人教版(2019) 必修 第二册Unit 4 History and traditions 单元形成性评价(原卷板+解析版)


名称 人教版(2019) 必修 第二册Unit 4 History and traditions 单元形成性评价(原卷板+解析版)
格式 zip
文件大小 237.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-04-01 23:04:15


单元形成性评价(四)Unit 4
(120分钟 150分)
第一部分 听力 (共两节, 满分30分)
第一节(共5小题; 每小题1. 5分, 满分7. 5分)
  听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1. Where does the woman think her father is now
A. At home. B. At his office.
C. At the club.
2. What is the woman probably going to do this weekend
A. Go boating with her classmates.
B. Go camping with the man.
C. Prepare for a competition.
3. How long does the woman usually sleep every night
A. About eight hours.    B. About seven hours.
C. About six hours.
4. What do we know about Tim
A. He became severely ill.
B. He had a car accident.
C. He didn ’t take driving lessons.
5. What does the man suggest
A. Calling the service centre.
B. Pressing the emergency button.
C. Doing nothing for a short while.
第二节(共15小题; 每小题1. 5分, 满分22. 5分)
  听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟; 听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
听第6段材料, 回答第6、7题。
6. How old is the magazine that the man is looking for
A. About one year old.
B. About two years old.
C. About two and a half years old.
7. Where will the two speakers probably go next
A. The second floor.
B. The right side of the first floor.
C. The left side of the first floor.
听第7段材料, 回答第8~10题。
8. What ’s wrong with the dress
A. It couldn ’t be easily washed.
B. It lost colour after being washed.
C. It was torn in the washing machine.
9. How did the woman wash the dress
A. Using the washing machine.
B. Washing by herself.
C. Washing with others.
10. Where does the conversation most probably take place
A. At a store.  B. At home.
C. At a dry-cleaner ’s.
听第8段材料, 回答第11~13题。
11. Where was the man last week
A. In Rome. B. In Milan.
C. In Ferrara.
12. What did the man probably visit first
A. The castle. B. The cathedral.
C. The Renaissance buildings.
13. How many times has the man traveled abroad this year
A. Twice.
B. Three times.
C. Four times.
听第9段材料, 回答第14~17题。
14. What festival are the two speakers talking about
A. Mother ’s Day.
B. Easter.
C. Halloween.
15. When does the woman usually visit her grandparents
A. On Friday morning.
B. On Saturday morning.
C. On Saturday afternoon.
16. What is the favorite part of the festival to the woman
A. Receiving presents.
B. Going to church.
C. Hunting for eggs.
17. What will the man probably do during the holiday
A. Hang out with other international students.
B. Join the woman ’s family for the festival.
C. Stay in the dorm reading a huge book.
听第10段材料, 回答第18~20题。
18. When did the speaker arrive in Antarctica
A. In December. B. In September.
C. In March.
19. What difficulty does the speaker have at the moment
A. There is a lot of hard work to do.
B. The ship won ’t return for months.
C. He is working with a small number of people.
20. What has improved in Antarctica in the last ten years
A. Food. B. Communication.
C. Living conditions.
第二部分 阅读(共两节, 满分50分)
第一节(共15小题; 每小题2. 5分, 满分37. 5分)
  阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
About the Irish Experience
  The Irish Experience is a program for North American high school students. This program takes place over a four-week period in July. For two weeks the students will live in the beautiful university town of Cork in the South of Ireland. They will attend classes in an informal and relaxed atmosphere.
Traditional Irish music is alive in Cork City and can be heard most nights in some of the pubs in the city centre. There are several theatres in the city. A visit to one of these will be part of our schedule. Cork is also the gateway to the beautiful southwest part of Ireland and we will be taking in all the sights of West Cork and Kerry.
The other two weeks will be spent at University College Dublin, a short bus ride from the centre of Dublin, one of the oldest capital cities in Europe with one of the youngest populations — almost 50% of the city ’s people are under 25 years old. Staying at student apartments on the university campus, students will have the opportunity to meet young people of many different nationalities.
The students will enjoy a true Celtic cultural experience and a sense of Irish history and culture through guided tours to various historical sites in Dublin—The Cliffs of Moher in County Clare and the Neolithic passage tombs in Newgrange, County Meath.
21. What can we learn about the Irish Experience
A. It admits college students.
B. It is hosted by universities.
C. It ’s a summer study abroad program.
D. It aims to advertise universities in Ireland.
22. What will the students do in Cork City
A. They will visit a theatre.
B. They will study at West Cork.
C. They will play live music at a pub.
D. They will spend a whole night at a pub.
23. How is Dublin different from other cities in Europe
A. It is the oldest city in the world.
B. It has a very young population.
C. It attracts people under 25 years old.
D. It has people of different nationalities.
  The Cool Taxi is a Hackney Carriage that was changed into a freezer on wheels, using dry ice to keep the inside cool for passengers. It has a number of features designed to keep riders cool, including a freezer filled with ice-lollies (冰棍)and a state-of-the-art air conditioning system.
A spokesperson for Andrews Air Conditioning said, “Britain has become a hot country, and the British are feeling the heat. For commuters(通勤者)there is nothing worse on a hot day than getting into a hot taxi, so we wanted to help to avoid this experience with Cool Taxi.
Cool Taxi driver Tony, who has driven a taxi for 11 years, said, “I have done 10 London summers in the taxi and I know you need some good air conditioning. It would be impossible to work without it. You need to keep cool and stay hydrated (含水的), and sometimes in a typical taxi this is difficult to keep. ”
Elizabeth Ann Iliffe, who was paying a visit to London from the South East, said, “It is amazing. It feels just like a scene(场景)from Frozen. It ’s nice to step in just for a few minutes to have a break from the heat and cool off. ”
The Cool Taxi is running for a limited(有限的)time at present time. However, it has proved popular with passengers and could be considered for full-time operation across the summer months in the future.
24. What can we learn from what Tony said
A. He finds it hard to keep the taxi well air-conditioned.
B. He thinks it impossible to provide good air conditioning.
C. He is used to driving taxis in hot summer for a long time.
D. He will try his best to improve the conditions of the taxi.
25. What does the underlined word “It” in Paragraph 4 refer to
A. Having a break.
B. Taking the cool taxi.
C. A scene from Frozen.
D. Her journey in London.
26. What is the text mainly about
A. The popularity of London ’s taxis.
B. The future of taxi industry in London.
C. London ’s Cool Taxi filled with dry ice.
D. The management of the Cool Taxi in London.
27. We can infer from the passage that the author is    about the future of Cool Taxi.
A. pessimistic B. optimistic
C. uncertain D. careful
It was dinner time for the Rangers, a group of Indigenous(本地的)Australians who had spent a long day cleaning up the polluted beaches of the continent ’s northern coast. Soon they would be eating freshly caught fish and seafood cooked under the stars on an open fire, as their ancestors did.
The Rangers are of more than 100 indigenous groups spreading across Australia who have taken on the job of protecting the land of their forefathers. In Arnhem Land, they are the protectors of 3, 300 square miles of land and sea. They comb the beaches by hand, picking up as much rubbish as possible. The task is very difficult as each day it delivers waves of new rubbish.
