6B Unit4 Road Safety (Period 2)
译林英语6B Unit 4 Grammar time & Checkout time A
1.能对story time进行自主复习,在认识交通标志的基础上掌握安全知识,做遵守交通规则的社会公民。
2.能理解情态动词can,must及其否定形式can’t (cannot), must not(mustn’t)在用法上的相同与不同之处,并能够根据不同的情境正确运用不同的情态动词。
1.正确理解must,can,mustn’t, can’t的用法,了解它们在用法上的相同与不同之处。
2.能够灵活运用must,can,mustn’t, can’t来表述在不同的地方应遵守的规则或法则。
1.利用不同的游戏训练,使学生能够根据不同的情境,灵活、正确地运用不同的情态动词must,can,mustn’t, can’t来表述在不同的地方应遵守的规则或法则。
2.能够通过对Road Safety Rules的学习,将Life Rules和Public Rules建立联系,并在此基础上理解Follow the rules!的具体含义。
课前播放:Twinkle, twinkle, little star 教师带领学生做一做动作,进行课前热身。
Step 1: Warm up
1. Watch a short video.
T:先播放一遍,然后提醒I think we can watch the video carefully. 再播放一遍。
2. T: Class begins. Good morning, class. Today, I’m your new English teacher, my name is Linda. So, hello, boys and girls.
Ss: Hello, Linda.
T: Nice to meet you.
Ss: Nice to meet you, too.
T: Just now, we watched a video about an old woman. What is she doing
Ss: She is crossing the road.
T: Is it dangerous to cross the road like the old woman (PPT出示Dangerous )
Ss: Yes.
T: It’s too dangerous. (PPT出示Dangerous!)Look, Mr. Rule wants to give her some suggestions. Listen! (播放road safety rules)
3. He means that we must keep safe on the road. So, today, we are going to continue talk about Unit4 Road safety.
Step2 : Presentation
1. T:Last lesson, we’ve learned about story time. Can you tell me: How can you cross the road safely according to the story time (板书How )You can answer me with must or can. (PPT出示Tip)
Ss: 学生回答We can… We must…。
T:根据学生的回答在PPT中点出相应的图形,并且板书短语look for …, look at …, cross … with …, wait on …同时在短语后贴上相应的图画。
2. T: You know what we can do when we crossing the road. What must you not do on the road (PPT出示问题并板书What ) You can answer like this: I mustn’t…
Ss: I mustn’t…
T: It is equal to “must not…”, I must not…
Ss: 跟读“must not…”, I must not… (PPT出示句子I mustn’t … )
T: What must you not do on the road
S: I / We mustn’t / must not run or play on the road. (PPT出示三幅图片并贴图画于黑板)
4. 汇总学习Grammar time --------相同点。
(1) T: Just now, you have mentioned these sentences. Let’s open our English books and read them together.
Ss: 学生齐读Grammar time问答句。
设计意图:学生齐读书上句子,能够提示同学们在学习时将书本用起来,并对Grammar time的内容进行初步感知。
(2)T: Can you find any rules about how to make these sentences
Ss: 学生总结“主语+情态动词+动词原形”。(板书)
T: Let’s look at the modal verbs. There are four different modal verbs, they are must, mustn’t, can, can’t. (将四个情态动词贴于板书)
Ss: 学生跟读must, mustn’t, can, can’t。
T:Do you know, what are the similarities in use (PPT出示问题。)
T: (不论学生回答正确与否,用不同的方法引导学生说出“情态动词+动词原形”。)And there are more similarities. Let’s have a look. (播放泰微课-----相同点)
T:Look, I have one question. 当我们在使用情态动词时,情态动词是否会受到主语人称的影响呢?(PPT出示各人称主语)
Ss: No.
T: 也就是说,不论主语是I,We, You, He, She, They情态动词后面都接动词原形。
Ss: 学生齐读主语I,We, You, He, She, They。
T: You all know the similarities, and here’s a song for you. It’s called “Make a change” Song. These are the singing rules. (PPT出示演唱规则,教师简单阐述。)Are you clear
Ss: Yes.
第一遍:T—Ss 示范表演(Find the mistakes)。
T: Let’s look at this song. Is there any incorrect sentence in this song
S: Yes. (找到错误内容并说出正确的句子She can’t run on the road.)
