Unit 2 Iconic Attractions period 5 Using langusge Describe an animal 课件+教案


名称 Unit 2 Iconic Attractions period 5 Using langusge Describe an animal 课件+教案
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-04-09 12:00:10


Period 5 Using language
Describe an iconic animal
Unit 2 Iconic Attractions
Lead in
Look at the pictures , can you name them And do you know where do they live
What are the features of them Let’s read the passage for information.
Creatures Unique to Australia
Tasmanian devil
Skim the subtitle and answer what animals are unique to Australia.
Few people know
Skim the text and fill in the blanks.
Koala: ____________________
cute but sensitive
not so cute
a symbol of
the country
lay eggs but a
primitive mammal
Relationship with others:
Australia has lots of unique animals, but which animal is a symbol of the country
cannot walk backwards , have a pouch
baby kangaroos weigh 2g. stay safe and warm in mother’s pouch.
hit and kick hard
look cute
Read and listen to the text carefully and take notes.
Relationship with others:
Koalas are cute, and we see so many pictures of people holding them. But in many places in Australia, it is against the law to even touch them. Can you clarify that
cute but sensitive
interaction with humans can cause them a lot of stress.
government began to make laws against touching koalas.
eating, sleeping on tree trunks
Tasmanian devil
Relationship with others:
So, we've talked about some cute animals. What about animals which aren't so cute
hunt at night , loud cries / noise when fighting or eating --- could wake the dead
about the size of small dogs and look like rather large black rats.
not violent towards people
mostly dead animals
nose and feet like a duck’s
lay eggs in a nest but is a primitive mammal, with a unique biology
can dive under the water; use electrical sensors to find food.
Australia also has some animals that many people have never heard of, for example, the duck-billed platypus. Is that some kind of bird
1.What is special about the kangaroo
A.It has a wide distribution in Australia.
B.It can survive in a difficult environment.
C.The baby kangaroo can learn to jump.
D.It can’t walk backwards.
2.What do we know about the Tasmanian devils
A.They look very cute.
B.It is against the law to touch them.
C.They make loud noises when fighting or eating.
D.They often attack people near them.
Choose the best answer according to the text
3.Which of the animals can seldom be seen in the daytime
A.The Koala.
B.The kangaroo.
C.The Tasmanian devil.
D.The duck-billed platypus.
4.How do duck-billed platypuses find food
A.By using their sense of sight.
B.By using their sense of smell.
C.By using their sense of touch.
D.By using electrical sensors.
1 When do baby kangaroos begin to spend less time in their mothers
2 Why shouldn't you try to pet a wild kangaroo
3 What do koalas spend most of their time doing
4 Why has the government/made it against the law to handle koalas
Answer the following questions
After they are about seven or eight months old and when they begin to jump.
Because they can hit and kick very hard.
They spend most of time eating, sleeping, and hanging onto tree trunks
Because interaction with humans can cause them a lot of stress.
5 What two things about Tasmanian devils can bother people most
6 What do Tasmanian devils like to eat
7 What makes the way duck-billed platypuses give birth so different from other mammals
8 What is the unique way used by duck-billed platypuses to find food
The noise they make could wake the dead and they have a terrible smell.
Their diet is mostly dead animals.
They lay eggs in a nest like birds.
They find food in the water by using electrical sensors in their bill.
例句 修辞手法 使用原因
This expresses the strength and resolve of the Australians as individuals and as a nation. Analogy 用类比突出袋鼠作为澳大利亚标志的原因
and that they are handled for only a limited time and on a limited frequency of occasions. Repetition 用重复强调可以抚摸考拉的条件
The noise they make could wake the dead. Hyperbole 用夸张突出塔斯马尼亚恶魔让人震颤的叫声
Read the text again. How does the writer describe these animals Find at least three rhetorical devices the writer uses to arouse the readers' interest.
The kangaroo is a _________ of Australia,as it has a wide __________ (distribute) throughout the country. However, encounters_______cute    kangaroos don’t always end so well because they can hit and kick very hard.
Koalas are really quite cute, but they are very__________(sense)
creatures who can easily panic because of even small changes in their environment. They spend quite a lot of time eating,sleeping,and _____   (hang) onto tree trunks,_______interaction with humans can cause them     a lot of stress.
