Unit 2 Iconic Attractions Period 4 listening and speaking 课件+教案


名称 Unit 2 Iconic Attractions Period 4 listening and speaking 课件+教案
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-04-07 17:42:05


Period 4 Listening and Talking
Unit 2 Iconic Attractions
Australia is the biggest and most developed country in Oceania.
There is another developed country, that is New Zealand.
Lead in
What do you know about New Zealand
Activity 1
Do you know what’s in the picture
And which attracts you most
Activity 1
Besides, You will have a unique insight into early European settlement and Māori culture in The Bay of Islands.
The Bay of Islands is one of New Zealand's favourite travel destinations.
It is the perfect place to
view a variety of marine life, including dolphins, whales and penguins.
Activity 1
A ceremonial dance performed by the Maori people to get ready for war and to develop team spirit.
It can be performed by both men and women.
the haka
Activity 1
The kiwi bird lives only in New Zealandand it is an icon of NewZealand. It is endangered species.
It is vulnerable and usually comes out only at night because the sunlight hurts its eyes.
kiwi bird
Activity 1
A geyser is a natural hot spring.
It forms when pressure builds
up beneath the ground,causing an eruption of hot water and steam.
It is Known as a geothermal system.
A geyser
Activity 1
some times found in the same area as geysers a landscape bathed in steam, with powerful geysers shooting steam into the air, vividly coloured sulphuric pools, and bubbling mud.
a sulphuric pool
Activity 1
It is made from the manuka plant.
manuka honey
it is renowned for its unique flavour: quite thick , dark, and slightly bitter.
Activity 1
people jumped off a high platform with vines attached to their feet as a test for their courage and passage into manhood.
bungee jumping
Activity 1
first introduced to NewZealand in the late18th century
sheep farming became the main industry in NewZealand.
a flock of sheep
Activity 1
Listen to a radio programme called Amazing New Zealand. Three speakers are talking about what they believe to best represent New Zealand. Match the speakers with their jobs and their choices.
Dave Edmonds
Jane Smith
Felicity James
writer of the Fantastic Life blog
business journalist
editor of World Nature magazine
the Bay of Islands
the geothermal parks
the New Zealand experience
Activity 2
Listen again and take notes. List the reasons given by the speakers why these three things best represent New Zealand.
one of the most beautiful places
boat cruises
hiking tours
tours to observe & experience Maori culture
the beaches and water activities
a plenty of great wildlife
the Bay of Islands
All in all, The Bay of Islands is really what best represents New Zealand.
Dave Edmonds sums up his
opinion by using “All in all”.
Activity 3
the geothermal parks
In my opinion, the places that best represent New Zealand are the geothermal parks.
the hot springs
bubbling mud
sulphuric pools
Felicity James sums up his opinion by using “in my opinion”
Activity 3
the New Zealand experience
In short, I would like to suggest that tourists not just visit iconic places in NewZealand--they should experience its culture.
seeing a kiwi bird or a flock of sheep
try some manuka honey
see the haka
go bungee jumping
Jane Smith sums up his opinion by using “In short”
Activity 3
How do the speakers sum up their opinions
Complete their sentences with the words you hear.
________________, The Bay of Islands is really what best represents New Zealand.
________________, the places that best represent New Zealand are the geothermal parks.
________________, I would like to suggest that tourists not just visit iconic places in NewZealand--they should experience its culture.
Activity 4
All in all
In my opinion
In short
Dave Edmonds
Felicity James
Jane Smith
When people talk about the same subject for a long time, they often end by stating the main point of their talk. Such summaries often begin with phrases as followings :
Sum up
In summary
In my view
In short
In a word
All in all
As a whole
Activity 4
In groups, discuss what best represents China. Brainstorm the following topics and take notes.
the cultural centre
the centre(s) of various cuisines
the best place to see nature
the most diverse region
the economic centre
the music centre
the best place to experience history
the place with the best quality of life
Activity 5
When people talk about the same subject for a long time, they often end by stating the main point of their talk. Such summaries often begin with phrases such as In summary, To sum up, All in all, In short, and so on.
Choose one place to give a presentation on. Use the expressions below to help you.
It's a leading... It's home to/of... It's famous/well-known for...
It has/features... It's a ______ centre. It's the centre of...
You can visit/see/enjoy... Some of its attractions include...
It's one of the top/best ... in the world ... allows people to...
It's celebrated around the world for...
Describing special features of a place
Activity 6
Today, I'd like to introduce you to Beijing, which is a leading cultural, economic, and historical centre in China. Some of its attractions include the Forbidden City,the Temple of Heaven,the Summer Palace,and the Great Wall. Of course, you can also enjoy modern architecture, such as the“Bird's Nest”.
Activity 6
Beijing is celebrated around the world for the Peking Opera, and one of China's most iconic foods Peking Duck. It features many old neighbourhoods,called hutongs, where you can see how people have lived for hundreds of years. All in all, if you can only visit one place in China, Beijing is the place to go.
Do the exercises on
Page 70 of Workbook.
