人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 1 Cultural Heritage同步课时训练(含答案 6课时打包)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 1 Cultural Heritage同步课时训练(含答案 6课时打包)
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-04-12 16:17:52


Unit 1 Cultural heritage-SectionⅤReading for Writing同步课时训练
in my opinion, work on, all over the world, take photos of, raise money
1.We are giving the show to for Project Hope.
2.I would like to the project you mentioned before.
3.Visitors are welcome to the exhibit.
4. ,forming good habits to learn English is very important and necessary.
5.With my new radio I can pick up stations .
1.She has lectured all _ the world and becomes famous.
2.When he writes, he's always (引用) Shakespeare's words.
3.The company has changed its (形象) in the last few years.
4.Once upon a time, people lived in (山洞) and hunted for animals to live on.
5.In (compare) with other students, Mike is more diligent.
6.This company offers (数码的) products and they are popular with the young people.
7.Our culture has many different customs and (tradition).
8.It's still all about being able to run faster, jump higher and throw (far).
9.It is a (history) site made of many old stone buildings.
10.She's got lots of good (素质), so her classmates all like her.
11.I do hope that you will have a bright future and that our friendship will last
1.The boy's room is the guest room.
2.You since we started in the kindergarten.
3.As dusk fell, we began to .
4.The school runs cookery courses .
5. ,China is a country with the largest population in the world.
参考词汇:开发explore 旅游业tourism
His friends and family call him “Big Feng” because he is very tall and played basketball as a young man. But he is also big in a different way — he fights hard to protect China's past. His real name is Feng Jicai and he has written many novels about life in China. Several years ago, however, he put down his pen for a while and began to protect the cultural relics in Tianjin, where he lives. Once someone asked him why he no longer wrote, he replied that at the moment he felt protecting cultural relics was more important.
Feng loves his hometown. He believes that old things must be given a place next to new things, or people will soon forget their great past. He does not make speeches to get others to help him in his projects. Instead he goes out and does what he can himself. If others follow him, so much the better. One of his biggest projects was to protect the oldest street in Tianjin. Along that street some shops had done business for seven hundred years. Although the city government rebuilt that street, they did save its oldest building. Another project was more successful: he persuaded the city government to buy some land in the centre of the city so it could not be sold for businesses. That area is very important for the history of Tianjin. It was there that the city was first built during the Song Dynasty. Later many treasures were found there.
To Feng, digging down into the earth is like reading page after page of a book. Each dynasty found in the earth is like an interesting story. Not long ago he and other writers and artists took photos of the old parts of Tianjin. The photos were put into a book which was very popular. The money from the book helps his projects. Once, an old man asked Feng to sign the book for him, saying he would give it to his grandson who was not yet born. Feng was glad to do it — he knows that the past is not only for us to enjoy but also for the children of the future.
Answer the following questions.
1.Who is “Big Feng”?
2.Why did he stop writing and begin to protect the cultural relics in Tianjin
3.What are the two successful projects made by Feng in Tianjin
Recently, citizens in our city have had/held a heated debate on whether we should explore the cultural relic, which was discovered in our city. Different people have different opinions.
Some people are in favor of the idea. They think the cultural relic is worth exploring, which will make people learn more about the great history of our country. What's more, this cultural relic can attract more visitors to our city, which will improve our tourism.
However, others hold an opposite opinion, thinking that we should keep it as it is and protect it properly. Only in this way can it not be destroyed by people.
As far as I am concerned, we should ask the experts for advice to find a better way to make good use of this cultural relic.
Saving the oldest building in the oldest street in Tianjin and persuading the city government to buy some land in the centre of the city.Unit 1 Cultural heritage-SectionⅠListening and Speaking同步课时训练
1.She began putting some of her own (create) writing on the website.
2.They produced a new record in 1996, with which they celebrated their
(原先的) time.
3.The police searched all the houses but found no (线索).
4.Is it worth rebuilding lost cultural (遗迹) such as Yuanmingyuan in Beijing
5.E mail is becoming the (prefer) method of communication. It's faster than traditional mail.
6.It is a pity that the old (寺庙) was broken down.
7.There's balance between use and (preserve).
8.There are good chances of _ (promote) in this firm.
9.Since the 1970s many new (apply) have been found for me.
10.Every year, the World (遗产) Committee chooses natural and cultural places around the world that have global (全球的) importance.
1.Li Ming's mobile phone looked just , but it cost twice as much as his.(the same as)
李明的手机看起来和张华的一样, 但价格是他的两倍。
2.Can you you have learned on your own
3.We live further down on the road.
4.Personally, I am tired of watching TV. I .