For the Rangers, cleaning the beaches is more than a vacation. For a people whose culture is strongly tied to the land, protecting the environment is equal to preserving their history.
However, colonization forcefully broke their connection to the land generations ago. Indigenous people were displaced and their cultural practices were outlawed. Tens of thousands of years of traditional land management ended, and as a result many parts of the country now face serious disasters from invasive plants and animal species, bush fires and land mismanagement.
In recent years, the government has restored more than 20 percent of Australia ’s land to Indigenous owners. Since 2007, the Indigenous Rangers Organizations have been protecting this land.
Luckily, one of the few non-Indigenous employees working with the Rangers, said the combination, new techniques and an appreciation for the culture of Indigenous workers have been critical to the program ’s success.
“You are working with staff who see the world different to you, so there is a much higher focus on the cultural aspects of work and life, ”he said.
“Being a ranger is a source of confidence. You feel strong, ”said Terence, a senior ranger. “Here we still live on the land. The culture is still alive. ”
28. What did Indigenous Australians live on in the past
A. Rubbish picked up by hand.
B. Protecting the land.
C. Catching the fish and seafood.
D. Invasive plants and animals.
29. What do the Rangers think of cleaning the beaches
A. It ’s a job of their ancestors ’.
B. It ’s just a vacation.
C. It ’s a difficult task.
D. It ’s their culture.
30. Why has the government restored the land to Indigenous owners
A. The polluted land needs better management.
B. Their cultural practices were outlawed.
C. The people were too strong.
D. The land belongs to them.
31. What can we learn from the last three paragraphs
A. Not many employees are Indigenous Australians.
B. Culture is important to the Indigenous Australians.
C. Their new techniques are successful.
D. Both Luck and Terence are rangers.
  Two pig farmers in Suffolk, East England have succeeded in feeding one million bees after participating in a project that saw them turn over half of their land to wild flowers. Four years ago, brothers Mark and Paul Hayward decided to fill 81 acres of their farm land with wild flowers. This week, a study was carried out monitoring insect activity on the flower-covered land, which found they were feeding one million bees at any time.
“This was our target when we started, to grow enough flowers to feed a million bees on a single day, ” Mark said. “We are acutely aware that bees are under threat from modern farming methods and that East England is one of the worst places where bees are seriously suffering from lack of foraging diversity(觅食多样性), ” he continued.
“Every third bite of food you eat can come from bees and we wanted to create an operation on our farm that did not push nature out but rather hugged it—as a central part of our ecology system and our food cycle, ” he said.
The farm uses all kinds of seeds which can produce many different wild plants and of course, the bees can get food from different wildflowers.
“We are taking a very small role in helping society restore a balance and this starts with plant diversity to encourage insects, bees, small mammals(哺乳动物), and birds, ” said Paul. “At the end of the day, we see ourselves as caretakers of this land. Between us we have six children and we owe it to them to maintain farm sustainability(持续性)and set an example to the generations to come, ” added Paul.
According to the Bee Conservation Trust, many types of bees have seen their populations decline by 70%, and two species have become extinct in the last century.
Gill Perkins, CEO of the Bee Conservation Trust said, “Thanks to Mark and Paul, at least here, 1 million bees can keep living, which is of great significance for ourselves now and in the future. ”
32. What can we know about the brothers from the first two paragraphs
A. They have about 160 acres of land.
B. They grow wild flowers for pigs.
C. They are not good at growing wild flowers.
D. They have to support 1, 000, 000 bees in their land.
33. Why are bees under threat in East England
A. There is not enough food for bees.
B. Bees are not used to the modern society.
C. There are too many animals eating bees.
D. Bees can not find different wild flowers.
34. What is Gill Perkins ’ attitude to the action
A. Opposed. B. Doubtful.
C. Supportive. D. Disappointed.
35. What is the best title for the text
A. The Bees are in Danger Now
B. Two Brothers Feed a Million Bees
C. One Million Bees are Surviving in East England
D. Two Brothers Love Wild Flowers in East England
第二节(共5小题; 每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)
  阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
  England is the biggest of the four countries in the United Kingdom. Over 50 million people live in England, which is around 80% of the total UK population.
   36  It is spoken today by billions of people all over the world. Many students go to England from other countries to study the language and learn about the culture. Although everyone speaks English, there are many different accents around the country. French was the official language in England between 1066 and 1362.  37 
The English people love music.  38  Glastonbury is a five-day festival of music, dance, comedy, and theatre and around 175, 000 people go there. Many people stay at the festivals for a few days and they camp in tents. People listen to all types of music, especially pop and rock. England has produced many international groups and singers.
The most popular sports in England are football, rugby and cricket. Most towns have a football, rugby and cricket ground where teams can play.  39 Women ’s football is also popular. Cricket is a traditional sport played with a bat and a ball. People like to watch all these sports on TV.
England is a multicultural country.  40 Indian, Chinese and Italian foods are popular. Traditional English food includes fish and chips, roast beef, sausages and mashed potatoes. Many English people drink several cups of tea every day, usually with milk. However, different types of coffee are also popular.
A. The official language of England is English.
B. This has a big influence on the food people eat.
C. The lion is the symbol of many English sports teams.
D. It is a fact that English is accepted as an international language.
E. In the summer you can go to music festivals all over the country.
F. This is why there are many French words and expressions in English.
G. English football teams like Manchester United, Chelsea and Liverpool are world-famous.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)
第一节(共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)
  阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
  Just five months earlier, I would never have thought that I would act in a play in front of so many people. Without the encouragement of my  41 , Mrs Sather, I might never have found that courage.
I was an extremely  42 girl. It just wasn ’t in my personality to make a sound in public. I used to  43  myself in my writing. Mrs Sather also encouraged me to write more. I think she was one of the first people to see my real  44  and know how to help me.
One day, she told us that we were going to  45  a play—The Wizard of Oz. “I need someone to play the lead part of Dorothy, ” she said.
A lot of hands shot up.  46 , of course, was not one of them.
After school, Mrs Sather said to me, “Dallas, I was  47  you didn ’t raise your hand. You ’re great at memorizing things, and you have such a sweet personality. I ’m sure you are  48  for Dorothy! I have you in mind for Dorothy and want you to write the play too! If you  49  don ’t want to, though, I won ’t make you. It ’s your  50 . ”
Encouraged by her  51 , I suddenly wanted to see what I really could do. I  52  the role. After five months of practicing, line memorizing, and costume(表演服)designing, we were  53 .
At the end of the play, when my teacher and my classmates stood up and  54 , I knew they were not just congratulating for my performance(演出)that night, but for the success that they knew would come in later years because of my newly found  55 .
