew, I should know that the wind Had been going there too. So then I could tell them Where the wind goes… But where the wind comes from Nobody knows. A.A.Milne DREAM Hold fast to dreams, For if dreams die Life is a broken-winged bird That cannot fly. Hold fast to dreams, For when dreams go Life is a barren field Frozen with snow. Langston Hughes A MATCH If love were what the rose is, And I were the leaf, Our lives would grow togetherIn sad or singing weather, Brown fields or flowerful closes, Green pleasure or grey grief; If love were what the rose is, And I were like the leaf. A.C.Swinburne 教材译文 山上的风 没有人能够告诉我, 也没有人会知道, 风来自哪里, 又将去往哪里。 它从某个地方吹来, 尽它所能, 飞快地吹来, 我追不上它, 即使我奔跑。 但如果我停下来 不再握紧手中的风筝线, 它将随风飘走, 一天一夜。 后来当我找到它时, 无论它飘到哪儿, 我都知道风肯定 也曾经去过那里。 所以我就能告诉人们 风去了哪里…… 但是风从哪里来, 没有人知道。 A.A.米尔恩 梦想 紧握梦想, 梦想若是消亡, 生命就如折翼的小鸟, 再也不能飞翔。 紧握梦想, 梦想若是逝去, 生命就如贫瘠的荒原, 雪覆冰封, 万物不再生长。 兰斯顿·休斯 佳偶 爱情若是玫瑰, 我便是绿叶, 花和叶同生同长, 无论天气阴沉或晴朗, 在田野或花坞, 共享喜悦共担忧伤; 爱情若是玫瑰, 我便是绿叶。 A.C.斯温伯恩
请再次阅读第一首诗WIND ON THE HILL, 并写一篇简单的诗歌赏析。
1.朗读 read aloud
2.押韵 rhyme
3.生动的 vivid
4.由……组成 be made up of
5.描写的; 描述的 descriptive
6.追逐; 追赶 chase
7.在我看来 from my point of view
WIND ON THE HILL by A.A.Milne is made up of 20 lines.
2.当我朗读这首诗时, 我能听到一些诗句的结尾是押韵的——“knows”和“goes”, “kite”和“night”。
When I read the poem aloud I can hear that the ends of some lines rhyme—“knows” and “goes”, “kite” and “night”.
3.这些韵律词听起来不错, 使这首诗读起来朗朗上口。
These rhyming words sound nice and make the poem pleasing to read.
I love this poem because its language is descriptive.
5.通过这首诗的描述, 我可以看到一幅生动的画面。
Through the description, I could see a vivid picture.
6.当我闭上眼睛, 我可以看到风吹过山和山谷, 风筝在风中高高飘扬, 诗人跑着追逐它。
When I close my eyes, I can see the wind blowing across the hill and valley, kites flying high in the wind and the poet running to chase it.
7.在我看来, 诗人试图描述风之美, 让我们感受到大自然的魅力。
From my point of view, the poet is trying to describe the beauty of the wind and makes us feel the charm of nature.
1.用定语从句升级第4句。 (The reason why…is that…)
The reason why I love this poem is that its language is descriptive.
The reason why I love this poem is that its language is descriptive, through which I could see a vivid picture.
WIND ON THE HILL by A.A.Milne is made up of 20 lines. When I read the poem aloud I can hear that the ends of some lines rhyme—“knows” and “goes”, “kite” and “night”. These rhyming words sound nice and make the poem pleasing to read.
The reason why I love this poem is that its language is descriptive, through which I could see a vivid picture. When I close my eyes, I can see the wind blowing across the hill and valley, kites flying high in the wind and the poet running to chase it.
From my point of view, the poet is trying to describe the beauty of the wind and makes us feel the charm of nature.
1.假设你是李华, 你的加拿大笔友 Peter 正在学习唐诗, 发来一首唐朝诗人李绅的名作《悯农》(Sympathy for Farmers) (锄禾日当午, 汗滴禾下土。谁知盘中餐, 粒粒皆辛苦。)向你请教, 请你用英语给他写一封回信, 内容包括:
1. 解释诗歌的含义及诗中所蕴含的作者的思想感情;
2. 阐述你的感受。
注意:1. 不要逐句翻译;
2. 词数80左右, 开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数;
3. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。
Dear Peter,
I’m glad to receive your letter where you asked me about a Tang poem-Sympathy for Farmers. Yours,
Li Hua
体裁 应用文——诗歌鉴赏
时态 一般现在时
人称 以第一人称和第三人称为主
要点 1. 诗歌简介, 如作者、诗歌的地位;2. 解释诗歌的含义及诗中所蕴含的作者的思想感情;3. 诗歌的写作意图及个人感受。
Dear Peter,
I’m glad to receive your letter where you asked me about a Tang poem—Sympathy for Farmers.