就我个人而言, 我厌倦了看电视, 我更愿意外出散步。
5.We will held by your school, which makes us very happy.
clear, pear, hear, thirteen, loud, mouse, doubt,
birth, coat, soap, goat, dirty, swear, bear, low,
owner, nowadays, cow, flower, oil, rain, train,
wait, boil, tiger, write, knife, coin, slow
1.ear /I / clear,_hear     ai /eI/ rain,_train,_wait
2.ear /e / pear,_swear,_bear i /aI/ tiger,_write,_knife
3.ir / / thirteen,_birth,_dirty oi / I/ oil,_boil,_coin
4.ou /a / loud,_mouse,_doubt oa / / coat,_soap,_goat
5.ow / / slow,_owner,_low ow /a / nowadays,_cow,_flower
(一)听第1段材料, 完成第1至4题。 根据录音内容判断下列陈述是否正确, 正确的在括号内填T, 不正确的在括号内填F。
1.The man's job is accounting and he likes it. (T)
2.Mr. Chang is the man's colleague.(F)
3.Mr. Chang has agreed to have an interview.(F)
4.The relationship between the speakers is father and daughter(T)
(二)听第2段材料, 回答第5至7题。
5.Where does the woman live now
A.In Japan.  B.In America.   C.In Canada.
6.What language is the woman good at
A.Italian. B.French. C.Spanish.
7.What does the woman teach in a school
A.Medicine. B.English. C.Maths.
答案:5~7 CBA
(三)听第3段材料, 回答第8至11题。
8.Which floor did the fire destroy
A.The first floor.
B.The second floor.
C.The third floor.
9.When was the building built
A.In 1718. B.In 1782. C.In 1930.
10.What was the building used as at the time of the fire
A.A hotel.
B.A history museum.
C.An old people's home.
11.What probably caused the fire
A.The lightning.
B.Old electric wires.
C.A burning cigarette.
答案:8~11 CACC
How to make new friends quickly
Friends come and go. You have friends for every time and season of your life from youth to old age. Sometimes people change their goals in life. Perhaps you've made a change yourself, such as a new job or moved to a new location. __1__ Making new friends quickly is possible once you go about it the right way.
In order to make friends, you must first be a friend. Consider joining groups and associations that are of interest to you. __2__ Go out of your way to be friendly, and you'll make new friends quickly.
__3__ If you need help, there are millions of books on the subject of good manners. Treat people with politeness and you will see people start to flock to you because of your pleasant personality.
Become good at something. You can do well in a sport, an instrument, writing, languages or whatever else you enjoy. __4__ This makes you interesting and gets people to be attracted to you. It's not about doing this for the sake of attracting attention, but having a skill at something is another way to make new friends quickly.
Share contact information with people you meet who seem interesting. Then invite them to do things with you. __5__ Showing interest in people by actually inviting them to do things will help you create friends quickly.
A.Always practice good manners.
B.Get to know your friends' friends.
C.This may also change your circle of friends.
D.It is not necessary to be skillful in something.
E.It could be as simple as drinking coffee together.
F.You are likely to find others who share things in common with you.
G.You don't have to be an expert, but at least good enough to help others with your skill.
The Taj Mahal (泰姬陵) is considered to be one of the most beautiful buildings in the world and the finest example of the late style of Indian architecture (建筑). It is at Agra in northern India. It lies beside the River Jumma in the middle of gardens with quiet pools.
The Taj Mahal was built by the Mogul emperor (皇帝) Shah Jehan, who ruled India in the seventeenth century. It is in memory of his favorite wife, Arjumand Banu Bagam, known as Mumtaz Mahal, who died in 1631. The building, which was completed between 1632 and 1638, was designed by a local Muslim architect (建筑师), Ustad Ahmad Lahori. The whole building, with gardens and gateway structures, was completed in 1643. The Taj Mahal stands at one end of the garden tomb with marble (大理石) path. The room is softly lighted by the light that passes through double screens of carved marble set high in the walls. The building now is kept in good condition.
It took 22 years to build the Taj Mahal. Shah Jehan planned a similar building, but in black instead of white, to lie on the other side of the river. But before it could be built, Shah Jehan was imprisoned (监禁) by his son and buried next to his wife in the Taj Mahal.
1.The Taj Mahal was built for ________.
A.Mumtaz Mahal     B.Shah Jehan
C.either Mumtaz or Shah D.both Mumtaz and Shah
2.Why do you think Shah Jehan was buried next to his wife
A.His own tomb hadn't been built.
B.He hoped to be buried there.
C.King and Queen should be buried together.
D.He liked Mumtaz all his life.
3.The passage mainly tells us ________.
A.why the Taj Mahal was built
B.the love story between Shah and Mumtaz
C.some information about the Taj Mahal
D.the Taj Mahal is the pride of Indians
M:Becky, can I speak to you for a moment in my office
W:Yes, sir. Is everything all right
M:All right 1. (一切棒极了)! You put up some amazing numbers this year. Profits are increasing 2. (多亏了年度计划)!
W:Thank you, sir. I'm just trying to do my best for the company.
M:No need to be modest. What you did was brilliant. I 3.
(提拔) you!
W:Promoting me Wow, I never expected that. 4. (约翰逊项目怎样了)
M:The project you're in charge of We can get someone else to 5.
(参与) that. I want you to work that magic of yours.
W:I will continue to do my best, sir.
M:I expect nothing less from someone as talented as you, Becky.
M:Morning, Sue. Do you want to have a rest
W:No, thanks. You see, this is our school project about The Terra Cotta Warriors. __1__
M:You are hard working.
W:Besides, this is a Chinese book. __2__
M:Have you been studying for a long time
W:No, __3__
M:So you are a newcomer.