41. A. friend B. teacher
C. mother D. classmate
42. A. shy  B. weak  C. clever  D. pretty
43. A. put B. take C. hide D. turn
44. A. problem B. goal
C. challenge D. advantage
45. A. put on B. make up
C. put up D. focus on
46. A. Ours B. Hers C. Mine D. Theirs
47. A. excited B. happy
C. afraid D. surprised
48. A. anxious B. sweet
C. perfect D. awkward
49. A. officially B. really
C. finally D. obviously
50. A. turn B. choice
C. luck D. responsibility
51. A. words B. stories
C. adventures D. lectures
52. A. created B. played
C. accepted D. remembered
53. A. ready B. successful
C. famous D. careful
54. A. left B. struggled
C. cried D. cheered
55. A. skill B. confidence
C. interest D. hobby
第二节(共10小题; 每小题1. 5分, 满分15分)
  阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
  Exercise is one of the most important 56. ________(part) of keeping your body at a healthy weight. We also know that staying fit and healthy is very vital. Exercise can help prevent weight gain. If you can ’t afford to pay the gym 57. ________visit every day, don ’t worry—just become active throughout the day.
When you exercise 58. ________(regular), you will have better chances of
59. ________(improve)your mood(心情). It can also increase your confidence. Besides, it will better your appearance, 60. ________means your body will be in good shape. Regular exercise is also good 61. ________physical fitness and good health. Apart from weight control, exercise can also delay your aging process.
62. ________you don ’t exercise, your muscles will become very weak. Also, your heart and lungs might not 63. ________(function) as well and you are more likely to get injured. Inactivity is as much of a health risk as smoking.
Make sure that an exercise plan 64. ________ (make), so you can know when and what you should do. However, don ’t over-exercise yourself because doing too much exercise on a daily basis will have 65. ________(harm) results.
第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)
  假如你是李华, 收到你的美国朋友艾伦(Ellen)的来信, 他说要来中国旅游, 请你给他回信帮忙推荐最具中国文化代表性的旅游景点。你的回信内容如下:
1. 旅游地点: 山东曲阜;
2. 参观景点: 三孔景区(孔庙、孔府、孔林)、孔子文化园;
3. 推荐原因: 几千年来, 孔子文化对中国的教育和中国人优良品质的形成有着积极的影响。
注意: 1. 词数80左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;
3. 开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数。
三孔景区Three Confucian Scenic Spots;
孔庙Confucian Temple;
孔府Confucian Mansion;
孔林Confucian Forest;
孔子文化园Confucius Cultural Park
Dear Ellen,
  I ’m excited to receive your letter. ____________________________________
  That ’s my suggestion and I ’m looking forward to your coming to China quickly.
Li Hua
  阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
  We first saw the lost dog on a beach on Mahé, an island in the Seychelles, Africa. My kids, then six and eight, were building sandcastles, when he got closer and watched them. The next day he appeared on the entrance of our holiday cottage.
My husband Farid and I thought he was looking for food, but soon we realized he just wanted company. He was shy, about three years old, with orange, fox-like fur, big eyes and a long nose. We called him Chell and after five or six days of him hanging about nearby, we became friends.
We posted a message online: was there somewhere that could take him in Finally, we met Olga, a 19-year-old local with five lost dogs and a heart of gold, who agreed to take him in. Chell had only been with us for a week, but when Olga arrived and tried to move him from our cottage to her car, he refused, making himself heavy. Eventually we managed it and watched sadly as they drove off.
“Will we ever see Chell again ” my elder daughter asked, crying. “I guess not, ” I said, not wanting to sugarcoat it. But months later, Olga phoned us to say she was moving abroad to study and ask if we would like to take in Chell ourselves.
Of course, we took Chell home. It was cold, unlike the hot Seychelles, and he was afraid of most things: climbing the stairs, our other dog Kerstin (an ill-tempered female border terrier)—he even seemed afraid of himself. He ’d start to play, then stop suddenly, the rush of happy emotions frightening him. This was perhaps the most heartbreaking of all: a dog who couldn ’t play.
  注意: 续写词数应为150左右。
  Months later, the weather turned cold and we let Chell into the yard to see his first snow.
  At that moment I realized he was going to be OK.
Ⅰ. 概要写作
  阅读下面短文, 根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。
  Generally, the two most common places for studying are either at home or in the library. Many people prefer to study at home rather than study in a library that is specifically set aside for people who need to study.
One of the major advantages of studying at home is that some people simply learn better when in a comfortable environment. While sitting at a table in an uncomfortable chair found in a library does work for some students, others may find that being on a couch in their own home is better. Libraries may also have a number of other students in them, all trying to use the same resources at the same time. This can make it difficult to use a computer or other public devices, especially near the end of a school term, and someone ’s computer is easier to use while he or she is studying at home.
Someone studying at home can also start and stop more easily, especially for breaks to get something to eat or drink. At home, a person may be able to simply walk into the next room and get some food. While studying in a library, however, it is likely that someone would have to pack up his or her study materials and leave the building completely to find something to eat.
However, there are some disadvantages of studying at home. Televisions, movies, music video games, roommates, family, and many more sources of distraction can all be present in a home but might not be found in a library. There are also certain resources that can be found from a library but may not be found at a person ’s home. On the contrary, libraries have another purpose besides providing a place for study. Those books are very handy, especially when one is writing term papers. There are hundreds to choose from.
Ⅱ. 单词拼写
1. What ( )(迷惑) me is why he left the country without telling anyone.
2. Though they all lived ( )(在附近), I lost touch with them really quickly.
3. The attack has caused severe damage to American naval and ( ) (军事的) forces.
4. They believed that they could win the ( ) (战役).
5. Later in the next century, people from England made voyages to ( )征服) other parts of the world.
6. The ship was back in ( )(港口) after a week.
7. The readers would be interested in local ( )(习俗) and culture as well.
8. There is no ( )(证据) to support this theory.
9. She knew the exact ( )(位置) of the college.
25单元形成性评价(四)Unit 4
(120分钟 150分)
第一部分 听力 (共两节, 满分30分)
第一节(共5小题; 每小题1. 5分, 满分7. 5分)
  听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
Text 1
M: Hello! This is Bill Smith from the Greenhouse Club. May I speak to Mr Jones
W: ①I ’m sorry, my dad isn ’t at home right now. He won ’t be back until six o ’clock. I can give you his office phone number.
1. Where does the woman think her father is now
A. At home. B. At his office.
C. At the club.
答案: B
Text 2
M: Have a nice weekend! I will go camping. Do you have anything exciting planned
W: Not really. I was thinking of renting a boat at the Water Park with my classmates, ②but the national English competition is coming up, so I will probably have to prepare for it.
2. What is the woman probably going to do this weekend
A. Go boating with her classmates.
B. Go camping with the man.
C. Prepare for a competition.
答案: C
Text 3
M: ③Do you usually get up at 6 every morning
W: Yes. ③It ’s not too hard because I go to bed around 10 every night. I want to be sure to get enough sleep every night.
M: That ’s good. I don ’t nearly get enough. I sleep only about six hours every night.
3. How long does the woman usually sleep every night
A. About eight hours.    B. About seven hours.
C. About six hours.
答案: A
Text 4
W: Have you heard about Tim He ’s in hospital again.
