Unit 3 Environmental protection Period 3 Discover useful structures课件+教案


名称 Unit 3 Environmental protection Period 3 Discover useful structures课件+教案
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-03-30 10:40:19


Period 3 Discover useful structures
Unit 3 Environmental protection
Lead in
Look at the sentences and discuss the differences between each pair.
The expert said,"From the position of its dead body, the bear appeared to have
starved and died.”
The expert said that from the position of its dead body, the bear appeared to have starved and died.
Lead in
Look at the sentences and discuss the differences between each pair.
The reporter asked,"Will polar bears die out because of climate change "
The reporter asked whether polar bears would die out because of climate change.
Lead in
Look at the sentences and discuss the differences between each pair.
The reporter asked, "How can we save polar bears from extinction ”
The reporter asked how we could save polar bears from extinction.
Lead in
Look at the sentences and discuss the differences between each pair.
“Let's work together to stop climate change, ”the expert said.
The expert advised us to work together to stop climate change
Task 1
Fill in the blanks and summarise the rules for changing direct speech into indirect speech.
1.“I don't want to set down a series of facts in a diary,” said Anne.
Anne said that she to set down a series of facts in a diary.
2.The boy said, “I’m using a knife.”
The boy said that he a knife.
3.They said, "We saw her in the street.”
They said that they her in the street.
didn't want
was using
had seen
直接引语向间接引语进行转化时,首先变化的是时态。通常是将宾语之中 的时态往后推一个时态,比如:一般现在时变为一般过去时,现在进行时变为过去进行时,一般过去时变为过去完成时。
1.She said, “Did you see him last night ”
She asked me whether ____ had seen him the night before.
2.“What do you want ” he asked me.
He asked me what _____ wanted.
3.He said, “These books are mine.”
He said that ______ books were _____.
Task 1
Fill in the blanks and summarise the rules for changing direct speech into indirect speech.
直接引语向间接引语的转换过程中有时候还会出现代词的变化,例如:指示代词this变为 that ; these变为those。物主代词以及人称代词也需要根据具体情况进行相应的改变。
Task 1
Fill in the blanks and summarise the rules for changing direct speech into indirect speech.
1.“I have lived here for two years,” she said .
She said that she had lived for two years.
主要涉及的地点状语是here和there。直接引语变间接引语时,here变为there。如果已经是 there,则不变。
Task 1
Fill in the blanks and summarise the rules for changing direct speech into indirect speech.
1.She said, "It is nine o'clock now."
She said that it was nine o'clock .
2.Bob said, "My sister was here three days ago.”
Bob said that his sister had been there three days ____________.
3.She said, “I went there yesterday."
She said that she had gone there _________________.
the day before
now — then, today — that day, tonight — that night, tomorrow — the next day, yesterday — the day before, this week (month, year ...) 一 that week (month, year ...), last week (month, year ...) —the week (month, year ...) before, next week (month, year ...) — the next/following week (month, year ...), two days (weeks, months, years ...) ago — two days (weeks, months, years ...) before, so far — by then
1.The lawyer said, "I will come this morning. "The lawyer said that she would _____that morning.
Task 1
Fill in the blanks and summarise the rules for changing direct speech into indirect speech.
一般来说,come变为go, bring变为take,但不是必须的,要分场合分地点。如果场合和地 点没有发生变化,也可以不变。
1.“Is everybody here ” The teacher asked. The teacher asked if/whether _____________ there.
2.The teacher asked, “Where have you been "
The teacher asked me where _________ been.
I had
everybody was
Task 1
Fill in the blanks and summarise the rules for changing direct speech into indirect speech.
一般疑问句和特殊疑问句的间接引语一般要用陈述句的语序。一般疑问句添加if/whether后 使用陈述语序,特殊疑问句则在疑问词后使用陈述语序。
Task 2
Match each word with each meaning.
A.of or pertaining to classified information or matters affecting national security
B.as the agent of or on someone's part
C.an area of tropical forest where trees and plants grow very thickly
D.using, producing or resulting from nuclear energy
Task 3
Here are some statements and questions by children who attended scientific lectures. Guess who they were talking to and then change the sentences into indirect speech.
Name Statements/Questions
Diane Diane asked __________________________________________ .