W:Yes, I have learned 40 units, yet Tang culture is most difficult for me.
W:No, my friend Tang Hao helped me.
W:Many thanks.
A.Did you learn by yourself?
B.I have studied it for five months.
C.I wish you better and better.
D.I am preparing for it.
E.I am reciting the poems.
(Text 1)
W:Hey Dad! I've just been given this project at school. Do you think you can help me out
M:Sure. What's this project about
W:Well, I should interview someone that I admire about their jobs.
M:Well, I am an expert when it comes to my job. Accounting is a respectable job and one that I am always happy to talk about.
W:Dad, I know how much you like your job. But what I was hoping actually, was that you could speak to Mr. Chang, your diving friend, and see if he would agree to an interview. Diving for a living sounds cool!
M:I see. That's a great idea! Let me give David Chang a call right now and find out.
W:Thanks, Dad! I know this will be a wonderful project!
(Text 2)
M:Excuse me, madam, have you got a moment I'm doing a survey on the Great Wall. Could I ask you a few questions
W:Certainly. Go ahead.
M:Well, I need some basic information about you. First of all, what is your name
M:Are you a Canadian citizen
W:Actually, I am American. I have been living here in Canada for more than 15 years. But I was born in the US.
M:What is your first language ... Or the language you wish to use in the survey
W:You may ask the questions in either language. I am good at French, but my mother language is English.
M:What is your job
W:I am a doctor working for the General Hospital. I also consider myself a medical science researcher. I teach medicine in a school, too. That is why I am very busy.
(Text 3)
M:Now, back to the news! An early morning fire damaged the historic Geller House today. It destroyed the third floor of the building, but firefighters saved the first and second floors. There were only a few elderly people living in the building, and they were carried out to safety, so no one was hurt. The Geller House was built in 1718 and was used as a hotel for over 150 years. George Washington stayed here in 1782. The Geller family owned the building until the 1930s. Then they sold it to the Mills family. Five years ago, it was made into a building for the old. All the electric wires in the building were checked and most of them were changed then. Several fire departments were called to the scene. When we asked Fire Chief Andrew Barnes how the fire started, he answered that a burning cigarette most likely caused it.
DEBACUnit 1 Cultural heritage-SectionⅡReading and Thinking同步课时训练
make a proposal, turn to, take down, give way to, lead to, piece by piece
1.We for a visit to the museum the next day.
2.He should a younger, more decisive leader.
3.There is no doubt that staying up can over anxiety.
4.The pyramid is built with stones ;man's knowledge is built up bit by bit. 5.Could you please the pictures from the wall
6.He all sorts of people for advice when he met difficulties.
1.Tickets are likely (be) expensive.
2.The Old Town Hall (establish) in 1338.
3.Students' interests are mostly (limit) to the academic realm.
4.Your great help made my journey fruitful and (值得的).
5.They have different opinions over the (问题) of human rights.
6.People (抗议) against the company's tests on live animals.
7.Why are the animals in danger of (disappear)
8.Keeping a (balance) diet in our life is necessary.
9.He moved to the sales (部;科).
10.Parents should bear responsibility for their children's bad (行为).
11.The government plans to build a (大坝) on the River Danube.
12.The (委员会) has decided to close the restaurant.
13.The concert will raise (资金) for research into AIDS.
14.Alan has made a great (contribute) to the sport.
15.They attempted (finish) the task before July.
16.She must be feeling very lonely after the (lose) of her husband.
1. rather than individuals.
It rained hard yesterday, .
3.没有协议达成,因为双方都不愿意做出让步。(give way to)
No agreement was reached as the other.
In addition to these books, they also .
5.There is no doubt that it is our duty to .
6.We're sure to well.
7.Some valuable cultural relics have been damaged while .
8.In order to avoid this, everyone of us should .
I can help you solve this problem, because .
10.孩子们需要知道更多生活基本事实的时代到来了。(...a time when)
children need to know more than the basic facts of life.
11.我不但了解了你们相当多的文化而且交了很多朋友。(not only引起的倒装句)
but also I made many friends.
12.A lot of people try their best to .
There comes a time when the old must give way to the new. 1.
(keep) the right balance between progress and the protection of cultural sites can be 2._ _ big challenge.
In the 1950s, the Egyptian government wanted to build a new dam across the Nile 3. (benefit) more farmers, 4. led to protests. The government turned 5. the United Nations for help. Then a committee 6. (establish) to limit damage to the Egyptian buildings. 7. (final) a document was signed, and the work began in 1960.
When the project ended in 1980, it was considered a great 8.
(succeed). The spirit of the Aswan Dam project 9. (be) still alive today. If a problem seems too difficult for a single nation, the 10. (globe) community can sometimes provide a solution.
About one hundred years ago many educated people learned and spoke French when they met people from other countries. Today most people speak English when they meet foreigners. __1__ There are more people who speak English as a second language than people who speak English as a first language. Why is this
__2__ One of them is that English has become the language of business. Another important reason is that popular American culture (like movies and music) has quickly spread throughout the world. __3__
Is it good that English has spread to all parts of the world so quickly __4__ It's important to have a language that the people of the earth have in common. Our world has become very global and we need to communicate with one another. On the other hand, English is a fairly complicated language to learn and it brings its culture with it. Do we really need that
Scientists have already tried to create an artificial language that isn't too difficult and doesn't include any group's culture. It is called Esperanto. __5__ Maybe the popularity of English won't last that long either. There are more people in the world who speak Chinese than any other language. Maybe someday Chinese will be the new international language.
