人教版(2019新版)必修二Unit 2 Wildlife protection单元综合能力测试(Word版含答案 无听力音频素材 有文字材料)


名称 人教版(2019新版)必修二Unit 2 Wildlife protection单元综合能力测试(Word版含答案 无听力音频素材 有文字材料)
格式 doc
文件大小 149.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-04-10 20:44:47



Unit 2 Wildlife protection单元综合能力测试
1.What is the woman's favorite sport
A.Tennis.  B.Basketball.  C.Badminton.
2.What is the man doing
A.Reading an e book.
B.Surfing the Internet.
C.Giving advice.
3.What's the matter with the man
A.He got a headache.
B.He hurt his arm.
C.He cut his knee.
4.Where is the boy going
A.The library.
B.The train station.
C.The post office.
5.What is in the man's bag
A.Some CDs. B.Some books. C.Some bottles.
6.Which train will the man take
A.The 10:30 one.
B.The 12:20 one.
C.The 15:10 one.
7.How much will the man pay for his seat
A.D|S15. B.D|S8. C.D|S6.
8.What will the woman do around 8:30 am tomorrow
A.See the man off in the airport.
B.Drive her kids to school.
C.Wait for her flight.
9.How will the man go to the airport tomorrow
A.By car. B.By cab. C.By bus.
10.Why does the man feel tired
A.He moved to a new place.
B.He went sightseeing.
C.He walked a lot.
11.What does the man say about the apartment
A.Nice but a bit expensive.
B.Convenient but dirty.
C.Big but old fashioned.
12.What does the woman suggest the man do tomorrow
A.Keep trying.
B.Visit some guys.
C.Go to school.
13.What is the speaker most probably
A.A doctor. B.A coach. C.A teacher.
14.How old is the speaker
A.30. B.37. C.43.
15.Which of the following is the speaker's opinion
A.Any type of exercise is useful for better health.
B.It's better to exercise every day.
C.Running helps people most.
16.What does the speaker advise people to do before starting any hard exercise
A.Increase their running distance.
B.Check with their doctors.
C.Start with a ten minute walk.
17.What do the speakers both agree
A.People need cars to buy groceries.
B.Having a car can make people lazy.
C.Cars are bad for the environment.
18.Why does the woman drive her car every day
A.Driving is convenient.
B.Her city has no subway.
C.She thinks it's cheap.
19.What can be said about the man
A.He spends a lot on gas.
B.He gets to work by bike.
C.He needs to get back in shape.
20.Where will the woman probably go next
A.To a gym.
B.To the supermarket.
C.To a used car market.
The sun rises above the Arctic Ocean (北冰洋). Across the frozen sea, a white bear moves slowly.
The bear stops and sways (摇晃) his head from side to side. There is nothing to see but endless ice and red sky. Then his powerful nose senses what his eyes cannot: a beluga whale is nearby.
The bear follows the smell and spots a large hole in the ice where a small white whale is swimming. He silently walks toward the hole, then stops, standing still. The whale does not see the bear, whose white fur makes him appear invisible (看不见的) against the ice.
Finally, the whale swims close to where the bear is waiting. With terrifying speed, the bear comes to life and moves toward the whale. In a moment it is over, and the bear eats his first meal in nearly a week.
Polar bears rule the frozen sea, but their ancestors weren't always built for ice and snow. The first Arctic bears were brown bears, a species that includes grizzly bears. They came to the icy north over a hundred thousand years ago.
No one knows for sure why these bears traveled to such a cold place. Scientists think they might have wandered north looking for food. Maybe they became trapped by glaciers and couldn't leave. Whatever the reason, the bears never should have survived.
But they did. They got used to their new environment. Their bodies changed. Their behavior changed, too. Eventually, the bears developed into an entirely new species: the polar bear. You can see some of the characteristics that polar bears developed to survive.
Sadly, these characteristics may now threaten the polar bear's survival. As sea ice melts due to global warming, polar bears are frequently forced to come ashore (在岸上). They are poor hunters on land, which means they often go a long time between meals. The polar bear, king of the Arctic, is now classified as a threatened species.
Although the future of the polar bear is unknown, the tale of two bears continues. As temperatures rise, grizzly bears have been spotted moving north into polar bear territory (领地). These long lost cousins, once forced apart by nature, are coming back together again.