Tasmanian devils hunt at night.The noise __________(make) by them could wake the dead.They are about the size of small dogs and look like rather large black rats.Their diet is _________(most) dead animals.
The duck-billed platypus may lay eggs in a nest like a bird; it’s really a primitive mammal,with a unique biology.Its eggs hatch after about ten days, and then the baby platypus nurses from its mother ______ all other mammals. It has a capacity _________(find) food in the water by using electrical sensors in its bill. There are only a small handful of animals in the world ___________can do that!
to find
Iconic animals in China
Habitats & food
Physical Appearance
How different
Unusual or
How they interact with people
Write a description of an iconic animal in China .
The most iconic animal of China by far is the panda, because it is not only a kind of rare bears but also one of the rarest animals in the whole world. Giant pandas have a large black-and-white body with a big round face and two black eye patches. They live in temperate-zone bamboo forests in south-western China and are generally quite shy. However, They have been known to attack people although this is a very rare occurrence . So pandas are not cuddly toys but are wild animals and should not be approached in the wild. Since it is regarded as the "national treasure", its image was chosen as the mascot of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. Bing Dwen Dwen, the name of the mascot, is designed in the shape of an astronaut panda.
Exchange your draft with a partner. See whether the writer does a good job of describing the animal. Take your draft back and revise it using your partner’s comments.
Present your description to the rest of your class.
Do the exercises on
Page 71 of Workbook.
Unit 2 Iconic Attractions
Period 5 Using language
Describe an iconic animal教学设计
课题 Unit 2 Period 5 Describe an iconic animal 单元 Unit 2 学科 English 年级 Grade 2
教材 分析 本文是一篇问答式的专栏文章,以新媒体语篇形态呈现。语篇设计的语境是野生动物专家回答一些关于澳大利亚特有的动物的疑问,类似科普小品文,深人浅出。在现实生活中,我 们也经常通过网络提问或者搜索问题的答案;也有一些网站会将问题进行整理、分类,形成特定主题的问答专区,甚至邀请专家答疑,提供专业的意见。语篇以问题为线索,申联呈现了澳大利亚一些特有动物的有趣内容,甚至还有一些“冷知识”,带给读者较为新颖的阅读视角和体验。本文的第一个问题是关于澳大利亚的象征——袋鼠。这是大多数人都认可的能够代表澳大利亚的标志性动物。专家借此问题向读者详细介绍袋鼠。除了一些特征和习性方面的介绍,专家还诙谐地提醒袋鼠具有攻击性,需要小心。本文的第二个问题引人了大家也同样关心的澳大利亚的另一标志性动物——考拉。专家从考拉的“性格”特点人手,分析了考拉为什么不能让观众随便触摸和拥抱,提醒读者用正确的方式关爱动物。本文的第三个问题谈到了不一定那么讨喜的动物代表——塔斯马尼亚恶魔。专家用风趣的语言告诉读者,这种外形欠佳的动物有着“只闻其声”的特点,而且体味也很难闻。尽管它被称为“恶魔”,但其实对人还算“温柔”。本文的最后一个问题介绍了人们通常不太关注到的动物代表——鸭嘴单。专家介绍了这种动物的“跨界”特征和一些特别的外貌特点,更重要的是它在动物界可以说“独具一格”的特殊技能。整个语篇语言风格轻松活泼,即便是在回答问题的描述中也采取了互动性很强的语言结构或句式,不断调动读者的阅读兴趣,比如:“Kangaroos can hit and kick very hard, so please folks, if you see some kangaroos, remember they're not for petting!"“So, if you see one in the wild, you shouldn't...”“Frightening!”“Do you know what's really strange about a platypus”等。这样的写作手法大大增加了语篇的趣味性, 也更好地起到了科普小品文的作用,能够更好地激发读者的兴趣去更多地了解知识、亲近自然。
学习目标与核心素养 1.To know some typical animals in Australia. 2.To deepen the reading skills, such as summarizing, skimming and scanning. 3.To describe an iconic animal.
重点 To know some typical animals in Australia.. To deepen the reading skills, such as summarizing, skimming and scanning.
难点 To describe an iconic animal.
