人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit 3 Diverse Cultures词汇教案(表格式)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit 3 Diverse Cultures词汇教案(表格式)
格式 docx
文件大小 27.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-03-21 21:43:48



共 案 个 案
Unit3 Diverse Cultures Period1 words and expressions 教学目标 To help the students discover and learn to use some useful words and expressions To develop student’s ability of using new words and expressions 3. To help students have a better understanding of English language 二、教学重难点 1. To enable the students to grasp some important words and expressions 2. Memorize the words clearly 三、 教学过程 Step1.Review Review the knowledge learned last class Step2. Presentation Let the students read the new words by themselves Read the words following the teacher Listen to the tape Step3.Language points fortune n.机会 运气 财产 ~cookie幸运曲奇 try one's ~碰运气 make a ~发财 seek one's ~寻找成功致富之路 The discovery of gold in California led thousands of people to believe that a fortune was_______ . (反misfortune 不幸 灾祸)fortune-teller 算命先生 fortunate adj.幸运的 (反unfortunate) adv.fortunately It's ~to do 2.admit. v.承认 准许进入/加入 admit somebody to/ into 准许进入 be admitted as admit( to ) something. admit (to) doing something. 承认做某事 admit somebody /something to be+adj/n He admitted___________(break) the window. News came from the school office that Wang Lin had been admitted__________ Peking University. admission n.接纳 进入权 准许入会/入学 Up to now, admission________college is mostly by exam. 3.definitely adv.肯定 确实 当然 All the students that work hard can ________pass the exam. definite adj.明确的 一定的 有把握的 a ~plan/answer 明确的... be ~about 对什么有把握 It's ~that... 是肯定的 4.occur vi.发生 出现(同happen/take place) n.occurrence 发生 发生的事情 sth ~s to sb 某人想到某事 It occurred to sb that...某人突然想到... It struck /hit sb that... It occurred to me that I had left my keys at home. A brilliant idea occurred to me. 过去式,过去分词,现在分词要双写r的词: occurred/occurring preferred/preferring referred/referring inferred/inferring 5.seek v. sought sought 寻找 寻求 争取 请求 seek for/after sb/sth sth from sb one's fortune 寻找发财的机会 外出闯荡 to do (try)设法/试图做什么 The company sought to improve productivity. (生产效率) If you want __________success ,you must work hard. You can________ help from help from your teacher when getting into trouble. 6.earn v.挣得 赢得 赚得 earn a/one'living (make)/one'bread 谋生 one'own living 自食其力 money/one'respect/reputation/a fortune挣大钱 earnings n.收入 earner n.赚钱的人 In the past,people mainly spent time_______(earn)a living and seldom did they have the opportunities to travel abroad. select v.精选 选择 be selected for the national team 入选国家队 be selected as the leader 被选为队长 select sb to do sb as ...from He was selected as the Best Teacher of the Year. election n.挑选 选择 (select/elect/choose/pick) 8.series n.一系列 连续 接连 (单复数同形) a series of 一系列 /连串/套 (stories/events/lectures) A series of wet days________(spoil)our holiday. (作主语谓语用单数) There____ (be) a series of strange objects in his room. 9.escape v.n.逃走 逃脱 避开 escape from a place/reality 逃跑 sth/doing/punishment 逃脱惩罚 death 死里逃生 have a narrow escape死里逃生 You are just trying from reality by drinking alcohol. We were lucky to escape ______________(catch) in the rain. Compared with the_________ driver,I am proud of what I did. 10.bring about 导致 引起(同cause/result in/contribute to) What ~the failure of the business 是什么原因造成了经营失败? Working with the medical team in Africa has brought out the best in her as a doctor. 使显现 bring in 引进 提出 bring down 减少 降低 击败 击垮 bring back 送回 恢复 使想起 bring up 抚养 提出 呕吐 11.settle v.定居 安家 解决 停留 settle down in a small town 过安定的生活 settle in(to) sth 习惯于 适应 settle the argument/differences/issue/quarrel 对比solve a problem/mystery/puzzle/difficulty(侧重给出答案) They agreed to settle out of court .庭外和解 settle sb down 使定下心来 /平静下来 settle (down) to sth 定下心来 开始认真对待 They finally settle a discussion of the main issues. settler n.殖民者 移民 settlement n.解决 处理 定居点 移民 开拓 协议 reach a settlement 达成协议 12.construction n.建造 建造物 (reconstruction) Under construction/repair/discussion/consideration/treatment/ observation 在...之中 highway~ 公路建设 Step5.Homework 请完成导与练相关词汇练习 (