Module Eight Story Time
Unit 2 Goldilocks hurried out of the house.
新的课程标准明确指出:语言既是交流的工具,也是思维的工具。学习一门外语既能够促进人的心智发展,更有助于学生认识世界的多样性,在体验中外文化的异同中形成跨文化意识。基于这些基本理念,我用十个“Let’s”穿起了整个故事的情节,一方面引导学生完整理解“Goldilocks and the Three Bears" 这个故事,并明白其中的主要人物和事件以及事件的先后顺序,进而实现“通过阅读童话故事提高学生学习英语兴趣”的目的;另一方面引导学生根据老师提供的图片和关键问题,对整个故事进行复述,进而实现语言的实践性和应用性的目的。最关键的环节是通过对课文的学习,让学生思考并明白 “金凤花原理”,即“适合自己就是最好的”这条哲理。
童话故事是人类智慧的宝贵财富,它汇集了人们世世代代的观察和思考,既充满了孩童的天真稚气,又饱含着对人生哲理的深刻见解。爱听故事是孩子的天性,听故事、读故事是孩子学习语言的桥梁。尤其是初一下学期的学生,他们有了一定的词汇积累,也掌握了简单的阅读技巧,因此,在学习本课的童话故事时,不仅会充满强烈的兴趣,同时,也不会有太大的困难。但是,对于本故事所折射出的“恰好适合”这个选择原理, 学生们一定会感到陌生,需要老师通过故事中金凤花的几次选择加以说明和引导。
学生能够通过描述图片、听录音、阅读短文等多种形式,理解和掌握下列词语:piece, in pieces, cry, at first, jump, asleep, return, point, point at, shout, without ,part;
学生能够借助图片,独自或小组合作讲述本课故事,并注意用 first, next/then and finally 展现故事的逻辑顺序。
Step 1: Let’s recall
Boys and girls, we’ve learned the first part of the story, let’s retell it by using the six pictures given by me. While you are retelling, please use the seven key phrases: Once upon a time, one day, and soon, First…then; finally…and….
【设计意图】: 本活动属于热身活动,一方面要求学生通过教师所给的六幅图片以及所给表示承接顺序的短语完成对前面所学对话的复述;另一方面为继续学习第二部分童话故事做好铺垫。
Step 2:Let’s predict
T: (1) If you are Goldilocks, what will you do after finishing the food
(2)What happened next(接下来)
S1: I think…
S2: Maybe…
S3: She…
Step 3:Let’s learn
T: Read the words and phrases after watching the pictures:
try---tried be in pieces be asleep return---returned cry---cried
point at--- pointed at shout--- shouted jump out of---jumped out of
hurry out of---hurried out of without
Ss: Read and learn.
Step 4: Let’s listen
T: Now, listen to the story, number the pictures according to what you have listened.
S: Listen and number.
Step 5 Let’s read the passage
Read for the first time:
T: Please read quickly and check the right information.
1. Goldilocks liked the big chair.
2. Goldilocks liked the small bed.
3. Baby Bear looked in the bedroom.
4. The Three Bears were happy to see Goldilocks.
5. Goldilocks didn’t like the Three Bears.
S: Read and check.
Read for the second time:
T: Now read the passage quickly again and answer the following questions.
1.How many chairs were there
2.What did she think of the big chair
3.What happened to the smallest chair
4.Which bed did she like
5.Was she very tired How do you know
S: Read and answer.
Read for the third time:
T:人生在于不断地去发现(To discover it),去尝试(to try it),并不断地为我们的尝试付出努力和代价(To pay for it).So,Please read the passage again and find how many main paragraphs are there in it
S: Read and answer the following three parts of questions.
Part One :
1.What did Goldilocks discover
2.What did she try
3.What happened
Part Two:
1.What did the Baby Bear discover
2. How did he feel
Part Three:
What happened to Goldilocks finally
Step 6 Let’s retell the passage.
T: Now, let’s retell the whole passage by using what I ‘ve given you.
Part One: Something about Goldilocks——第1/2自然段
1.What did Goldilocks want to do Why
2.What did she try How were they
3.What happened to the small chair
4.How many beds were there in the bedroom How was the small one
5. What did she do
Part Two: Something about the Three Bears——第3/4自然段
After the Three Bears returned——
(1)What did they do
(2)What did the Baby Bear do How was he Why
(1)What did the Bears do
(2)What did the Baby Bear do then
Part Three: The result of the story——第5自然段
(1)What did Goldilocks do
(2)Where were the Three Bears
(3)So, what did Goldilocks do
【设计意图】 通过三部分问题的牵引,引导学生对故事的第二部分进行复述,实现提高语言综合运用能力的目的。
Step 7: Let’s tell the story
T: Now, we’ve finished learning the whole story, now let’s tell it by using the given pictures. Try to use “first, next/then, finally” to help you
Ss: Try to tell in groups.
SS:Try to tell the story individually.
S1—3:Show their story.
Step 8: Let’s imagine
T: Boys and girls, you’ve known what happened to Goldilocks from the story, but who knows what will happen next Now let’s use our imagination, and think what will happen next
Ss: Have a discussion and then show their opinion.
Step 9: Let’s enjoy
T: Show some beautiful pictures of goldilocks.
Ss: Enjoy them.
【设计意图】学生从枯燥的语言中解放出来,欣赏一下goldilocks 这种漂亮的花,进而打开学生的思维,为下一个环节做好铺垫。
Step 10: Let’s think
T: Goldilocks chose the small bow, the small bed and the small chair though the others are bigger, why
Ss: Think… and try to show their ideas.
A. 模仿点读笔的语音语调,带有情感朗读课文;
B. 小组模仿表演本课故事;
C. 独自有感情地讲述本课故事;
D 根据想象,续编故事。