Unit 2 Iconic Attractions
Period 4 Listening and Talking教学设计
课题 Unit 2 Period 4 Listening and Talking 单元 Unit 2 学科 English 年级 Grade 2
教材 分析 本课听力内容是一段电台访谈,主持人邀请了三位媒体出版界的专业人士,从各自的角度对“什么最能代表新西兰”发表意见。Dave Edmonds是财经领域的记者, 他给出的意见反映的是从当地旅游价值方面的考量; Felicity James是自然杂志的编辑, 她给出的意见是地热公园;Jane Smith是生活博客的作者, 她的观点是不要选择某一个地点来代表新西兰, 而应该更注重在新西兰的文化体验,比如看几维鸟、羊群、哈卡舞,吃麦卢卡蜂蜜,尝试蹦极,等等。学生应在理解听力对话内容的基础上,进一步理解不同的观点与其人物设定之间的关联。教师引导学生从语篇表层信息的理解下沉到语言特征的分析,发展深层次的语篇分析能力,理解不同职业的人看待事物的角度的差异并辩证地看待这些观点。人们从不同的职业背景、知识背景、文化背景、经济背景等出发发表观点,自觉或不自觉地会带有特定的视角。学会辩证地看待不同的观点,去除其中可能的偏颇,提高思维的广度和深度,是高阶思维能力训练的一个目标。
学习目标与核心素养 1.To get to know something about New Zealand’s iconic attractions. 2. To practise listening for gist using a true-to-life radio programme in natural English. 3.To practise listening for summary statements.. 4.To share opinions about what best represents China.
重点 To practise listening for summary statements. To get to know something about Thailand’s iconic attractions
难点 To share opinions about what best represents China.
教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
导入新课 新课 Lead –in Australia is the biggest and most developed country in Oceania.There is another developed country, that is New Zealand. New-Lesson Activity 1 1.What do you know about New Zealand 2.Do you know what’s in the picture And which attracts you most The Bay of Islands The Bay of Islands is one of New Zealand's favourite travel destinations. It is the perfect place to view a variety of marine life, including dolphins, whales and penguins. Besides, You will have a unique insight into early European settlement and Māori culture in The Bay of Islands. the haka A ceremonial dance performed by the Maori people to get ready for war and to develop team spirit.It can be performed by both men and women. kiwi bird The kiwi bird lives only in New Zealand it is an icon of NewZealand. It is endangered species. It is vulnerable and usually comes out only at night because the sunlight hurts its eyes. A geyser A geyser is a natural hot spring. It forms when pressure builds up beneath the ground,causing an eruption of hot water and steam. It is Known as a geothermal system. a sulphuric pool some times found in the same area as geysers a landscape bathed in steam, with powerful geysers shooting steam into the air, vividly colored sulphuric pools, and bubbling mud. manuka honey It is made from the manuka plant. it is renowned for its unique flavour: quite thick , dark, and slightly bitter. bungee jumping people jumped off a high platform with vines attached to their feet as a test for their courage and passage into manhood. a flock of sheep first introduced to NewZealand in the late18th century . sheep farming became the main industry in NewZealand. Activity 2 Listen to a radio programme called Amazing New Zealand. Three speakers are talking about what they believe to best represent New Zealand. Match the speakers with their jobs and their choices. Activity 3 Listen again and take notes. List the reasons given by the speakers why these three things best represent New Zealand. Activity 4 How do the speakers sum up their opinions Complete their sentences with the words you hear. All in all, The Bay of Islands is really what best represents New Zealand. In my opinion, the places that best represent New Zealand are the geothermal parks. In short, I would like to suggest that tourists not just visit iconic places in New Zealand--they should experience its culture. When people talk about the same subject for a long time, they often end by stating the main point of their talk. Such summaries often begin with phrases as followings : Activity 5 In groups, discuss what best represents China. Brainstorm the following topics and take notes. the cultural centre the centre(s) of various cuisines the best place to see nature the most diverse region the economic centre the music centre the best place to experience history the place with the best quality of life Activity 6 Choose one place to give a presentation on. Use the expressions below to help you. Describing special features of a place It's a leading... It's home to/of... It's famous/well-known for... It has/features... It's a ______ centre. It's the centre of... You can visit/see/enjoy... Some of its attractions include... It's one of the top/best ... in the world ... allows people to... It's celebrated around the world for... sample Today, I'd like to introduce you to Beijing, which is a leading cultural, economic, and historical centre in China. Some of its attractions include the Forbidden City,the Temple of Heaven,the Summer Palace,and the Great Wall. Of course, you can also enjoy modern architecture, such as the“Bird's Nest”. Beijing is celebrated around the world for the Peking Opera, and one of China's most iconic foods Peking Duck. It features many old neighborhoods, called hutongs, where you can see how people have lived for hundreds of years. All in all, if you can only visit one place in China, Beijing is the place to go. Homework Do the exercises on Page 70 of Workbook. Students look at the picture and locate the NZ. Students choose any picture to describe it. Students listen to a radio programme called Amazing New Zealand and match the speakers with their jobs and their choices. Students listen again and List the reasons given by the speakers why these three things best represent New Zealand. Students think about phrases which are used to sum up opinions. Students discuss what best represents China. Students choose one place to give a presentation on. To arouse the students’ interest in the class. To serve as a warn -up for the activities which follow, introducing key vocabulary and concepts. To practise listening for gist using a true-to-life radio programme in natural English. To practise listening for details. To practise listening for summary statements. To prepare students for the presentation which follows it. Review and confirm all that students have learnt thus far In this unit and allow them to share their own opinions.
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