21.What can be inferred about the white bear mentioned in the first four paragraphs
A.It is noisy. B.It is smelly.
C.It is starving. D.It has good eyesight.
22.What do we know about polar bears' ancestors
A.They were a darker colored species.
B.They were born to live in ice and snow.
C.They had no trouble getting used to the icy north.
D.They came to the Arctic Ocean about 1,000 years ago.
23.Why are polar bears struggling to survive
A.They are losing their hunting ground.
B.They are threatened by other animals.
C.They are spending little time on land.
D.They have difficulty reaching the shore.
24.Which of the following can be the best title for the text
A.The climate change
B.The polar bear's favorite meal
C.The dark past of the polar bear
D.The mysteries of the Arctic Ocean
On a day in Arkansas, some fishermen saw a bear cub (幼兽) in a tree. As hours went by, its mother didn't return. So they called wildlife biologist (生物学家) Eastridge.
The bear cub was sick and hungry, weighing only 5 pounds and with his eyes not completely open. Eastridge called Lisa Stewart, who works at Appalachian Bear Rescue in Tennessee. Stewart always makes room for a new cub.
She named the bear Miracle because she thought it was a miracle that he had survived! As soon as she could, she stopped having contact with the cub so he would not become too used to humans. When the cub arrived, Stewart cleaned his eyes and put him in a house alone. Since Miracle was already 5 months old. Stewart gave him bowls of food and another bowl of a special formula (配方奶粉), similar to a bear mother's milk. Sometimes, Miracle would reach his head out of his house and take some formula or food. But he wasn't eating too much.
Miracle was too weak to be with other bears. So Stewart gave him a toy bear named Buddy. He took it into his house and covered it with straw (稻草). He fed Buddy, too. Stewart often found the toy covered in formula and berries and its ears full of apple chunks. Now that Miracle had Buddy, he came out of his house more often and wanted to eat.
After two months, Stewart introduced Miracle to other bears so they could learn from one another. She avoided any direct contact with Miracle and the other bears. Stewart wanted to make sure they stayed afraid of humans so they could go back into the wild again. She always hid behind a fence (栅栏) and threw food over the top secretly. The bears hunted for this food as they would soon do in the wild.
Five months later, Rick Eastridge returned to pick up a healthy 90 pound Miracle and another bear from Arkansas named Rocky. Eastridge loaded the bears into boxes on his truck and transported them back to the wild. As soon as the bear boxes were opened, the two cubs ran for the woods ─ where they belonged.
25.What did Stewart do shortly after the cub arrived
A.She helped him eat food.
B.She contacted with him.
C.She settled him down.
D.She named him Miracle.
26.A toy bear was given to Miracle in order to ________.
A.remind him not to waste his food
B.kill his lonely time in his house
C.develop his skills of making friends
D.rid Miracle of its fear of humans
27.Why did Stewart always give food to Miracle in secret
A.He could learn how to find food in the wild.
B.He was too weak to be frightened by humans.
C.A good relationship could be developed.
D.She didn't want to disturb his peaceful life.
When I took Amy home from the animal shelter, she was scared. I believed she had been abused (虐待) because she was afraid of anything my husband, Bill, or I held in our hands. With a lot of care and attention, she became a great dog that surprised us every day.
About three years ago, Amy and I joined a volunteer project called Canines with Class. At our first school visit, Officer Lisa called Amy and asked her to show how to shake hands and give a high five. The students clapped (拍手) in joy and Amy received a reward. Then the students got to touch the dog. One by one they came up to meet Amy. Some of them started talking to me about their own pets. I didn't feel worried any more. I thought the children liked staying with us.
On our next school visit, I put a big chain (链条) on Amy's neck and walked away from her. You could see that Amy was not happy. When I took the chain off her neck, Amy shook her tail happily and wouldn't stop licking (舔) my face. That was when we talked about “breaking the chain”.
On our third school trip, Amy started acting poorly when it was time to show off a few tricks. The students watched to see how I would correct her mistakes. It was a good chance to explain that if your dog doesn't do exactly what you ask, you don't have to shout at her or hit her to make it right. I think the children have learned a lot about respect and patience.