M: What happened I ’ve never heard he is suffering from any illnesses.
W: ④He was driving too fast again. I guess he didn ’t learn his lesson from last time.
M: I ’m so sorry to hear that.
4. What do we know about Tim
A. He became severely ill.
B. He had a car accident.
C. He didn ’t take driving lessons.
答案: B
Text 5
W: Uh-oh. It looks like there ’s a problem.
M: Yeah, I ’m afraid so. Last Friday this elevator was out of service all day long.
W: Do you think I should press the emergency button
M: ⑤Let ’s just wait a minute or two first. It may start again by itself.
5. What does the man suggest
A. Calling the service centre.
B. Pressing the emergency button.
C. Doing nothing for a short while.
答案: C
第二节(共15小题; 每小题1. 5分, 满分22. 5分)
  听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟; 听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
听第6段材料, 回答第6、7题。
Text 6
W: Can I help you
M: I need to find a specific magazine, and I am not sure where to look for it. Where are the old magazines
W: The magazines that are a bit older than one year are on the left of the first floor, and the magazines that are less than one year old are at the end of the right side. They ’re near the reading room. How old is your magazine
M: ⑥It came out about two and a half years ago, so I guess I ’d find it on the left side of the first floor then, right
W: I ’m afraid not. ⑦Magazines that are more than two years old are kept on the second floor.
M: ⑦Can you help me look for it
W: OK.
6. How old is the magazine that the man is looking for
A. About one year old.
B. About two years old.
C. About two and a half years old.
答案: C
7. Where will the two speakers probably go next
A. The second floor.
B. The right side of the first floor.
C. The left side of the first floor.
答案: A
听第7段材料, 回答第8~10题。
Text 7
M: Good morning. May I help you
W: Yes, I bought this dress here last week, but there seems to be something wrong with it. ⑧When I washed it, the colour faded.
M: Let me see. Did you wash it in hot water
W: No. ⑨I just washed it using my washing machine with my other clothes. But the colours of my other clothes didn ’t fade.
M: So do you want to exchange it
W: May I have it returned
M: ⑩We can only return half of the money you paid to you if you want to return it.
W: Then I ’d rather have it exchanged. Show me some other dresses, please.
8. What ’s wrong with the dress
A. It couldn ’t be easily washed.
B. It lost colour after being washed.
C. It was torn in the washing machine.
答案: B
9. How did the woman wash the dress
A. Using the washing machine.
B. Washing by herself.
C. Washing with others.
答案: A
10. Where does the conversation most probably take place
A. At a store.  B. At home.
C. At a dry-cleaner ’s.
答案: A
听第8段材料, 回答第11~13题。
Text 8
W: I called you last week but your mother said you were sightseeing in Italy. Did you go to Rome
M: No. I went to Rome last year and Milan the year before last, so this year I went to Ferrara. You may not have heard about it, as it isn ’t one of the most famous Italian cities.
W: Oh, I ’ve heard about it before. It ’s known as the City of the Renaissance, right I ’ve never visited it before, though. How was your time there
M: It was great. I visited the city centre. The cathedral and the castle are both there in the heart of the city, and both are amazing. I didn ’t go to the cathedral, because it was very crowded.
W: What else did you visit there
M: After I left the castle, I went to visit the historic part of the city, which has a lot of buildings from the Renaissance. Then I visited several palaces and churches.
W: You seem to really like travelling.
M: Yes, I love it. I usually travel abroad twice a year, and this year I ’ve taken one more trip than usual.
11. Where was the man last week
A. In Rome. B. In Milan.
C. In Ferrara.
答案: C
12. What did the man probably visit first
A. The castle. B. The cathedral.
C. The Renaissance buildings.
答案: A
13. How many times has the man traveled abroad this year
A. Twice.
B. Three times.
C. Four times.
答案: B
听第9段材料, 回答第14~17题。
Text 9
M: I didn ’t even realize there was a festival coming up.
W: Why You didn ’t know about Easter There are many traditions connected to it.
M: I knew a little about it and didn ’t know it was in April. I thought it might be some day after Mother ’s Day.
W: Easter is observed on a Sunday in March or April. It is truly worth celebrating in the spring. We are all looking forward to the holiday. Mother will make a big Easter basket for each of us with presents like chocolate bars, candies and even a CD. We go to a church service on Friday morning. We dye our Easter eggs on Saturday morning and visit our grandparents that afternoon. But the best part for me is the Easter Egg Hunt. On Easter morning, parents hide Easter eggs in different places for us to find. It is almost as much fun as Halloween.
M: Green with envy. I will probably hang out with the other international students. I might also stay in the dorm. Remember, Linda assigned a huge book for us to read.
W: Pooh. That ’s boring. Why not come with me
M: Well, I ’m OK. I may just spend the holiday myself.
W: Come on. My parents will be happy to have you with us.
M: Serious Cool!
14. What festival are the two speakers talking about
A. Mother ’s Day.
B. Easter.
C. Halloween.
答案: B
15. When does the woman usually visit her grandparents
A. On Friday morning.
B. On Saturday morning.
C. On Saturday afternoon.
答案: C
16. What is the favorite part of the festival to the woman
A. Receiving presents.
B. Going to church.
C. Hunting for eggs.
答案: C
17. What will the man probably do during the holiday
A. Hang out with other international students.
B. Join the woman ’s family for the festival.
C. Stay in the dorm reading a huge book.
答案: B
听第10段材料, 回答第18~20题。
Text 10
  M: Hello, listeners! I ’d like to share with you a bit about what it ’s like to live here at the South Pole. I ’m a scientist and I arrived here in Antarctica three months ago, in December. The temperature at that time was cold but not unpleasant yet. Since arriving, I ’ve worked with about 60 other people getting everything ready for the Antarctica winter. It ’s been a lot of hard work, but it has been fun, too.
However, a few days ago the ship left, taking most of the staff with it, and it won ’t be back to fetch us until next December. So the hardest thing to get used to now is that there are just 14 of us here. It ’s been difficult to adjust because I ’m used to working in a large group.
I ’m living at the same work station I was at ten years ago. It was new then, but it ’s still in good condition and generally unchanged. The dried food we get is also the same. The people working here with me are all different from the year ago, but I ’m always happy getting to know new people. Ten years ago, we were able to send faxes to friends and family once a month, but today we can send e-mails and talk on the phone so we don ’t feel so far away.
  Last week we went out exploring for a few days. It was dangerous. We went together everywhere in case we fell into any holes in the ice. Holes here are much too deep to climb out of. The skies last week were beautifully clear, and I was reminded how lucky I am to be here.
18. When did the speaker arrive in Antarctica
A. In December. B. In September.
C. In March.
答案: A
19. What difficulty does the speaker have at the moment
A. There is a lot of hard work to do.
B. The ship won ’t return for months.
C. He is working with a small number of people.
答案: C
20. What has improved in Antarctica in the last ten years
A. Food. B. Communication.
C. Living conditions.
答案: B
第二部分 阅读(共两节, 满分50分)
第一节(共15小题; 每小题2. 5分, 满分37. 5分)
  阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
About the Irish Experience
  The Irish Experience is a program for North American high school students. This program takes place over a four-week period in July. For two weeks the students will live in the beautiful university town of Cork in the South of Ireland. They will attend classes in an informal and relaxed atmosphere.
