Unit 1 Science Fiction Period 4 voice your opinions on robots and AI 课件+教案


名称 Unit 1 Science Fiction Period 4 voice your opinions on robots and AI 课件+教案
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-03-18 17:46:43


Unit 1 Science Fiction
Period 4 voice your opinions on robots and AI教学设计
课题 Unit 1 Period 4 voice your opinions on robots and AI 单元 Unit 1 学科 English 年级 Grade 2
教材 分析 该部分着眼于让学生结合科学技术的发展现实,了解机器人与人工智能在现代生活中的运用,探讨在未来的数十年间,机器人和人工智能与人类关系的发展方向。听力内容是电台播出的一档科幻作品专家的访谈节目,学生需要通过听力了解未来学家对机器人发展的客观看法,了解、分析著名的机器人三定律,在和同学探讨之后,发表个人观点。从语言运用和对话交际策略来看,听力内容中主持人运用了转换话题的技巧,提示学生在语言分析与运用时能注意关注、理解话语标记的不同功能,提升逻辑思维和语言的理解与表达能力。
学习目标与核心素养 Skill objectives: Be able to listen for gist using a true-to-life interview in natural English. Be able to listen for discourse markers In the interview. Emotional objectives: Be able to cooperate with each other to complete the tasks and learn to treat I technology objectively. Thinking quality objectives:To talk about what you think of robot technology and the famous Three Laws of Robotics.
重点 To get the students to listen for gist using a true-to-life interview in natural English.
难点 To get the students to make a dialogue to change a topic.
教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
新课 Lead -in 1.show some dynamic pictures of robots. 2.Brainstorming: What can robots do In our daily life While-class Activity 1 look at the pictures and discuss the questions in pairs. What jobs are these robots doing what are the pros and cons of robots doing these jobs 1)Two robots are serving food at a cafe. Prons:Maybe the service is cheaper and faster. Cons:The customs will have communications difficulties, and there is no human touch. 2)A robot is playing the paino. Prons:The robot can play anything perfectly. Cons: There is no creativity or emotion involved. 3)A robotic arm works at a factory Prons: Simple,repetitive tasks are done at higher speeds more cheaply and accurately. Cons: Human end up out of work. And there is no added skill or creativity to the work. 4) A robot band is performing. Prons:More live music will be available more cheaply. Cons:It is more like listening to a record, without any excitement and emotion of watching humans perform. 5) Several robots are playing soccer. Prons: It promotes learning and enjoyment of AI robotics to a wide audience. Cons:The robot players don’t even know they are in a contest and have no desire to win or lose,so there is no emotional content to the match and there is no physical skill or talent involved. 2. what kind of robots or AI developments do you hope for Various answers... Students look at some dynamic pictures of robots. The students discuss the questions.. To arouse students’ interest . Serve as a warm-up for the activities which follow introducing key vocabulary and concepts.
Activity 2 Listen to an interview and put these statements in the correct order. The host introduces the guest, a sci-fi expert. The expert has robots in his home. As robots become more intelligent,they may also become more dangerous. The host mentions Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics. The expert says robots will have occupations such as teaching and nursing. The line between humans and robots will be more blurred in the future. The host asks about benefits and problems. The host asks if there are robots in the expert's home. In sci-fi stories, robots often become superior and take over. 1 9 4 5 2 7 3 8 6 Students listen to an interview. Practise listening for gist using a true-to-life interview in natural English.
Activity 3 Listen to the interview again and write down the discourse markers that you hear. Make a note of how each discourse marker is used in the interview. Then compare your answers with a partner. (Discourse markers are used to organise a text by making sequence,contrast,opinion, purpose,and so on. Listening for discourse markers can help you understand a text more easily.) Regular Discourse Markers Students listen to an interview again. Practise listening for discourse markers In the interview.