Amy loves the program and has come so far since I found her a few years ago. Amy has broken the chain, and the love she gives to those children will help them become good pet owners.
28.During the first school visit, the author was most probably ________.
A.nervous        B.encouraged
C.calm D.upset
29.What was the purpose of the second school visit
A.To show how dogs get happy.
B.To encourage children to be free.
C.To encourage children to save dogs.
D.To show why we should stop using dog chains.
30.What did the children learn from the third school trip
A.Dogs are stupid at times.
B.Everyone makes mistakes.
C.Dog owners should be patient.
D.People should respect each other.
Photographer David J. Slater was following a group of monkeys through the forest when he had a bright idea. What would happen if he left them alone with his camera
__31__ The clever monkeys hit buttons (按钮) with their long, black fingers. They smiled and showed their teeth as they looked at the camera.
The monkeys played with the camera until — snap, snap, snap! Naruto, a 6 year old with bright orange eyes, took some selfies (自拍).
Years later, a newspaper paid Slater to post the photos online. Then another website posted them — and another. Within hours, Naruto's selfies were seen everywhere. __32__
People became interested in Naruto's species, the crested black macaque (黑冠猴). These monkeys are often killed for their meat. __33__ Humans have been cutting down the trees the monkeys live in to make way for farms and roads.
Soon a group of people fighting for animal rights had an idea: Naruto took the photos. Doesn't that mean Naruto owns them — and the right to sell them
The group decided to take Slater to court (法庭). __34__ They wanted that money to be used to protect Naruto's species.
In September, the group made a deal with Slater. He will give away 25 percent of the money from Naruto's selfies. That money will be used to protect crested macaques.
Naruto didn't know what would happen when he snapped his silly selfies. __35__ The attention might just save their lives.
A.The selfies made money.
B.Slater refused their suggestion.
C.The monkey took the photograph of itself.
D.But he's lucky that he made his species famous.
E.But even those that avoid being killed are in danger.
F.You could even buy the pictures on T shirts and postcards.
G.Slater placed the camera on a stand, and then stepped back to watch.
Six year old Mia Rabii is from California.She didn't expect to become a(n) __1__ when she went for a walk with her mom recently.But when some strangers called out for __2__, Mia and her mom ran to their side.
It turns out that some ducklings (小鸭子) had gotten stuck and the people who found them were unable to __3__ them.But luckily for the ducklings, Mia had just what it took to bring them to __4__.Now the six year old's __5__ act is being talked about around the world.
It all __6__ when a family found a mother duck __7__ with only one duckling.The father duck was nearby, but __8__, there were no other ducklings following them.__9__ the family knew that ducks often travel in flocks (群), they realized that something was probably __10__.
Then suddenly, there were strange __11__ coming from a drainage pipe (排水管).They were the cries of ducklings.It turned out that the other ducklings had __12__ into the pipe and gotten stuck.Unluckily, no one in the family had slim (纤细的) enough __13__ to reach down and pull out the ducklings — but __14__, there was a hero nearby.
The family __15__ Mia and her mom, who immediately rushed to them.The family filled Mia and her mom in on what had __16__, and Mia decided to take action __17__ and try to bring the ducklings to safety.
Mia put her arm down into the darkness and carefully __18__ the first duckling.Mia then rushed back to save the __19__ duckling.And the next ...until she had brought all eight ducklings to safety.
After Mia saved the little creatures from __20__, the overjoyed mother duck went off with her beloved ducklings.
1.A.actor         B.interviewer
C.hero D.doctor
2.A.advice B.help
C.treatment D.encouragement
3.A.lose B.feed
C.protect D.save
4.A.safety B.health
C.joy D.strength
5.A.smart B.creative
C.kind D.fair
6.A.succeeded B.failed
C.stopped D.started
7.A.working B.walking
C.waiting D.playing
8.A.strangely B.suddenly
C.usually D.undoubtedly
9.A.Though B.If
C.Before D.Because
10.A.wrong B.different
C.common D.familiar
11.A.warnings B.feelings
C.sounds D.smells
12.A.broken B.fallen
C.looked D.flown
13.A.ropes B.arms
C.sticks D.fingers
14.A.surprisingly B.clearly
C.naturally D.luckily
15.A.nodded to B.listened to
C.laughed at D.shouted at
16.A.happened B.changed
C.remained D.finished
17.A.patiently B.secretly
C.immediately D.finally
18.A.guided B.examined
C.covered D.lifted
19.A.same B.other
C.next D.last
20.A.fear B.doubt
C.danger D.anger
A new social robot has been introduced to the public at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. The robot, __1__ (call) Nadine, was built by a research team at the university.
