Unit 1 science fiction period 5 reading for writing 课件+教案


名称 Unit 1 science fiction period 5 reading for writing 课件+教案
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-03-22 16:56:16


Unit 1 Science Fiction
Period 5 reading for writing 教学设计
课题 Unit 1 Period 5 reading for writing 单元 Unit 1 学科 English 年级 Grade 2
教材 分析 该部分活动主题是“写一则短篇科幻故事”(Write a sci-fi short story) 。时间旅行是科幻作品中常见的主题,也是人类对自由穿梭于过去、现在和未来,驾驭时空的向往。读写活动要求学生阅读《时间机器》(改编)后,就时间旅行展开想象,假设自己具备制造时间机器或时间旅行的能力,会对世界进行怎样的探索。本活动需要学生在理解、赏析科幻作品的基础上,抓住时间旅行主题,结合科幻小说的特征,写一则短篇科幻故事。整个活动需要学生大胆想象、关注细节描写,是对文学作品赏析、故事续编、思维创新等多方面能力的综合训练。
学习目标与核心素养 To know some famous science fiction writers. To read for the main idea of the passage. To discuss what you would do if you could time travel. To write a sci-fi short story.
重点 To read for the main idea of the passage and write a sci-fi short story.
难点 To write a sci-fi short story
教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
新课 Lead—in Have you read stories or watched films about time travelling what would do if you could time travel If I could time travel, I could see the results of my actions or other people's actions, and if the results were bad, I could travel back to the present time, too,and then take another course of action that had a better outcome. Pre-read 1.look at the picture, who is he He is H.G.Wells, a famous science fiction writer who wrote The Time Machine. 2..Look at the pictures on pages 9, What does the time machine look like How is it different from what you expected It looks like a chair. Read 1.Scan the story, find out how many times the Time Traveller started the machine. The Time Traveller started the machine twice. 2.Listen and read the text again and answer the questions. 1.How does the Time Traveller first know he has travelled through time He saw the clock move forwards. 2 How does the Time Traveller feel when travelling through time What rhetorical devices does the writer use to describe his feelings It felt strange and unpleasant. He uses the simile:“It felt like I was being driven fast on a winding road.” 3 Why is the Time Traveller worried about stopping the machine If he stopped and the same space was being occupied by something else,they would be forced together and explode like a bomb. 4 Where does the Time Machine arrive when the man finally stops it In some mud In the rain. Post-read Work in groups.Discuss what might happen next in the story.Use the following questions to help you and make brief notes.Then present your story to the class. ·What date do you think is when the The Traveler finally stops ·What do you think is different about that time from the time he left ·Who or what do you think the Time Traveller will meet ·What adventures do you think he will have in the future ·Do you think he will ever return to his own time Example The Time Traveller stops in the year 802701.The whole earth looks like a garden with beautiful,happy people called Eloi who play all the time, but this hides a horrible truth: there is a whole world of people called Morlocks who live underground in a dark, mechanised society who use the Eloi as a source of food.The Time Traveller meets an Eloi woman and falls in love with her.The Time Traveller and the Eloi woman are attacked by Morlocks.He is able to escape, but he loses contact with the woman and perhaps she is killed. The Morlocks then steal the Time Machine and use it as bait to capture and kill the Time Traveller.However, once he is in the Time Machine, he pulls the lever and begins to travel in time again an disable to make his escape.He travel s 30 million years into the future to see the sun cool and the earth turn into a lifeless planet.He then travels back to the time from where he started out, only to find that three hours have passed. Writing a sci-fi story Imagine and write your own story about a time machine you will invent,and your journey through time.Use the story and the guide below to help you. 1 Think about what your machine will look like. Is it a vehicle or a machine 2 How does your time machine work What do you have to do to make it work 3 What period in time do you want to travel to Think about interesting things and people you would like to see there. 