Diane asked____________________________________________
Martha Martha said/told me ___________________________________
Martha said/told me ___________________________________
what had made Hurricane Katrina unusual
if/whether it had been the worst natural disaster in American history
that she wanted to become a scientist and help the world
that she was doing a project on behalf of her school about global warming
Task 3
Here are some statements and questions by children who attended scientific lectures. Guess who they were talking to and then change the sentences into indirect speech.
Name Statements/Questions
Bob Bob asked ___________________________________________.
Bob asked _____________________________________________
Laura Laura asked ____________________________________________
Laura asked ________________________________________.
Vincent Vincent said/told me______________________________________. Vincent asked___________________________________________
why nuclear power was such a sensitive topic
if/whether they could explain how the nuclear disaster had happened.
how many animals had disappeared because of human hunting.
what we could do to help wild animals
that he had never been to the Amazon Jungle
if/whether scientists would discover new species there
Task 4
Work in groups.Do a survey on what your group members are doing to help the environment and what else they can do. Then report to the class.
Michelle I always use my cloth bag when I go shopping,rather than use plastic bags.
Jack I often wlk or ride a bike instead of taking a taxi.
Sally Don't print out documents unless really necessary.
Joe Would it be best to share books with others
Task 4
I asked my group members what they did to limit the amount of carbon dioxide produced in their daily lives. Jack told me that he often walked or rode a bike instead of taking a taxi. Joe advises us to share books with others. Sally asked us
Work in groups.Do a survey on what your group members are doing to help the environment and what else they can do. Then report to the class.
not to print out documents unless really necessary.Michelle said that she always used her cloth bag when she went shopping,
rather than use plastic bags.
Task 5
I heard over the radio that...
The reporter said that...
It was announced that...
The authorities warned that...
The expert advised that...
The researchers estimated that...
The company claimed that...
The police confirmed that...
Work in pairs.Report a piece of news that you heard today to your partner .The following expressions may help you.
Task 6
I heard over the radio that we could recycle old clothes at the local school. The reporter said that many people had attended the meeting about local environmental issues.
It was announced that a charge for plastic bags would be introduced next year.The authorities warned that there would be strict fines on anyone breaking the new environmental laws. The expert advised that action would be necessary in the next 12 years to stop global temperatures rising too much.
Show time
Task 6
The researchers estimated that the glacier had decreased in size since last year.
The company claimed that they had cut their factory s emissions by over 50%.The police confirmed that the gang had been responsible for the illegal waste dumping.
Show time
Language points
1.sensitive 考查热度★★
【热点品味】sensitive adj. 敏感的;善解人意的; 灵敏的
Why is nuclear power a sensitive topic
He is a sensitive friend of mine.他是我的一个善解人意的朋友。
Compared with adults, children are more sensitive to others’ feelings.
be sensitive to 对……敏感
sensitively adv. 敏感地;易感知地
Language points
【考点精练】 单句语法填空
①It is obvious that she is very sensitive _____ what you said.
②Compared with his sister, Jerry is even ________________ (sensitive) to emotional and relationship problems.
③Donna _______________ strong smells.唐娜对强烈的气味很敏感。
④Some plants ___________________ pollution that they can only survive in a perfectly clean environment.有些植物对污染如此敏感,以至于它们只能在非常干净的环境里生存下去。
is sensitive to  
more sensitive 
are so sensitive to  
Language points
2.on behalf of 考查热度★★★
【热点品味】on behalf of 代表;(代替)某人
I'm doing a project on behalf of my school about global warming. 我代表学校做一个关于全球变暖的项目。
Please accept my apology on behalf of the hotel.
They presented the Queen with a bouquet on behalf of the women students.她们代表女学生向女王献花。
on behalf of sb. /on sb. ’s behalf
in behalf of sb. /in sb. ’s behalf 为帮助某人
Language points
【考点精练】 单句语法填空
①I’m glad to put on a performance here on behalf _____ our school.
②Don’t trouble to do it on ______ (we) behalf.
1.He said,“My brother doesn’t want to go there. ”
He told me __________ brother ________ want to go there.
2.He said to me, “Did you see him last night?”
He asked me whether I had seen him __________________.
3.Mary said to me,“I’ll come again tomorrow. ”
Mary _______ me that ___________ come again _____________ ______________.
that his
the night before
she would
the next /following day
4.“Can you swim, John?” he asked.
He asked John ____________________ swim.
5.“Will Peter play basketball?”I wanted to know.