T: Now, I’ll sing with you. Let’s start. (播放配乐)
Ss: 跟教师一起完成对唱。
第二遍:Boys—Girls演唱。(改唱成否定句negative sentence)
第三遍:Girls – Boys演唱。(改唱成一般疑问句general question)
5. 汇总学习Grammar time --------不同点。
(1)T: Just now, we talked about the similarities between the modal verbs, but think carefully, what’s the differences between them
(2)T: You did a good job. Let’s look at these sentences.
教师带领学生再带着明显的语气读一读这些句子,然后分三类:important,dangerous,alternative,帮助学生了解must和can的语气及使用情境区别。(板书贴上表示不同程度的 标志)
(4)T: But there are more differences, let’s look. (播放泰微课---不同点)
(5)T: Are you clear
Ss: Yes.
T: Let’s play a game. In this game, you must find out the correct modal verbs for the phrases. For example, … (举例,带领学生说一说游戏内容)Do you understand
Ss: Yes.
T: Here we go.
游戏规则:当学生看到cross the road with other people等词组,选出适当的情态动词,大声说出must或者can。
(6) T:Let’s read them together and fell the tones of them.
(7)T: Please look and this picture, and try to circle the correct word.
Ss: 两位学生以问答方式选出正确答案。
T:He mustn’t run fast on the road, because it is too ...
Ss: Dangerous! (通过以上的学习,学生应该理解并可以说出该词。)
T: Look, Mr. Rule has some suggestions. Listen! (播放road safety rules)
设计意图:作为对road safety rules的总结练习,也是对下面一个学习板块的引出,起到承上启下的作用。
6. T: It means we must …! (PPT出示Follow the road safety rules!)
Ss: 学生齐说Follow the road safety rules(板书Road safety rules)But we must not only follow the road safety rules, but also follow the life rules. (板书Life rules)What are the life rules Let’s look at these pictures. (带领学生一起完成Think and circle的两幅图)
T: If you go to bed on time and have a rest when you are sick, they mean that you have a good habit. (板书have a good habit)A good habit is important, and a healthy diet is important too(板书have a healthy diet). Please fill in the blanks with suitable modal verbs.
T: Look, he comes again for some suggestions. Listen.(播放diet rules录音)It means we must … (PPT出示Follow the diet rules!)
Ss: 学生齐说Follow the diet rules.
7. T: Just now, we talked about some life rules and road safety rules. What other rules do you know
Ss:学生自由地说一说,如classroom rules等等。
T:(教师将学生的答案在黑板上写一写。)Yes, you know so many rules. And we call these rules “Public rules”. (板书Public rules) Do you know what does “public” mean
Ss: 学生可以通过理解与猜测得到答案“公共的”。
T: You are clever. There are different rules in different public places. Look! Here are some numbers for you. Each number represents a public scene. If I show you the green one, you say “Green man, go.” If I show you the red one, you say “Red man, stop.” And then you should ask and answer with your classmates. And, there is also a surprise for you.
Ss: 学生合作完成游戏。(在一位学生表演时,其余学生要帮助发出指令“Green man, go.” “Red man, stop.”,并且还要以go,go,go来增加课堂气氛。)
设计意图:通过游戏的形式让学生用句型操练public rules,既增加了检测学生理解能力的趣味性,又有效地让学生增强了对different rules in different public places的理解。
注意:当学生抽中Mr Rule撒花时,教师即给予小花朵。当学生抽中问答时,问答结束后教师说Good!/… Here’s a present for you.
Step3 : Consolidation
1. T: Is this game interesting
Ss: Yes!
T: If you follow the public rules, if you follow the road safety rules, and if you follow all the rules, you can be a civilized people. Let’s try to be a civilized people, OK (PPT出示Try to be a civilized people)
Ss: OK!
T:And I think we should make more people to be civilized one. Look at this mind map, you can try to finish this mind map with your partners.
Ss: 四人一人小组,完成思维导图。然后到前面进行展示,说一说。(对展示好的学生给予奖励。)
2. T: After class, you can write a proposal to ask more people to join us with this mind map. For example: Dear friends, when we go to the cinema, you must…, you mustn’t … You can… You can’t…
3. T: And you can read some books about different rules around us. (播放绘本录音)
4. T: Now, please tell me, must we follow the rules
Ss: Yes, I / we must!
T: So, let’s say…(出示PPT)
Ss: We should know the rules. We must follow the rules. We can live a happy life.
T: Look, he comes again to give the last suggestion. Listen.