4 Imagine what it might feel like to travel through time.Think of words to describe this and make your story as vivid as possible. 5 Include rhetorical devices in your story, like metaphors, sim les,over statements, etc. Sample I thought this summer vacation at Aunt Jenny's would go as interesting as watching paint dry. That was an old house, One hundred years ago it was often filled with people coming to stay for the summer—it was such large, grand house that there would be thirty or forty guests at a time, and the host—my great grandfather was widely thought of as the smartest, funniest man of his age, so many people would come from all over the world to see him . But that was all in the past.Now the only person who lived here was Aunt Jenny, who lived in one small part of the house and kept the rest closed up. Then I caught the sun shining in my eyes from a tall mirror in the hallway. “How pretty!It must be a hundred years old. If only I could go back and see my great grandfather!” I said, cleaning the dirt off the mirror with my hand. Suddenly, the shiny mirror became a sea inside it.The world began to spin, and I felt confused. Then, just like that, everything stopped. I looked around, and there I was with the mirror and in the same hall, but things were different , The family photos on the wall were now replaced by paintings of people I did not recognize. The furniture all looked new but old fashioned at the same time.“I must be one hundred years into the past!” I thought to myself. Then a woman wearing old-fashioned clothing came down the hall. Drawing near, she frowned and said, “Oh, that won't do! The party starts in twenty minutes and you are still in casual clothes!What You didn't bring anything I've got a lovely dress I think it will just fit.” She led me away to her room and helped me get dressed like I was an old friend, and then together we went down to the parlour, which was filled with people dressed in fine clothes gathering around my great grandfather, listening to every word he said. I spent the summer there, pretending to be a distant cousin from the city who was there on holiday. No one seemed to mind or care, as my great grandfather was quite wealthy and always had lots of guests. I tried to spend as much time as possible with my great grandfather and his friends, and it was the most wonderful time of my life. Then when the end of summer drew near, I went back to the mirror and rubbed it with my hand again.I found myself back in the same hall, but in modern time. Not a minute had passed. Then I realized that I still had a full summer ahead at boring Aunt Jenny's. “Now what am I going to do ” I asked myself. Writing Notes : 科幻故事写作属于想象性作文。要求创造出从未接触甚至根本不存在的新形象。允许自由想象、自主发挥的空间较大, 因此需要灵活的思维和丰富的想象力。科幻类作文包括两个主要因素:科学、幻想。科学既要有科学依据,要遵循科学原理。幻想是指对现实中不可能或者目前不可能发生的事情的奇特想象。因此在写作时要注意:可以有新奇大胆的想象但要有一定的科学知识作基础,要科学幻想而不是胡思乱想。可以从自己的生活出发进行幻想,寻找题材,可以就如何解决现实或者未来世界中会出现的问题进行合理想象。 主要步骤 一、确定主题 把生活中碰到的、电视上或书上看到的各种科幻形象特点揉合,充分发挥想象力,创造一个生动的角色,确定作文的主题。 二、构思情节 情节内容的设定要新奇,吸引人。充分发挥想象力,在科学基础上合理想象。比如写未来生活中的机器人,可以写外貌特征、功能,也可以写机器人的思想情感等。 After-class Exchange your draft with your partner and revise the draft using your partner’s comments. Share your story with the rest of the class. Talk about time travel. The students read the text carefully. The students discuss the questions. Students write a continuation to the story. write a science fiction short story To arouse students’ interest in the class. To read a passage for details To help students gather ideas for the writing write a science fiction short story using what students have learnt thus far. Help students to learn from each other and get advice for improving their work.
