Unit3 Environmental protection Period 4 Talk about air pollution 课件+教案


名称 Unit3 Environmental protection Period 4 Talk about air pollution 课件+教案
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-04-07 17:43:19


Period 4 Talk about air pollution
Unit 3 Environmental protection
Look at the following picture and read the quote.
Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.
Look at the following pictures and discuss the questions.
What can you get from the pictures presented about the Beijing Winter Olympics
Look at the following pictures and discuss the questions.
What is special about the cauldron(圣火台) of the Beijing Winter Olympics
The concept of low-carbon emissions and being environmentally friendly.
Look at the following pictures and name the vehicles.
A hydrogen fuel cell bus
hydrogen-powered vehicles
Task 1
Look at the following pictures and find out what they are.
= smog
smoke + fog
New energy-efficient vehicles
Task 1
Discuss the questions in groups according to the pictures.
1. What information can you get from these pictures
I can get information about where the pictures were taken, for example, the bridge is in London, and the chimneys are in a power station. Both places look very polluted. I can see that the car is powered by electricity as it is plugged in. I can see some coal being burned. These pictures tell me that the interview is probably about energy and pollution.
Task 1
Discuss the questions in groups according to the pictures.
2. How do these situations influence your lfe
These situations influence my life not only by providing electricity for me, and transporting me, but also by polluting the air I breathe.
Task 2
Listen to an interview with an air pollution expert and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).
1. The expression “smog” originated in Britain and means a combination of “smoke" and “fog”.
2. Smog became a severe problem in Britain because people at that time burnt lots of fossil fuels.
3. The worst smog in British history happened in London in 1942.
4. The Great Smog of London claimed 5,000 lives.
5. Later, the UK government ordered people not to burn wood in their homes.
Listen to the conversation and complete the chart below.
summarize the information
help you review the key points of a speaker’s message
take notes
be concise
use your own words
Listen for
the “cue”
Hostess: Good morning, listeners. Air pollution is a serious problem, with
urban populations particularly at risk from smog. Ben Drake is an
expert on air pollution, and he is joining us today to talk about this
issue. Ben, where does the word “smog" come from
Ben Drake: “Smog” comes from a combination of the words “smoke” and
“fog”. It originated in Britain , when smog
was a severe problem.
Hostess:Why was it so bad then
Ben Drake:Well, Britain was one of and
factories and homes used lots of coal. When burnt, the coal
produced harmful emissions which created lots of smog. In
London, they also called the smog a “pea soup” because it was as
thick as soup.
Listen again and fill in the blanks.
Task 3
in the early 20th century
the first industrial countries
Hostess:That sounds terrible! What problems did it cause
Ben Drake: Smog caused many health issues and killed many
people. The worst case happened in London in 1952.
Over a few days when the smog was particularly bad,
4,000 deaths were recorded. It was necessary
to . The UK government ordered
people and forced factories
to .
Hostess:But smog is still an important issue in many places. What
can be done about it
Listen again and answer these questions.
Task 3
take immediate action
not to burn coal in their homes
move away from city centres
Ben Drake: Smog is harmful to everyone, especially to
children, old people, and those with heart or lung
problems. We have to and
for everyone’s health and
wellbeing. We should __________________________
___________ and we need to use ________________
____________. We have the , but
we must use and develop it.
Hostess: Yes. Let's hope we can make some big changes. Thanks,
Ben Drake:Thank you.
Listen again and answer these questions.
Task 3
reduce smog
improve air quality
replace coal with cleaner forms
of energy
new energy-efficient
Listen again and take notes on what the expert said. Then summarize the information you got from the interview.
Task 4
Ben Drake, an export on air pollution, is being interviewed on the radio.
He said that smog was a severe problem ______________century in Britain. At that time, Britain was experiencing a boom in_____________. Factories and homes ______________, which created smog.
in the early 20th
used lots of coal
Listen again and take notes on what the expert said. Then summarize the information you got from the interview.
Task 4
He also mentioned the heavy smog in London ____________________________
__________________in 1952. Later the UK government restricted ______________in homes and forced factories to___________
__________________. As smog is harmful to everyone, the expert advised us to __________________________________, use _____________________ , and further develop ___________________.
was particularly bad and caused over 4000 deaths
burning coal
move away
from city centers
replace coal with cleaner forms of energy
new energy-efficient vehicles
green technology
Work in groups.Discuss the questions.The expressions in the box may help you.