I wanted to know _____________ Peter ____________ basketball.
6.“Who has been to Beijing?” the teacher asked.
The teacher asked _________ been to Beijing.
7.“Come here, Tom,” Lucy asked Tom.
Lucy asked Tom ____________.
if/whether he could
would play
who had
to go there
8.“The earth goes around the sun,” the scientist said.
The scientist said _______ the earth _______ around the sun.
9.The teacher said to me, “Don’t be late again. ”
The teacher advised _____________________.
10.Peter said,“ What a fine day it is!”
Peter said ____________________. /Peter said ___________________.
me not to be late again
what a fine day it was
how fine the day was 
1.I asked him __________ he would stay at home or go out for hiking.
2.—Sorry, what did you say just now
—I asked ______ I could get to the station.
3.The actor said he ______ (be) born in 1984.
4.She asked me_____________ I had returned the books to the library, and I admitted that I hadn’t.
5.Yesterday he told me that he had met his uncle two years _________ (ago).
6.He told us he ______________ (attend) a concert three days _________ (ago).
7.The teacher said that practice ________ (make) perfect.
8.—Who called just now, Sam
—It’s Terry. He asked if Alice ______ (be) in.
9.—What did the teacher say
—He told me not ___________ (late) again.
10.The teacher requested us not _________ so much noise.
had attend
to be late
to make
Do Exercises on P76
of Workbook .
Unit 3 Environmental protection
Period 3 Discover useful structures 教学设计
课题 Period 3 Discover useful structures 单元 Unit 3 Environmental protection 学科 English 年级 Grade 2
教材分析 The target structures of this unit are direct and indirect speech. Generally speaking, the main points of transformation between the two include tense change, pronoun change, adverbial change of place, time adverbial change, directional verb change and word order change. The difficulty of conversion between direct speech and indirect speech lies in that there are many key points to consider, and students often make mistakes due to incomplete consideration. Therefore, it is very important to strengthen training and master the key points of conversion between the two.
教学目标与核心素养 Knowledge objectives: To grasp direct and indirect speech and master the key points of conversion between the two.Skill objectives: To grasp the main points of transformation between the two include tense change, pronoun change, adverbial change of place, time adverbial change, directional verb change and word order change. Emotional objectives: It has aroused students' interest and enhanced their awareness of environmental protection, which echoes the measures of "strengthening public education on environmental protection" advocated in the main reading text of this unit..Thinking quality objectives: Students gradually realize the transfer and leap from learning language to using language.
重点 How to summarize the functions of direct and indirect speech.
难点 How to master the key points of conversion between the two.
教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
导入新课 Lead –in (PPT1-5)Look at the sentences and discuss the differences between each pair.1.The expert said,"From the position of its dead body, the bear appeared to have starved and died.”The expert said that from the position of its dead body, the bear appeared to have starved and died.标点符号变化2.The reporter asked,"Will polar bears die out because of climate change "The reporter asked whether polar bears would die out because of climate change. 连词,时态,语序变化3.The reporter asked, "How can we save polar bears from extinction ”The reporter asked how we could save polar bears from extinction.时态,语序变化4.“Let's work together to stop climate change, ”the expert said.The expert advised us to work together to stop climate change动词变化 Guide students to compare and analyse the sentences. To prepare for the grammar items.