A.People like English.
B.But it hasn't become popular.
C.It has brought its language with it.
D.There is no doubt about the question.
E.This is why English was widely spoken.
F.It has become the new international language.
G.There are many reasons why English has become so popular.
France has the most beautiful castles throughout Europe.Here are some of the best French castles to visit.You'll surely want to visit one of them during your travels in France.Have a look and enjoy!
Ch teau de Versailles
The Ch teau de Versailles is about 20km southwest of Paris.When the castle was built, Versailles was a small village.Today, however, it is a famous area in Paris.The castle was built as a small hunting lodge (乡间小屋) for Louis ⅩⅢ in the 1620s.Years later, he made it bigger.Later, Louis ⅩⅣ also made it larger, making it one of the largest palaces of the world.
Ch teau de Chambord
The Ch teau de Chambord is one of the largest castles around the world.It sits in the Loire Valley.Being at the heart of Europe's largest enclosed wooded park, Chambord, it was built for King Francis Ⅰ to serve as a hunting lodge.It is one of the world's most well known castles in the world because of its French Renaissance (文艺复兴) building.
Ch teau de Chenonceau
As one of the most famous castles in the Loire Valley, the castle was built during the 11th century on the River Cher.It was passed through many hands.The castle was not destroyed during the French Revolution because it was the only bridge across the river for many miles.
Ch teau de Chantilly
This historic castle sits in the town of Chantilly, France.This beautiful castle is made up of two buildings: the Petit Ch teau built around 1560 for Anne de Montmorency, and the Grand Ch teau which was destroyed during the French Revolution and rebuilt in the 1870s.There are many interesting pieces of 17th century history concerning the castle.Every two years a fireworks competition is held in the castle gardens.
1.What do we know about the Ch teau de Versailles
A.It sits in a small village.
B.It serves as a hunting place.
C.It was first built for Louis ⅩⅢ.
D.It was the largest castle in the 1620s.
2.What makes the Ch teau de Chambord special
A.Its long history.    B.Its building style.
C.Its wealthy owner. D.Its important position.
3.Why did the Ch teau de Chenonceau manage to get through the French Revolution
A.It was far from Paris.
B.It hid in the Loire Valley.
C.It played a very important role.
D.It was built by a famous French king.
4.Which castle has a fireworks show every two years
A.The Ch teau de Versailles.
B.The Ch teau de Chantilly.
C.The Ch teau de Chambord.
D.The Ch teau de Chenonceau.
to be
was established
to finish
to benefit
was established
CBCBUnit 1 Cultural heritage-SectionⅥAssessing Your Progress同步课时训练
prevent ...from ..., donate ...to ..., introduce ...to, more than just,
take part in, be familiar with, do research on, all kinds of
1.She often invites my classmates and me to different activities out of school.
2.She at least five foreign languages.
3.Lee is more_than_just a teacher; he is a scholar.We all respect him.
4.On April 25, an activity to money the disaster area in Tibet was held by the Students' Union in our school.
5.Traveling is a great chance to your kids the world.
6.Sports can make us strong, us getting too fat and keep us fit.
7.In order to find a better job, more and more people are working hard to learn
skills now.
8.It has become a habit for the researcher to lung cancer.
1.These children work directly with (profession) artists on different art programs.
2.Then just as we reached the tube (enter), I got a shock.
3.Choose a (balance) meal when ordering a take out or dining out.
4.My (propose) is that we (should) start early tomorrow.
5.The committee will work toward the (establish) of a school for the children of the poor areas.
6.As the dark clouds (消失), the moon gradually came into view.
7.But this summer I find myself at a (困惑).
8.More than four thousand people (游行) down the Champs Elysées.
9. I'll investigate (进一步) how the accident happened as long as I have time.
10.People will (永远) remember the heroes who have made great contributions to the country.
11.The two heads' (观点) are opposite to each other.
12.Though scientists say that athletes have reached their (极限), records continue to fall.
13.When you are finished with typing, remember to save your (文档).
14.The policeman (试图) to save the drown boy but he failed.
15.We should have the test results back (在……之内) 24 hours.
16.There are many fruits and vegetables that may be better choices for the
(prevent) of weight gain.
17.Reading magazines as a way of learning about a foreign country has several
18.All of the students in our school took part in the (donate) activity held in our library.
19.In order to remove people's doubt, a team of no less than 20 people carried out an informal (investigate).
20.Early (identify) of a disease can prevent death and illness.
1. but games can also offer chances for them to make friends.
2.The famous magician, ,is performing tonight.
3.When meeting difficulties, people .
4. I felt lonely.
5. the thieves don't know how much it is worth.
Taierzhuang (台儿庄) ancient town offers a refreshing view in the summertime with green lands, blue skies and a clear canal.