Languages points 1.Pace 1) n.速度;步伐;节奏;(跑或走的)一步 教材原句P8 As my pace grew faster, the walls of the laboratory fell away, and I was left in the open air.随着我的脚步加快,实验室的墙壁突然消失了,我就被暴露在空气之中。 常用搭配 at a steady/gentle pace 以稳定的/徐缓的速度 at one's own pace 按照某人自己的节奏 keep pace with sth/sb 与某物/某人并驾齐驱, 步调一致 set the pace 确定速度;领先 2) vt.&vi.确定速度;调整节奏;以脚步丈量 The director paced out the length of the stage.那位导演步测了舞台的长度。 常用搭配 pace up and down踱来踱去 2.turn out 关掉;熄灭;在场;使朝外;结果是 教材原句P8 Night came as if a lamp was being turned out, and in another moment came the day.黑夜来临了, 仿佛一盏灯被熄灭了,转瞬之间,白天来临了 常见用法 3. turnout(to be) ...最后结果是……;最终成 为…… It turns/turned out that...结果是……;证明是…… Things turned out to be exactly as the professor had foreseen. 事情最终正如这位教授所预见的那样。 It turns out that he is innocent.=He tums out to be innocent.结果表明他是无辜的。 联想拓展含有turn的其他常用短语 tum against(使) 反对; (使) 与……反目 turn away拒绝; 把……打发走 turn down调低; 拒绝 turn up调高; 出现 tum in上交; 交还 turn on打开turn off关闭 turn to转向; 翻到; 求助于; (使) 变成 turn over翻页; (使) 翻转; 移交 How could you turn down such a fantastic job when you have been out of work for months 你已经失业好几个月了,怎么能拒绝这么好的工作呢 4. urge 1) n. 强烈的欲望;冲动 教材原句 P8 I had a strong urge to look at the random things that were being flashed before my eyes!我有一种强烈的冲 动去看那些随机在我眼前闪过的东西! an urge for success成功的欲望 have an urge to do sth有做某事的冲动 was afraid of the boy and I had an urge to run away from him.我害怕那个男孩, 我很想跑开。 2) vt. 催促;力劝;大力推荐 常见用法: urge sb to dos th力劝某人做某事 urge sth on/upon sb强烈要求某人某事 urge that...竭力主张……(从句用虚拟语气, 即从句谓 语用“should+动词原形”形式, should可省略) It is/was urged that...坚决主张……(从句用虚拟语气, 即从句谓语用“should+动词原形”形式,should可省略) He urged that a referendum should be held by December. 他极力主张12月之前举行一次全民投票。 联想钢①urgent adj.紧急的; 急迫的 in urgent need of...急需…… ②urgency n.紧急; 急迫 a matter of great urgency极为迫切的问题 5. division 1) n.分开;分隔;差异;除(法) 教材原句 The sun and moon looked as if they were being thrown across the sky, but soon there was division between night and day.太阳和月亮看起来好像被抛起来划过了天空,但很快就有了昼与夜的分隔。 2) vi.&vt. 把……隔开;分配;分享 常见用法: divide...into...把……分成…… divide(up) sth among/between...在……之间分配/分 享某物 The country can be divided into three main areas.该国 可以被分为三个主要地区。 As the work can be divided among several people, it can be done efficiently.因为这项工作可以由几个人分担. Exercise 1.这份报告呼吁应教会所有的儿童游泳。 The report ________that all children ____________________________. 2.他大步走开了, 她发觉很难跟上他的步伐。 She found _____hard __________________________him as he strode off. 3.我们一直期待的晚会结果让人很失望。 The party we had been looking forward to ____________________________. 4.该国可以被分为三个主要地区。 The country can ______________________. The students learn how to use the key words. To grasp the usage of the key words.
21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
Period 5 Reading for writing
Unit 1 Science Fiction
Have you read stories or watched films about time travelling
what would do if you could time travel
If I could time travel, I could see the results of my actions or other people's actions, and if the results were bad, I could travel back to the present time, too, and then take another course of action that had a better outcome.
Look at the portrait , Who is he
Skim the title and predict the plot
He is H.G.Wells, a famous science fiction writer who wrote The Time Machine.
Skim the title and predict the plot
the starting lever
the leather seat
The main panel
Look at the pictures on pages 9. What does the time machine look like How is it different from what you expected
It looks like a chair.
Scan the story, find out how many times the Time Traveller started the machine.
I pushed the
starting lever on
the main panel forwards an inch then immediately
backwards again.
l drew a breath, gripped the lever and pushed it forwards.
I pushed the lever further.
Like an impatient tool, I pulled the lever
backhards hard.
The Time Traveller started the machine twice.
Para 1
Para 2
Para 2
Para 4
Listen and read the story carefully and answer the questions.