Traditional Irish music is alive in Cork City and can be heard most nights in some of the pubs in the city centre. There are several theatres in the city. A visit to one of these will be part of our schedule. Cork is also the gateway to the beautiful southwest part of Ireland and we will be taking in all the sights of West Cork and Kerry.
The other two weeks will be spent at University College Dublin, a short bus ride from the centre of Dublin, one of the oldest capital cities in Europe with one of the youngest populations — almost 50% of the city ’s people are under 25 years old. Staying at student apartments on the university campus, students will have the opportunity to meet young people of many different nationalities.
The students will enjoy a true Celtic cultural experience and a sense of Irish history and culture through guided tours to various historical sites in Dublin—The Cliffs of Moher in County Clare and the Neolithic passage tombs in Newgrange, County Meath.
【文章大意】这是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了一个名为Irish Experience的暑假留学项目, 介绍了这个项目中的一些活动和要参观的地方等信息。
21. What can we learn about the Irish Experience
A. It admits college students.
B. It is hosted by universities.
C. It ’s a summer study abroad program.
D. It aims to advertise universities in Ireland.
【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第一段可知“爱尔兰体验”是一个针对北美高中生的项目。这个项目在7月份进行, 为期四周。学生们将在爱尔兰南部美丽的大学城科克居住两周。由此可知, Irish Experience是一个暑期留学项目。故选C。
22. What will the students do in Cork City
A. They will visit a theatre.
B. They will study at West Cork.
C. They will play live music at a pub.
D. They will spend a whole night at a pub.
【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据第二段可知, 这个城市有几家剧院。参观其中的一家将是日程安排的一部分。由此可推知, 学生们将在科克市参观一家剧院。故选A。
23. How is Dublin different from other cities in Europe
A. It is the oldest city in the world.
B. It has a very young population.
C. It attracts people under 25 years old.
D. It has people of different nationalities.
【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据第三段可知, 都柏林是欧洲最古老的首都城市之一, 也是人口最年轻的城市之一。由此可推知, 都柏林与欧洲其他城市的不同之处在于都柏林的人口非常年轻化。故选B。
  The Cool Taxi is a Hackney Carriage that was changed into a freezer on wheels, using dry ice to keep the inside cool for passengers. It has a number of features designed to keep riders cool, including a freezer filled with ice-lollies (冰棍)and a state-of-the-art air conditioning system.
A spokesperson for Andrews Air Conditioning said, “Britain has become a hot country, and the British are feeling the heat. For commuters(通勤者)there is nothing worse on a hot day than getting into a hot taxi, so we wanted to help to avoid this experience with Cool Taxi.
Cool Taxi driver Tony, who has driven a taxi for 11 years, said, “I have done 10 London summers in the taxi and I know you need some good air conditioning. It would be impossible to work without it. You need to keep cool and stay hydrated (含水的), and sometimes in a typical taxi this is difficult to keep. ”
Elizabeth Ann Iliffe, who was paying a visit to London from the South East, said, “It is amazing. It feels just like a scene(场景)from Frozen. It ’s nice to step in just for a few minutes to have a break from the heat and cool off. ”
The Cool Taxi is running for a limited(有限的)time at present time. However, it has proved popular with passengers and could be considered for full-time operation across the summer months in the future.
【文章大意】本文属于说明文。作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了伦敦推出了凉爽出租车, 给市民带来更好的体验。
24. What can we learn from what Tony said
A. He finds it hard to keep the taxi well air-conditioned.
B. He thinks it impossible to provide good air conditioning.
C. He is used to driving taxis in hot summer for a long time.
D. He will try his best to improve the conditions of the taxi.
【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据文章第三段可知, 托尼说: “我在伦敦开出租车度过了10个夏天, 我知道你们需要一些好的空调设备。没有它是不可能工作的。你需要保持凉爽、保持水分, 有时在平常的出租车里这是很难做到的。”由此判断出, Tony将尽最大努力改善出租车的条件, 故选D。
25. What does the underlined word “It” in Paragraph 4 refer to
A. Having a break.
B. Taking the cool taxi.
C. A scene from Frozen.
D. Her journey in London.
【解析】选B。词义猜测题。根据文章第四段可知, 伊丽莎白·安·伊利菲说: “这真是太棒了, 感觉就像《冰雪奇缘》中的场景”。由此推知, 画线词的意思是“乘坐凉爽的出租车”。故选B。
26. What is the text mainly about
A. The popularity of London ’s taxis.
B. The future of taxi industry in London.
C. London ’s Cool Taxi filled with dry ice.
D. The management of the Cool Taxi in London.
【解析】选C。主旨大意题。根据文章第一段第一句可知, 凉爽出租车是一辆哈克尼马车, 被改造成一个带轮子的冰箱, 使用干冰为乘客保持内部凉爽。故选C。
27. We can infer from the passage that the author is    about the future of Cool Taxi.
A. pessimistic B. optimistic
C. uncertain D. careful
【解析】选B。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段可知, 然而, 已经证明它在乘客中很受欢迎, 可以考虑在整个夏天的几个月里进行全时运营。由此判断出, 作者对凉爽出租车的未来是持乐观的态度。故选B。
It was dinner time for the Rangers, a group of Indigenous(本地的)Australians who had spent a long day cleaning up the polluted beaches of the continent ’s northern coast. Soon they would be eating freshly caught fish and seafood cooked under the stars on an open fire, as their ancestors did.
The Rangers are of more than 100 indigenous groups spreading across Australia who have taken on the job of protecting the land of their forefathers. In Arnhem Land, they are the protectors of 3, 300 square miles of land and sea. They comb the beaches by hand, picking up as much rubbish as possible. The task is very difficult as each day it delivers waves of new rubbish.
For the Rangers, cleaning the beaches is more than a vacation. For a people whose culture is strongly tied to the land, protecting the environment is equal to preserving their history.
However, colonization forcefully broke their connection to the land generations ago. Indigenous people were displaced and their cultural practices were outlawed. Tens of thousands of years of traditional land management ended, and as a result many parts of the country now face serious disasters from invasive plants and animal species, bush fires and land mismanagement.
In recent years, the government has restored more than 20 percent of Australia ’s land to Indigenous owners. Since 2007, the Indigenous Rangers Organizations have been protecting this land.
Luckily, one of the few non-Indigenous employees working with the Rangers, said the combination, new techniques and an appreciation for the culture of Indigenous workers have been critical to the program ’s success.
“You are working with staff who see the world different to you, so there is a much higher focus on the cultural aspects of work and life, ”he said.