Taierzhuang ancient town, located nearby the Grand Canal Zaozhuang section, is a popular tourist site with more than 2,000 years of history.
The town, located in the transitional zone between North and South China, was regarded in ancient times as the traffic hub connecting goods transported both on rivers and roads at the Grand Canal, which was named a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2014.
One of the three men who were fined for smoking in the Palace Museum.
Three men have been fined for smoking in the Palace Museum, said Beijing police Saturday.
Having posted a video of their smoking online, each was fined 200 yuan for disturbing public order.
The video was shot in an open air area in the museum and shows a man asking who dares to smoke in the Palace Museum and another inhaling a cigarette before saying,“Awesome”.
The Palace Museum is a historical and cultural heritage site that should be protected by the public, with all visitors abiding by the rules to maintain social order, said police.
3.Flames rise from Notre Dame cathedral (巴黎圣母院) as it burns in Paris, Monday.
French Culture Minister says artworks from Notre Dame Cathedral will be transferred to Louvre Museum (卢浮宫)PARIS — The artworks evacuated from Notre Dame Cathedral during the blaze on Monday will be transferred to the Louvre Museum, the French Culture Minister told reporters.
Staff from the fire department, the Culture Ministry and the city town hall rushed to the Cathedral when the fire started to protect the main artworks that were inside, the Minister had said earlier.
The artworks, which include relics such as the Christ's crown of thorns and French king Saint Louis's 13th century tunic, were first moved to the city town hall and will now be transferred to the nearby Louvre Museum, the Minister said.
1.What role did Taierzhuang play in ancient times according to Picture 1
2.What does Picture 2 mainly tell us
A.Three men smoked in Palace Museum.
B.Three men were fined for smoking in Palace Museum.
C.We should protect a historical and cultural heritage site.
D.A historical and cultural heritage site is the most important.
3.When you heard the worst news in Picture 3, how did you feel
Petra may be the treasure of an ancient world, hidden behind a tall mountain. Its beautiful scenery makes it one of the greatest ancient sites still standing today. Common sense says “perhaps there's nothing on the planet that looks like it”. Without a doubt, there's nothing in the world that resembles it. The rock carved rose red town of Petra is filled with a mysterious charm that had been “designed to strike wonder into all who entered it”.
Petra is the legacy from the Nabataeans, a hard working group of Arab people who settled in southern Jordan more than 2,000 years ago. Admired then because of their culture, architecture and complex dams and water channels, Petra has become a UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) World Heritage site and listed in the New Seven Wonders of the World.
Petra is the most well known site in Jordan located about 262 km south of Amman and 133 km north of Aqaba. The Dead Sea is 80 kilometers north of it. The steeply rising sides of a long, cool, dark and narrow gorge (峡谷) basically keep the sunlight out. Suddenly the gorge opens right into a natural square covered with Petra's most well known monuments, which glows in the bright sun. The ancient city shows the visitors its beautiful look. The town is large and the quality of the architecture is surprising. It leads someone to think about the creativity from the Nabataeans who made Petra their capital.
Petra was the top architectural site for more than 400 years until it was occupied by the Romans in 106 AD. It was seen first when discovered in 1812 after being lost for nearly 300 years! Petra has 800 monuments, including buildings, tombs, baths, halls, temples, and streets, which were mostly carved in the pretty sandstone. Petra sights are in their finest in the early morning and the late afternoon. Once the sun warms the colorful stones, you will see the majesty of Petra.
1.What do we know about Petra from the passage
A.It is on the top of a mountain.
B.It was a palace for the king.
C.It is a unique site.
D.It was built by the Nabataeans in 106 AD.
2.Where is Petra according to the passage
A.It is about 133 km south of Aqaba.
B.It is about 262 km north of Amman.
C.It is 80 km south of the Dead Sea.
D.It is in southeast Jordan.
3.According to the passage, Petra was lost________.
A.in the 1500s B.in the 1600s
C.in the 1700s D.in the 1800s
4.What is the best title for the passage
A.Jordan, a country worth visiting
B.Petra, Jordan's wonder of the world
C.The treasure hidden behind a mountain
D.Petra, the best known ancient city in the world
Excited screams of joy,_the sounds of two happy little girls playing in the sand, rang across the beach. But I walked along, barely aware of it. I'd come to this remote beach on my sailboat, a place to escape. My wife and I had recently separated, our marriage in trouble. I worried about my two boys, just six and eight. It seemed like forever since I'd heard them laugh. But I didn't know what to do to make things better.
“Help! Help!” The girls shouted. I'd meant to tell them to stay away from the dangerous water. Now one of them was in the ocean, beyond the surf_line. I could just hear her screams over the waves. Any second now she'd be swept away. I ran across the sand as fast as I could. The other girl was at the edge of the surf line, yelling.
“Wait! Stop! Don't go any farther!” I charged into the waves and was reaching for her when a wall of water dashed over us. For half a second I saw her disappear under another big wave. I'm a strong swimmer, but I could feel the wave pulling me hard. I swam to her and seized her, her little body shaking, trembling. But where is the other girl I saw a waving arm. A head broke the surface, not far away. The arms of the girl I'd rescued were wrapped desperately around my neck. She was breathing with sobs. “Let go of my neck. I need you on my back. Hold my shoulders so I can swim to your friend.”