Nadine has brown hair and human like skin. She can talk and act like a human and she even has her own personality. The robot can show emotions, like anger and __2__ (sad) and change into different moods, __3__ (depend) on the topics she is talking about.
Nadine is the most advanced and human like robot so far. She has built in software that is similar to Apple's Siri, which works on __4__ iPhone. The new social robot has capabilities that have never been implemented in other robots so far. Nadine can not only remember people she __5__ (meet) before, but she can recall things that she said at __6__ (early) conversations as well.
Up to now, robots have been used widely in the manufacturing industry. However, more and more robots __7__ (equip) with social functions. This could be important __8__ our population becoming older. Working robots could be the solution to a decreasing workforce. On the other hand, such social robots could care for children or older people. They could play and talk with them or keep them company.
Currently, Nadine __9__ (have) a job as a receptionist at the university, __10__ she answers questions asked by students and other visitors.
Dear WWF,
There are wetlands in my hometown called Wucheng Town, on the lakeside of the Poyang Lake. 
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
Once when I was young and had a loose tooth, I asked my father, a_dentist,_to look at it.
“It needs to be pulled,” he told me. I frowned, afraid of the pain of that experience. My dad sent me for some tissues and I imagined them soaking up liters of blood from my mouth. I closed my eyes and strengthened myself. I was still waiting for him to pull when I heard my father say, “I'm done.”
I opened my eyes and saw my tooth in his tissue covered_hand. I hadn't felt anything, and there was just a bit of blood on the tissues. I thought my father was a magician.
The next day at school I bragged to a friend about my_father's_wonderful_skill. When I explained that the process didn't hurt, my friend called me a liar. He said that when his tooth was pulled, it had hurt a lot. I talked to my father about this and there was not a single mystery left after my father's explanation: my tooth had been ready to be removed, while my friend's had not.
“I'm going to be a dentist,” I declared. I wanted to follow in the professional footsteps of my father, my uncle and grandmother. My father supported my ambition,_honoring my interest in his profession even when I was young. He always encouraged me, saying,“To_achieve_your_goal,_you should always be devoting hard_work_and_effort to it.”
I didn't need to visit my father's office as a child because I had few cavities. As I entered the elementary school and began eating more candy, however, I visited more often. I didn't mind, though. I was the only kid I knew who was excited about going to the dentist. After my father worked on my teeth, he let me hang around. And I was amazed as he operated complicated machines, leaning over patients'_mouths with a tiny mirror strapped to his head.
Paragraph 1:
Once, when my dad was pulling my mother's teeth, he even let me clear her mouth. 
Paragraph 2:
Years later, the dream of a child has not declined but actually grown firmer. 
答案:1~5 CCAAB 6~10 ACBBC
11~15 BAACA 16~20BCABB
(Text 1)
W:Do you like tennis, John
M:Yeah. Tennis is my favorite sport. How about you
W:I play basketball sometimes, but I like badminton best.
(Text 2)
W:I want to buy some e books.
M:Just look online. There are a lot of websites that sell e books.
(Text 3)
W:What's wrong with you, Tom
M:I've got a headache.
(Text 4)
M:Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the library
W:It's over there, across the street.
(Text 5)
W:What's in your bag It's so heavy.
M:Nothing. Just some books. I like to read on the plane.
W:That's all You must at least have some CDs in there.
M:No, I hate music. I just like to read.
(Text 6)
M:When is the next train to Washington
W:Let me see ... the train to Washington ...here it is ...daily except Sunday at 10:30, 12:20 and 15:10.
M:Aren't there any trains before 10:30
W:Sorry, there aren't.
M:Then a one way ticket to Washington at 10:30.
W:A soft seat or a hard one
M:How much is a soft seat
W:D|S15. And for a hard one, only D|S6.
M:Then one hard seat, please.
W:OK. Here is your change. The train is standing at platform 8.