Activity 4 In groups,discuss what the expert thinks of the questions and exchange your own views. What do you know about robot technology What can robots do Robots technology has its cons and pros.It can bring great convenience to human beings together with some scientific or moral problems.A robot is a machine that can do a task according to computer programmes or through the use of some kind of controls. 2.What benefit do you think robot or AI will bring Do you think they will cause problems as well The main benefits are that they can do some kinds of work more quickly,better,and cheaper than humans,and that they can take the place of humans when no humans are available or when humans can not do the work. However,they can cause problems,First,what happens if they no longer serve people or stop following orders Second,there is the possibility that at some point we will have difficulty determining what constitutes a living being and what constitutes a machine. 3.Do you know anything about Isaac Asimov and his famous Three Laws of Robots what do you think of these laws Yes,I do.Isaac Asimov introduced them into most of his science fiction writings to show that robots could be prevented from harming us or our world.They are not actual scientific laws, but rather guidelines for their human programmers to follow to keep our world safe.At first glance,the rules seem logical and reasonable,but they also seem out dated. Changing the topic Oh, by the way, ... Oh, I remember, ... In early forgot!... That reminds me of... What I meant to tell/ask you is......, Could I change the subject but(perhaps) that’s beside the point. The next item on the agenda is... I think we ought to move on to... Oh, there was something I meant to tell you. On the one hand...On the other hand... Example: A:Oh, by the way, I saw a programme about robot doctors last night.It was very interesting.Do you think robots will do more of these important jobs in the future B:Certainly.They will probably do most of our labour for us. C:Maybe,but that's beside the point. In my opinion, robots are dangerous!They are much stronger than we are and may be superior to us in the future. A :I think we ought to move on to the topic of robot technology. I know the idea of it has been around forever.The ancient Greeks and Chinese both made clever devices that weren't much different than some of the robots we have today. B:Yes, but the modern idea of intelligent robots that look like humans is only about 100 years old. C:I think we had better move on to what robots can do.Let's see...there are simple repetitive tasks like factory work and housework. A:Yes, and I think there will be more complex jobs in the future like in healthcare, education, or entertainment. B:Oh, there is something else I meant to ask you—does anyone know who even came up with the word“robot” C:But that's beside the point. I think we ought to move on to the benefits and dangers of A I to humans and our society. A:Oh, In early forgot why Asimov's writing was so important—he created the Three Laws of Robotics. Law l,robots can't injure humans or allow them to come to harm; Law 2, a robot must obey any order a human gives it as long as it doesn't conflict with the first law; and Law 3,a robot must protect itself as long as the act of doing so doesn't break the first or second law…… Students discuss the questions. Students use the expressions to make a dialogue To change the topic. Review and confirm all that students have learnt thus far In the unit and allow them to share their own opinions.
21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
Period 4 voice your opinions on robots and AI
Unit 1 Science Fiction
Lead- in
Some dynamic pictures of robots
What can robots do in our daily life
play with the kids
do housework
accompany the eldly
being a waiter
While-class Activity 1
1. What jobs are these robots doing what are the pros and cons of robots doing these jobs
Two robots are serving food at a cafe.
Pros:Maybe the service is cheaper and faster.
Cons:The customs will have communications difficulties, and there is no human touch.
look at the pictures and discuss the questions in pairs.
look at the pictures and discuss the questions in pairs.
A robot is playing the paino.
Pros:The robot can play anything perfectly.
Cons: There is no creativity or emotion
Activity 1
A robotic arm works at a factory
Pros: Simple,repetitive tasks are done at higher speeds more cheaply and accurately.
Cons: Human end up out of work. And there is
no added skill or creativity to the work.
look at the pictures and discuss the questions in pairs.
Activity 1
look at the pictures and discuss the questions in pairs.
A robot band is performing.
Pros:More live music will be available
more cheaply.
Cons:It is more like listening to a record, without any excitement and emotion of watching humans perform.
Activity 1
look at the pictures and discuss the questions in pairs.
Several robots are playing soccer.
Pros: It promotes learning and enjoyment of AI robotics to a wide audience.
Cons:The robot players don’t even know they are
in a contest and have no desire to win or lose,so
there is no emotional content to the match and
there is no physical skill or talent involved.
Activity 1
2. what kind of robots or AI developments do you hope for
I hope for an educating robot because I can ask any questions when I have troubles in learning.
look at the pictures and discuss the questions in pairs.
Various answers。。。
Activity 1
Activity 2
Listen to an interview and put these statements in the correct order.
The host introduces the guest, a sci-fi expert.
The expert has robots in his home.
As robots become more intelligen t,they may also become more dangerous.
The host mentions Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics.
The expert says robots will have occupations such as teaching and nursing.
