Module 6 Unit 2 Let's have fun this Saturday! 教案


名称 Module 6 Unit 2 Let's have fun this Saturday! 教案
格式 doc
文件大小 1.1MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 外研版(一年级起点)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-03-26 21:47:06



四年级下册M6U2 Let’s have fun this Saturday!教学设计
1、 教材分析
本课主要学习内容是用Let’s 句型,以信的形式明计划或打算,出现了一般现在时的多种结构,强化英语动词的时态概念。文中出现的表示方向的east/west和表示时间的o’clock都为后继的学习做了捕垫。
2、 学情分析
四年级学生处于知识积累和运用的关键时期,对于let’s \can\will都不陌生,但是缺少知识的归纳和整合。学生有一定的总结能力,需要在教师的帮助下引导学生去观察和发现。
3、 教学目标
a. 语言知识目标
句型:Let’s have fun this Saturday!
单词和词组:east,west,o’clock,in the east of ...,in the west of ...
b. 语言技能目标
c. 情感态度目标
4、 教学重点
目标语句:Let’s have fun this Saturday!
单词和词组:east,west,o’clock,in the east of ...,in the west of ...
5、 教学难点
6、 教学流程
Ⅰ. Warm-up
Greeting:Good morning, boys and girls!
First let’s listen to a song,then answer :what did you hear
Quick eyes :who can say the words quickly
T:Today is May 27th,what day is it today Ss:Monday.(PPT)
T:This Saturday is June 1st,what day is it (PPT)
Ss:Children’s Day.
T:Let’s have fun this Saturday!OK
T:So today let’s learnM6U2Let’s have fun this Saturday!
Read the title together:Let’s have fun this Saturday!
Ⅱ. Task presentation
屏幕出示课题M6U1 Let’s have fun this Saturday!
Let’s=Let us+动原(让我们)
出示活动一图片T:Look,there are four sheep.They’re our friends.
What are they talking about What do they suggest(建议)
Let’s watch.发现文中出现最多的词是let’s让我们…,表示建议
Let's play the piano!
Let's paint a picture!
Let's do some sports!
If they want to do all the things,they should say:
Ss :Let's do them all!
What do we suggest(建议) this Saturday
Let’s play hide and seek.
Let’s watch TV .
Let’s play basketball.
Let’s go swimming.
Let’s play football.
Let’s fly a kite.
Let’s sing .
Let’s dance.
Look and guess(PPT呈现图片少部分,学生根据图片的边框猜测)
继续操练Let’s 句型,巩固动词词组 play football /watch TV/read a book/
listen to music /have a picnic
Exercise:listen and number.
学习目的 :拓展学生的思维,为安排自己的周末活动做铺垫。
III. Text Learning课文教学
1.出示四个小朋友的图片,Who are they Lingling ,Amy,Daming,Sam.
T:What do they say ------Ss:Let's have fun this Saturday!
屏幕出示have fun 过得开心
Watch the cartoon , let’s see what they do
Listen and underline the sentences with “Let’s”. 听音,划出含有“Let’s”的句子。(1).Let’s have fun this Saturday. (2).Let’s meet there.
Work in pairs and find out the answers.
(1).Where is the park
(2).What can they do in the park
(3).What time will they meet
在学生回答问题1的时候,教师板书画出Park,what do you think are in the park 教师随着学生的回答将Park画完。
What can they do in the east of the park S:They can play football in the east of the park.
What can they do in the west of the park S:They can fly a kite in the west of the park.
在此过程中依次出示单词:east,west。教师肢体语言教这两个词:教师指西,学生说west;教师指东,学生说east。(1)师生共同边说边做动作;(2)师说生做;(3)师做生说。 教师邀请学生根据课文板贴单词和图片Football,kite。
学生观察PPT出示的钟的图片,齐答问题3:They will meet at 10 o'clock.
3. Write a letter写一封简单的信.向你的朋友或家人写你的本周末建议。
East or west, home is the best.
East or west ,China is the best.
Sing a song for our motherland.