讲授新课 Task1. Fill in the blanks and summarise the rules for changing direct speech into indirect speech.(PPT 6-11)第一组:1.“I don't want to set down a series of facts in a diary,” said Anne.Anne said that she to set down a series of facts in a diary. 2.The boy said, “I’m using a knife.”The boy said that he a knife.3.They said, "We saw her in the street.”They said that they her in the street.Answers:didn’t want;was using;had been1.时态的变化直接引语向间接引语进行转化时,首先变化的是时态。通常是将宾语之中 的时态往后推一个时态,比如:一般现在时变为一般过去时,现在进行时变为过去进行时,一般过去时变为过去完成时。第二组:1.She said, “Did you see him last night ”She asked me whether ____ had seen him the night before. 2.“What do you want ” he asked me.He asked me what _____ wanted.3.He said, “These books are mine.” He said that ______ books are ____.Answers:I;I;those;his2.代词的变化直接引语向间接引语的转换过程中有时候还会出现代词的变化,例如:指示代词this变为 that ; these变为those。物主代词以及人称代词也需要根据具体情况进行相应的改变。第三组:1.“I have lived here for two years,” she said . She said that she had lived for two years.Answers:there3.地点状语的变化主要涉及的地点状语是here和there。直接引语变间接引语时,here变为there。如果已经是 there,则不变。第四组:1.She said, "It is nine o'clock now." She said that it was nine o'clock .2.Bob said, "My sister was here three days ago.”Bob said that his sister had been there three days ________.3.She said, “I went there yesterday." She said that she had gone there _________________.Answers:then;before/earlier;the day before4.时间状语的变化now — then, today — that day, tonight — that night, tomorrow — the next day, yesterday — the day before, this week (month, year ...) 一 that week (month, year ...), last week (month, year ...) —the week (month, year ...) before, next week (month, year ...) — the next/following week (month, year ...), two days (weeks, months, years ...) ago — two days (weeks, months, years ...) before, so far — by then第五组:1.The lawyer said, "I will come this morning. "The lawyer said that she would _____that morning.Answers:go5.方向性动词的变化一般来说,come变为go, bring变为take,但不是必须的,要分场合分地点。如果场合和地 点没有发生变化,也可以不变。第六组:1.“Is everybody here ” The teacher asked. The teacher asked if/whether _____________ there.2.The teacher asked, “Where have you been " The teacher asked me where ___________ been.Answers:everyone was;I had6.语序的变化一般疑问句和特殊疑问句的间接引语一般要用陈述句的语序。一般疑问句添加if/whether后 使用陈述语序,特殊疑问句则在疑问词后使用陈述语序。Task 2 Match each word with each meaning.(PPT12)Task 3. Here are some statements and questions by children who attended scientific lectures. Guess who they were talking to and then change the sentences into indirect speech.(PPT13-14)NameStatements/QuestionsDianeDiane asked what had made Hurricane Katrina unusual.Diane asked if/whether it had been the worst natural disaster in American history.MarthaMartha said/told me that she wanted to become a scientist and help the world. Martha said/told me that she was doing a project on behalf of her school about global warming.BobBob asked why nuclear power was such a sensitive topic.Bob asked if/whether they could explain how the nuclear disaster had happened.LauraLaura asked how many animals had disappeared because of human hunting. Laura asked what we could do to help wild animals.VincentVincent said/told me that he had never been to the Amazon Jungle. Vincent asked if/whether scientists would discover new species there.Task 4.Work in groups.Do a survey on what your group members are doing to help the environment and what else they can do. Then report to the class.(PPT15-16) I asked my group members what they did to limit the amount of carbon dioxide produced in their daily lives. Jack told me that he often walked or rode a bike instead of taking a taxi. Joe advises us to share books with others. Sally asked us... Answers:not to print out documents unless really necessary.Michelle said that she always used her cloth bag when she went shopping, rather than use plastic bags.Task 5 Work in pairs.Report a piece of news that you heard today to your partner .The following expressions may help you.(PPT 17) I heard over the radio that... The reporter said that... It was announced that... The authorities warned that... The expert advised that... The researchers estimated that... The company claimed that... The police confirmed that...Task 6. Show time.(PPT 18-19) I heard over the radio that we could recycle old clothes at the local school. The reporter said that many people had attended the meeting about local environmental issues. It was announced that a charge for plastic bags would be introduced next year.The authorities warned that there would be strict fines on anyone breaking the new environmental laws. The expert advised that action would be necessary in the next 12 years to stop global temperatures rising too much. The researchers estimated that the glacier had decreased in size since last year. The company claimed that they had cut their factory s emissions by over 50%.The police confirmed that the gang had been responsible for the illegal waste dumping.PPT20-23Language Points:1.sensitive 考查热度★★【热点品味】sensitive adj. 