The poem by Li Shen is popular with folk literary readers.
This poem that is made up of four lines is not complicated to recite. It has vivid pictures: Hot as it is outside at noon in summer, the farmers are still working in the fields. They are wet all over with their sweat falling into the soil, where the crops grow. But who knows all the delicious dishes on our table come from the hard work of farmers
The poem reminds people of the farmers’ hard work. I think it’s of great importance for the young to understand the poem and treasure every grain.
Li Hua
1. be made up of 由……组成
2. vivid 生动的
3. remind sb. of sth. 使某人想起某事
4. treasure 珍宝
5. Hot as it is outside at noon in summer, the farmers are still working in the fields. 尽管夏天中午外面很热, 农民们还在田里工作。(倒装结构)
1. polish vt. 修改; 润色; 抛光n. 上光剂; 抛光; 擦亮
What does Nora mean by saying that she needs time to polish her writing 诺拉说她需要时间来润色她的作品是什么意思?(教材P54)
①You should polish up your Spanish before you go to Chile.
②Sam polished off the rest of the pizza.
(1)提高(技能); 改善(外表等); 擦亮; 擦光 polish up
(2)很快做完; 迅速吃光 polish off
①The hotel has polished (polish) up its act since last year.
②He polished off the remains of the apple pie.
③为了给你的文章润色, 你可以使用更多高级词汇。
To polish your article up, you can use more advanced vocabularies.
2. variation n. 变化; 变体; 变奏曲
Dream Variation, for example. It was one of his most celebrated poems. 例如《梦境变奏曲》。这是他最著名的诗歌之一。(教材P58)
①The spending power of young people varies from person to person.
②Our government has tried various channels to raise and accumulate social security funds.
③There are a variety of/varieties of tourist attractions and historical sites in London.
(1)v. (大小、形状等)相异, 不同; (根据情况)变化, 变更, 改变 vary
从……到……不等/变化 vary from…to…
(2)adj. 各种不同的; 各种各样的 various
(3)n. (植物、语言等的)变体; 多样化; (同一事物的)不同种类 variety
各种各样的 a variety of = varieties of
①When Christmas comes, cards of various (vary) shapes and sizes are sold in shops.
②To further complicate the issue, there is an enormous variation (vary) in the amount of people’s sleep.
③随着经济的发展, 商店里有各种各样的商品, 由日常用品到奢侈品不等。
With the development of economy, there are varieties of goods in stores, varying from groceries to luxury goods .
And then when I found it,
Wherever it blew,
I should know that the wind
Had been going there too.
后来当我找到它时, 无论它飘到哪儿, 我都知道风肯定也曾经去过那里。(教材P56)
①Wherever/No matter where you are, you must remember you are a Chinese.
无论你在哪儿, 你都必须记住你是一个中国人。
②I’m wondering whatever you said made her so angry.
(1)“疑问词+ever”, 如wherever, whenever, whatever, however, whoever, whichever引导让步状语从句相当于“no matter+疑问词”, 如no matter where/when/what/how/who/which。
(2)“疑问词+ever”除了引导让步状语从句外, 还可以引导名词性从句, 此时不能用“no matter+疑问词”。
①In the global economy, a new drug for cancer, wherever (where) it is discovered, will create many economic possibilities around the world.
②Every year, whoever (who) makes the most beautiful kite will win a prize in the Kite Festival.
③你的支持对我们的工作很重要。无论你能做什么, 都会有所帮助。
Your support is important to our work. Whatever you can do helps .
Ⅰ. 语境填词
1.We were not able to meet the deadline (截止日期) because of manufacturing delays.
2.Few contests (比赛) in the recent history of boxing have been as thrilling.
3.The statement was carefully polished (润色) and checked before release.
4.He wrapped the package in brown paper and tied it with string (细绳).
