Unit 2 Iconic Attractions Period 3 Review useful structures 课件+教案


名称 Unit 2 Iconic Attractions Period 3 Review useful structures 课件+教案
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-04-02 10:10:39


Period 3 Review useful structures
Unit 2 Iconic Attractions
Lead in
In previous classes, we talked about Australia, now let’s watch a short video to have some insight into Australia thus knowing more about it.
Lead in
Australia is surrounded by the pacific and Indian oceans.
Rainforests and mountain ranges can be seen in this country.
Most Australian cities and farms are located in the southwest and southeast.
At the heart of the country, there is a flat red-soil desert called the Red Center.
The information from the video .
Past Participles
are used in the Passive Voice.
Past Participle is used as attribute .
Activity 1
Work in groups and read the text again to find as many examples of past participles as possible. Then discuss whether each past participle functions as an attribute, adverbial, predicative, or object complement.
Located to the south of the equator, below many other countries on the globe, it is often informally referred to as “down under”.
Past Participle is used as adverbial.
Avtivity 1
I’m more interested in meeting people…
Most of their musical instruments are really just sticks found on the ground , among which there is an amazing instrument called the didgeridoo.
A skilled player can play for a long time without stopping to breathe.
Past Participle
is used as predicative.
Past Participles
are used as attributive.
Past Participle is used as attributive.
After being here for a while, my biggest impression is the complicated mix of peoples and cultures that make up the nation.
…with many of the new cultural influences contributed by immigrants.
…but after trying for hours, I was convinced that I could never make a musical sound with this instrument!
Past Participle
is used as predicative.
Past Participle is used as object complement.
Past Participle is used as attributive.
Avtivity 1
Sum up the functions of the participles
Functions of past participles
As verbs
1. Perfect Tenses
2. The Passive Voice
As adverbial
As attribute
As predicative
As object complement
As the non-finite forms of the verb
As attribute / predicative
P.P. + N
be Verb
Linking Verb
+ P.P.
The exhausted athlete needed to take a break and recharge.
The athlete felt exhausted and he needed to take a break and recharge.
N + P.P. phrase
The athlete diagnosed with cancer needed to take a break and recharge.
As adverbial
nominative absolute
construction, with a
sharing the
same subject
Filled with love, the society will be more harmonious!
Asked about his family, he made no answer.
The task finished, we returned home.
The problem settled, everyone was filled with joy.
As Object Complement
When you are making a speech, you should speak louder to make yourself heard.
With books held under his armpit, he entered the classroom.
Activity 2
Fill in the blanks with the help of the beginning letters.
Then rewrite the sentences without using past participles
and recognise the difference.
1 D______ into 32 counties, Ireland brings in hundreds of thousands of visitors each year due to its golf tourism.
2 Cuba is just south of America, s_________ from it only by the Straits of Florida. It is a country k_______ for its exciting music and dancing.
Activity 2
3 With many parts of the world not m______ yet, researchers have begun a project that involves travelling around the world and taking sample photographs.
4 I__________ by the first European settlers to Australia, the Sunday roast is now considered typical Australian food.
5 E________ to the freezing weather, many brave tourists and scientists still choose to visit Antarctica.
6 I_________ by Chinese culture, many capital cities now have Chinatown which are in themselves popular tourist attractions.
let's practise using the
Past Participle in a passage
_________________________(因为对那个工作感兴趣), Li Ping decided to take part in the job interview. I told him that ______ ___________(学过计算机)was an important qualification in the job interview and that a full preparation was needed for the interview. When the day came, ___________________(被带到一间办公室), he made himself ________________________(他向面试官官自我介绍)and then he was asked a few questions.
Interested in the job
brought into an office
known to the interviewers
having studied
Complete the passage using the Past Participles
He was told that they ________________________(并告诉他会通知他)when the result came out. However, he didn’t get the job, but his failing in the job interview didn’t surprise me at all because_____________________________________ (他没作好准备导致他错失了这个机会)made him miss the opportunity.
would keep him informed
his not having prepared for the interview
Activity 3
Below is a passage about the history of the Eiffel Tower before it was considered an iconic attraction.
The text contains quite a few verb form mistakes. Correct the mistakes on your own. Then compare your corrections with a partner.
The Eiffel Tower is the most famous landmark in France, and one of the most visiting monuments in the world. But it wasn't always so popular. In fact, in 1886, just after its construction was first propose, many were strongly against it. At that time, it would have been the tallest building in the world, and many claim it would destroy the skyline of Paris, or perhaps even destroy some historic landmarks.
Activity 3
The chief engineer, Gustave Eiffel, replied say that such a large monument was necessary to symbolise the great efforts of the French people as well as the great advancements in modern engineering, industry, and science. The next year, Eiffel gains approval and the tower was built in time to celebrate the 1889 World Fair in Paris.
Activity 3
If you look carefully at the tower, you can still see the names of the 72 scientists, engineers, and mathematicians who help in its construction. Originally, the tower was planned to be taken down after 20 years, but it proved to be too useful as a communications tower, not to mention a giant advertisement board, before finally becomes the iconic attraction that we all know today.
Activity 3
What does this passage mainly talk about
It talks about the history of the Eiffel Tower before it was considered an iconic attraction.
Activity 3
Eiffel Tower’s construction plan was proposed
started to be built
Built in time to celebrate the 1889 World Fair in paris
becomes an iconic attraction
Against :It would destroy theskyline and even some historic landmarks .
For : It could symbolise the great efforts of the French people and the great advancements in modern engineering, indystry and science.
Activity 3
The history of the Eiffel Tower
Do the exercises on
Page 70 of Workbook.