The line between humans and robots will be more blurred in the future.
The host asks about benefits and problems.
The host asks if there are robots in the expert's home.
In sci-fi stories, robots often become superior and take over.
Activity 3
Listen to the interview again and write down the discourse markers that you hear. Make a note of how each discourse marker is used in the interview. Then compare your answers with a partner.
Discourse markers: just now; so ; well; but; however; above all
Discourse markers are used to organise a text by making sequence,contrast,opinion,
purpose,and so on. Listening for discourse markers can help you understand a text more easily.
Activity 3
Regular Discourse Markers
Activity 3
Choose the correct discourse markers to complete the sentences below.
1. A: Did he feel excited
B: No, ______ he was really disappionted.
A. as a matter of fact B. obviously C. by the ways
We can use as matter of fact to introduce information that might be in some way surprising or unexpected.
Activity 3
2.______ , that red blouse does not match your skin.
A. In other words B. To tell you the truth C. After all
We use to tell you the truth to mark attitude or piont of view.
3.__________________I'll always be there for you.
A. Just now B. You know C. I am afraid
We use you know to mark the expected truth.
Activity 3
4. ______ , diet and exercise are obviously important for our health.
A. Awfully B. Just now C.Obviously
We can use obviously to introduce a fact that is obvious, easy to see or understand.
Activity 4
Robots technology has its cons and pros.It can bring great convenience to human beings together with some scientific or moral problems.A robot is a machine that can do a task according to computer programmes or through the use of some kind of controls.
1.What do you know about robot technology What can robots do
In groups,discuss what the expert thinks of the questions and exchange your own views.
Activity 4
The main benefits are that they can do some kinds of work more quickly,better,and cheaper than humans,and that they can take the place of humans when no humans are available or when humans can not do the work.
However,they can cause problems,First,what happens if they no longer serve people or stop following orders Second,there is the possibility that at some point we will have difficulty determining what constitutes a living being and what constitutes a machine.
2.What benefit do you think robot or AI will bring Do you think they will cause problems as well
In groups,discuss what the expert thinks of the questions and exchange your own views.
Activity 4
Yes,I do.Isaac Asimov introduced them into most of his science fiction writings to show that robots could
be prevented from harming us or our world.They are not actual scientific laws, but rather guidelines for their
human programmers to follow to keep our world safe.At first glance,the rules seem logical and reasonable.
3.Do you know anything about Isaac Asimov and his famous Three Laws of Robots whatdo you think of these laws
In groups,discuss what the expert thinks of the questions and exchange your own views.
Activity 4
Oh, by the way, ... Oh, I remember,
... In early forgot!... That reminds me of...
What I meant to tell/ask you is......, Could I change the subject
but(perhaps) that’s beside the point. The next item on the agenda is...
I think we ought to move on to... Oh,
there was something I meant to tell you.
On the one hand...On the other hand...
Changing the topic
Activity 4
A:Oh, by the way, I saw a programme about robot doctors last night.It was very interesting.Do you think robots will do more of these important jobs in the future
B:Certainly.They will probably do most of our labour for us.
C:Maybe,but that's beside the point. In my opinion, robots are dangerous!They are much stronger than we are and may be superior to us in the future.
A :I think we ought to move on to the topic of robot technology. I know the idea of it has been around forever.The ancient Greeks and Chinese both made clever devices that weren't much different than some of the robots we have today.
B:Yes, but the modern idea of intelligent robots that look like humans is only about 100 years old.
Activity 4
C:I think we had better move on to what robots can do.Let's see...there are simple repetitive tasks like factory work and housework.
A:Yes, and I think there will be more complex jobs in the future like in healthcare, education, or entertainment.
B:Oh, there is something else I meant to ask you—does anyone know who even came up with the word“robot”
C:But that's beside the point. I think we ought to move on to the benefits and dangers of A I to humans and our society.
A:Oh, In early forgot why Asimov's writing was so important—he created
the Three Laws of Robotics. Law l,robots can't injure humans or allow
them to come to harm; Law 2, arobot must obey any order a human
gives it as long as it doesn't conflict with the first law; and Law 3,a robot
must protect itself as long as the act of doing so doesn't break the first or second law……
Do the exercises on
Page 63 of Workbook.