5. Wherever (在任何地方) she goes, there are crowds of people waiting to see her.
6.He wants to use the water to irrigate barren (贫瘠的) desert land.
7.She was overcome with grief (悲痛) when her husband died.
8.Rain begins to fall and peach trees blossom (开花).
9.Legend has it that the origin (起源) of the Dragon Boat Festival is to recall the soul of Qu Yuan.
10.Their decision was based on ignorance and prejudice (偏见).
Ⅱ. 语境选词
come across; be familiar with; keep up with; take turns; put up; hold onto; make a living; care about; be related to; in addition to
1.She likes to keep up with the latest fashions.
2.It is precisely because I care about you that I don’t like you staying out late.
3.In the future, pay increases will be related to productivity.
4.He does not seem to be familiar with research which might have strengthened his own arguments.
5.He held onto the back of the chair to stop himself from falling.
6.We’ve come across a few problems that need resolving.
7.You’ll have to take turns on the swing.
8.Years ago, many farmers left home for big cities to make a living .
9.The shops have started to put up Christmas decorations.
10. In addition to these arrangements, extra ambulances will be on duty until midnight.
10Section Ⅳ Expanding Your World
Ⅰ. 单词分层默写
1.单词拼写① drama n.戏; 剧; 戏剧艺术
② imagery n.形象的描述; 意象; 像
③ folk adj.民间的; 民俗的; 普通百姓的
④ diamond n.钻石; 金刚石; 菱形
⑤ dawn n.黎明; 开端; 萌芽
⑥ amateur n.业余爱好者adj.业余的; 业余爱好的
⑦ mood n.情绪; 心情; 语气
⑧ tease vt.&vi.取笑(某人); 揶揄; 逗弄
⑨ format n.格式; 总体安排; (出版物的)版式vt.格式化
⑩ blossom n.花朵; 花簇
delicate adj.精美的; 精致的; 脆弱的
revolve vi.旋转; 环绕; 转动
shelf n.架子; 搁板
core n.核心; 精髓; (水果的)核儿
blank adj.空白的; 无图画(或韵律、装饰)的; 没表情的n.空白; 空格
version n.版本; (从不同角度的)说法
era n.时代; 年代; 纪元
sow vt.&vi.播种; 种
seed n.种子; 起源; 萌芽
deadline n.最后期限; 截止日期
contest n.比赛; 竞赛; 竞争vt.争取赢得(比赛、选举等); 争辩
polish vt.修改; 润色; 抛光n.上光剂; 抛光; 擦亮
string n.细绳; 线; 一串vt.悬挂; 系adj.弦乐器的; 线织的
barren adj.贫瘠的; 不结果实的
grief n.悲伤; 悲痛; 伤心事
prejudice n.偏见; 成见vt.使怀有(或形成)偏见
① sorrow n.悲伤; 悲痛; 伤心事vi.感到悲伤→ sorrowful adj.悲伤的; 悲哀的
② literary adj.文学的; 爱好文学的; 有文学作品特征的→ literature n.文学; 著作
③ recite vt.背诵; 吟诵; 列举→ recitation n.朗读; 朗诵
④ respective adj.分别的; 各自的→ respectively adv.分别; 各自; 依次为
⑤ comprehension n.理解力; 领悟力; 理解练习→ comprehend v.理解; 领悟 comprehensible adj.可理解的; 能懂的
⑥ civilian n.平民; 老百姓→ civil adj.平民的; 国民的
⑦ sympathetic adj.同情的; 有同情心的; 赞同的→ sympathetically adv.同情地→ sympathy n.同情; 赞同
⑧ innocence n.天真; 单纯; 无罪→ innocent adj.天真无邪的; 无辜的; 无恶意的
⑨ correspondence n.来往信件; 通信联系→ correspond vi.相一致; 符合; 相当于; 通信
⑩ dominant adj.首要的; 占支配地位的; 显著的→ dominate v.支配; 控制; (在比赛中)占有优势→ dominance n.优势; 统治地位 complicated adj.复杂的; 难懂的→ complicate vt.使复杂化
variation n.变化; 变体; 变奏曲→ vary v.(根据情况)变化, 改变→ variety n.(同一事物的)不同种类; 多样化→ various adj.各种各样的
racial adj.种族的; 人种的→ race n.人种; 种族
Ⅱ. 短语搭配翻译
1.nursery rhyme 童谣; 儿歌
2.to the point 简明恰当的; 简洁中肯的
3.be made up of 由……组成(构成)
4.consist of 由……组成
5.in particular 尤其; 特别
6.quite a few 相当多; 不少
7.in spite of 不管; 尽管
8.pour out 毫无保留地表达感情(或思想等); 畅所欲言
9.hold onto 抓紧; 不放开
10.与……相比 compare…with
11.表达自己的想法 express oneself
12.讲得通; 有意义 make sense
13.对……有影响 have an influence on
14.爱上…… fall in love with
15.贯彻; 实施 carry out
16.偶然遇到 come across
17.跟上; 与……保持同步 keep up with
18.熟悉 be familiar with
19.谋生 make a living
Ⅲ. 教材原句翻译
1.这些诗歌可能没什么意义, 甚至看起来自相矛盾, 但是它们容易学, 也容易背诵。
The poems may not make sense and even seem contradictory, but they are easy to learn and recite.