Task 5
1 Have you experienced heavy smog where you live Have you seen photos of big cities under clouds of smog What is it like
2 What do you think are the maior causes of smog in China
3 What measures have the government and citizens taken to help address the problem
Referring to common knowledge
Everyone knows that ...
We all know that ...
As is known to all, ...
Most people think that ...
There is no doubt that ...
It is obvious that ...
vehicle restriction
tree planting
Task 5
Work in groups.Discuss the questions.The expressions in the box may help you.
1. Have you experienced heavy smog where you live Have you seen photos of big cities under clouds of smog What is it like
I have occasionally experienced heavy smog where I live. I have also seen pictures of heavy smog over cities. It is very thick and hard to see through. There is no doubt that it is not a good thing.
Task 5
Work in groups.Discuss the questions.The expressions in the box may help you.
2 What do you think are the maior causes of smog in China
3 What measures have the government and citizens taken to help address the problem
Industry and vehicles are the major causes of smog in China.
Most people think that pollution at a certain level is a necessary result of growth, but the government is taking measures to keep it in check by developing green energy solutions and controlling factory and vehicle emissions.
1._______ n. 烟雾(烟与雾混合的空气
2.____________ vi. & vt. 起源;发源;
3.______________ n. 结合,联合
4.__________ adj. 十分严重的
5._____________ v. 声称,断言
6. _____________ n. 繁荣;流行
7._____ that time在那时
8.be harmful _____ 对……有害
9.contribute _____ 有助于;促成
Do Exercises on Page 77
of the workbook.
Unit 3 Environmental protection
Period 4 Talk about air pollution 教学设计
课题 Period 4 Talk about air pollution 单元 Unit 3 学科 English 年级 Grade 2
教材 分析 The theme of the event is "Talk About Air Pollution". The burning of fossil fuels not only releases carbon dioxide, produces man-made greenhouse effect and causes global climate change, but also releases toxic and harmful substances, causing air pollution and affecting human health. The transcript is part of an interview with Air pollution expert Ben Drakeo.The host asked three main questions: the origin of the word smog, the harm and cause of the Smog in London and how to deal with today's air pollution.
教学目标与核心素养 Knowledge objectives: To help students to summarize and relay the listening content. Skill objectives: To learn to train students' ability to accurately obtain detailed information. Emotional objectives: To ask the students to observe the air around them and recall whether they have experienced heavy smog or seen a city covered by smog. Thinking quality objectives:Guide students to think about ways to solve the haze problem.
重点 How to train the students to obtain detailed information; How to summarize and relay the listening content.
难点 How to use the functional sentence patterns of "quoting common sense" correctly to express their opinions.
教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
导入新课 Lead –in (PPT1-5) 1.Look at the following picture and read the quote. Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed. Look at the following pictures and discuss the questions. What can you get from the pictures presented about the Beijing Winter Olympics What is special about the cauldron(圣火台) of the Beijing Winter Olympics Answers:The concept of low-carbon emissions and being environmentally friendly. Look at the following pictures and name the vehicles. Answers: hydrogen-powered vehicles A hydrogen fuel cell bus氢燃料电池巴士 Teachers can guide students to find out the facts and details. Help students describe the pictures.