1. How does the Time Traveller feel when travelling through time
He saw the clock move forwards.
Then I saw the clock. A moment before, it was a minute or so past ten; now it was nearly half past three!
Then I saw the clock. A moment before, it was a minute or so past ten; now it was nearly half past three!
It felt strange and unpleasant.
The writer uses overstatements
2. How does the Time Traveller feel when travelling through time What rhetorical devices does the writer use to describe his feelings.
It is hard to explain the strange and unpleasant feeling of time / I calculated that I was being pushed through time at hundreds of years a minute.
3. Why is the Time Traveller worried about stopping the machine
But if I stopped and the same space was being occupied by something else,we would be forced together and explode like a bomb!
He had thought about the risk of stopping the Time Machine.
He was in the rain in some mud next to the machine.
4. Where does the Time Machine arrive when the man finally stops it
I was sitting in the rain in some mud next to the machine.
Post -reading
Time Travel
When he finally stops
Who or what he will meet
What adventures
he will have
Will he return to his own time
Work in groups. Discuss what might happen next in the story. Use the following questions to help you and make brief notes.Then present your story to the class.
Clue from the film
The Time Traveller stops in the year 802701.The whole earth looks like a garden with beautiful, happy people called Eloi who play all the time, but this hides a horrible truth: there is a whole world of people called Morlocks who live underground in a dark, mechanised society who use the Eloi as a source of food.The Time Traveller meets an Eloi woman and falls in love with her.The Time Traveller and the Eloi woman are attacked by Morlocks. He is able to escape, but he loses contact with the woman and perhaps she is killed.
The Morlocks then steal the Time Machine and use it as bait to capture and
kill the Time Traveller. However, once he is in the Time Machine, he pulls the lever and begins to travel in time again and is able to make his escape. He travels 30 million years into the future to see the sun cool and the earth turn into a lifeless planet. He then travels back to the time from where he started out, only to find that three hours have passed.
Think about what your machine will look like. Is it a vehicle or a machine
5 Imagine and write your own story about a time machine you will invent, and your journey through time.Use the story and the guide below to help you.
How does your time machine work
What do you have to do to make it work
What period in time do you want to travel to Think about interesting things and people you would like to see there.
Imagine what it might feel like to travel through time.Think of words to describe this and make your story as vivid as possible.
Include rhetorical devices in your story, like metaphors, similes, overstatements, etc.
I thought this summer vacation at Aunt Jenny's would go as interesting as watching paint dry. That was an old house, One hundred years ago it was often filled with people coming to stay for the summer—it was such large, grand house that there would be thirty or forty guests at a time, and the host—my great grandfather was widely thought of as the smartest, funniest man of his age, so many people would come from all over the world to see him . But that was all in the past.Now the only person who lived here was Aunt Jenny, who lived in one small part of the house and kept the rest closed up.
Then I caught the sun shining in my eyes from a tall mirror in the hallway. “How pretty!It must be a hundred years old. If only I could go back and see my great grandfather!” I said, cleaning the dirt off the mirror with my hand. Suddenly, the shiny mirror became a sea inside it.The world began to spin, and I felt confused. Then, just like that, everything stopped. I looked around, and there I was with the mirror and in the same hall, but things were different , The family photos on the wall were now replaced by paintings of people I did not recognize.
The furniture all looked new but old fashioned at the same time.“I must be one hundred years into the past!” I thought to myself. Then a woman wearing old-fashioned clothing came down the hall. Drawing near, she frowned and said, “Oh, that won't do! The party starts in twenty minutes and you are still in casual clothes!What You didn't bring anything I've got a lovely dress I think it will just fit.” She led me away to her room and helped me get dressed like I was an old friend, and then together we went down to the parlour, which was filled with people dressed in fine clothes gathering around my great grandfather, listening to every word he said.