敏感的;善解人意的; 灵敏的【教材原句】 Why is nuclear power a sensitive topic 为什么核能是一个敏感话题?【实例品读】 He is a sensitive friend of mine.他是我的一个善解人意的朋友。Compared with adults, children are more sensitive to others’ feelings.与成人相比,孩子们对别人的感情更敏感。【热点归纳】be sensitive to 对……敏感sensitively adv. 敏感地;易感知地【考点精练】 单句语法填空①It is obvious that she is very sensitive _____ what you said.②Compared with his sister, Jerry is even ________________ (sensitive) to emotional and relationship problems.完成句子③Donna _______________ strong smells.唐娜对强烈的气味很敏感。④Some plants ___________________ pollution that they can only survive in a perfectly clean environment.有些植物对污染如此敏感,以至于它们只能在非常干净的环境里生存下去。Answers:to;more sensitive;is sensitive to;are sensitive to  on behalf of 考查热度★★★【热点品味】on behalf of 代表;(代替)某人【教材原句】 I'm doing a project on behalf of my school about global warming. 我代表学校做一个关于全球变暖的项目。【实例品读】 Please accept my apology on behalf of the hotel.请接受我代表酒店向您道歉。They presented the Queen with a bouquet on behalf of the women students.她们代表女学生向女王献花。【热点归纳】 on behalf of sb. /on sb. ’s behalf 代表(或代替)某人;为帮助某人;因为某人;为了某人 in behalf of sb. /in sb. ’s behalf 为帮助某人【考点精练】 单句语法填空①I’m glad to put on a performance here on behalf _____ our school.②Don’t trouble to do it on ______ (we) behalf.Answers:of;ourPractice(PPT 25-28)变直接引语为间接引语1.He said,“My brother doesn’t want to go there. ”He told me __________ brother ________ want to go there.2.He said to me, “Did you see him last night?”He asked me whether I had seen him __________________.3.Mary said to me,“I’ll come again tomorrow. ”Mary _______ me that ___________ come again _____________ ______________.4.“Can you swim, John?” he asked.He asked John ____________________ swim.5.“Will Peter play basketball?”I wanted to know.I wanted to know _______ Peter ______ basketball.6.“Who has been to Beijing?” the teacher asked.The teacher asked _________ been to Beijing.7.“Come here, Tom,” Lucy asked Tom.Lucy asked Tom ____________.8.“The earth goes around the sun,” the scientist said.The scientist said _______ the earth _______ around the sun.9.The teacher said to me, “Don’t be late again. ”The teacher advised _____________________.10.Peter said,“ What a fine day it is!”Peter said ____________________. Peter said ___________________.Answers:1.that his;didn’t 2.the night beforetold;she would;the next /following day if/whether he could 5.whether/if;would play 6.who had 7.to go there 8.that;goes  9.me not to be late again 10.what a fine day it was;how fine the day was 单句语法填空 1.I asked him __________ he would stay at home or go out for hiking.2.—Sorry, what did you say just now —I asked ______ I could get to the station.3.The actor said he ______ (be) born in 1984.4.She asked me_____________ I had returned the books to the library, and I admitted that I hadn’t.5.Yesterday he told me that he had met his uncle two years _________ (ago). 6.He told us he ______________ (attend) a concert three days _________ (ago).7.The teacher said that practice ________ (make) perfect.8.—Who called just now, Sam —It’s Terry. He asked if Alice ______ (be) in.9.—What did the teacher say —He told me not ___________ (late) again.10.The teacher requested us not _________ so much noise. Answers:1.whether 2.howwas 4.whether/if 5.before 6.had attend;before 7.makes8.was  9.to be late 10.to make Fill in the blanks, summarize the regulations of each group. Teachers can guide students to draw conclusions.The teacher guides students to draw conclusions.Let Ss match them themselves.Students do it by themselves and check their answers one by one.Let students discuss and give the answers.Let students show them passages.Learn language points under the teacher’s guidance.Do the exercises by their own. To analyze the differences between the two expressions and draw a conclusion.To make a further analysis and get some grammar rules .To get the some detailed rules .To help students understand the sentences of Activity 2.To practise the grammar further.To further learn the grammar of this period .To practice more about the grammar.To learn to use to do or doing according to the context.To accumulate different grammar rules.To further understand the grammatical function .To improve the students’knowledge .Pay attention to the detailed sentences.To let them use the useful structures correctly.
课堂小结 Summary:1.Analyse the sentences and tell the differences.2.Guide students to draw the conclusions about the grammar of this period. 3.Learn the words and phrases of this period.Homework: Do the Exercises on P76 of Workbook . . 1. Comparing the sentences.2.Guidestudents to find out grammar skills.3.Learning and practising . 1.To discover grammar rules .2.To train students’ ability .
板书 Grammar:1.时态的变化2.代词的变化3.地点状语的变化4.时间状语的变化 5.方向性动词的变化6.语序的变化Language points:sensitive On behalf of
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