课题 M3U2 The cows are drinking water. 课型 听说新授课
教学目标 1.知识目标:掌握新词cow,rabbit,blow,熟练运用be+动词ing。2.能力目标:能运用思维导图复述文章,并学会创设情境来表达。3.情感目标:体会英语学习的乐趣,敢于表达并充分提升自己的综合语言能力。
重点 熟练运用be+动词ing的句型
难点 运用思维导图复述文章及根据情境去表达和运用知识。
教法 任务型教学法;情境教学法;思维导图;学生中心教学法;多媒体教学
教具 课件;卡片;图片
教学过程教学过程 Step1.Warm up& lead in(5mins) 1. Greeting.Then show Ss an interesting cartoon about farm animals.T:While watching, you need to focus on : What animals can you see And what are they doing Ss:horse/hen/pig/cow(cow是新词,顺势导入新词的教学)(设计意图:创设英语学习氛围和情境,让学生学会预测,进而复习旧知be+动词ing,为新授单词cow作铺垫。)Step2. Presentation(18mins)1.New wordsa.Show pictures and cards, then learn the new words of cow(s) rabbit(s) and blow. At the same time, pay much attention to the pronunciation of/ts/.b.Compare the pronunciations of cow and blow, then give some examples and let students classify.(设计意图:用图片和卡片结合的方式教新单词,能提高孩子们的兴趣,同时抓住抓牢音标的学习,基础夯实牢固,后面自会顺理成章。)c.Word game: Remember the sentences including the new words and say out as quickly as you can.(设计意图:让孩子们更好的在玩中运用知识,并进一步加深对单词的印象。)
教学过程教学过程 2.New texta. Read the text and know the differences of a letter in English and in Chinese. Then circle the ing and check the pronunciations with classmates.b.Listen to the tape and think over 3 questions, then check.c. Listen again and think over another 4 questions, then check.d. Connect the right answers on the blackboard, then read .(设计意图:一环扣一环,带着任务去学习阅读,并尽可能的培养孩子的听说能力,让其充分理解课文。)Step3. Consolidation(15mins)1.Let’s retell : Teacher can lead the students to retell the text. And students can retell the text by mind maps by themselves in 5 groups. Then choose the best and fastest one.(设计意图:能顺畅的复述文章,并最终在竞赛中拔高合作,竞争能力。)2.Create a situation: Let’s get on the train from the north station of Jing Dezhen and travel together. Then teacher takes her Uke and sing a beautiful song with students.(创设情境:美好的天气,美好的心情,带领全班去旅行,老师带上尤克里里,途中和大家一起演唱优美的歌曲。)3.Show different pictures through the window and ask students to express by at least 2 or 3 sentences.Such as: T:What sceneries can you see Ss:The sun is... The wind is ... The dog is... What a lovely dog it is!(设计意图:运用情境教学,透过车窗,把所学的知识自然地创设在一个个情境当中,让孩子们很自然的表达出想法,并且也能很好的契合这一课的主题,做到更好的向课外延伸。)
板书设计 M3 U2 The cows are drinking water.New words Key questionsKey sentences Competition