I spent the summer there, pretending to be a distant cousin from the city who was there on holiday. No one seemed to mind or care, as my great grandfather was quite wealthy and always had lots of guests. I tried to spend as much time as possible with my great grandfather and his friends, and it was the most wonderful time of my life. Then when the end of summer drew near, I went back to the mirror and rubbed it with my hand again.I found myself back in the same hall, but in modern time. Not a minute had passed. Then I realized that I still had a full summer ahead at boring Aunt Jenny's. “Now what am I going to do ” I asked myself.
科幻故事写作属于想象性作文。要求创造出从未接触甚至根本不存在的新形象。允许自由想象、自主发挥的空间较大, 因此需要灵活的思维和丰富的想象力。科幻类作文包括两个主要因素:科学、幻想。科学既要有科学依据,要遵循科学原理。幻想是指对现实中不可能或者目前不可能发生的事情的奇特想象。因此在写作时要注意:可以有新奇大胆的想象但要有一定的科学知识作基础,要科学幻想而不是胡思乱想。可以从自己的生活出发进行幻想,寻找题材,可以就如何解决现实或者未来世界中会出现的问题进行合理想象。
Writing Notes :
Writing Notes :
Exchange your draft with a partner and revise the draft using your partner's comments.
Share your story with the rest of the class.
Language points
1. pace 1) n.速度;步伐;节奏;(跑或走的)一步
As my pace grew faster, the walls of the laboratory fell away, and I was left in the open air.随着我的脚步加快,实验室的墙壁突然消失了,我就被暴露在空气之中。
常用搭配:at a steady/gentle pace 以稳定的/徐缓的速度
at one's own pace 按照某人自己的节奏
keep pace with sth/sb 与某物/某人并驾齐驱, 步调一致
set the pace 确定速度;领先
2) vt.&vi.确定速度;调整节奏;以脚步丈量
The director paced out the length of the stage.那位导演步测了舞台的长度。
pace up and down踱来踱去
Language points
2. turn out 关掉;熄灭;在场;使朝外;结果是
Night came as if a lamp was being turned out, and in another moment came the day.黑夜来临了, 仿佛一盏灯被熄灭了,转瞬之间,白天来临了
turn out(to be) ...最后结果是……;最终成 为……
It turns/turned out that...结果是……;证明是……
Things turned out to be exactly as the professor had foreseen. 事情最终正如这位教授所预见的那样。
It turns out that he is innocent.=He turns out to be innocent.结果表明他是无辜的。
Language points
turn against(使) 反对; (使) 与……反目
turn away拒绝; 把……打发走
turn down调低; 拒绝
turn up调高; 出现
turn in上交; 交还
turn on打开turn off关闭
turn to转向; 翻到; 求助于; (使) 变成
turn over翻页; (使) 翻转; 移交
3.urge 1) n. 强烈的欲望;冲动
I had a strong urge to look at the random things that were being flashed before my eyes!我有一种强烈的冲动去看那些随机在我眼前闪过的东西!
常见用法:an urge for success成功的欲望
have an urge to do sth有做某事的冲动
2) vt. 催促;力劝;大力推荐
常见用法: urge sb to do sth力劝某人做某事
urge sth on/upon sb强烈要求某人某事
urge that... 竭力主张……
It is/was urged that...坚决主张……
(从句用虚拟语气,即从句谓语用“should+动词原形”形式, shoud可省略)
Language points
拓展:adj: urgent adj.紧急的; 急迫的
in urgent need of...急需……
n. urgency n.紧急; 急迫
a matter of great urgency 极为迫切的问题
Language points
4. division n.分开;分隔;差异;除(法)
The sun and moon looked as if they were being thrown across the sky, but soon there was division between night and day.太阳和月亮看起来好像被抛起来划过了天空,但很快就有了昼与夜的分隔
divide vi.&vt. 把……隔开;分配;分享
divide(up) sth among/between...在……之间分配/分
Language points
The report ________that all children ____________________________.
2.他大步走开了, 她发觉很难跟上他的步伐。
She found _____hard __________________________him as he strode off.
The party we had been looking forward to ____________________________.
The country can ______________________________.
be divided into three main areas
turned out to be a great disappointment.
to keep pace with
(should)be taught to swim.
Do the exercises on
Page 64 of Workbook.