(Text 7)
M:Can you give me a ride to the airport tomorrow
W:Depends on what time you need to be at the airport.
M:Well, my flight leaves at 10:30 in the morning.
W:Did you check in online already
M:Yes, I checked in and I don't have any bags to check.
W:So we should leave by 9:00, so you can be there by 9:30.
M:It's an international flight.
W:Oh, so you need to be there two hours before your flight.
M:Can you get me to the airport by 8:30
W:That's when I take the kids to school, so I'm sorry.
M:So how am I going to get to the airport then
W:Guess you'll have to pay for a cab.
(Text 8)
W:Hi, Bill. How's it going today
M:Hi, Mom. It is really tiring walking around and seeing places.
W:Yes, I know.
M:I saw a ground floor apartment with four bedrooms today.
W:Four bedrooms It sounds huge.
M:Yeah, it was. But the rent was quite cheap. And it was a nice place. A big living room with big windows. And the furniture was modern.
W:Sounds great. Did you take it
M:Well, no. The place was shared. Three guys are looking for a fourth roommate. They seemed nice enough, but the place was a mess. It's a shame because the place is not bad, quite close to school.
W:Don't worry. Try to see more places tomorrow. Hopefully one of them will be alright. Or ask your classmates for more information.
(Text 9)
M:Hello everyone. My name is George Smith, from our college hospital. I've been asked to speak to you, this afternoon on exercise. I guess most of what I'm going to say isn't new to you. However, I want you to take a fresh look at exercise.
I'm a runner myself. I got into it when I was 16, and I've been running for 27 years now. Every morning I get up and go out to the run for about 3 miles before having breakfast. It helps me a lot.
Is running the only sport that can help us No. In fact, exercise of any kind seems to be the key to better health. Do a little exercise each day. A ten minute walk is plenty to start you on the course to long term exercise.
You should check with your doctor before you begin any hard exercise, especially if you're over 30 years old. If you choose to try running, increase your running distance every time you run.
(Text 10)
M:How do you usually get to work
W:I drive.
M:I wish people would ride bikes more. Can you imagine how good that would be for the environment
W:I know what you mean. But it's just so convenient to drive. Every day, I think I should take the subway, but I always end up driving.
M:Yes, but when everyone does that, it causes pollution.
W:Well, maybe if I sold my car, I would be able to change my habits. And think of all the money I could save on gas, insurance, and repairs.
M:Yeah, and you could get some exercise. I always ride my bike to work. I feel so healthy now that I needn't go to the gym.
W:It would be good to get back in shape. I'm so lazy now; I never walk anywhere.
M:Let's go to the used car market. I'll bet we could get a good price for your car.
W:Sounds good. But I have to drive to the supermarket for my weekly grocery shopping. Let's go after that.
1-5CBDAC 6-10DBADA 11-15CBBDD 16-20ACDCC
5.has met
7.are being equipped
Dear WWF,
There are wetlands in my hometown called Wucheng Town, on the lakeside of the Poyang Lake. When winter comes, many birds from the north fly to live here, including some rare and endangered ones, which adds a beautiful view to my hometown. However, the harm to the birds is various. Eggs are often picked up. Worse still, people even catch birds for meat.
Pollution from chemical factories is also a big problem. Fewer birds arrive here each year!
I strongly hope that our government should take effective measures to protect these migratory birds. We want to see a beautiful picture of the peaceful coexistence of human beings and birds.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
Paragraph 1:
Once, when my dad was pulling my mother's teeth, he even let me clear her mouth. Afraid to meet the challenge at first, I managed to start with my father's encouragement. After all, it was the first time I had seen the inside of a human mouth. Staring and fascinated at the structure of my mom's teeth,_I dreamt that one day I would take up my intentional career as a_dentist. Having cleared her mouth with alcohol and tissues,_I got a clear image of the teeth from my mother and praise for good work from my father.
Paragraph 2:
Years later, the dream of a child has not declined but actually grown firmer. As time passed, I realized that hard_work_and_effort were necessary to be a dentist, which made my ambition even stronger. As the first step in preparation for my promising career as a dentist, the first business of all is that I should struggle to be qualified to study in a medical school. To achieve my goal, I should devote my time and energy without any hesitation to learning and practice following my father.