She loosed her hands and I shifted her to my back. “She's my sister, Sarah,_and I am Lillian,” she said. For a moment I thought of my boys. How much they loved each other. How much I loved them.
I looked across the water and saw a small head after a big wave. I quickened my swimming, fighting for each breath. Tiny arms pressed against my shoulder. I reached out and held the second little girl. She was in total tiredness,_taking deep breaths, crying quietly.
Paragraph 1:
I swam hard with the two girls and looked toward shore, but I couldn't see anyone. 
Paragraph 2:
“Mommy!” The loud cry wakened my consciousness.
donate to
introduce to
prevent from
Paragraph 1:
I swam hard with the two girls and looked toward shore, but I couldn't see anyone. We were too far away from the beach. I was close to total tiredness. But there was no time to wait. I decided to swim on my stomach. I told Lillian to circle her arms around my shoulder and asked Sarah to hold her sister's arms with both hands. I swam as hard as I could. When I took one last look at the beach, in my mind I saw my wife and children. I could feel their love, and from behind me I felt an incredible force, lifting.
Paragraph 2:
“Mommy!” The loud cry wakened my consciousness. I looked up, a man was trying to drag me out of the water. A woman cried, “Thank you. You saved my daughters.” I tried to comprehend what had happened. My efforts and struggles had paid off. I thought of that giant wave,_lifting and pushing me. I was given the strength I needed. My families were waiting for me. I just needed the strength to make an effort.Unit 1 Cultural heritage-SectionⅢDiscovering Useful Structures同步课时训练
1.I hope that the little thing I have been able to do has been of some use. (that/which)
2.The lady who you spoke is a woman scientist. (不填/to)
3.This is the third week the dustmen haven't come for the rubbish. (that/which)
4.He hasn't got enough money with he can buy the computer. (that/which)
5.This is the best hotel in the city I know. (that/which)
6.I like this activity I used to take part . (in/不填)
7.The book he had been looking was found. (不填/for )
8.The bike and its rider had knocked down the boy were taken to the police. (that/which)
9.This is the very letter I am looking for. (that/which)
10.The foreigner my father bought several books came over. (for/to)
1.Frederick William Ⅰ, to the amber room belonged, decided not to keep it.
2.This is the man my father bought a new bike for.
3.She said she would do anything could help her mother recover from the disease.
4.Anyone has helped to save the drowning girl is worth praising.
5.It is the tallest building Daming has seen ever since he came here.
6.This is the watch I am looking for.
7.I saw a house, the windows of were broken.
8.The first thing he did after arriving home was doing his homework.
9.She has two sons, both of graduated from Harvard University.
10.The boy and the dog are in the picture are very lovely.
1.My grandparents live in the biggest house. It is more than 100 years old.
→My grandparents live in the biggest house .
2.I have seen the film. They're talking about the film.
→I have seen the film .
3.The day came at last. We have been looking forward to the day.
→The day came at last.
4.Do you know the man The man spoke to the headmaster just now.
→Do you know the man
5.The man is kind. The headmaster introduced him to us yesterday.
→The man to us yesterday is kind.
6.She has three sons.All of her sons are abroad now.
→She has three sons, are abroad now.
7.There are sixty students in our class.Thirty of the students in our class are girls.
→There are sixty students in our class, are girls.
8.We settled down in a small village.In front of the village ran a winding river.
→We settled down in a small village, ran a winding river.
In the midst of the deadly wildfires that spread across California this summer, a(n) __1__ friendship was developed between a cat and a chicken who stayed together to survive the fire.
The Grass Valley firefighters __2__ the pair on their second day of cleaning up during the Carr Fire in a __3__ in the Redding area, California.
“The __4__ had survived the deadly fire finding __5__ in each other in the doorway of a home,” Grass Valley Fire Chief Mark Buttron said. Buttron shared a heartwarming __6__ of the pair staying together. The photo shows the cat was on the floor next to a water bowl and the chicken on the other side of the plate.
The cat and chicken were both __7__ and needed treatment for their injuries. Firefighters __8__ found water and called the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. The animals __9__ one animal carrier so they could __10__ together until being taken to receive medical treatment.
Niko Kuyper, the owner of the chicken, didn't __11__ what had happened until a neighbor saw his animal on the news and __12__ him. Kuyper recognized the chicken and he was even more __13__ to see his chicken was __14__ Whiskers, another neighbor's cat.
Though Whiskers has to visit the __15__ every day to get her bandages (绷带) changed, she has been reunited with her family. Kuyper took the chicken to his parent's house where it is being __16__ to new hens. Both animals are __17___ to recover from their injuries.
The animals' friendship provided __18__ to those affected by the wildfires.
“Everyone in our neighborhood __19__ their homes,” Kuyper said. “It's __20__ to see something positive like this shining through.”