“Being a ranger is a source of confidence. You feel strong, ”said Terence, a senior ranger. “Here we still live on the land. The culture is still alive. ”
【文章大意】本文是一篇新闻报道。文章报道了澳大利亚土著人Rangers保护环境, 捡拾垃圾, 承担着保护祖先土地的任务。
28. What did Indigenous Australians live on in the past
A. Rubbish picked up by hand.
B. Protecting the land.
C. Catching the fish and seafood.
D. Invasive plants and animals.
【解析】选C。推理判断题。根据文章第一段最后一句可知, 他们像他们的祖先一样, 在星空下吃着篝火煮熟的新鲜的鱼和海鲜。由此可推知澳大利亚土著居民过去过着以捕鱼和打捞海鲜为生的生活。故选C。
29. What do the Rangers think of cleaning the beaches
A. It ’s a job of their ancestors ’.
B. It ’s just a vacation.
C. It ’s a difficult task.
D. It ’s their culture.
【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句可知, 对于一个文化与土地紧密相连的民族来说, 保护环境就等于保护他们的历史。所以Rangers认为清理海滩就是保护他们的文化。故选D。
30. Why has the government restored the land to Indigenous owners
A. The polluted land needs better management.
B. Their cultural practices were outlawed.
C. The people were too strong.
D. The land belongs to them.
【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句可知, 成千上万年的传统的土地管理模式结束了, 因此, 这个国家的许多地区现在面临着来自外来动植物物种的入侵、丛林火灾和土地管理不善的严重灾难。所以政府要将土地归还给本地居民是因为被污染的土地需要他们更好的管理。故选A。
31. What can we learn from the last three paragraphs
A. Not many employees are Indigenous Australians.
B. Culture is important to the Indigenous Australians.
C. Their new techniques are successful.
D. Both Luck and Terence are rangers.
【解析】选B。推理判断题。根据文章第六段和第七段以及第八段中的“The culture is still alive. ”可知文化对澳大利亚土著居民很重要。故选B。
  Two pig farmers in Suffolk, East England have succeeded in feeding one million bees after participating in a project that saw them turn over half of their land to wild flowers. Four years ago, brothers Mark and Paul Hayward decided to fill 81 acres of their farm land with wild flowers. This week, a study was carried out monitoring insect activity on the flower-covered land, which found they were feeding one million bees at any time.
“This was our target when we started, to grow enough flowers to feed a million bees on a single day, ” Mark said. “We are acutely aware that bees are under threat from modern farming methods and that East England is one of the worst places where bees are seriously suffering from lack of foraging diversity(觅食多样性), ” he continued.
“Every third bite of food you eat can come from bees and we wanted to create an operation on our farm that did not push nature out but rather hugged it—as a central part of our ecology system and our food cycle, ” he said.
The farm uses all kinds of seeds which can produce many different wild plants and of course, the bees can get food from different wildflowers.
“We are taking a very small role in helping society restore a balance and this starts with plant diversity to encourage insects, bees, small mammals(哺乳动物), and birds, ” said Paul. “At the end of the day, we see ourselves as caretakers of this land. Between us we have six children and we owe it to them to maintain farm sustainability(持续性)and set an example to the generations to come, ” added Paul.
According to the Bee Conservation Trust, many types of bees have seen their populations decline by 70%, and two species have become extinct in the last century.
Gill Perkins, CEO of the Bee Conservation Trust said, “Thanks to Mark and Paul, at least here, 1 million bees can keep living, which is of great significance for ourselves now and in the future. ”
【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了英国两位农民种植野花, 希望可以帮助蜜蜂生存。
32. What can we know about the brothers from the first two paragraphs
A. They have about 160 acres of land.
B. They grow wild flowers for pigs.
C. They are not good at growing wild flowers.
D. They have to support 1, 000, 000 bees in their land.
【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据文章第一段可知马克和保罗将81英亩的土地用来种植野花, 而这些土地是两兄弟所拥有的超过一半的土地, 81×2=162, 即他们拥有的土地约为160英亩。故选A。
33. Why are bees under threat in East England
A. There is not enough food for bees.
B. Bees are not used to the modern society.
C. There are too many animals eating bees.
D. Bees can not find different wild flowers.
【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据文章第二段后半部分可知, 东英格兰是蜜蜂觅食多样性严重缺乏的最糟糕的地方之一。蜜蜂受到的威胁有两种: 一是现代农业方法, 二是缺乏觅食多样性, 即蜜蜂需要多种不同的花作为食物。由此可知, 蜜蜂找不到不同的野花。故选D。
34. What is Gill Perkins ’ attitude to the action
A. Opposed. B. Doubtful.
C. Supportive. D. Disappointed.
【解析】选C。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段可知, 他说: “感谢马克和保罗, 至少在这里, 100万只蜜蜂可以继续生存, 不管是现在还是未来, 这对我们都很重要。”由此可推知, 他对这样的行为持肯定态度, 表示支持。故选C。
35. What is the best title for the text
A. The Bees are in Danger Now
B. Two Brothers Feed a Million Bees
C. One Million Bees are Surviving in East England
D. Two Brothers Love Wild Flowers in East England
【解析】选B。主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了两位兄弟通过种植野花, 为100万只蜜蜂提供了食物, 从而实现生态平衡的事迹。由此可知, B项: Two Brothers Feed a Million Bees(两兄弟养了一百万只蜜蜂)符合题意。故选B。
第二节(共5小题; 每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)
  阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
  England is the biggest of the four countries in the United Kingdom. Over 50 million people live in England, which is around 80% of the total UK population.
   36  It is spoken today by billions of people all over the world. Many students go to England from other countries to study the language and learn about the culture. Although everyone speaks English, there are many different accents around the country. French was the official language in England between 1066 and 1362.  37 
The English people love music.  38  Glastonbury is a five-day festival of music, dance, comedy, and theatre and around 175, 000 people go there. Many people stay at the festivals for a few days and they camp in tents. People listen to all types of music, especially pop and rock. England has produced many international groups and singers.
The most popular sports in England are football, rugby and cricket. Most towns have a football, rugby and cricket ground where teams can play.  39 Women ’s football is also popular. Cricket is a traditional sport played with a bat and a ball. People like to watch all these sports on TV.
England is a multicultural country.  40 Indian, Chinese and Italian foods are popular. Traditional English food includes fish and chips, roast beef, sausages and mashed potatoes. Many English people drink several cups of tea every day, usually with milk. However, different types of coffee are also popular.