2.有些押韵(如B和C), 有些则不押韵。
Some rhyme (like B and C), while others do not.
3.它创作起来很容易, 就像五行诗一样, 能用很少的词描绘出一幅清晰的画面, 营造一种特殊的感觉。
It is easy to write and, like the cinquain, can give a clear picture and create a special feeling using very few words.
4.有这么多不同形式的诗歌可选, 你可能最终想写属于你自己的诗了。
With so many different forms of poetry to choose from, you may eventually want to write poems of your own.
5.令我难以置信的是, 如何最好地把书摆放在书架上这个问题会在网上引起热烈的讨论。
It seems incredible to me that the question of how best to arrange books on shelves could cause a lively online discussion.
6.原因是他们能感觉到爱的温暖, 享受童年的纯真。
The reason is that they can feel the warmth of love and enjoy the innocence of childhood.
Tagore was the first Asian to win the Nobel Prize in Literature.
8.在你阅读之前, 和你的搭档讨论如何理解一首诗。
Before you read, discuss how to understand a poem with your partner.
Ⅳ. 书面表达
1.结合本单元主题, 使用本单元词汇与句型写一篇语言流畅、用词准确、逻辑严密的短文。
1. 我对文学作品很感兴趣, 尤其是诗歌, 因为它们押韵, 而且充满了意象和韵律。(literary; imagery; rhyme; rhythm)
2. 我通常在黎明时分在草坪上阅读和背诵诗歌, 在那里我可以看着蝴蝶互相追逐, 欣赏美丽的花朵, 感受大自然的魅力。(dawn; recite; lawn; butterfly; blossom)
3. 我清楚地记得, 我接触到的第一首童谣是《嘘, 小宝贝》。(nursery rhyme)
4. 尽管它没什么意义, 但学习和背诵起来很容易。(make sense)
5. 现在, 每当我心情很好或很不好的时候, 我都会写一些诗来表达自己的情感。(mood; express oneself)
I am quite interested in literary works, especially poems because they rhyme and are full of imagery and rhythm. I usually read and recite poems at dawn on the lawn, where I can watch butterflies chasing each other, enjoy beautiful blossom and feel the charm of nature. I can well remember that the first nursery rhyme I came across was Hush, Little Baby. Although it doesn’t make sense, it is easy to learn and recite. Now, whenever I am in a good or bad mood, I’d like to write some poems to express myself.
1. revolve vi.旋转; 环绕; 转动。前缀re-意为“再; 重新”,-volv为词根, 意为“转; 卷”, 所以revolve的字面意思为“再次转动; 重新转动”, 引申为“旋转; 环绕”之意。
2. 词根“-volv”意为“to roll; to turn”, 表示“转; 卷”, 以其为词根的词还有involve, 其结构为in-(进入)+volv (卷; 转)+e, 字面意思为“被卷到里面”, 引申为“包含; 涉及”之意。
1. Joy often comes after sorrow, like morning after night.
暮去必将朝至, 苦尽常会甘来。
2. The greatest obstacle to progress is prejudice.
3. You reap what you sow.
种瓜得瓜, 种豆得豆。
4. Throw away the apple because of the core.
因噎废食5. It is not enough for poetry to have only beauty. Poetry should move people’s hearts and guide the soul into the artistic conception of poetry.
诗歌仅仅有美是不够的, 它应该打动人心, 把灵魂引入诗的意境中去。