1.A.formal          B.useful
C.unusual D.important
2.A.visited B.discovered
C.remembered D.drove
3.A.neighborhood B.school
C.street D.forest
4.A.firefighters B.owners
C.animals D.families
5.A.promises B.excuses
C.advice D.comfort
6.A.story B.picture
C.experience D.journey
7.A.cut B.stopped
C.burned D.moved
8.A.suddenly B.quickly
C.carefully D.surely
9.A.called B.shared
C.followed D.kept
10.A.wait B.arrive
C.hide D.work
11.A.know B.accept
C.believe D.wonder
12.A.warned B.suggested
C.told D.supported
13.A.satisfied B.interested
C.relaxed D.surprised
14.A.depending on B.staying with
C.cheering for D.looking for
15.A.house B.station
C.farm D.hospital
16.A.rushed B.introduced
C.explained D.changed
17.A.expected B.allowed
C.required D.forced
18.A.success B.difference
C.fun D.hope
19.A.built B.repaired
C.lost D.missed
20.A.nice B.easy
C.common D.hard
My daughter's birthday is May 29. As it was Monday, we preferred to celebrate it earlier on Saturday. On Friday the __1__ (entirely) family were busy packing the presents and putting funny pins on them. I promised my little princess that I would wake her up early in the morning __2__ distribute the presents to her classmates.
I woke up at 5:30 when I realized that __3__ earthquake struck. I woke my husband up and asked him __4__ (carry) my daughter and ran out. We were watching our house shaking from outside. However, as we __5__ (plan), I went to my daughter's school but no one was there except the teacher __6__ warned us to get back to our house as a tsunami might come soon.
__7__ (return) to my house, I began to wonder about the presents: to whom we should deliver After several __8__ (discuss), we decided to give them to the children in hospital. Entering the hospital, I was really shocked. There were __9__ (thousand) of people bleeding and lying outside the rooms. Up came a boy with a bandage on his head. __10__ (quick) I handed over one present to him. He received it and then ran to his mom excitedly. His eyes glittered (闪闪发光), which I cannot ever forget. I cried silently while continuing to distribute the presents to other children.
1-5CBACD 6-10BCBBA 11-15ACDBD 16-20BADCA
1.entire 2.and 3.an 4.to carry 5.had planned
6.who 7.Returning 8.discussions 9.thousands 10.QuicklyUnit 1 Cultural heritage-SectionⅣListening and Talking同步课时训练
1.By asking others help them, they finally succeeded.
2.Barbara stared at herself in the (镜子).
3.Goldsmith has repaired the (屋顶).
4.We would like to show cultural relics _ the public.
5.They dropped to their knees and begged (forgive).
6.Throwing back the (床单), he jumped from the bed.
7.They met a tiger as they were the time when they traveled the world.
8.The writer sent him copy of the book.
9.Sure, I've never seen a (龙) boat race.
,he's a generous, devoted, active and warm hearted man.
2. almost everyone wants to be famous.
3.At this time yesterday, the people the snow in the street.
4.Anyway, social media has human life.
5.The English language (continue) to change since Chaucer's day.
Ⅰ.听第1段材料,完成第1至4题。 根据录音内容判断下列陈述是否正确,正确的在括号内填T,不正确的在括号内填F。
1.The woman plans to stay on a beach in Hong Kong.(F)
2.The woman will go to Siem Reap from Ho Chi Minh City by boat.(T)
3.The woman thinks Bangkok is really great for shopping.(T)
4.The woman will stay in small guest houses during her trip.(T)
5.How long is the Brighton Tourist Information Office open on Saturday
A.Two hours.  B.Five hours.   C.Nine hours.
6.When does a city tour bus start every day
A.At 9:00 a.m. B.At 10:00 a.m. C.At 10:30 a.m.
7.What do we know about the city tour ticket
A.It can't be used once you get off the bus.
B.It costs 40 pounds for each person.
C.It can be bought from the bus driver.
答案:5~7 BBC
8.Where are the speakers now
A.In Beijing.
B.Outside China.
C.At the Great Wall.
9.What do we know about the pictures
A.They were taken in China.
B.They were taken by Sam.
C.They were taken by Kate's friends.
10.Which is true about Kate
A.She doesn't know Chinese at all.
B.She's got some Chinese friends.
C.She teaches Sam to speak a little Chinese.
答案:8~10 BAB
Known as China's national opera, Beijing opera, also __1__ (call) Peking Opera, which originated in the late 18th century, is a __2__ (combine) of music, dance, art and acrobatics (杂技). It is the most influential and representative of all operas in China. It is called Beijing opera __3__ it is formed in Beijing. Beijing opera has __4__ history of 200 years and its origin can date back to old local operas, especially Anhui opera, __5__ was very popular in northern China in the 18th century. In 1790, the first Anhui opera performance __6__ (hold) in Beijing to celebrate the Emperor's birthday.
Later, some other Anhui opera troupes (班子) __7__ (continue) performing in Beijing. Anhui opera was easy __8__ (move) and good at absorbing the acting styles of other types of operas. Beijing accumulated many local operas, making Anhui opera improve quickly.
__9__ the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, after the marriage for 10 years, Beijing opera finally formed, and became the __10__ (big) of all operas in China.
You might have heard a lot about ancient towns and ancient cities in China. Here, we list several of the most beautiful ancient villages in China.