A. The official language of England is English.
B. This has a big influence on the food people eat.
C. The lion is the symbol of many English sports teams.
D. It is a fact that English is accepted as an international language.
E. In the summer you can go to music festivals all over the country.
F. This is why there are many French words and expressions in English.
G. English football teams like Manchester United, Chelsea and Liverpool are world-famous.
【文章大意】本文是说明文。文章介绍了英国的有关情况, 包括人口、语言、人们对音乐的热爱、受欢迎的运动、食物等。
36. 【解析】选A。空后一句提到“现在在全世界有数十亿的人说英语”, it指代选项A中的English。故选A。
37. 【解析】选F。此题是逻辑线索题。选项F意为: 这就是为什么英语中有很多法语词汇和表达。空前一句提到“在1066年到1362年之间, 法语是英国的官方语言”是在说明原因; 选项F中This is why表示结果。两个句子之间是因果关系。故选F。
38. 【解析】选E。该段主题是英国人对音乐的热爱。此题线索是词汇复现。选项E意为: 在夏天你可以去全国各地的音乐节。下文中的“a five-day festival of music. . . ”和“the festivals”和选项E中的music festivals 是词汇复现。故选E。
39. 【解析】选G。该段的主题是英国最受欢迎的运动。该段首句提到 “在英国最受欢迎的运动是足球、橄榄球和板球”; 选项G是对首句的进一步说明。故选G。
40. 【解析】选B。该段主题是英国是一个多元文化的国家; 选项B意为: 这对人们所吃的食物有很大的影响。下文都是谈论英国的食物, 故选B。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)
第一节(共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)
  阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
  Just five months earlier, I would never have thought that I would act in a play in front of so many people. Without the encouragement of my  41 , Mrs Sather, I might never have found that courage.
I was an extremely  42 girl. It just wasn ’t in my personality to make a sound in public. I used to  43  myself in my writing. Mrs Sather also encouraged me to write more. I think she was one of the first people to see my real  44  and know how to help me.
One day, she told us that we were going to  45  a play—The Wizard of Oz. “I need someone to play the lead part of Dorothy, ” she said.
A lot of hands shot up.  46 , of course, was not one of them.
After school, Mrs Sather said to me, “Dallas, I was  47  you didn ’t raise your hand. You ’re great at memorizing things, and you have such a sweet personality. I ’m sure you are  48  for Dorothy! I have you in mind for Dorothy and want you to write the play too! If you  49  don ’t want to, though, I won ’t make you. It ’s your  50 . ”
Encouraged by her  51 , I suddenly wanted to see what I really could do. I  52  the role. After five months of practicing, line memorizing, and costume(表演服)designing, we were  53 .
At the end of the play, when my teacher and my classmates stood up and  54 , I knew they were not just congratulating for my performance(演出)that night, but for the success that they knew would come in later years because of my newly found  55 .
【文章大意】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要记叙了作者在Sather老师的鼓励下, 参与了戏剧的表演, 最终演出非常成功, 作者也找到了自信。
41. A. friend B. teacher
C. mother D. classmate
【解析】选B。句意: 如果没有我的老师Mrs Sather 的鼓励, 我不可能有那种勇气。根据最后一段中的“my teacher ”可知, Mrs Sather是“我”的老师。故选B。
42. A. shy  B. weak  C. clever  D. pretty
【解析】选A。句意: 我是一个极其害羞的女孩。根据下一句“It just wasn ’t in my personality to make a sound in public. ”(在公众面前发言讲话不是我的个性)可知, “我”很害羞。故选A。
43. A. put B. take C. hide D. turn
【解析】选C。句意: 我过去经常把自己隐藏在写作中。 根据前文可知, “我”很害羞, 不敢在公众面前讲话, 自己只在写作中表达个人想法。故选C。
44. A. problem B. goal
C. challenge D. advantage
【解析】选A。根据前文可知, “我”不敢在公众面前讲话, 这是一个需要解决的问题, 下文讲的是老师如何帮助“我”解决这个问题。故选A。
45. A. put on B. make up
C. put up D. focus on
【解析】选A。根据句中的“ a play”可知, 他们将演戏剧, 用动词短语put on“上演”。 故选A。
46. A. Ours B. Hers C. Mine D. Theirs
【解析】选C。句意: 当然, 我的手不在那些举起的手当中。 根据下文老师说“你没有举手”可知, “我”当时没举手, 此处名词性物主代词mine=my hand。故选 C。
47. A. excited B. happy
C. afraid D. surprised
【解析】选D。句意: 我很惊讶你没有举手。根据下文老师鼓励的话语可知, “我”没举手使她感到很惊讶。故选D。
48. A. anxious B. sweet
C. perfect D. awkward
【解析】选C。句意: 我确信你是演Dorothy的最佳人选。anxious焦虑的; sweet 甜美的; perfect最佳的; awkward尴尬的。根据下一句“I have you in mind for Dorothy”(我想让你演Dorothy这个角色)可知, 老师认为“我”是饰演这个角色的最佳人选。故选C。
49. A. officially B. really
C. finally D. obviously
【解析】选B。根据后面“我不会勉强你去做的”可知, 老师在征求“我”的个人意愿, 如果“我”真的不想, 她不会勉强“我”。故选B。
50. A. turn B. choice
C. luck D. responsibility
【解析】选B。句意: 这是你的选择。 根据前一句“如果你真的不想, 我不会勉强你去做的。” 可知, 老师尊重“我”个人的选择, 故选B。
51. A. words B. stories
C. adventures D. lectures
【解析】选A。句意: 在她的话的鼓励下, 我突然想看看我真的能做什么。根据前面老师说的话可知, “我”受到她的话的鼓励。 故选A。
52. A. created B. played
C. accepted D. remembered
【解析】选C。句意: 我接受了这个角色。根据前面老师的鼓励以及下面“我”5个月的准备可知, “我”接受了这个角色。故选C。
53. A. ready B. successful
C. famous D. careful
【解析】选A。句意: 经过5个月的练习、背台词和表演服设计, 我们已经准备好了。ready准备好的; successful成功的; famous著名的; careful细心的。根据下文的成功可知, 我们已经准备好了。故选A。
54. A. left B. struggled
C. cried D. cheered
【解析】选D。根据空格后的“success” 可知, 表演成功后, 他们为“我”欢呼。故选D。
55. A. skill B. confidence
C. interest D. hobby
【解析】选B。根据前文提到“我很害羞” 可知, “我”找到了在大众面前说话的自信心和勇气, 与首段最后一个词“courage”相呼应。故选B。
第二节(共10小题; 每小题1. 5分, 满分15分)
  阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
  Exercise is one of the most important 56. ________(part) of keeping your body at a healthy weight. We also know that staying fit and healthy is very vital. Exercise can help prevent weight gain. If you can ’t afford to pay the gym 57. ________visit every day, don ’t worry—just become active throughout the day.
When you exercise 58. ________(regular), you will have better chances of
59. ________(improve)your mood(心情). It can also increase your confidence. Besides, it will better your appearance, 60. ________means your body will be in good shape. Regular exercise is also good 61. ________physical fitness and good health. Apart from weight control, exercise can also delay your aging process.
62. ________you don ’t exercise, your muscles will become very weak. Also, your heart and lungs might not 63. ________(function) as well and you are more likely to get injured. Inactivity is as much of a health risk as smoking.
Make sure that an exercise plan 64. ________ (make), so you can know when and what you should do. However, don ’t over-exercise yourself because doing too much exercise on a daily basis will have 65. ________(harm) results.