Unit 2 Iconic Attractions
Period 3 Review useful structures教学设计
课题 Unit 2 Period 3 Review useful structures 单元 Unit 2 学科 English 年级 Grade 2
教材 分析 该部分复习前面册次已经学习过的非谓语动词中的过去分词。过去分词可用作定语、状语、表语和宾语补足语。本部分的活动设计强调归纳和运用。活动1是让学生找出Reading and Thinking板块的阅读语篇中含有过去分词的句子并按照其句法功能归类。这个活动将帮助学生总结过去分词的用法,进一步掌握简单的句法分析。活动2首先让学生用过去分词填空,完成含有丰富文化信息的句子,了解更多有代表性的风物;然后学生在不使用过去分词的情况下改写句子,从而更直观地体会过去分词在句法和表意功能上的作用。活动3改错练习的语篇包含丰富的文化历史信息,介绍了巴黎埃菲尔铁塔的建造历史,并不失风趣地揭示了一个道理,即有特色的事物的诞生可能是充满争议的。
学习目标与核心素养 1.To practise past participles in context and learn inductively the purpose of their use. 2. To use the past participle to express ideas.
重点 To practise past participles in context and learn inductively the purpose of their use
难点 To use the past participle to express ideas.
教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
导入新课 Lead-in In previous classes, we talked about Australia, now let’s watch a short video to have some insight into Australia thus knowing more about it. Watch a short video. The information from the video . New-Lesson Activity 1 Work in groups and read the text again to find as many examples of past participles as possible. Then discuss whether each past participle functions as an attribute, adverbial, predicative, or object complement. Summary Let the students sum up the functions of the past participles. Functions of past participlesAs verbsAs the non-finite forms of the verb1.Perfect Tenses As attributeAs predicative2.The Passive Voice As adverbialAs object complement
As attribute/ predicativeP.P. + NThe exhausted athlete needed to take a break and recharge.be Verb Linking Verb + P.P.The athlete felt exhausted and he needed to take a break and recharge.N + P.P. phraseThe athlete diagnosed with cancer needed to take a break and recharge.
As adverbialsharing the same subjectFilled with love, the society will be more harmonious!.nominative absolute construction, with a subject(独立主格)The task finished, we returned home. The problem settled, everyone was filled with joy.
As Object ComplementWith books held under his armpit, he entered the classroom.When you are making a speech, you should speak louder to make yourself heard.
Activity 2 Fill in the blanks with the help of the beginning letters. Then rewrite the sentences without using past participles and recognize the difference. 1) D______ into 32 counties, Ireland brings in hundreds of thousands of visitors each year due to its golf tourism. 2) Cuba is just south of America, s_________ from it only by the Straits of Florida. It is a country k_______ for its exciting music and dancing. 3) With many parts of the world not m______ yet, researchers have begun a project that involves travelling around the world and taking sample photographs. 4)I__________ by the first European settlers to Australia, the Sunday roast is now considered typical Australian food. 5) E________ to the freezing weather, many brave tourists and scientists still choose to visit Antarctica. 6) I_________ by Chinese culture, many capital cities now have Chinatown which are in themselves popular tourist attractions. Consolidation Let the students practise using the Past Participle in a plete the passage using the Past Participles. _________________________(因为对那个工作感兴趣), Li Ping decided to take part in the job interview. I told him that ______ ___________(学过计算机)was an important qualification in the job interview and that a full preparation was needed for the interview. When the day came, ___________________(被带到一间办公室), he made himself ________________________(他向面试官官自我介绍)and then he was asked a few questions. He was told that they ________________________(并告诉他会通知他)when the result came out. However, he didn’t get the job, but his failing in the job interview didn’t surprise me at all because_____________________________________ (他没作好准备导致他错失了这个机会)made him miss the opportunity. Activity 3 Below is a passage about the history of the Eiffel Tower before it was considered an iconic attraction. The text contains quite a few verb form mistakes. Correct the mistakes on your own. Then compare your corrections with a partner. The Eiffel Tower is the most famous landmark in France, and one of the most visiting monuments in the world. But it wasn't always so popular. In fact, in 1886, just after its construction was first propose, many were strongly against it. At that time, it would have been the tallest building in the world, and many claim it would destroy the skyline of Paris, or perhaps even destroy some historic landmarks. The chief engineer, Gustave Eiffel, replied say that such a large monument was necessary to symbolize the great efforts of the French people as well as the great advancements in modern engineering, industry, and science. The next year, Eiffel gains approval and the tower was built in time to celebrate the 1889 World Fair in Paris. If you look carefully at the tower, you can still see the names of the 72 scientists, engineers, and mathematicians who help in its construction. Originally, the tower was planned to be taken down after 20 years, but it proved to be too useful as a communications tower, not to mention a giant advertisement board, before finally becomes the iconic attraction that we all know today. visited proposed claimed saying gained helped Question : What does this passage mainly talk about It talks about the history of the Eiffel Tower before it was considered an iconic attraction. The history of the Eiffel Tower before it was considered an iconic attraction. Students watch a short video about Australia. Students read the sentences from the video. Students read the text again to find examples of past participles. . Then discuss the functions of the past participles . students sum up the functions of the past participles. Students fill in the blanks with the help of the beginning letters. Students complete the passage using the Past Participles. Students correct the mistakes in the passage. Students answer the question and clear the time clue of the history of the Eiffel Tower To arouse the students’ interest in the class. To remember the usage of the past participles. To practise the past participles in context and learn inductively the purpose of their use. To grasp the functions of past participles To practise the past participles in context of sentences and understand the meaning of their use. To practise using the past participles in a passage. To practise using present/past participles and other verb structures in a paragraph. To inspire students to think and express themselves.
Homework Do the exercises on Page 70 of Workbook.
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