Baoshan Stone Village, Yunnan Province
Baoshan Stone Village was built on a huge mushroom shaped rock, and only has about one hundred houses. The houses are laid out in an orderly way, built on the rock, and linked by stone steps. The Naxi people there still lead an original life and grow crops in terraces (梯田); you can experience the colorful culture of the Naxi ethnic (民族的) group there.
Tuvas Village in Kanas, Xinjiang
Kanas Tuvas Village is near the mysterious Lake Kanas. The small village is located in a valley, and only has about 80 houses. These Swiss style wooden houses are all surrounded by wooden fences. Tuvas is an ancient minority group. They traditionally lived as hunters. You can visit a local family, go herding with the locals and experience the peaceful ancient village life.
Jiaju Tibetan Village, Danba, Sichuan Province
Jiaju Tibetan Village is known as the “Tibetan fairyland”. It stands on a mountain slope, and consists of about 140 houses. These unique houses are all built with crown shaped roofs, red caves, and white walls, which make the houses look like little castles among the forest.
Xijiang Miao Village, Guizhou Province
If you're interested in the Miao Minority, Xijiang Miao Village can be a great destination for deepening your understanding of Miao history and culture. It's the largest Miao village in China, and now has 1,432 households with a population of over 5,000, of which 99.5% are Miao ethnic group. It's also famous for the houses built on stilts (支柱) of different heights.
1.What can you do in Kanas Tuvas Village
A.Hike in terraces.
B.See houses of a foreign style.
C.Go hunting with the locals.
D.Learn about houses built on stilts.
2.Where can you admire the houses like castles
A.In Baoshan Stone Village.
B.In Kanas Tuvas Village.
C.In Jiaju Tibetan Village.
D.In Xijiang Miao Village.
3.What can we infer about the villages mentioned in the text
A.They remained secret to the outside world in the past.
B.They were originally built to defend their homeland.
C.They are still cut off and difficult to access nowadays.
D.They are the ethnic villages with unique architecture.
W:Good day, sir. Where do you want to go
M:Sogo 1. (百货公司), on Jiefang East Road.
W:OK. By the way, what do you want to buy
M:Well, I bought a computer yesterday and just ask how to 2. (下载文档). I am 3. (不熟悉 ) the type of computer.
W:I think you had better 4. (询问专业的) man.
M:Well, What do you plan to buy
W:5. (我的镜子) was broken the other day. I can't do it for a day without it, haha.
M:You really love beauty. I would like to look at 6. (数码相机).
W:That's too great.I like it. May I 7. (提出建议) for you
M:Of course. You are so kind!
M:When are you going to take your vacation
W:__1___ My husband and I haven't had a chance to have a vacation over the past three years. So we are planning to travel to Egypt this time.
M:Well, Wonderful! __2__
W:Has something come up
W:Hm ... not really. I guess I can put it off until next month. But I've got to talk about it with my husband. __4__
M:Thank you very much. __5__
A.I like the pyramids.
B.Then I will tell you ahead of time.
C.I really appreciate that.
D.I am planning to take it at the end of this month.
E.Would it be too inconvenient for you to wait until next month
(Text 1)
M:Hi, Maria. What are you up to
W:I'm just trying to plan my trip to Southeastern Asia.
M:Where are you planning to go
W:Well, I'm going to start by flying to Hong Kong. I have a friend there who I haven't seen for a long time. Then I'll fly to Vietnam and take a bus down to Ho Chi Minh City.
M:And then where will you go
W:Well, from there I'll take the boat up a river to Siem Reap and see the famous temples. From there, I'll fly to Bangkok and try to get to the market. I hear it's really great for shopping.
M:That's a lot of traveling! What will you do after that
W:I was thinking of just staying on a beach in the south for a while to relax.
M:Where are you going to stay in all those places
W:Well, I don't have much money and I don't like tents. So I plan to just stay in small guest houses rather than big hotels.
(Text 2)
Welcome to the historic and beautiful city of Brighton. Thank you for calling the Brighton Tourist Information Office. I'm afraid the office is closed at the moment. Our normal working hours are from Monday to Friday from 9 o'clock in the morning to 6 o'clock in the evening. On Saturday and Sunday, we are open at the later time of 10:30 and closed at the earlier time of 3:30. From our office, you will get information about hotels, restaurants and museums in the city. Why not take a bus tour There're bus tours of the city every day which start at 10 o'clock. They start from Churchill Square. Tours take about 2 hours, and you can go around the historic city center. The cost of the ticket is 5 pounds. Tickets can be bought from the bus driver. You can get off the bus at six places of interest, and continue your journey later. Thank you for calling. We hope you enjoy your stay.
(Text 3)
W:Sam, have you seen the pictures I took in Beijing
M:No, I haven't. Where are they
W:Here are some. I took them at the Great Wall last week.
M:How beautiful the Great Wall is! And your pictures are wonderful, too. Did you have a good time in China
W:Yes. I had a wonderful time there. Have you ever been to China
M:No, I haven't. How do you like China, Kate
W:It's great! I like the Chinese people and food. I've made many Chinese friends there.
M:Really Then you must have learned some Chinese.
W:I can speak a little Chinese, such as Nihao, Zaijian, Duibuqi and Haojile.
M:It's great! I wish I could go there some day.
6.was held
8.to move