56. 【解析】parts。考查固定用法。one of the + 形容词最高级+ 可数名词复数, 表示“最……之一”, 该用法为固定用法。故填parts。
57. 【解析】a。考查冠词。pay a visit“拜访”, 是固定短语。故填a。
58. 【解析】regularly。考查副词。句意: 当你有规律地锻炼时, 你将有更好的机会改善心情。修饰动词exercise, 用副词。故填regularly。
59. 【解析】improving。考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知, 空格处应用动名词形式, 作介词of的宾语。故填improving。
60. 【解析】which。考查定语从句关系代词。分析句子结构可知, 空格处应为关系代词, 引导非限制性定语从句, 修饰整个主句内容, 关系词在从句中作主语, 故填which。
61. 【解析】for。考查短语。此处为固定搭配, be good for对……有好处。故填for。
62. 【解析】If。考查连词。句意: 如果你不锻炼, 你的肌肉会变得很虚弱。分析句子结构可知, 空格处应填连词。根据句意可知, 此处应填if作连词引导条件状语从句, 表示“如果”。故填If。
63. 【解析】function。考查动词。句意: 此外, 你的心脏和肺可能也无法正常工作, 你更有可能受伤。情态动词might后接动词原形。故填function。
64. 【解析】is made。考查时态和语态。分析句子可知, make与宾语从句的主语an exercise plan为被动关系, 用被动语态, an exercise plan是单数, 谓语动词用单数。故填is made。
65. 【解析】harmful。考查形容词。句意: 但是, 不要让自己运动过度, 因为每天做太多的运动会产生有害的结果。修饰名词results, 用形容词。故填harmful。
第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)
  假如你是李华, 收到你的美国朋友艾伦(Ellen)的来信, 他说要来中国旅游, 请你给他回信帮忙推荐最具中国文化代表性的旅游景点。你的回信内容如下:
1. 旅游地点: 山东曲阜;
2. 参观景点: 三孔景区(孔庙、孔府、孔林)、孔子文化园;
3. 推荐原因: 几千年来, 孔子文化对中国的教育和中国人优良品质的形成有着积极的影响。
注意: 1. 词数80左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;
3. 开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数。
三孔景区Three Confucian Scenic Spots;
孔庙Confucian Temple;
孔府Confucian Mansion;
孔林Confucian Forest;
孔子文化园Confucius Cultural Park
Dear Ellen,
  I ’m excited to receive your letter. ____________________________________
  That ’s my suggestion and I ’m looking forward to your coming to China quickly.
Li Hua
Dear Ellen,
  I ’m excited to receive your letter. Knowing you are going to visit China, I am writing back to you to recommend the most representative tourist attractions of Chinese culture, which are Three Confucian Scenic Spots(Confucian Temple, Confucian Mansion and Confucian Forest)and Confucius Cultural Park.
  The tourist attractions are located in Qufu, Shandong Province. The reason for recommendation is that Confucian culture has a positive impact on Chinese education and the formation of Chinese people ’s fine qualities for thousands of years.
  That ’s my suggestion and I ’m looking forward to your coming to China quickly.
Li Hua
  阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
  We first saw the lost dog on a beach on Mahé, an island in the Seychelles, Africa. My kids, then six and eight, were building sandcastles, when he got closer and watched them. The next day he appeared on the entrance of our holiday cottage.
My husband Farid and I thought he was looking for food, but soon we realized he just wanted company. He was shy, about three years old, with orange, fox-like fur, big eyes and a long nose. We called him Chell and after five or six days of him hanging about nearby, we became friends.
We posted a message online: was there somewhere that could take him in Finally, we met Olga, a 19-year-old local with five lost dogs and a heart of gold, who agreed to take him in. Chell had only been with us for a week, but when Olga arrived and tried to move him from our cottage to her car, he refused, making himself heavy. Eventually we managed it and watched sadly as they drove off.
“Will we ever see Chell again ” my elder daughter asked, crying. “I guess not, ” I said, not wanting to sugarcoat it. But months later, Olga phoned us to say she was moving abroad to study and ask if we would like to take in Chell ourselves.
Of course, we took Chell home. It was cold, unlike the hot Seychelles, and he was afraid of most things: climbing the stairs, our other dog Kerstin (an ill-tempered female border terrier)—he even seemed afraid of himself. He ’d start to play, then stop suddenly, the rush of happy emotions frightening him. This was perhaps the most heartbreaking of all: a dog who couldn ’t play.
  注意: 续写词数应为150左右。
  Months later, the weather turned cold and we let Chell into the yard to see his first snow.
  At that moment I realized he was going to be OK.
  Months later, the weather turned cold and we let Chell into the yard to see his first snow. By now he had gained confidence and had almost doubled in size to a healthy weight. Holding our breath, we watched as he lifted his paw carefully, nervous at first. Then, suddenly, Chell began ploughing the snowy lawn with his nose, jumping around happily.
At that moment I realized he was going to be OK. Now Chell is a beloved member of the family, being familiar with the surroundings, aside from his habit of chewing the kids ’ toys. He ’s still the same puppy that craved companionship on the beach, except now that he has our family with him. I hope he doesn ’t feel lonely any more. Sometimes it occurs to me that we had such great luck that we found each other on the beach. One should always be happy to find love.
Ⅰ. 概要写作
  阅读下面短文, 根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。
  Generally, the two most common places for studying are either at home or in the library. Many people prefer to study at home rather than study in a library that is specifically set aside for people who need to study.
One of the major advantages of studying at home is that some people simply learn better when in a comfortable environment. While sitting at a table in an uncomfortable chair found in a library does work for some students, others may find that being on a couch in their own home is better. Libraries may also have a number of other students in them, all trying to use the same resources at the same time. This can make it difficult to use a computer or other public devices, especially near the end of a school term, and someone ’s computer is easier to use while he or she is studying at home.
Someone studying at home can also start and stop more easily, especially for breaks to get something to eat or drink. At home, a person may be able to simply walk into the next room and get some food. While studying in a library, however, it is likely that someone would have to pack up his or her study materials and leave the building completely to find something to eat.
However, there are some disadvantages of studying at home. Televisions, movies, music video games, roommates, family, and many more sources of distraction can all be present in a home but might not be found in a library. There are also certain resources that can be found from a library but may not be found at a person ’s home. On the contrary, libraries have another purpose besides providing a place for study. Those books are very handy, especially when one is writing term papers. There are hundreds to choose from.
  Many people prefer to study at home rather than study in a library. (要点1)Some people learn better at their own home, because it provides a comfortable environment and it is easier to use their own computer. (要点2)Studying at home enables people to start and stop more conveniently, especially for breaks to get something to eat or drink. (要点3)However, one may be distracted by many things at home and certain handy resources can only be found in a library. (要点4)
Ⅱ. 单词拼写
1. What puzzles(迷惑) me is why he left the country without telling anyone.
2. Though they all lived nearby(在附近), I lost touch with them really quickly.
3. The attack has caused severe damage to American naval and military (军事的) forces.
4. They believed that they could win the battle (战役).
5. Later in the next century, people from England made voyages to conquer(征服) other parts of the world.
6. The ship was back in port(港口) after a week.
7. The readers would be interested in local customs(习俗) and culture as well.
8. There is no evidence(证据) to support this theory.
9. She knew the exact location(位置) of the college.