讲授新课 Task 1 (PPT6-8) 1.Look at the following pictures and find out what they are. 2.Discuss the questions in groups according to the pictures. 1. What information can you get from these pictures 2. How do these situations influence your lfe Answers:1.I can get information about where the pictures were taken, for example, the bridge is in London, and the chimneys are in a power station. Both places look very polluted. I can see that the car is powered by electricity as it is plugged in. I can see some coal being burned. These pictures tell me that the interview is probably about energy and pollution. 2.These situations influence my life not only by providing electricity for me, and transporting me, but also by polluting the air I breathe. Task 2 (PPT9) 1.Listen to an interview with an air pollution expert and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). 1. The expression “smog” originated in Britain and means a combination of “smoke" and “fog”. 2. Smog became a severe problem in Britain because people at that time burnt lots of fossil fuels. 3. The worst smog in British history happened in London in 1942. 4. The Great Smog of London claimed 5,000 lives. 5. Later, the UK government ordered people not to burn wood in their homes. Answers:TTFFF Learning(PPT10) Task 3 (PPT 11-13) Listen again and fill in the blanks. Hostess: Good morning, listeners. Air pollution is a serious problem, with urban populations particularly at risk from smog. Ben Drake is an expert on air pollution, and he is joining us today to talk about this issue. Ben, where does the word “smog" come from Ben Drake: “Smog” comes from a combination of the words “smoke” and “fog”. It originated in Britain________________ , when smog was a severe problem. Hostess:Why was it so bad then Ben Drake:Well, Britain was one of __________and factories and homes used lots of coal. When burnt, the coal produced harmful emissions which created lots of smog. In London, they also called the smog a “pea soup” because it was as thick as soup. Hostess:That sounds terrible! What problems did it cause Ben Drake: Smog caused many health issues and killed many people. The worst case happened in London in 1952. Over a few days when the smog was particularly bad, 4,000 deaths were recorded. It was necessary to_____. The UK government ordered people ___________ and forced factories to_____. Hostess:But smog is still an important issue in many places. What can be done about it Ben Drake: Smog is harmful to everyone, especially to children, old people, and those with heart or lung problems. We have to___________ and_________for everyone’s health and well being. We should _____________ and we need to use _______.We have the ______, but we must use and develop it. Hostess: Yes. Let's hope we can make some big changes. Thanks, Ben. Ben Drake:Thank you. Answers: in the early 20th century;the first industrial countries;take immediate action;not to burn coal in their homes; move away from city centers ;reduce smog;improve air quality;replace coal with cleaner forms of energy;new energy-efficient vehicles; technology Task4 (PPT14-15) Listen again and take notes on what the expert said. Then summarize the information you got from the interview. Ben Drake, an export on air pollution, is being interviewed on the radio. He said that smog was a severe problem ______________century in Britain. At that time, Britain was experiencing a boom in_____________. Factories and homes ______, which created smog. He also mentioned the heavy smog in London ____________________________in 1952. Later the UK government restricted ______________in homes and forced factories to______. As smog is harmful to everyone, the expert advised us to __________________, use _______, and further develop ___________________. Answers:in the early 20th, industry, used lots of coal, was particularly bad and caused over 4,000 deaths, burning coal, move away from city centres, replace coal with cleaner forms of energy, new energy-efficient vehicles, green technology Task 5 (PPT16-18) Work in groups.Discuss the questions.The expressions in the box may help you. 1. Have you experienced heavy smog where you live Have you seen photos of big cities under clouds of smog What is it like 2. What do you think are the major causes of smog in China 3. What measures have the government and citizens taken to help address the problem Answers:1.I have occasionally experienced heavy smog where I live. I have also seen pictures of heavy smog over cities. It is very thick and hard to see through. There is no doubt that it is not a good thing. 2.Industry and vehicles are the major causes of smog in China. 3.Most people think that pollution at a certain level is a necessary result of growth, but the government is taking measures to keep it in check by developing green energy solutions and controlling factory and vehicle emissions. (PPT19)Exercises:重点单词和短语 1._______ n. 烟雾(烟与雾混合的空气污染物) 2.____________ vi. & vt. 起源;发源;创立 3.______________ n. 结合,联合 4.__________ adj. 十分严重的 5._____________ v. 声称,断言 6. _____________ n. 繁荣;流行 7._____ that time在那时 8.be harmful _____ 对……有害 9.contribute _____ 有助于;促成 Answers: smog, originate, combination, severe, claim;boom;at;to;to Have students discuss the details and exchange their ideas. Let students discuss the questions . Do some listening and judge the statements . Allow students to discuss their answers with their desk mates. Listen to the tapes and write down useful information. Students themselves summarize the information. Guide students to fill in the blanks. Practise discussing the topic and activate students’ experiences and knowledge. Practice the language points. To find out some background knowledge. To predict the listening contents. To guide students to make notes and find out useful information. Train students to form their own opinions . To understand the listening materials. In order to learn how to make a summary. Check them by exercising the useful expressions. To use target expressions.
课堂小结 Summary: 1.Look at the pictures and find out related information. 2.Listening and judging. 3.Listening and filling in the blanks. 5.Practice. Homework: Do Exercises on Page 77 of the workbook. Name each picture. Listening tasks. Practice and check words and useful expressions. To find out the way to do some listening .
板书 1.Look at the following pictures and find out what they are. 2.Learning: 3.Practice: smog; originate; combination, severe, claim; boom; at that time; do harm to; contribute to
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