教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
导入新课 新课 Lead –in Look at the pictures , can you name them And do you know where do they live Skim 1. Skim the subtitle and answer what animals are unique to Australia. Creatures Unique to Australia Kangaroo; Koala; Tasmanian devil; Platypus: 2. Skim the text and fill in the blanks. Read 1.Read and listen to the text carefully and take notes. Australia has lots of unique animals, but which animal is a symbol of the country Koalas are cute, and we see so many pictures of people holding them. But in many places in Australia, it is against the law to even touch them. Can you clarify that So, we've talked about some cute animals. What about animals which aren't so cute Australia also has some animals that many people have never heard of, for example, the duck-billed platypus. Is that some kind of bird 2. Choose the best answer according to the text 1.What is special about the kangaroo A.It has a wide distribution in Australia. B.It can survive in a difficult environment. C.The baby kangaroo can learn to jump. D.It can’t walk backwards. 2.What do we know about the Tasmanian devils A.They look very cute. B.It is against the law to touch them. C.They make loud noises when fighting or eating. D.They often attack people near them. 3.Which of the animals can seldom be seen in the daytime A.The Koala. B.The kangaroo. C.The Tasmanian devil. D.The duck-billed platypus. 4.How do duck-billed platypuses find food A.By using their sense of sight. B.By using their sense of smell. C.By using their sense of touch. D.By using electrical sensors. Questions Answer the following questions 1. When do baby kangaroos begin to spend less time in their mothers 2 Why shouldn't you try to pet a wild kangaroo 3 What do koalas spend most of their time doing 4 Why has the government/made it against the law to handle koalas 5 What two things about Tasmanian devils can bother people most 6 What do Tasmanian devils like to eat 7 What makes the way duck-billed platypuses give birth so different from other mammals 8 What is the unique way used by duck-billed platypuses to find food Thinking Read the text again. How does the writer describe these animals Find at least three rhetorical devices the writer uses to arouse the readers' interest. Post-reading The kangaroo is a _________ of Australia,as it has a wide __________ (distribute) throughout the country. However, encounters_______cute kangaroos don’t always end so well because they can hit and kick very hard. Koalas are really quite cute, but they are very__________(sense) creatures who can easily panic because of even small changes in their environment. They spend quite a lot of time eating,sleeping,and _____(hang) onto tree trunks,_______interaction with humans can cause them a lot of stress. Tasmanian devils hunt at night.The noise________(make) by them could wake the dead.They are about the size of small dogs and look like rather large black rats.Their diet is _________(most) dead animals. The duck-billed platypus may lay eggs in a nest like a bird; it’s really a primitive mammal,with a unique biology.Its eggs hatch after about ten days, and then the baby platypus nurses from its mother ______ all other mammals. It has a capacity _________(find) food in the water by using electrical sensors in its bill. There are only a small handful of animals in the world ___________can do that! Writing Sample The most iconic animal of China by far is the panda, because it is not only a kind of rare bears but also one of the rarest animals in the whole world. Giant pandas have a large black-and-white body with a big round face and two black eye patches. They live in temperate-zone bamboo forests in south-western China and are generally quite shy. However, They have been known to attack people although this is a very rare occurrence . So pandas are not cuddly toys but are wild animals and should not be approached in the wild. Since it is regarded as the "national treasure", its image was chosen as the mascot of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. Bing Dwen Dwen, the name of the mascot, is designed in the shape of an astronaut panda. Exchanging Exchange your draft with a partner. See whether the writer does a good job of describing the animal. Take your draft back and revise it using your partner’s comments. Presentation Present your description to the rest of your class. an only visit one place in China, Beijing is the place to go. Homework Do the exercises on Page 71 of Workbook. Students look at the picture and name the animals. Students skim the subtitle and answer what animals are unique to Australia. Students read and listen to the text carefully and take notes. Students choose the best answer according to the text Students answer the questions according to the text Students find at least three rhetorical devices the writer uses to arouse the readers' interest. Students fill In the blanks and complete the passage. Students write a description of an iconic animal in China using what they have learnt thus far. Students exchange and present their work. To arouse the students’ interest in the class. To catch the information from the subtitle. To catch the details of the text To practise reading skills. To practise reading a passage for details. To practise reading a passage for details. To practise reading a passage to identify rhetorical devices, In preparation for a future writing activity. To sum up the main idea of the text.. To test their grammar knowledge To practise using what students have learnt thus far To help students learn from each other and get advice on improving their work.
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